View Full Version : Bad Rep Club

15th February 2007, 13:43
I noted that I am now a member of the "Bad Rep Club".
I haven't been a member to this forum for very long, and surely are not a bad person (well I hope so) in that sense. I haven't given any bad rep to any one for their posts but, I would have thought it would take more than on bad rep from some @$$ to become a member of the "Club". I would let someone know if I don't like his/her post (and include my name), but I guess there are still people who does not have the spine to let one know this. :mad:

Well at least I am a member now and not a senior at that.
I noticed the "club" is also rather exclusive.

Out of 20450 Forum Members there are........
67 members in the "Bad Rep Club" compared to 199 in the "Good Rep Club"

I am honoured to be part of an exclusive club. ;) :)

15th February 2007, 13:55
Besides the rep debate (which will soon come to this thread ;) ), it is interesting to note that to a certain extent that says that the number of people regularly using the forums is around 300, out of more than 20000 members.

15th February 2007, 15:06
Some of the bad rep I have received has been hilarious. A few days ago, for example, in a thread about oily oaf's sanity, I wrote a joke post throwing a temper tantrum and quitting the forum because no one would join me in trying to have oily committed to an insane asylum. Guess what: some moron with so little brain that he or she couldn't even figure out that it was a joke gave me negative rep with a comment that I should stop being so angry! Duh! If negative rep comes from such foolish people, fly_ac, I think you do right to wear it as a badge of honour.

But I must admit that I have enjoyed receiving positive rep on the rare occasions that it has happened. I recently wrote a fairly lengthy technical post, for example, on suspension, and after you've written something like that, you're not sure if you've bored the pants off people or interested them: I was, therefore, very pleased to get positive rep, because it made me feel the time I spent was worthwhile.

So my feeling is that the rep system should be retained, but the system should be biassed in favour of positive rep. Negative rep, if it is to be retained at all, should be allowed to be given by any one person only, say, once a week. That way, the negativists with an axe to grind won't be able to go around abusing people for no good reason on a regular basis.

15th February 2007, 15:50
All I would really like is to at least know who gave the rep, so that I can at least ask the person why :( , and to at least explain my point or say thanks if it is possitive.
The way it is now I don't even stand a chance to do that.
But I think that is wishfull thinking. :)

Mark in Oshawa
15th February 2007, 17:02
I have been a member of both clubs, and I can say that I didn't say anything different before or after except that I lampooned the stupidity and childishness of those who dumped me in the bad rep club. One of the members of the bad rep club is a really benign guy, but he ran afoul of a few children on one forum, and is one of the big negative people. I don't think he really cares about it, for he has never mentioned it, but I just laugh at some of the stupid comments that get left when I am given "Bad Rep" I am sure I know who it is that is doing it, and no matter what point I make, I get nailed by him, and he is just a whiny little suck in his comments. That is fine, by being up 7000 plus points, I guess more people agree than disagree.

Don't worry about being in the bad rep club, there are some pretty good people in it......and I was there for a while too...

Hazell B
15th February 2007, 18:32
... some moron with so little brain that he or she couldn't even figure out that it was a joke gave me negative rep .....

Yeah, been there.
Somebody with no obvious sense humour tells you to develop humour and then hits you with petty negative rep :laugh:

The word "Doh!" was made for them :p :

15th February 2007, 18:41
This forum survived (near enough) seven years without the "rep" function. It can get along fine without it now. We might have to put up a road polling-style petition on the Downing Street website though :uhoh:

15th February 2007, 21:23
Apart from red blobs on your profile, bad rep doesn't actually do anything to your account though, does it?

15th February 2007, 21:31
Apart from red blobs on your profile, bad rep doesn't actually do anything to your account though, does it?

I think it doesn't.

15th February 2007, 21:38
Just ignore it. I think the negative thing is just another vehicle for the trolls who lurk around these parts. Posting about your dislike of it just feeds them so they'll keep coming back for more :dozey:

15th February 2007, 21:41
agree, why pay any attention.

16th February 2007, 06:44
Fly, apparently I have no rep. So feel privileged. :p :

16th February 2007, 08:16
Thanks for the feedback everyone :) and rep that came with that. :D

R. Mears
16th February 2007, 08:19
I noted that I am now a member of the "Bad Rep Club".
I haven't been a member to this forum for very long, and surely are not a bad person (well I hope so) in that sense. I haven't given any bad rep to any one for their posts but, I would have thought it would take more than on bad rep from some @$$ to become a member of the "Club". I would let someone know if I don't like his/her post (and include my name), but I guess there are still people who does not have the spine to let one know this. :mad:

Well at least I am a member now and not a senior at that.
I noticed the "club" is also rather exclusive.

Out of 20450 Forum Members there are........
67 members in the "Bad Rep Club" compared to 199 in the "Good Rep Club"

I am honoured to be part of an exclusive club. ;) :)
I just gave you rep for this very true/honest post. :)

16th February 2007, 08:34
I just gave you rep for this very true/honest post. :)

Thanks :)

16th February 2007, 09:49
I'm not a regular here.
Can someone explain to me this rep thing?
Is it basically a voting system? Where can I rate someone? Where is this list of good club rep and bad club rep?
Is someone who makes a statement, then when challenged fails to reply a worthy reason for giving someone a bad rep?

Cheers for your help :)

16th February 2007, 10:03
I understand your frustration fly_ac but it works for the bad rep givers because you make it work.

They know they make you feel bad and the like it. Dont pay any atetntion after all red is not such a bad colour, is it? :p :

16th February 2007, 10:15
Is it basically a voting system? Where can I rate someone? Where is this list of good club rep and bad club rep?
Is someone who makes a statement, then when challenged fails to reply a worthy reason for giving someone a bad rep?

Cheers for your help :)
Everyone has their own method of giving reputation, some give negative rep just to mess with people, some because they don't like their opinions, I've given if i felt the post was disruptive to the general pleasentness of the forum. And to Baniel for starting the other rep thread. :D

But IMO you shouldn't give bad rep someone for not replying to other member in a discussion, i would however give positive rep for a well reasoned reply even if i didn't agree with the points.

16th February 2007, 10:28
Everyone has their own method of giving reputation, some give negative rep just to mess with people, some because they don't like their opinions, I've given if i felt the post was disruptive to the general pleasentness of the forum. And to Baniel for starting the other rep thread. :D

But IMO you shouldn't give bad rep someone for not replying to other member in a discussion, i would however give positive rep for a well reasoned reply even if i didn't agree with the points.

I find it bad manners when someone makes a claim, and when challenged, rather than backing up their claims, or even backing down, simply refuse to reply. It's a bit cowardly.

But anyway, how do I go about rating someone? Is it anonymous? Can you vote someone good more than once?

Also, how do you know if someone has been given a rep? Where is the symbol letting you know if someone has a bad rep or a good rep?

16th February 2007, 10:41
But anyway, how do I go about rating someone? Is it anonymous? Can you vote someone good more than once?
You give rep to to people by their posts, click the scale icon on the upper right corner of their post, then choose if it's positive or negative, rep is anynomous, but you can give your name in the explenation field. They will see it linked to that post and then the explenation you have given.

Also, how do you know if someone has been given a rep? Where is the symbol letting you know if someone has a bad rep or a good rep?
You can see other people reputation by clicking their screen name -> View Public Profile, it shows in the right side of their profile.

16th February 2007, 11:09
I noted that I am now a member of the "Bad Rep Club".
I haven't been a member to this forum for very long, and surely are not a bad person (well I hope so) in that sense. I haven't given any bad rep to any one for their posts but, I would have thought it would take more than on bad rep from some @$$ to become a member of the "Club". I would let someone know if I don't like his/her post (and include my name), but I guess there are still people who does not have the spine to let one know this. :mad:

Well at least I am a member now and not a senior at that.
I noticed the "club" is also rather exclusive.

Out of 20450 Forum Members there are........
67 members in the "Bad Rep Club" compared to 199 in the "Good Rep Club"

I am honoured to be part of an exclusive club. ;) :)

As South Africans we all have a bad rep wherever we go ;)

16th February 2007, 13:43
I understand your frustration fly_ac but it works for the bad rep givers because you make it work.

They know they make you feel bad and the like it. Dont pay any atetntion after all red is not such a bad colour, is it? :p :
I disagree. If these idiots want to be cowardly and rude just go out and say what you think about them in no uncertain terms. If these gutless little pieces of crap want to give you negative rep for no reason then I'm sure they're insecure enough to take your comments to heart. An eye for an eye I say :)

Hope this can cheer you up fly ;)


16th February 2007, 13:53
As South Africans we all have a bad rep wherever we go ;)

I disagree. If these idiots want to be cowardly and rude just go out and say what you think about them in no uncertain terms. If these gutless little pieces of crap want to give you negative rep for no reason then I'm sure they're insecure enough to take your comments to heart. An eye for an eye I say :)

Hope this can cheer you up fly ;)

I haven't seen this for ages......Briekdans :D

16th February 2007, 14:25

16th February 2007, 16:23

16th February 2007, 16:38
Bummer! I was thrown out of the "Club" :mad:


16th February 2007, 19:08
im part of the bad rep club as well, but ive already said it doesnt bother me, and i still believe that. I know who the true and honest people are anyway, i dont need to give them credit for it ;) :p :

16th February 2007, 19:32
I disagree. If these idiots want to be cowardly and rude just go out and say what you think about them in no uncertain terms. If these gutless little pieces of crap want to give you negative rep for no reason then I'm sure they're insecure enough to take your comments to heart. An eye for an eye I say :)

If only you'd learn to shut the **** up... :crazy:

As Carl says..

16th February 2007, 19:42
Hi there this is the king of the bad rep club taking here :D Try not to be too bothered about some bad rep. Most people who give it out are overconcerned individuals with alot of time on their hands :p : I'm as big a victim as anyone from rep abuse. ;)

oily oaf
16th February 2007, 20:12
im part of the bad rep club as well, but ive already said it doesnt bother me, and i still believe that. I know who the true and honest people are anyway, i dont need to give them credit for it ;) :p :

Stevie G a member of the bad rep club???!!!!!!!!
Proof positive that the system is a travesty surely. :mad:
The boy is without doubt one of the friendliest and mild mannered hombres that frequent this turbulent debating chamber.

Mind you having said that he does stink to high heaven on occasions :(

Captain VXR
16th February 2007, 20:15

I won't

16th February 2007, 22:53
If only you'd learn to shut the **** up... :crazy:

As Carl says..
If only there weren't dumb ****s on this forum then I could do that. Oh how I wish we lived in a perfect world :)

16th February 2007, 23:25
Stevie G a member of the bad rep club???!!!!!!!!
Proof positive that the system is a travesty surely. :mad:
The boy is without doubt one of the friendliest and mild mannered hombres that frequent this turbulent debating chamber.

I sign that with blood. :up:

17th February 2007, 04:45
The bad rep club is a good thing. i was a member of it and i used the bad rep notes i got to show that some people in this forum have the maturity level of a nine year old.

i was in the bad rep club because someone didnt like the idea of someone cheering on Marcos Ambrose in NASCAR this year and gave me endless bad reps and comments along the lines of "ambrose sux he will fail" "ambrose is gay" etc etc

17th February 2007, 07:13
The bad rep club is a good thing. i was a member of it and i used the bad rep notes i got to show that some people in this forum have the maturity level of a nine year old.

I'd venture a guess that some of the members here really are nine years old. :p :

18th February 2007, 12:48
Stevie G a member of the bad rep club???!!!!!!!!
Proof positive that the system is a travesty surely. :mad:
The boy is without doubt one of the friendliest and mild mannered hombres that frequent this turbulent debating chamber.

Mind you having said that he does stink to high heaven on occasions :(

Yeh well i cant help that, someone must buy me more deodarant, i keep running out :p :

and thank you Oily, the feelings the same with you :up: