View Full Version : GM bankruptcy next week

22nd May 2009, 14:48

Anyone know what, if any, effect this will have on NASCAR? I've read that with the COT, NASCAR is basically a spec series as such that it could survive without additional manufacturers. But that said, GM pulling out would not be a good thing financially for the series?

22nd May 2009, 20:34
I am sure that someone on Speedtv well say something about it,with all the Nascar coverage they have.Unsure of ESPN and Nascar Now,just follow the nascar programs on tv and the net to see what happens,someone well say the have a scoop.

22nd May 2009, 20:38
Also it should affect the ALMS teams as well.

22nd May 2009, 21:04
This is nothing short of President Obama's forcing of the microcar standards on all automakers. That's why Ford has been pushing the Ka and Fiesta Stateside.

Mark in Oshawa
26th May 2009, 12:57
GM may not spend as much on racing. If that happens, the Chevy Teams will be forced to do a lot of their own engine development and lose a lot of their budget to operate. Heck, if Obama gets control of GM, they wont be in racing likely at all. Obama doesn't understand the auto industry, and like most politicians doesn't get marketing and brand staging. We could see them banned from spending money on race sponsorship. This could be salad days for Ford and Toyota in NASCAR.....

26th May 2009, 15:11
Obama doesn't understand the auto industry, and like most politicians doesn't get marketing and brand staging. We could see them banned from spending money on race sponsorship. This could be salad days for Ford and Toyota in NASCAR.....

And GM does? What's any of that got to do with socialism? :rolleyes: ;)

GM- Has ayone looked at Toyota's balance sheets and change in their heirarchy recently? If you ask me, ALL of racing is going to suffer a withdrawl of factory supported racing for several years.
I agree though. My objection is screwing countless investors and soon to be former employees and autoworkers, to save a company who's primary plan for survival is shifting a significant level of production overseas. The govrnment bailout of the banks has already resulted in my wife's job being sent to India. Why then are we continuing to spending my tax dollars on a company if it's not saving domestic jobs and is actually accelerating the shipment of the few remaining manufacturing jobs in this country overseas.

Every day I feel this country needs another go-round with contraction and isolationism to get our house in order. :mad:

26th May 2009, 17:33
The broad opinion is that GM has been in de facto bankruptcy since Wagoner's departure. The legal filing, that will likely take place this week, will just put the situation in the hands of the courts instead of the Executive branch.

No one knows how this might affect the racing programs. My assumption is that they will get a hard look, as all other expenditures will, and the value of the various programs will have to be proven to the court. But Chrysler has been in Chapter 11 for several weeks now and I haven't heard that its teams have been greatly affected (yet).

1st June 2009, 02:58
The government is out of control with automakers. They have one goal -- force everyone into 2-seat microcars to appease the green lobby.

That's it.

Get rid of everything but the 2-seat microcars with 600cc engines. That's what the President envisions auto companies producing -- and nothing else.

1st June 2009, 08:04
The government is out of control with automakers. They have one goal -- force everyone into 2-seat microcars to appease the green lobby.

That's it.

Get rid of everything but the 2-seat microcars with 600cc engines. That's what the President envisions auto companies producing -- and nothing else.

But we'll have a lot more parking spaces without the Hummers and Escalades! ;)

1st June 2009, 21:26
I'm seeing those little microcars everywhere.

I really don't think I could ever get one. Could you imagine if you had an accident with a tractor trailer?

They would have to scrape you off the highway with a spatula.

1st June 2009, 21:51
The government is out of control with automakers. They have one goal -- force everyone into 2-seat microcars to appease the green lobby.

That's it.

Get rid of everything but the 2-seat microcars with 600cc engines. That's what the President envisions auto companies producing -- and nothing else.

No disrespect intended, BobbyC, but that's just hyperbole.

I don't agree with the government overstepping its bounds. But whether that is a goal or not (and I'm not aware that it is), the consumer will determine the type of car being built, because what the consumer demands, SOME automotive company will provide. And the company that does that with the greatest efficiency will be the most successful.

Toyota and Honda are successful because they have demonstrated design and manufacturing FLEXIBILITY. These companies are successful for one of the same reasons that McDonalds is successful: delivering a product which meets customer expectations and demands.

No, I don't think that the Obama Administration really understands that you cannot push a string. And I have seen no sign that the GOP has a clue about that either. Because while the market is going to continue to be the basic determinant of what companies build, we also have to have environmental and safety laws that make sense for our nation and its future. Finding that balance is what neither party has done well over time.

1st June 2009, 21:53
I'm seeing those little microcars everywhere.

I really don't think I could ever get one. Could you imagine if you had an accident with a tractor trailer?

They would have to scrape you off the highway with a spatula.

I hate those little cars. Everytime I see one, something inside me makes me want to walk over and push it on its side. I don't know why they make me feel that way. If I ever go to therapy, I'll bring it up though. :dozey:

5th June 2009, 11:55
I'm seeing those little microcars everywhere.

I really don't think I could ever get one. Could you imagine if you had an accident with a tractor trailer?

They would have to scrape you off the highway with a spatula.

Only two Smarts and that's it here, both owned by local government employees.

I can't imagine what would happen in a Big One. I've seen in crash tests where the engine flies off, and that's a bigger hazard -- it could smash another windshield or kill someone else if it's not careful.

It's clear we have an Administration dead set on trying to force a green-earth agenda, whether is is banning light bulbs, or attempting to force only two types of energy (wind and solar), or forcing microcars down the throat of consumers. When family car is redefined to two seats, we know this Gaia worship has become out of hand.

muggle not
5th June 2009, 23:33
This conversation the way it has headed so far doesn't belong in the Nascar forum. Let people push their political agenda elsewhere. Too much BS that I am reading and obviously some Obama hate flying around.
Regardless, much better than the chit that Cheney advocates.