View Full Version : Renault to quit

13th May 2009, 14:41

13th May 2009, 14:45
they should be kicked out for there shocking livery!
it sickens me...

13th May 2009, 14:52
The French carmaker adds that F1’s rules should be devised with input from all parties and that it is completely unwilling to accept a two-tier system on the basis on which to compete.

“There is frustration that FOTA's constructive proposals, including major cost saving measures to be adopted progressively between 2009 and 2012, which were carefully constructed by FOTA members, have been completely ignored without any form of consultation by the FIA with the teams,” the statement read

Great to see FOTA solidarity. :up:

Dave B
13th May 2009, 14:53
They were anyway, I reckon. Along with Toyota, this just gives them the perfect excuse to bow out without embarrassment. :s

13th May 2009, 15:05
They were anyway, I reckon. Along with Toyota, this just gives them the perfect excuse to bow out without embarrassment. :s

Did you actually read the article?

N. Jones
13th May 2009, 15:06
Let's hope all of this posturing keeps F1 intact...

Dave B
13th May 2009, 15:16
Did you actually read the article?
Yes, what's your point?

Dr. Krogshöj
13th May 2009, 15:48
Toyota, Red Bull, Toro Rosso, Ferrari and Renault down, BMW still to go. I don't expect McLaren to threaten to leave because it may be considered to be a breach of 151c.

All set for the Luca/Max negotiations. I think another wise tool for the teams would be to register a trademark like "Formula Grand Prix" or something.

13th May 2009, 16:19
McLaren no, but Mercedes-Benz...

14th May 2009, 06:49
McLaren no, but Mercedes-Benz...

And with Mercedes, Renault,Ferrari, and Toyota gone, only Cosworth will be left to supply engines for Brawn, Force India, Williams, and McLaren...back to the early eighties!

14th May 2009, 13:37
the funniest thing about this is... Renault was poised to quit anyway, this present incident just comes as an easier excuse for them to either do so or back out gracefully without having to face questions about their financial situation.
Remember, ING is pulling out, and them being Renault's main sponsor for the last few years puts them in a hard-pressed way of finding a new one, especially with the present economic conditions.

Leaving may be a last resort, but unless they make some real reductions, meaning staff layoffs and spending cuts, it may be the only one.

15th May 2009, 03:31
Alonso still has enough appraisal value to enhance sponsorship desirability such as Santander or may not rule out possibility of Telefonica being back to support the race.

Renault is likely to retain this year's drivers formation unless different drivers offer better financial back up to be in place of Nelshino which this crisis to cope with.

Unless drivers reshuffle is taken in effect at Ferrari, currently it doesn't look better seat is available empty for Alonso other than Renault. The most possible scenario Renault is to negotiate more deals with companies by virtue of nationality of Alonso and Nelshino or whoever their government can send forth money to the team or those being interested in them. Just my rough opinion.