View Full Version : Gitmo; Domestic political crisis SOLVED - by SCB

22nd May 2009, 14:22
Build a bare-bones combination prison and federal justice facility at Point Barrow, Alaska:

http://brightcove.vo.llnwd.net/d5/unsecured/media/1119379849/1119379849_1528829048_5b9a93b56a5479ebdc7aae6cda7a d00d863e0b52.jpg


What's there to complain about? It's in the United States. I've spent a couple of winters north of the Alaska Range, it's no big deal really. Just take care of your fingers, toes, earlobes, nosetip, etc.

What about escape? Three words; Hungry Polar Bears.

Terror detainee to Rachel Maddow: "Thanks a lot...b####"!

22nd May 2009, 14:45
St. Lawrence Island;


In the '60s my dad was stationed at the USAF early-warning radar. He didn't have much to say about his assignment other than "a one year long exercise of forcing vigilance from absolute boredom".

22nd May 2009, 16:09
good idea SCB just make sure the only heating systems are solar

22nd May 2009, 21:24
I say we use them for Medical testing.
Works 3 ways.
We don't have to worry about them getting all terroristy.
We help medical studies.
We shut PETA up.

Mark in Oshawa
23rd May 2009, 21:38
Geeze Anthony, what is that I hear about the USA being the beacon of hope and human rights? That goes out the window. Then again, these guys are scum. I do find it humourous that Obama was all gunho to close Gitmo but he is finding out that being in power means you have to make decisions that are tough and have no real solutions. It is easy to be the wise guy with all the answers when you're an absentee senator from Illinois.

I think leaving Gitmo open and having military tribunals is the solution and it is what was happening before and likely will continue now. Killing these jerks on the battle field was the best solution but someone didn't do that...