View Full Version : Brawn GP sponsorship

12th May 2009, 02:43
So what's the status of Brawn GP's sponsorships?

Talk of Virgin being a full sponsor seems to have died down (still called Brawn GP and not Virgin BGP, and the logos on the car aren't all that big.

What money is Brawn GP running on? And with their performance why hasn't a big sponsorship deal been announced?

12th May 2009, 06:36
This year may be tight for sponsorship, but with the way Rubens and Jenson are picking up points which = prize money from Bernie, they will have big time money next season.

12th May 2009, 07:16
Taking a 100% buy-out of Honda and entering 2009 season might exceed people expectation for a former technical director. Capability of building competitive car wouldn't be a big problem, but when it runs solely rely on own power without sufficient resource from reliable partners I think achievement exemplary excellent.

Being an average sponsor, Virgin might not want to spend more money on their F1 project than currently they do, Brawn GP should be in proposition their PR to immensely look for bigger partner who can send forth bigger cash to them to keep up continuing their involvement which is already well initiated.

On the other hand, we might notice performance of Ferrari has been fading away since Brawn leave. Despite the fact that Renault twice snatched the titles away from them, Ferrari was quite strong with him there.

12th May 2009, 08:35
I saw a Duracell logo on Barrichello's cap at the weekend. Are they a new sponsor then?

12th May 2009, 08:43

Brawn GP's list of commercial partners continues to grow with confirmation that the team has agreed a contract with Willians.
The company is the world's leading brand for racing harnesses and has become an official team supplier.


12th May 2009, 10:08
Honda are still obliged for a lot of liability this year so they don't need too much sponsorship.

Virgin are onboard, as are Duracell and some media sponsorship for the Terminator film.

Now is the time to get everything in place for next year and sign up some of that billboard.

13th May 2009, 09:45
Yeah, as Honda is paying most of this year, I suppose they are trying to secure more long term sponsorship deals than for this season only. And with all the turmoil in the economy and the F1 championship over next season it is not something that would happen overnight

15th May 2009, 08:00

Brawn GP may soon sport a Mercedes-Benz three-pointed star after the German automaker commenced discussions to increase its involvement with the championship frontrunners.
Mercedes’ motorsport division handed Brawn a lifeline before the start of the current Formula One campaign, reaching an agreement to supply engines after Honda withdrew from the sport, leaving the outfit without a power plant.
The deal was initially signed on a customer basis, with Mercedes having no visible presence on the British-built Brawn machines.
But the team’s barnstorming success, having won four of the five Grands Prix this year, combined with McLaren’s rapidly falling fortunes, has prompted Mercedes to investigate the possibility of boosting its partnership with Brawn.

16th May 2009, 14:14
Yeah, as Honda is paying most of this year, I suppose they are trying to secure more long term sponsorship deals than for this season only. And with all the turmoil in the economy and the F1 championship over next season it is not something that would happen overnight

So Honda is paying for "most" of a car that was a dog las year when called a Honda and is brilliant this year after a full "brawny redesign" and a mercedes engine.... :eek: That's gotta hurt

18th May 2009, 07:05
So Honda is paying for "most" of a car that was a dog las year when called a Honda and is brilliant this year after a full "brawny redesign" and a mercedes engine.... :eek: That's gotta hurt

and that's why all this talk about Brawn GP being an independent team/miracle workers is just nonsense.The guy got the team for pennies on the dollar, has Honda on the hook for most of the costs ( probably including drivers salaries) and can focus all his attention and money on further improving the car.

The team doesn't even need sponsorship for crying out loud.

18th May 2009, 07:39
( probably including drivers salaries)


Brawn's new team has also received the cash Honda Motor Co. Ltd would have had to pay both him and driver Jenson Button to cancel their contracts, which were held directly with the car maker in Japan rather than with the British-based racing team.

Honda has done the deal as an alternative to putting the team into liquidation - it could have walked away with only US$100 million of losses. An insider said: "Effectively Honda has handed Ross a US$100 million cash dowry plus the same again in physical assets." It is believed that Brawn handed a symbolic dollar to buy the team and Honda deposited the US$100 million cash in the team's bank account. But it is far from a free ride for Brawn, who will now have to negotiate with the team's 700 employees and Button over their contracts. Brawn is believed to have made personal guarantees to keep the team running as a going concern for at least 12 months - important to Honda as it needs 12 months to legally absolve its liabilities to the team's staff, who are paid an average of US$75,260 per year.

Brawn is thought to be planning to ask all 700 employees to take a universal pay cut of between 30 and 40 per cent. If not, insiders say he will offer them statutory redundancy at a fraction of the sum Honda would have had to pay out. Most will likely take the pay cut. It is thought former Honda Racing chief executive Nick Fry was offered the chance to participate but declined to give the substantial personal guarantees to Honda that were required. Fry's future is now unclear.