View Full Version : Jackie Stewart

14th May 2009, 23:01
Just read that Jackie Stewart will not be going to the Monaco GP this year as his sponser (RBS) are not prepared to pay for his accomadation in a suite at his normal hotel.The cost of his stay was something like £46000,
Not dipping his hand in his own pocket ,then?

15th May 2009, 08:37
Well it's crazy for anyone to pay £46,000 for a hotel room! Anywhere!

Now we know what RBS had been doing with our money all these years.

15th May 2009, 08:39
If Stewart was an American Congressman he'll have noooo problem....

15th May 2009, 09:01
If Stewart was an American Congressman he'll have noooo problem....

Given the current climate in the UK regarding expense claims then a government owned bank spending £46,000 on a hotel room would have gone down like a ton of bricks!

Hazell B
16th May 2009, 18:23
To say I'm deeply cynical about it being 46k would be falling short.
It's probably one less nought ;)

16th May 2009, 20:36
Another example of someone getting used to a certain kind of lifestyle and not accepting anything else, maybe?

16th May 2009, 21:11
am sick of all these people who HAVE money going through life freeloading at every opportunity. everything seems to be free for them!!

its not just their fault i guess if people are willing to shower them with gifts then alot of people will take it but it does bug me when most of us have to work and save for years and yet some people get stuff handed on a plate!

16th May 2009, 21:35
Its things like this in F1 that really baffle me!
I'm trying to think of a suitable comparison in another sport.
Granted Monaco is an event with a duration of several days,
and JYS has issues with the ruling elite in F1. To me he is
(arguably) the greatest living F1 champion. I was in awe of him when he drove,
and I only had a passing interest in auto racing until very recently.
The fact That F1 doesn't at least make arrangements to trot the likes of him
and other past greats out and honor them at their marquee event is disheartening to me!

17th May 2009, 04:39
Only a few hours work for him, if that...

17th May 2009, 07:47
work? oh yeah, work! try hangin sheetrock, picking up garbage for work...............

there are many who would pay much to get to do that gig for jks, even staying at the monaco hotel 6........

17th May 2009, 08:35
Jackie is already doing work for them no-fee this year anyway, to help them out-and so I think hes entitled not to dip into his own pocket for a hotel suite-besides, im sure hes got a big enough tv at his home!

Mark in Oshawa
17th May 2009, 14:05
I think it boils down to this: Jackie shows up and he is roped into doing all sorts of TV and promotional stuff for the GP, the FIA and so on. If he is going to be there doing anything but spectating and being left alone, then someone else should pick up the tab. The fact RBS was doing it before and giving him the Rolls Royce treatment is probably a factor, but it think it shows Monaco is a very expensive place, and as much as Jackie likes being at the track, he doesn't want to pay Monaco prices out of his own pocket when he will be bothered and interviewed and roped into being a dancing bear and paying for the privledge.

17th May 2009, 14:33
I'd love to know how many extras you get for £46,000

Mark in Oshawa
17th May 2009, 15:19
Emporer...I was thinking that myself. It must be one hell of a holiday in Monte Carlo when someone drops the equivalent of a good downpayment on a house for your 4 day trip there....

17th May 2009, 17:02
Emporer...I was thinking that myself. It must be one hell of a holiday in Monte Carlo when someone drops the equivalent of a good downpayment on a house for your 4 day trip there....
only a downpayment!!
you folks live in some high priced shacks

with 70k in us dollars, Easy D could buy 5 mobile homes, which would be great, so Easy would have somewhere for his dogs to stay, other under the house.........

17th May 2009, 21:23
I've just completed week one of a three week away job in Grantham. I have 8 more nights at the local Premier Inn complete with attached Brewers Fayre pub to look forward to. I seriously need a new job seeing as I'm not getting a £46k hotel suite. It's just not fair especially when the company I work for is solvent. :p

18th May 2009, 12:07
I've just completed week one of a three week away job in Grantham. I have 8 more nights at the local Premier Inn complete with attached Brewers Fayre pub to look forward to. I seriously need a new job seeing as I'm not getting a £46k hotel suite. It's just not fair especially when the company I work for is solvent. :p

Premier Inn, you don't know you're born! Travelodge me :p

And for £46,000 would certainly pay off over half of my mortgage!

18th May 2009, 12:19
I think it boils down to this: Jackie shows up and he is roped into doing all sorts of TV and promotional stuff for the GP, the FIA and so on. If he is going to be there doing anything but spectating and being left alone, then someone else should pick up the tab. The fact RBS was doing it before and giving him the Rolls Royce treatment is probably a factor, but it think it shows Monaco is a very expensive place, and as much as Jackie likes being at the track, he doesn't want to pay Monaco prices out of his own pocket when he will be bothered and interviewed and roped into being a dancing bear and paying for the privledge.

Yep. I see nothing wrong with what he's doing at all.

Garry Walker
18th May 2009, 12:54
am sick of all these people who HAVE money going through life freeloading at every opportunity. everything seems to be free for them!!

its not just their fault i guess if people are willing to shower them with gifts then alot of people will take it but it does bug me when most of us have to work and save for years and yet some people get stuff handed on a plate!

My heart cries out for you.

18th May 2009, 17:59
just think if all the customers took their money out of the bank, which is the only viable protest. But if the customers like it then I guess we just move on. Although I will miss Jackie being there as perhaps we could have had a run in with MOsley

18th May 2009, 18:13
Could I suggest to Jackie Stewart a nice little hostel I stayed in in Nice for about €13 per person, then he could get the train from there to Monaco. No? Oh well.

Dave B
18th May 2009, 18:38
Have we had a souce for this claim yet? Just asking, like...

18th May 2009, 18:51
Have we had a souce for this claim yet? Just asking, like...

I've not seen one, hence my lack of venom.

18th May 2009, 19:12
My heart cries out for you. :laugh:

and yet some people get stuff handed on a plate!Yea, sort of like his win at the Nordschleife in the 1968 German GP ;)

18th May 2009, 19:41
I don't know... If I can't get someone to pay my accomodation and ticket I won't be going to the Monaco GP either so there!

Hazell B
19th May 2009, 19:29
Have we had a souce for this claim yet? Just asking, like...

As I said, I'm cynical to say the least.
Driveace isn't exactly known for getting things right here, is he? ;)

19th May 2009, 20:14
I have not read anything specifically about the cost of JYS's arrangement with RBS for accommodations other than they pay for everything including Helicopter and limo service, which may get a little pricey! (I’ve only searched 30,000 plus news sources) JYS has a very lucrative contract with RBS and has decided to forfeit a part of it. I believe the 4 million includes his Monaco trip!

Sir Jackie Stewart has agreed to go unpaid in his sporting ambassadorial role for the Royal Bank of Scotland this year after the bank posted the most significant corporate loss in British history.

Stewart has a reputed £4 million contract with RBS until 2011, and in his role represents the bank at corporate and sporting functions and entertains its VIP guests at grands prix around the globe.

and then there is this:

Sir Jackie Stewart has strenuously denied rumours that Sir Fred Goodwin, the former chief executive of the Royal Bank of Scotland, is hiding at his Swiss home.

I must say the UK really knows how to make news fun :)

19th May 2009, 22:05
This was from the Yorkshire Post of last week Hazel ,a paper you should be reading.It said that Jackie Stewart would not be going to the Monaco GP as his sponser the Royal Bank of Scotland would not be paying for his hotel suite in Monaco this year.
SO if you can get a hotel suite for the Monaco GP for £4k as you said in an earlier post,then please tell us where it is.The £46k probably also covered his travel costs too.

Hazell B
20th May 2009, 17:41
....Hazel .....

As I said, driveace isn't so good at getting things right. He spelled my name wrong :laugh:

The Yorkshire Post doesn't tend to make it's own world news, instead using PA Listings (based in Howden, East Yorks) and other agencies. Local news is all done by the paper, and very well too. The national and international is often flawed. Figures, as we all know, are half guess half invention, so again the 46k is almost certainly wrong. RBS on a publicity drive, perhaps?

28th May 2009, 09:38
WELL on the plane back from Sardinia last night ,their in flight magazine Quoted 9500 euro,s for a Suite for ONE night at one of the top hotels in Monaco,AND that was not for the GP week either