View Full Version : Your finest hour

13th May 2009, 08:25
What do you regard as your best accomplishment? I am aware of that this question is wide open for answers on the more comical side aswell, but they are also welcome ;)
For myself I´d say the fact that I managed to save my home and business after some turbulent years, I could also mention my topresult on the Swedish SAT, and the fact that I have managed to get some articles published.
So: no over to you: when did your star shine the brightest?

13th May 2009, 17:07
OK, guess I´ll renamne this thread My Finest Hour :D

13th May 2009, 17:26
OK, guess I´ll renamne this thread My Finest Hour

OK, I'll get the ball rolling for you. ;) I was very successful until the end of high-school. Finished with excellent results in one of the best and toughest high-schools in Estonia. And got 1390 in American SAT1 while in the 11th grade (one year before the end of Estonian high-school), taking the test after a sleepless night. :) After high-school, though, not many successes. :s Yes, I finished university and work now, but nothing special.

But! Soon, very soon now, I will win the Nobel prize in Economics! ;) As soon as I quit the forum and get some writing done! :D

13th May 2009, 17:49
At my age that would be anytime it stays up for and hour ! :laugh: :laugh:

13th May 2009, 17:51
I don't know I feel proud of my Grade A in the ever prestigious Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English.

13th May 2009, 17:53
Publishing my own fantasy novel - I guess this is the best moment for me.

Easy Drifter
14th May 2009, 02:51
Qualifying 3rd at Mosport behind John Cordts and Ludwig Hiemrath in Mclarens with my 1100cc Elva. In front of George Eaton (Mclaren) and Eppies Wietzes (Ford GT40) among others and 8 seconds faster than next under 2 litre car. It was pouring.
Timed my run right (Driest the track got) skinny tires, no power and no brains.
Succesful writer on tropical fish keeping with author's awards. Every article I wrote was published over a 5 year span in Cdn. and US publications.
President of the Fedration of American Aquarium Societies. (97 Clubs)

14th May 2009, 07:19
Qualifying 3rd at Mosport behind John Cordts and Ludwig Hiemrath in Mclarens with my 1100cc Elva. In front of George Eaton (Mclaren) and Eppies Wietzes (Ford GT40) among others and 8 seconds faster than next under 2 litre car. It was pouring.
Timed my run right (Driest the track got) skinny tires, no power and no brains.
Succesful writer on tropical fish keeping with author's awards. Every article I wrote was published over a 5 year span in Cdn. and US publications.
President of the Fedration of American Aquarium Societies. (97 Clubs)

Impressive Easy drifter!
BTW, I forgot one of my peaks: when I won my first Best Signature Championship trophy back in january 2008. Some ignorant people out there refer to this as the BS Championship, which i find deeply offending considering the huge amount of talent and hard work i takes to win a battle like this these days.

14th May 2009, 07:32
Besides being very successful in business, I would say being a great father to my son. His birth gave me far more satisfation than becoming a millionare.

14th May 2009, 08:09
Despite improper moment, pressure or behavior sometimes comes to my life, I feel every second of my life is exciting. Anything happens initiating something we dislike is actually only to teach us about something we like, bitterness teach us about sweetness, etc. We only need to look far back in order to look forward to know the real what is happening until we found that this life is basically wonderful journey.

We only live once, it left us no better option than enjoying this life and use it usefully. The sweetest moment is of course something to be in place or state of mind we can get everything we want, the essence of freedom is when we have to buy, to talk or anything is less or unhampered. Although this is something relative quality wise, the simple thing of finest hour would be the time we are capable of switching our car with the one we have been dreaming about.

15th May 2009, 22:15
Saying no to the wife

15th May 2009, 22:45
You plan your life and the journey through it.And things work out for you.Onlookers say OH he,s lucky when they see your success.Its not luck ,its your plan working !

The instant classic
16th May 2009, 04:53
3 words " my first time" nuff said

16th May 2009, 18:13
As to motorcycle racing, there was the times that I out ran Nicky Hayden and Colin Edwards, and later stayed up (as in racing, not drinking) with some yahoo named Ben Spies (but only cause Mr. Ben was not trying too hard)...........

But to be honest, they were all snot nosed kids who at the time, had yet to really develope their talents....and I really do not remember them per se, except for Colin, because of the three, as a kid, he was a real rocket.

then when I was much younger, there was Kevin Schwantz (who after he became well known, I figured out that we had been sharing same track space-whether in front or back-I do not remember)

So basically when it came to bikes, I had my finest hour(s) and at the times, did not know it until a few years later...
It was all at a place called Oak Hill, where a number of world champions and national champions learned to seriously road race their bikes

16th May 2009, 19:25
I would have to say the home run I hit for the game winning rbi in the San Diego Section CIF High School Championship game at Smith Field (now Tony Gwynn Stadium) in 1972 narrowly exceeds my accomplishment of San Diego table tennis city champion for ages 11-14!
Of course both of these pale in comparison of witnessing the natural childbirth of my daughter, which was simultaneously the most wonderful, and horrifying experience of my life!
And I've been through some SH!T :uhoh:

Mark in Oshawa
17th May 2009, 15:16
Running and co-ordinating for 5 straight years my timing and scoring volunteers at the Molson Indy race in Toronto, and getting compliments from the full time staff of CART for the professional manner we operated and were able to supplement what they needed and run our own support events.

It seems not all volunteers are at the same level, but I will say I had good people and our group from Mosport were always given good guidance and support from any of the professional groups we liased with over the years. I just happened to be the dumb guy who got volunteered to be in charge for 5 straight years.