View Full Version : Stupid Irish priest on Britain's Got Talent

19th May 2009, 00:35

Complete and utter spanner

19th May 2009, 00:46
I thought you put that nut-case in an asylum! :confused:

19th May 2009, 00:46
I suppose he's better indoors than running the wrong way up the Hanger Straight during a Grand Prix, at least...

Dave B
19th May 2009, 08:26
I read this yesterday. There are no depths to which that show won't sink for publicity. They claimed that they didn't know who he was, but it was recorded well in advance of transmission leaving plenty of time to edit him out when the truth became apparent.

He should be in a bloody asylum, although I guess meeting Piers Morgan is punishment enough. SyCo and ITV should be thorouughly ashamed, but somehow I doubt it.

19th May 2009, 12:07
Flamin' eejit.

Garry Walker
20th May 2009, 15:07
Stupid show, with stupid people watching it.

20th May 2009, 20:58
I remember that British race very vividly. I have hurt myself badly and was watching it with my big bro. He told me, "something's crazy gonna happen" and several laps later this guy appeared :)