View Full Version : The Fight for the final 11

11th May 2009, 16:46
There are a number of people like Doornbos is a lock, he'll probably go out early, run a 223 and work on race setups the rest of the session. Viso, Phillipe, Bell,Tagliani, all guys I expect to be solidly in the field. After that it gets a little dicey depending on who does what and if any of the T-cars get released, but honestly, I don't really see any of the stronger teams doing that.

I think we'll see some drama, but probably only one or two cars bumped from the field.

And the contenders are:

1. Robert Doornbos
2. E.J. Viso
3. Nelson Phillipe
4. Townsend Bell
5. John Andretti
6. Ryan Hunter-Reay
7. Stanton Barrett
8. Milka Duno
9. Mike Conway
10. Alex Tagliani
11 Buddy Lazer

Speculated entries
17 RLR Oriol Servia
19 DCR Bruno Junqiera
48 Foyt Manning?

Free agents hanging around the speedway
Tomas Sheckter
Jaquecs Lazier

Dr. Krogshöj
11th May 2009, 17:27
Robin Miller has it, Manning will take over the 24 from Conway. Scheckter was seen hanging around at Foyt Racing and Bruno at DCR. Buddy Rice sitting at home in Phoenix. As much as I'd like to see an American Indy 500 champion in the field, it won't happen with that attitude.

11th May 2009, 18:03
Dont forget Roth's cars as well as Fisher's second car

11th May 2009, 19:44
Sarah doesn't have enough crew to run two cars effectively. They're still pretty shoe string over there. She could pull out another car, but I doubt that will happen.

I heard from one of my counsins at the speedway that Roth doesn't seem to have any wrench turners in his paddock, much less any drivers milling about. The thought is if it looks like it might be easy to bump his way into a field he'd put together something for a driver with money, but otherwise he's there with a couple of dallaras, one of which is supposedly fairly quick, incase a team gets in trouble (Like D&RR) and needs a replacement car and does't have one in hand. There is also a rumor he's covering costs by selling off pit passes or potentally wooing sponsors for 2010. I think he's there to get rid of his equipment.

12th May 2009, 14:37
Sarah doesn't have enough crew to run two cars effectively. They're still pretty shoe string over there. She could pull out another car, but I doubt that will happen.

Well, if they did expand (which she said they wouldn't) she would most likely hire other crew members for the second car with the sponsorship money. They wouldn't try to stretch the crew members for 2 cars. It would hurt Sarah's chances too much to do so.

12th May 2009, 14:39
There will be some bumping it seems which is good news for Sunday, otherwise Versus would be in trouble. I remember one year where they struggled to get to 33 and the bump day was pretty empty of cars.

PA Rick
12th May 2009, 16:12
There are a number of people like Doornbos is a lock, he'll probably go out early, run a 223 and work on race setups the rest of the session. Viso, Phillipe, Bell,Tagliani, all guys I expect to be solidly in the field. After that it gets a little dicey depending on who does what and if any of the T-cars get released, but honestly, I don't really see any of the stronger teams doing that.

I think we'll see some drama, but probably only one or two cars bumped from the field.

And the contenders are:

1. Robert Doornbos
2. E.J. Viso
3. Nelson Phillipe
4. Townsend Bell
5. John Andretti
6. Ryan Hunter-Reay
7. Stanton Barrett
8. Milka Duno
9. Mike Conway
10. Alex Tagliani
11 Buddy Lazer

Speculated entries
17 RLR Oriol Servia
19 DCR Bruno Junqiera
48 Foyt Manning?

Free agents hanging around the speedway
Tomas Sheckter
Jaquecs Lazier

RMA Jim Hurtubise and his King Offy Roadster.
It seems it wasn't a bump day without Herk trying to get up to speed.

12th May 2009, 22:16
Sarah doesn't have enough crew to run two cars effectively. They're still pretty shoe string over there. She could pull out another car, but I doubt that will happen.

But if she could, she'd win first AND second. She could drive her second car with some kind of a remote control, use the same pit crew, block for herself, and run away with the race. She is super and could pull it off, I know she could do it! She's great! She smiled at me once...oh my!


13th May 2009, 01:54
RMA Jim Hurtubise and his King Offy Roadster.
It seems it wasn't a bump day without Herk trying to get up to speed.

I'm too young to remember 'ole Herk. But I seem to remember Gordon Johncock and Tom Sneva putting together some interesting cars in the late 80's early 90's. There were a bunch of cars out there that would have made Kannan's look "put togther". My family would always go for bump day, as far back as I can remember. It was great fun. You got to see the "old timers" and the "young punks" all try to cobble something together at the last minute.

The best two years were '94 and '95. In '94 you had Rahal trying to get his Honda up to speed. Then at the last minute he borrowed some old Penske's to try. Then in '95 Bobby returned the favor for the Captain when his stuff was "out to lunch". Now those were the days.

13th May 2009, 17:01
Rahal and Servia have made an official announcement...count them in the hunt for one of the 11.

13th May 2009, 23:48
It's been a pretty quiet week overall...i think we're only gonna have 35 cars entered in for this race, a big upset to how things were looking a few weeks ago.

Two cars bumped - Barrett and Jaques Lazier

14th May 2009, 01:54
It's been a pretty quiet week overall...i think we're only gonna have 35 cars entered in for this race, a big upset to how things were looking a few weeks ago.

Two cars bumped - Barrett and Jaques Lazier

Considering Jacques Lazier isn't confirmed anywhere, I don't know how he'd be bumped.

Tomas Scheckter is rumored to be running the second Conquest machine now.

14th May 2009, 02:49
Scheckter was actually the name i was aiming at, my fault...lol

14th May 2009, 03:45
There's a lot of stories and, "What would you think of..." floating around the ownership pool. Of course a lot of this travels to the ears of the media who report them as rumors so they look like they're in the know. I highly doubt there will be much, if any, bumping.

There won't be a second conquest car unless someone brings a quarter of a million. They weren't planning on running Alex at all this week and have to come up with another $150k or so just to get him in the field, although they did just sign another associate, so maybe they'll make it.

Sheckter doesn't have Rockstar's backing any more so I'd be surprised to see him in a ride. Maybe he'll replace stanton and knock Buddy out of the field, maybe not. Probably some manufactured drama, but nothing serious. But if there is suddenly an unsponsored Conquest car running laps next to an unsponsored DCR car and a unsponsored second Curb car, just know that TG ponied up some tow money.

14th May 2009, 15:08
But if there is suddenly an unsponsored Conquest car running laps next to an unsponsored DCR car and a unsponsored second Curb car, just know that TG ponied up some tow money.

Let's see, I have this chassis sitting here that I've already paid the entry fee for and it is doing nothing. I've already paid $100K to $150K for an engine and I have a proven driver asking me for a ride. What should I do? I know, I'll wait to see if TG puts up some money, more than the two hundred thousand bucks I would get for just starting the race.

14th May 2009, 16:57
Can anyone confirm which cars that are not qualified are actually at the track and have at least been out on track to practise at least once?

IIRC, the following have so far attempted (and failed) to qualify, so should see all of them going for one of those final 11 spots:
13 / Viso
23 / Duno
43 / J Andretti
21 / Hunter-Reay
34 / Tagliani

Plus 00/Philippe and 06/Doornbos practised last weekend but crashed

14th May 2009, 17:42
Barrett went out and practiced....but he needs to pick up the speed a bit to make it into the field...and find sponsorship.

14th May 2009, 18:13
There seems to be 12 cars going for 11 spots plus the last-minute deals. In those, Scheckter seems to be hanging around with Conquest and Junqueira with Coyne. And Rice is rumored to have something going.

14th May 2009, 19:49
Let's see, I have this chassis sitting here that I've already paid the entry fee for and it is doing nothing. I've already paid $100K to $150K for an engine and I have a proven driver asking me for a ride. What should I do? I know, I'll wait to see if TG puts up some money, more than the two hundred thousand bucks I would get for just starting the race.

As of Sunday Coyne didn't have a deal for a second engine lease, neither did Conquest. All they have done is pay the entry fee, which is per car number, not car btw, which gets them some extra paddock space, and isn't that expensive.

I have a cousin who was laid off at the beginng of the year and is still pounding around the garage area trying to get on a second-week crew. I heard from him on Monday and he said RLR, Hemelgarn and the third KVRT team and thats it. The situation could change, but right now it looks like they'll only be 12 cars going for 11 spots, and that's if D&RR gets all the damage repaired in time and there aren't any practice crashes. If Milka, Stanton or some of these other field fillers find the wall he the drama could be "Will we get to 33," rather than who will be left out.

14th May 2009, 20:01
Hey, MDS, we agree to a point.

Roth's car has sat there waiting for a buyer who HAS an engine lease who runs out of race cars and Roth can sell 'em the car...hopefuklly, Marty would think, as a premium.

RLR has three cars but is running one.

Foyt has a third car that would need some work before it got rolled out there.

Hemelgarn is pretty well set on crew with guys who have worked for 'em before -- Ronnie Dawes, Jason Beck, Dennis Lacava, etc.

But if Milka or Barrett or someone has an accident problem, there's still an engine lease in place for a spare car. And Conway doesn't get cleared to drive medically until Friday morning.

Looking at the live timing and scoring on the Speedway's website, Townsend Bell is the only non-qualifier to hit 220 but there was a big storm last night that cleaned the whole race track off and damaged some hospitality stuff in the paddock.

14th May 2009, 20:27
Per WISH TV in Indianbapolis:

Scheckter will be in the 2nd Coyne car starting tomorrow...

15th May 2009, 12:04
As the weekend gets closer, it looks like the list of remaining cars is getting clearer. Unless there is some last minute surprise, it looks like 13 cars fighting for 11 spots. The practice speeds may give some indication of potential. (listed in order of Thursday practice speeds)

17 Servia
8 Bell
13 Viso
34 Tagliani
21 RHR
?? Scheckter (based on Wilson's time in the 18T)
43 Andretti
06 Doornbos
98 Barrett
23 Duno
91 Lazier
24 Conway
00 Phillippe

So perhaps the question should be, which 2 won't make it? Phillippe seems completely out to lunch, so unless there is some miracle, they won't get up to speed. Of the rest, it may come down to who can't stay out of the wall.

Since Conway hasn't shown any consistency, he looks in danger of trying to knock the wall down again. While he may find speed, it is more likely Duno will be faster since she should have the same setups and has shown a bit of speed at times (over 220), and is more experienced. D&R has one car in the field with Hamilton, and Andretti was decent before the crash (over 222), so the team should have a setup that is quick enough. Of the rest, I think it is a tossup between Barrett and Lazier, and perhaps RHR, although I would expect Vision to get the problems worked out.

Of course, someone may drag out a car Saturday morning with AN Other as the driver, so who knows.

15th May 2009, 14:43
Barrett definitely is not going to be quick enough.

15th May 2009, 17:17
Barrett definitely is not going to be quick enough.

Barrett might not be, but they might throw someone else in the car mid-day to make a precautionary run.

Then theres the chance that AJ throws out his third entry to bump Barrett or Milka.

15th May 2009, 18:18
Sheckter is turning laps in Coyne's 19. Too bad for Bruno

15th May 2009, 19:28
Barrett definitely is not going to be quick enough.I am not so sure. He has been over 219 in practice, which is quicker than Conway, Lazier, RHR, Philippe, and Duno. I didn't include Scheckter as the car has be up to about 220 and he went 218 on his second flying lap.

I don't know what the deal is with Milka as she was a lot quicker than today and she hasn't run many laps. Maybe D&R is out of parts or just stretched too thin. J Andretti hasn't run much either, but I think they were a one week deal, so they may be out of miles and tires and are saving just enough to qualify.

Philippe still seems the one most in danger as he can't seem to get above 216-217.

15th May 2009, 19:41
It's definitely going to be interesting for 30-33, and those bumping.

15th May 2009, 23:36
I will tell you thought it REALLY is a shame seeing, what seems to be, not one person sitting in the stands on Thursday at all. It really doesnt look good for the series at all.

16th May 2009, 00:39
I will tell you thought it REALLY is a shame seeing, what seems to be, not one person sitting in the stands on Thursday at all. It really doesnt look good for the series at all.

I think they ought to fold up the tents and go home. NOT A SINGLE PERSON in the grandstands, and for a feature event like practice. The TV rating have got to by abysmal. I don't understand why Tony George keeps putting us through this misery.

16th May 2009, 18:44
With Junqueira now at Conquest, that makes 14 for 11 spots. And Buddy Rice, Roger Yasukawa, Jaques Lazier and Mario Dominguez are among those around if it gets time to pee on the fire and call in the sogs.