View Full Version : Pretty Well Sums Up My Feelings Also

21st May 2009, 15:45
I came across the following which parallels many of my feelings. I would certainly ad janvurpa to this list.


Too bad we don't have folks on Capitol Hill willing to speak out like
this. J.D. Pendry is a retired Marine Sergeant Major who writes for
Random House. He is eloquent, and as taught by the Marines, he seldom
beats around the bush!)

'The Axis of Idiots'

Jimmy Carter, you are the father of the Islamic Nazi movement. You threw
the Shah under the bus, welcomed the Ayatollah home, and then lacked the
spine to confront the terrorists when they took our embassy and our people
hostage. You're the runner-in-chief.

Bill Clinton, you played ring around the Lewinsky while the terrorists
were at war with us. You got us into a fight with them in Somalia and then
you ran from it. Your weak-willed responses to the USS Cole and the First
Trade Center Bombing and Our Embassy Bombings emboldened the killers. Each
time you failed to respond adequately, they grew bolder, until 9/11/2001.

John Kerry, dishonesty is your most prominent attribute. You lied about
American Soldiers in Vietnam .. Your military service, like your life, is
more fiction than fact. You have accused our military of terrorizing women
and children in Iraq . You called Iraq the wrong war, wrong place, wrong
time, the same words you used to describe Vietnam . You are a fake. You
want to run from Iraq and abandon the Iraqis to murderers just as you did
to the Vietnamese. Iraq , like Vietnam , is another war that you were for,
before you were against it.

John Murtha, you said our military was broken. You said we can't win
militarily in Iraq . You accused United States Marines of cold-blooded
murder without proof and said we should redeploy to Okinawa -- Okinawa ,
John? And the Democrats call you their military expert! Are you sure you
didn't suffer a traumatic brain injury while you were off building your
war hero resume? You're a sad, pitiful, corrupt and washed up politician.
You're not a Marine, sir. You're a phony and a disgrace. Run away, John.

Dick Durbin, you accused our Soldiers at Guantanamo of being Nazis,
tenders of Soviet style gulags and as bad as the regime of Pol Pot, who
murdered two million of his own people after your party abandoned
Southeast Asia to the Communists. Now you want to abandon the Iraqis to
the same fate. History was not a good teacher for you, was it? Lord help
us! See Dick run.

Ted Kennedy, for days on end you held poster-sized pictures from Abu
Ghraib in front of any available television camera. Al Jazeera quoted you
saying that Iraqi's torture chambers were open under new management. Did
you see the news, Teddy? The Islamic Nazis demonstrated another beheading
for you. If you truly supported our troops, you would show the world
poster-sized pictures of that atrocity and demand the annihilation of it.
Your legislation stripping support from the South Vietnamese led to a
communist victory there. You're a bloated, drunken fool bent on repeating
the same historical blunder that turned freedom-seeking people over to
homicidal, genocidal maniacs. To paraphrase John Murtha, all while sitting
on your wide, gin-soaked rear-end in Washington .

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Carl Levine, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein,
Russ Feingold, Hillary Clinton, Pat Leahy, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer,
the Hollywood Leftist morons, et al, ad nauseam: Every time you stand in
front of television cameras and broadcast to the Islamic Nazis that we
went to war because our President lied, that the war is wrong and our
Soldiers are torturers, that we should leave Iraq, you give the Islamic
butchers - the same ones that tortured and mutilated American Soldiers -
cause to think that we will run away again, and all they have to do is
hang on a little longer. It is inevitable that we, the infidels, will have
to defeat the Islamic jihadists. Better to do it now on their turf, than
later on ours after they have gained both strength and momentum.

American news media, the New York Times particularly: Each time you
publish stories about national defense secrets and our intelligence
gathering methods, you become one united with the sub-human pieces of
camel dung that torture and mutilate the bodies of American Soldiers. You
can't strike up the courage to publish cartoons, but you can help Al Qaeda
destroy my country. Actually, you are more dangerous to us than Al Qaeda
is. Think about that each time you face Mecca to admire your Pulitzer.

You are America 's 'AXIS OF IDIOTS.' Your Collective Stupidity will
destroy us. Self-serving politics and terrorist-abetting news scoops are
more important to you than our national security or the lives of innocent
civilians and Soldiers. It bothers you that defending ourselves gets in
the way of your elitist sport of politics and your ignorant
editorializing. There is as much blood on your hands as is on the hands of
murdering terrorists. Don't ever doubt that. Your frolics will only serve
to extend this war as they extended Vietnam . If you want our Soldiers
home as you claim, knock off the crap and try supporting your country
ahead of supporting your silly political aims and aiding our enemies.

Yes, I'm questioning your patriotism.. Your loyalty ends with self. I'm
also questioning why you're stealing air that decent Americans could be
breathing. You don't deserve the protection of our men and women in
uniform. You need to run away from this war, this country. Leave the war
to the people who have the will to see it through and the country to
people who are willing to defend it.

Our country has two enemies:Those who want to destroy us from the
outside and those who attempt it from within.

Semper Fi, J. D. Pendry - Sergeant Major, USMC, Retired

21st May 2009, 17:01
The man is a gun-toting penis. I hope he never leaves your shores.

21st May 2009, 17:09
The man is a gun-toting penis. I hope he never leaves your shores.

I couldn't agree more, except to say that he is a psychotically paranoid gun-toting penis.

(That sounds like one hell of a children's party novelty act...)

21st May 2009, 17:20
The average IQ of the American combat soldier is 100.

In the case of J. D. Pendry - Sergeant Major, USMC, Retired, it is Nineteen.


21st May 2009, 17:51
ooooooooooo......The Euro-weenies are scared of somebody who believes that cowering in fear and not confronting your enemies is cowardly.

Hey BDunnell,
Exactly when did Germany mandate that all you guys hand in your "Man Card"?

21st May 2009, 18:13
The average IQ of the American combat soldier is 100.

In the case of J. D. Pendry - Sergeant Major, USMC, Retired, it is Nineteen.


Nice olīsong :)

21st May 2009, 18:33
I came across the following which parallels many of my feelings. I would certainly ad janvurpa to this list.


Too bad we don't have folks on Capitol Hill willing to speak out like
this. J.D. Pendry is a retired Marine Sergeant Major who writes for
Random House. He is eloquent, and as taught by the Marines, he seldom
beats around the bush!)

'The Axis of Idiots'

Jimmy Carter, you are the father of the Islamic Nazi movement. You threw
the Shah under the bus, welcomed the Ayatollah home, and then lacked the
spine to confront the terrorists when they took our embassy and our people
hostage. You're the runner-in-chief.

Bill Clinton, you played ring around the Lewinsky while the terrorists
were at war with us. You got us into a fight with them in Somalia and then
you ran from it. Your weak-willed responses to the USS Cole and the First
Trade Center Bombing and Our Embassy Bombings emboldened the killers. Each
time you failed to respond adequately, they grew bolder, until 9/11/2001.

John Kerry, dishonesty is your most prominent attribute. You lied about
American Soldiers in Vietnam .. Your military service, like your life, is
more fiction than fact. You have accused our military of terrorizing women
and children in Iraq . You called Iraq the wrong war, wrong place, wrong
time, the same words you used to describe Vietnam . You are a fake. You
want to run from Iraq and abandon the Iraqis to murderers just as you did
to the Vietnamese. Iraq , like Vietnam , is another war that you were for,
before you were against it.

John Murtha, you said our military was broken. You said we can't win
militarily in Iraq . You accused United States Marines of cold-blooded
murder without proof and said we should redeploy to Okinawa -- Okinawa ,
John? And the Democrats call you their military expert! Are you sure you
didn't suffer a traumatic brain injury while you were off building your
war hero resume? You're a sad, pitiful, corrupt and washed up politician.
You're not a Marine, sir. You're a phony and a disgrace. Run away, John.

Dick Durbin, you accused our Soldiers at Guantanamo of being Nazis,
tenders of Soviet style gulags and as bad as the regime of Pol Pot, who
murdered two million of his own people after your party abandoned
Southeast Asia to the Communists. Now you want to abandon the Iraqis to
the same fate. History was not a good teacher for you, was it? Lord help
us! See Dick run.

Ted Kennedy, for days on end you held poster-sized pictures from Abu
Ghraib in front of any available television camera. Al Jazeera quoted you
saying that Iraqi's torture chambers were open under new management. Did
you see the news, Teddy? The Islamic Nazis demonstrated another beheading
for you. If you truly supported our troops, you would show the world
poster-sized pictures of that atrocity and demand the annihilation of it.
Your legislation stripping support from the South Vietnamese led to a
communist victory there. You're a bloated, drunken fool bent on repeating
the same historical blunder that turned freedom-seeking people over to
homicidal, genocidal maniacs. To paraphrase John Murtha, all while sitting
on your wide, gin-soaked rear-end in Washington .

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Carl Levine, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein,
Russ Feingold, Hillary Clinton, Pat Leahy, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer,
the Hollywood Leftist morons, et al, ad nauseam: Every time you stand in
front of television cameras and broadcast to the Islamic Nazis that we
went to war because our President lied, that the war is wrong and our
Soldiers are torturers, that we should leave Iraq, you give the Islamic
butchers - the same ones that tortured and mutilated American Soldiers -
cause to think that we will run away again, and all they have to do is
hang on a little longer. It is inevitable that we, the infidels, will have
to defeat the Islamic jihadists. Better to do it now on their turf, than
later on ours after they have gained both strength and momentum.

American news media, the New York Times particularly: Each time you
publish stories about national defense secrets and our intelligence
gathering methods, you become one united with the sub-human pieces of
camel dung that torture and mutilate the bodies of American Soldiers. You
can't strike up the courage to publish cartoons, but you can help Al Qaeda
destroy my country. Actually, you are more dangerous to us than Al Qaeda
is. Think about that each time you face Mecca to admire your Pulitzer.

You are America 's 'AXIS OF IDIOTS.' Your Collective Stupidity will
destroy us. Self-serving politics and terrorist-abetting news scoops are
more important to you than our national security or the lives of innocent
civilians and Soldiers. It bothers you that defending ourselves gets in
the way of your elitist sport of politics and your ignorant
editorializing. There is as much blood on your hands as is on the hands of
murdering terrorists. Don't ever doubt that. Your frolics will only serve
to extend this war as they extended Vietnam . If you want our Soldiers
home as you claim, knock off the crap and try supporting your country
ahead of supporting your silly political aims and aiding our enemies.

Yes, I'm questioning your patriotism.. Your loyalty ends with self. I'm
also questioning why you're stealing air that decent Americans could be
breathing. You don't deserve the protection of our men and women in
uniform. You need to run away from this war, this country. Leave the war
to the people who have the will to see it through and the country to
people who are willing to defend it.

Our country has two enemies:Those who want to destroy us from the
outside and those who attempt it from within.

Semper Fi, J. D. Pendry - Sergeant Major, USMC, Retired

This guy should start taking his meds.

21st May 2009, 18:38
Semper Fi, J. D. Pendry - Sergeant Major, USMC, Retired

The doctor will be round soon to give you your meds

21st May 2009, 18:47
ooooooooooo......The Euro-weenies are scared of somebody who believes that cowering in fear and not confronting your enemies is cowardly.

Hey BDunnell,
Exactly when did Germany mandate that all you guys hand in your "Man Card"?

At around the same time as your capacity for lucid thought met a sorry fate.

21st May 2009, 19:36
Haven't bothered reading it because it looks like the usually right wing crap that most of the Americans on this forum like to spout but scanned down and couldn't see the name George Bush, despite there having been 2 idiots with that name :D

From what I picked up from scanning it I have to say that I agree with Tamby. Semper Fi J. D. Pendry - Class A Cock, USMC

21st May 2009, 19:52
Yes, better to find for the glory of our Lord till the last heathen is burning in hell!

What a load of bullcrap!

21st May 2009, 20:10
Thread closed. Everybody banned.

Oh wait, I don't have the power.. :erm:

Brown, Jon Brow
21st May 2009, 20:52

21st May 2009, 21:05

Prove something in the story wrong. If not. Shut your pie-hole.

21st May 2009, 21:09

Prove something in the story wrong. If not. Shut your pie-hole.

Is that sort of comment (which, I hasten to add, does not have the effect you desire and is actually fantastically amusing) representative of the editorial standards in the South Florida Motorsports Report?

21st May 2009, 21:27
From what I picked up from scanning it I have to say that I agree with Tamby. Semper Fi J. D. Pendry - Class A Cock, USMC

Semper Fi J. D. Pendry - GRADE A FDA Approved Cock -USMC

21st May 2009, 23:23
The man is a gun-toting penis. I hope he never leaves your shores.

:laugh: :laugh:

22nd May 2009, 00:26
Copyright J.D. Pendry 2006
Er? Something that's two years old?

The one issue I have with this is JD Pendry.

Too bad we don't have folks on Capitol Hill willing to speak out like
this. J.D. Pendry is a retired Marine Sergeant Major who writes for
Random House. He is eloquent, and as taught by the Marines, he seldom
beats around the bush!)

The problem with this is that we also find that:
J.D. Pendry is a retired Army Command Sergeant Major who writes for Random House.

And also:
J.D. Pendry is a retired Marine Command Sergeant Major who writes for Random House.

We have a problem here. Last time I checked, the Marines and the Army were in fact separate divisions of the US Military. You'd think that an enlisted person would at least remember which force they fought with.

22nd May 2009, 00:46
The man is a gun-toting penis. I hope he never leaves your shores.
Except when he is needed to save your country's ass.......again.

22nd May 2009, 01:02
Except when he is needed to save your country's ass.......again.


22nd May 2009, 01:26
An open letter to J.D. Pendry from Tazio, The Tazonion:
I believe you were abducted by aliens and had your brains jettisoned
at a close proximity to Uranus :arrows:

22nd May 2009, 02:58
An open letter to J.D. Pendry from Tazio, The Tazonion:
I believe you were abducted by aliens and had your brains jettisoned
at a close proximity to Uranus :arrows:


22nd May 2009, 03:48
Copyright J.D. Pendry 2006
Er? Something that's two years old?

The one issue I have with this is JD Pendry.

The problem with this is that we also find that:
J.D. Pendry is a retired Army Command Sergeant Major who writes for Random House.

And also:
J.D. Pendry is a retired Marine Command Sergeant Major who writes for Random House.

We have a problem here. Last time I checked, the Marines and the Army were in fact separate divisions of the US Military. You'd think that an enlisted person would at least remember which force they fought with.

Rollo, you have done it again!

22nd May 2009, 03:51
I'm not suprised it sums up your feeling fausto, you are incapable of thinking for yourself.

Mark in Oshawa
22nd May 2009, 03:52
Lets just say I would rather have a Marine as a friend then some of the jerk politicians he disagrees with. That doesn't mean there isn't some merit in some lucid thought on both sides, but is very convenient isn't it to have the right of freedom to dissent, freedom to speak and freedom of thought in a society that was bought and paid for by British, French, Canadian, American, Australian, New Zealanders, Polish and a few other nationalities who all lost men to give us that right to speak in such a manner?
The Marine gets that....you guys conveniently seem to over look it...

22nd May 2009, 04:37
I think this guy is a nut case. Im fair game when it comes to freedom of speech, but this guy just takes it way too far. I think he has been brainwashed by the Right Wing Republican Fear And War Mongerers LLC

22nd May 2009, 04:56
This is exactly the comments I expected from T.I.R.E
You people Are beyond all hope. I CAN clearly understand why you are being taken over by the Nation of Islam. Hey you guys want to buy some pashminas

Easy Drifter
22nd May 2009, 04:57
I agree with some of what he says while disagreeing with most.
However, I defend his right to say it.
He may be wrong on many points but calling him juvenile names certainly does not enhance your opposing point of view!

It also appears not one person, including me has actually refuted any of his individual points.
Many of them could be I would think but I do not feel it is worth the time and effort.

22nd May 2009, 05:01
It also appears not one person, including me has actually refuted any of his individual points. Many of them could be I would think but I do not feel it is worth the time and effort.

I seriously had thought about it, but then I realised that the whole validity of the whole thing might be brought into question. Then I saw this comment:

I think he has been brainwashed by the Right Wing Republican Fear And War Mongerers LLC

I wondered about this.

If you look at every name mentioned in the article:
Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, John Murtha, Dick Durbin, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Carl Levine, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Russ Feingold, Hillary Clinton, Pat Leahy, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer.
... then you'll find that they're all Democrats. This author has conveniently not named anyone from the Reagan, Bush 41 or Bush 43 administrations. I'm sorry, I should have seen this earlier; I apologise for the oversight.

This actually is a party political - no more and no less.

22nd May 2009, 05:33
Hey you guys want to buy some pashminas

Yes please what sizes do you have?

22nd May 2009, 06:23
I'm still amused by these old timers. They just throw the word liberal against any person that disagrees with their outdated ideologies. Can you say sour grapes?

Also, on whose watch did 9/11 happen? Truman once said, "The buck stops here."
Someone should tell that to the GOP.

22nd May 2009, 08:46
I came across the following which parallels many of my feelings. I would certainly ad janvurpa to this list.

That guy is deluded and a bigot... I am very relieved to say that my feelings have no parallels with this idiot.... but thank you for admitting what I have long suspected about yourself...

Your views are as irrelevant to the real world of decent people and shall be dismissed accordingly... as far as this member is concerned you not longer have the right to be taken seriously...

Have a nice (if somewhat paranoid) life

22nd May 2009, 09:01
Except when he is needed to save your country's ass.......again.



Prove something in the story wrong. If not. Shut your pie-hole.

Well, I only read down as far as the Jimmy Carter section of that lie-fest before I started vomiting blood. But, as everyone in the free world (i.e., outside the USA) knows, it was Jimmy Carter who freed the hostages in the embassy in Iran, using something your government doesn't seem to have heard of called "diplomacy". "Diplomacy" is when you talk to people to resolve your differences, it's the way adults solve problems.

22nd May 2009, 12:10
Fousto had mail again.

22nd May 2009, 12:32

Well, I only read down as far as the Jimmy Carter section of that lie-fest before I started vomiting blood. But, as everyone in the free world (i.e., outside the USA) knows, it was Jimmy Carter who freed the hostages in the embassy in Iran, using something your government doesn't seem to have heard of called "diplomacy". "Diplomacy" is when you talk to people to resolve your differences, it's the way adults solve problems.

I was going to stay out of this, as there is no actual debate going on, just people calling each other names. But this takes the cake. You might want to actually learn some history. Go back and look up when the hostages were freed and why. Here's a hint, it wasn't Carter's doing.

22nd May 2009, 12:38
Wow, if that guy isn't careful he'll end up on Jacqui's list.

22nd May 2009, 13:25

Prove something in the story wrong. If not. Shut your pie-hole.

"Jimmy Carter, you are the father of the Islamic Nazi movement. You threw
the Shah under the bus"

The people of Iran threw the Shah under the bus because he was corrupt and out-of-touch and was doing nothing for the populace.

First lesson of history for you - Revolutions don't happen if people aren't pissed off.

Oh, and it was not and is not your country's job to keep a corrupt, out-of-touch leader of a sovereign state in power.

Although admittedly you did a damn good job of it with Saddam in his early years, so kudos where it is due....oh, except it isn't.

22nd May 2009, 17:01
I was going to stay out of this, as there is no actual debate going on, just people calling each other names. But this takes the cake. You might want to actually learn some history. Go back and look up when the hostages were freed and why. Here's a hint, it wasn't Carter's doing.

Chuck you have to understand we are not dealing with the sharpest knives in the drawer here. They can't defend themselves - A bunch of atheists giving up their land to the Koran - go figure

22nd May 2009, 17:06
Chuck you have to understand we are not dealing with the sharpest knives in the drawer here.

ha ha ha ha ha That is so funny... if ever there was a pot calling a kettle black comment that must surely be it... Bravo

22nd May 2009, 17:31
BTW I just had a great after thought! Inasmuch as the Nation Flag of the EU is the "White Flag" you guys can just buy white turbans. Then when danger presents itself just unravel and start waving :laugh: :rotflmao: :laugh:

22nd May 2009, 17:32
BTW I just had a great after thought! Inasmuch as the Nation Flag of the EU is the "White Flag" you guys can just buy white turbans. Then when danger presents itself just unravel and start waving :laugh: :rotflmao: :laugh:

Funny..very funny Fousto.

22nd May 2009, 17:37
That guy is deluded and a bigot... I am very relieved to say that my feelings have no parallels with this idiot.... but thank you for admitting what I have long suspected about yourself...

Your views are as irrelevant to the real world of decent people and shall be dismissed accordingly... as far as this member is concerned you not longer have the right to be taken seriously...

Have a nice (if somewhat paranoid) life


22nd May 2009, 17:41
Chuck you have to understand we are not dealing with the sharpest knives in the drawer here. They can't defend themselves - A bunch of atheists giving up their land to the Koran - go figure


22nd May 2009, 19:15
BTW I just had a great after thought! Inasmuch as the Nation Flag of the EU is the "White Flag" you guys can just buy white turbans. Then when danger presents itself just unravel and start waving :laugh: :rotflmao: :laugh:

My word, your satire is on top form today.

22nd May 2009, 20:23
BTW I just had a great after thought! Inasmuch as the Nation Flag of the EU is the "White Flag" you guys can just buy white turbans. Then when danger presents itself just unravel and start waving :laugh: :rotflmao: :laugh:

Foutso, your opinions appear to be very anti Islam and are ones that I certainly don't agree with. However, I'd like to point out some basic points in relation to religion. Muslims do not wear turbans. People of the Sikh faith do. Your comment appears quite racist in terms of how you are trying to tar people of predominantly the same colour with the same brush but I think you are are more cleverer than that.

The trouble with religion is that it is the extremely small minority that are cause conflict when there are millions of other people that are busy getting on with their regular lives. It's wrong how the actions of the minority can radically affect a persons opionions and beliefs the majority.

22nd May 2009, 20:41
The trouble with religion is that it is the extremely small minority that are cause conflict when there are millions of other people that are busy getting on with their regular lives. It's wrong how the actions of the minority can radically affect a persons opionions and beliefs the majority.
Exactly. I for example don't believe that all Americans are like fousto, anthonyvop or chuck34, I think there are also more moderate people in the US. No offense to fousto, anthonyvop or chuck34 though, I believe they are OK guys although I don't usually agree with them.

22nd May 2009, 21:28

Well, I only read down as far as the Jimmy Carter section of that lie-fest before I started vomiting blood. But, as everyone in the free world (i.e., outside the USA) knows, it was Jimmy Carter who freed the hostages in the embassy in Iran, using something your government doesn't seem to have heard of called "diplomacy". "Diplomacy" is when you talk to people to resolve your differences, it's the way adults solve problems.

Carter freed the Hostages?
It had nothing to do with Ronald Reagan about to take the oath of office huh?
The timing was coincidence?

22nd May 2009, 21:32
"Jimmy Carter, you are the father of the Islamic Nazi movement. You threw
the Shah under the bus"

The people of Iran threw the Shah under the bus because he was corrupt and out-of-touch and was doing nothing for the populace.

First lesson of history for you - Revolutions don't happen if people aren't pissed off.

Oh, and it was not and is not your country's job to keep a corrupt, out-of-touch leader of a sovereign state in power.

Although admittedly you did a damn good job of it with Saddam in his early years, so kudos where it is due....oh, except it isn't.
Carter threw the Shah under the bus.
Revolutions do not take place without the rich and powerful supporting them
Carter cut of Iran Economically and militarily.

A few 100 million in aid to appease the masses, parts for planes and ammo and the Shah stays...........and the the world would be a much better palce

22nd May 2009, 22:13
OMG.... what a feature... I have just discovered this forum has an Ignore list

No more Fousto, no more anthonyvop... no more utter bull$hit... unending joy

donKey jote
22nd May 2009, 22:35
I tried that for a while too, but then I found I missed the laughs :laugh: :laugh:

My current list only includes Markabilly's missus :dozey: :p :


23rd May 2009, 05:57
I was going to stay out of this, as there is no actual debate going on, just people calling each other names. But this takes the cake. You might want to actually learn some history. Go back and look up when the hostages were freed and why. Here's a hint, it wasn't Carter's doing.

Carter freed the Hostages?
It had nothing to do with Ronald Reagan about to take the oath of office huh?
The timing was coincidence?

Your ignorance shocks me. Learn some of your own history.

From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Jimmy_Carter#Iran_hostage_crisis
"Although the release of the hostages was negotiated and secured under the Carter administration, the hostages were released on January 20, 1981, moments after Reagan was sworn in as President."

23rd May 2009, 09:33
A few 100 million in aid to appease the masses, parts for planes and ammo and the Shah stays...........and the the world would be a much better palce

You really are clueless. A moron, in fact. A typical American unthinking, uneducated bigot.

The Shah would not have spent aid of his people.

Iran did not need aid. It needed a leader who gave a toss.

"In October 1971, the Shah celebrated the twenty-five-hundredth anniversary of the Iranian monarchy. The New York Times reported that $100 million was spent.[37] Next to the ruins of Persepolis, the Shah gave orders to build a tent city covering 160 acres (0.65 km2), studded with three huge royal tents and fifty-nine lesser ones arranged in a star-shaped design. French chefs from Maxim’s of Paris prepared breast of peacock for royalty and dignitaries around the world, the buildings were decorated by Maison Jansen (the same firm that helped Jacqueline Kennedy redecorate the White House), the guests ate off Limoges porcelain china and drank from Baccarat crystal glasses. This became a major scandal as the contrast between the dazzling elegance of celebration and the misery of the nearby villages was so dramatic that no one could ignore it."


23rd May 2009, 10:14
OMG.... what a feature... I have just discovered this forum has an Ignore list

No more Fousto, no more anthonyvop... no more utter bull$hit... unending joy

But you miss out on soooo much fun!

23rd May 2009, 10:26
Carter threw the Shah under the bus.
Revolutions do not take place without the rich and powerful supporting them
Carter cut of Iran Economically and militarily.

A few 100 million in aid to appease the masses, parts for planes and ammo and the Shah stays...........and the the world would be a much better palce


Well seeing as it was the US that put the Shah in power in the 1953 coup it seems only poignant that the US pushed him under a bus when he was of no further use to them.

Some interesting stuff:

"On October 22, 1979, at the request of David Rockerfeller, President Jimmy Carter reluctantly allowed the Shah into the United States to undergo medical treatment. This act was extremely unpopular with the revolutionary movement, which had been angered by the United States' overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mossadegh, and years of support for the Shah's rule. The Iranian government demanded the return of the Shah to Iran to stand trial; the American government refused to turn him over.
This resulted in the storming of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, and the kidnapping of American diplomats, military personnel and intelligence officers, which soon became known as the Iran hostage crisis."

Just like after supporting Marcos in the Philippines for decades, even his corruption, rorting, embezlement finally got too much for the US and he was told by the US that he 'should go quietly' during the people power revolution in 1986.

Dave B
23rd May 2009, 14:25
Cut and paste two-year-old chain email: check.

Make token comment about Europe becoming an Islamic state: check.

Have "facts" debunked by Rollo: check.

Attempt witty joke about Islam but get two major religions confused leading to borderline racist "turban" joke: check.

Garner support from a fellor far-right countryman: check.

Epic fail: check.

Excellent, a full house. Congratulations on yet another successful fousto thread. :champion: :up:

23rd May 2009, 15:00
Cut and paste two-year-old chain email: check.

Make token comment about Europe becoming an Islamic state: check.

Have "facts" debunked by Rollo: check.

Attempt witty joke about Islam but get two major religions confused leading to borderline racist "turban" joke: check.

Garner support from a fellor far-right countryman: check.

Epic fail: check.

Excellent, a full house. Congratulations on yet another successful fousto thread. :champion: :up:

Post fact: Check

Have Euroweeneis claim that they debunked them: Check

Have same Euroweenies throw insults when faced with facts that go counter to their simple beliefs: Check

race aficionado
23rd May 2009, 15:32
Post fact: Check

. . . . Euroweeneis . . . .: Check

. . . . Euroweenies . . . .: Check

It's pretty pathetic if not sad when terms like Euroweenies start to be thrown around. Unless it was meant to be funny and I didn't get the joke. My bad.

As for fousto and his threads, I am one that will stand by his right to post his beliefs and his rants and his jokes.
He has been around this forum a long time and he is one of those members that makes our forum unique.
Fousto is a friend, albeit a forum friend, and his personal opinions - and I may not agree with many - are always a treat to read because he will either make me gasp, or laugh or nod in agreement.

Some people just take him too seriously and I'm sure he smiles when someone takes the bait.

Bottom line is that he is a crazy, horny, old wise man which I'm glad to know.

This pretty well sums up my feelings also.


:s mokin:

23rd May 2009, 15:33
Post fact: Check

Have Euroweeneis claim that they debunked them: Check

Have same Euroweenies throw insults when faced with facts that go counter to their simple beliefs: Check

anthonyvop failing to disprove any of our preconceived notions about far-right American ignoramuses: Check.

donKey jote
23rd May 2009, 16:01
race resurfacing to attempt to bridge the puddly and spread peace: Check !


23rd May 2009, 18:48
But you miss out on soooo much fun!


23rd May 2009, 19:47
race resurfacing to attempt to bridge...

Yes, kudos for that!

On the other hand, don't y'all find it disturbing that in this day and age, we're still focusing so much on race?

I mean "race aficionado", "RaceFanStan"... move with the times, you! One human race! The black man is no worse than the white man! Look at Lewis Hamilton, Tiger Woods! For God's sake, look at Barack Obama!

It's time for Ebony and Ivory to live in perfect harmony! ;)

23rd May 2009, 19:54
On the other hand, don't y'all find it disturbing that in this day and age, we're still focusing so much on race?

I mean "race aficionado", "RaceFanStan"... move with the times, you!


23rd May 2009, 20:28
Thank you race aficionado !!

See T.I.R.Es here is a great person who has the intellect to evaluate all points of view realistically. This is why he will alway be a true friend of mine !!

And Grid Girl I am far from being racist against muslim people. I have openly and in good faith offered to share my home to the following muslim.


23rd May 2009, 20:58
And Grid Girl I am far from being racist against muslim people. I have openly and in good faith offered to share my home to the following muslim.


Mediocre face, mediocre tits, unknown ass. So.. why?

Asking strictly as a TIREan, of course. I'm used to better. ;) But I guess, for Americans, anyone who's not as fat as President Taft is as fit as a fiddle. :)

Good for you. ;) Go on and service them... whatyamightcallem. ;)

23rd May 2009, 21:55
Mediocre face, mediocre tits, unknown ass. So.. why?

Asking strictly as a TIREan, of course. I'm used to better. But I guess, for Americans, anyone who's not as fat as President Taft is as fit as a fiddle.

Good for you. Go on and service them... whatyamightcallem.

Now, then. Is that sexist? Racist? Chauvinist?

I hope so! ;) 'Cause I've been looking for a way to get banned from this here forum for quite some time now. Why? Because - f*** it! - I really should be (we all should be!) doing better things than posting crap, in response to crap posted by other people. :)

"The inevitable, tiresomely predictable and tedious progression of unfounded opinions" - that pretty much sums up every online forum, including this one. ;)

So Mark, you wan*er, please ban me! ;) Pee-no, you wan*er, please ban me! Jay-En-pee, you wan*er, please ban me! J4MIE, you wan*er, please ban me! PuddleWan*er, please ban me! I'm sorry, I don't really know any other Mods whom I could insult.

Will someone ban me, God Damn It??!

I hope so!

'Cause I'm hooked. And the only way to escape that is to be banned. For life.

So f*** all, f*** you, and bye-bye.

Except for the friends I made here. For you, I just say "bye". And... "be well". I'll see you in Hell! :D

I'm outta here.

race aficionado
23rd May 2009, 22:03
So Mark, you wan*er, please ban me! ;) Pee-no, you wan*er, please ban me! Jay-En-pee, you wan*er, please ban me! J4MIE, you wan*er, please ban me! PuddleWan*er, please ban me! I'm sorry, I don't really know any other Mods whom I could insult.

Will someone ban me, God Damn It??!

I hope so!

'Cause I'm hooked. And the only way to escape that is to be banned. For life.

So f*** all, f*** you, and bye-bye.

Except for the friends I made here. For you, I just say "bye". And... "be well". I'll see you in Hell! :D

I'm outta here.

Studiose, that was a cool rant, although I don't think it will make the cut for a dishonorable ban.

PM ioan or Daniel, or even good ol' fousto himself. They know the ropes.

I can't really help. I'm one of those boring, peace abiding, non trouble makers.

:s mokin:

23rd May 2009, 22:14
I think studiose deserves to be made permanently exempt from any bans for that.

23rd May 2009, 22:25
Thank you race aficionado !!

See T.I.R.Es here is a great person who has the intellect to evaluate all points of view realistically. This is why he will alway be a true friend of mine !!

And Grid Girl I am far from being racist against muslim people. I have openly and in good faith offered to share my home to the following muslim.


Well let's hope all the extremists in the world are female, pretty and wear as little as possible eh? The world would be saved and we'd have no reasons to go to war. I knew there was a reason why women who enter beauty patents say that their greatest achievement in life would be to achieve world peace. Who knew that the swimwear element was the answer all along.

donKey jote
23rd May 2009, 22:46
studiorse you donkey, send us some of what you're on ! :laugh: :laugh:

24th May 2009, 04:42
Now, then. Is that sexist? Racist? Chauvinist?

I hope so! ;) 'Cause I've been looking for a way to get banned from this here forum for quite some time now. Why? Because - f*** it! - I really should be (we all should be!) doing better things than posting crap, in response to crap posted by other people. :)

"The inevitable, tiresomely predictable and tedious progression of unfounded opinions" - that pretty much sums up every online forum, including this one. ;)

So Mark, you wan*er, please ban me! ;) Pee-no, you wan*er, please ban me! Jay-En-pee, you wan*er, please ban me! J4MIE, you wan*er, please ban me! PuddleWan*er, please ban me! I'm sorry, I don't really know any other Mods whom I could insult.

Will someone ban me, God Damn It??!

I hope so!

'Cause I'm hooked. And the only way to escape that is to be banned. For life.

So f*** all, f*** you, and bye-bye.

Except for the friends I made here. For you, I just say "bye". And... "be well". I'll see you in Hell!

I'm outta here.

Actually Pino is the Captain of BAN - So it looks as though you have to stay :p

24th May 2009, 05:26
Now, then. Is that sexist? Racist? Chauvinist?

I hope so! ;) 'Cause I've been looking for a way to get banned from this here forum for quite some time now. Why? Because - f*** it! - I really should be (we all should be!) doing better things than posting crap, in response to crap posted by other people. :)

"The inevitable, tiresomely predictable and tedious progression of unfounded opinions" - that pretty much sums up every online forum, including this one. ;)

So Mark, you wan*er, please ban me! ;) Pee-no, you wan*er, please ban me! Jay-En-pee, you wan*er, please ban me! J4MIE, you wan*er, please ban me! PuddleWan*er, please ban me! I'm sorry, I don't really know any other Mods whom I could insult.

Will someone ban me, God Damn It??!

I hope so!

'Cause I'm hooked. And the only way to escape that is to be banned. For life.

So f*** all, f*** you, and bye-bye.

Except for the friends I made here. For you, I just say "bye". And... "be well". I'll see you in Hell! :D

I'm outta here.

Now there's a man that could do a proper job of looting a Wal Mart store! Wouldn't surprise me at all if New Orleans doesn't try to sign him to a contract.

24th May 2009, 10:09
Who knew that the swimwear element was the answer all along.
Good point. Who'd want to fight when there are scantily clad women to ogle?

25th May 2009, 04:49
Too bad we don't have folks on Capitol Hill willing to speak out like
this. J.D. Pendry is a retired Marine Sergeant Major who writes for
Random House. He is eloquent, and as taught by the Marines, he seldom
beats around the bush!)..

25th May 2009, 05:13
Good point. Who'd want to fight when there are scantily clad women to ogle?

Besides, any woman that could hide an RPG in a bikini would stick out as soon as she entered the room! :laugh:

Mark in Oshawa
25th May 2009, 13:28
Oh boy...did I fall down a hole with Alice or what....

I will say that Carter letting the Shah go down on many levels was disaster, but I cant say his instincts were altogether wrong. The Shah was a nasty peace of work. The problem is, what replaced him in many ways was a WORSE piece of work on a different level. Realpolitik...it often bites the world in the @ss in ways not fathomable.

As for our friends claiming Carter got the hostages out, lets point out his mismanagement (through his minions micromanging a military operation) of the "rescue" which really made the US look stupid in front of the world; and the fact that while his people did negotiate the release, lets never, ever forget that the Iranians were looking over the shoulder of Jimmy to what was coming. There is not a doubt in my mind is they were scared to death of what Ronald Reagan was going to do, and THAT my friends was a feeling many in the world had in 1980/81. No one around with conscious thought at that time doubted that no matter what direction the USA was going with Carter, Reagan was going to do the opposite or something much more decisive and forceful. History has shown that ole Ron could be the nice guy, but he wasn't above using the big stick either.

25th May 2009, 14:12
As for our friends claiming Carter got the hostages out, lets point out his mismanagement (through his minions micromanging a military operation) of the "rescue" which really made the US look stupid in front of the world;
Not nearly as stupid as George W Bush made the US look in front of the world. Most of the world didn't much care about those hostages or how Carter handled the situation.

Garry Walker
25th May 2009, 18:35
Yes, kudos for that!

On the other hand, don't y'all find it disturbing that in this day and age, we're still focusing so much on race?

It indeed is worrying that some races are given preferential treatment by law at this time and age over other races.

Mark in Oshawa
25th May 2009, 22:13
Not nearly as stupid as George W Bush made the US look in front of the world. Most of the world didn't much care about those hostages or how Carter handled the situation.

How old were you when that happened Eki? Trust me, the Americans cared how he handled the situation, it is why they couldn't dump the dummy fast enough. You don't elect a leader to be kicked around in the world, especially if you are American.

Eki, you think Dubya was an idiot, I got that the first time, but I notice no one had any problem with Obama killing off a few pirates and esclating troop numbers in Afghanistan. Very Dubya like thoughts on his part. I think most of the world seems to keep forgetting the Americans don't CARE what your problem is with their president, even those who support Obama. In the end, The USA does what it does, regardless of who is in power, and despite what people think with Bush, he did as much good that went unhearlded in Africa in terms of aid efforts against AIDS as he did by messing about in Iraq. Of course, we went 3 pages and you hadn't taken your usual gratituious shot at Bush. Eki...there is a new president now...GET OVER IT.

27th May 2009, 16:24
Your ignorance shocks me. Learn some of your own history.

From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Jimmy_Carter#Iran_hostage_crisis
"Although the release of the hostages was negotiated and secured under the Carter administration, the hostages were released on January 20, 1981, moments after Reagan was sworn in as President."

Just because something technically happened on Carter's watch, doesn't mean he had much to do with it. As Mark said, the Iranians were looking at Regan comming down the road and didn't really want to mess with him. That and the fact that VP-elect Bush pulled a whole bunch of strings (at the very least), are good indications that Christopher didn't really do too much to free the hostages.

Maybe understanding history is more important than reading "facts" and placing them on a timeline.

27th May 2009, 17:46
How old were you when that happened Eki? Trust me, the Americans cared how he handled the situation, it is why they couldn't dump the dummy fast enough. You don't elect a leader to be kicked around in the world, especially if you are American.

I was talking about most of the world. The Americans aren't most of the world, even if they might think they are.

I remember the hostage situation was mentioned in the news here in Finland, but I don't remember people around me talking about it, they just carried along with their daily lives business as usual, no big deal.

27th May 2009, 20:41
I was talking about most of the world. The Americans aren't most of the world, even if they might think they are.

I remember the hostage situation was mentioned in the news here in Finland, but I don't remember people around me talking about it, they just carried along with their daily lives business as usual, no big deal.
Would Americans lose any sleep if some Finns were held as hostages? I think not. Maybe some bleeding hearts, but most Americans wouldn't even know about it.

27th May 2009, 20:47
Would Americans lose any sleep if some Finns were held as hostages? I think not. Maybe some bleeding hearts, but most Americans wouldn't even know about it.

If they were just "normal" Finns, you're probably right. But if they were diplomats working at one of your Embassies then I'd venture to say that we'd care.

27th May 2009, 20:58
If they were just "normal" Finns, you're probably right. But if they were diplomats working at one of your Embassies then I'd venture to say that we'd care.

Thats if it made the headlines. Most news channels show their international news on their websites.

27th May 2009, 21:24
Thats if it made the headlines. Most news channels show their international news on their websites.

You could be right, but I think that diplomats being held hostage would make the news. That being an act of war and all. But you never know about "journalists" these days.

27th May 2009, 22:30
If they were just "normal" Finns, you're probably right. But if they were diplomats working at one of your Embassies then I'd venture to say that we'd care.
Weren't the hostages some students? Who gives a damn about some students?

28th May 2009, 00:19
Weren't the hostages some students? Who gives a damn about some students?

NO!!!!! Learn something. The hostage TAKERS were students, the hostages all worked at the US emabassy in Iran.


Mark in Oshawa
30th May 2009, 14:32
I was talking about most of the world. The Americans aren't most of the world, even if they might think they are.

I remember the hostage situation was mentioned in the news here in Finland, but I don't remember people around me talking about it, they just carried along with their daily lives business as usual, no big deal.

As usual Eki, your anti-American bias exposes your agenda again. Americans elect their president, and Americans like most people in the free world don't want to be led by a feckless twit. Even Finns would agree on that.

Jimmy looked helpless and he was voted out. That's democracy, that isn't just some bunch of right wing loons figuring this out.

As for what happened in Iran, the Iranian students that took the US Embassy under siege and took 52 people prisoner violated the one international law just about all nations respect religiously, in that people in an embassy are to be protected, and given free passage out of the country if they are deemed to be no longer welcome. Storming the embassy (which is considered a piece of the nation it represents and all their laws apply on their property) and taking people hostage for a year is an act of war and an egregious attack on the international protocol of nations.

Now I know you cannot wrap your wee little mind around this Eki, but most nations if they had their embassy stormed, and 50 plus of their citizens taken hostage, would likely react in a far more angry manner than did our friend, Mr. Peace aka Jimmy Carter. Especially when it took him the better part of 6 months to mount a rescue attempt, which he then put so many restrictions on, that the miltary men running the show were basically forced to plan a disaster waiting to happen, and it did. Most modern presidents, once deciding to go rescue their citizens, would just tell the military to do it in a manner that doesn't embarass themselves, keep innocent death to a minimum and dont' tell me what you have to do behind the scenes, just make it happen.

Jimmy turned it into a fiasco in the planning stages. That feckless managment is one of the reason that even Democratic voters couldn't vote for Reagan fast enough.

The Iranian hostage crisis was an embasssing affair for the US, and it was given icing on the cake by the handcuffed rescue attempt. It was this one incident that gave many in the Arab world the idea they could yank on Uncle Sam's chain when they felt like it, and President Clinton reinforced this mentality with his pullout after the Blackhawk Down incident and his non reaction to much of what Al Quaida did in the 90's with incidents like the USS Cole and the embassy bombings.

IT all started with a bunch of students taking the US embassy, and basically being made national heroes for it......

Now I know for you Eki, you thought nothing wrong with this, but for most rational people who see history and how events lead from one to another, the idea of striking the US on 9/11 in a sense was born in this incident....

31st May 2009, 15:20
Just because something technically happened on Carter's watch, doesn't mean he had much to do with it. As Mark said, the Iranians were looking at Regan comming down the road and didn't really want to mess with him. That and the fact that VP-elect Bush pulled a whole bunch of strings (at the very least), are good indications that Christopher didn't really do too much to free the hostages.

Maybe understanding history is more important than reading "facts" and placing them on a timeline.

Actually the Iranians weren't thinking that far ahead or deeply.

Neither were the Iranians operating as a single organised bloc at the time the hostages were taken or released.

The Iranians were confused post-revolution by the US response to the overthrow of the Shah, presuming that Washington would sympathise with the plight of the Iranian people and would want to resume contact with whatever government followed.

Some, especially the left wing/Communists wanted to talk to the US and keep Iran out of the clutches of the Soviet Union (sounds counter-intuitive but Iran had previously been occupied by the USSR during WW2 and didn't want a repeat) whilst the Islamists were less keen. It is in this context that the US embassy was taken, as a blow to the left wingers in Iran. The young students did it as part of a plan to hurt the Iranian left wing which was liquidated during the whole affair by forcing a severance in relations with the US. The American diplomats were released once the left wing had ceased to exist and the Islamists were firmly in power, their mission accomplished.

The intention was not to hurt or humiliate the US although that was clearly the result. Some of the hostages have described afterwards how bizarre it all was, with the young hostage takers chanting 'Death to America' while asking whether what they'd done would hurt their chances of getting a scholarship to a US university.

I think the fact that the US embassy hostage situation wasn't frontpage news in Finland is more indicative of the parochial nature of that country rather than the importance of the incident itself.