View Full Version : What is Webber's future post 2009?

10th May 2009, 12:04
Both contractually and in real terms?

As an Australian I'm used to sticking up for him to the doubters but I see he looks to have been out qualified again by Sebastian Vettel - who is obviously a fantastic talent.

10th May 2009, 12:12
After Vettel (who I think is the best thing since Schumi and already is one of the top three or four drivers in F1) smashes him I would say the best Webber will manage will be a drive with Force India or one of the new teams.

10th May 2009, 12:25
We'll wait until 2009 actually happens. He'll still be with Red Bull.

10th May 2009, 12:37
The fact that Vettel seems to defeat him him does not mean that Red Bull will find someone better. He is still a good enough and experienced second driver.

10th May 2009, 12:44
The fact that Vettel seems to defeat him him does not mean that Red Bull will find someone better. He is still a good enough and experienced second driver.


10th May 2009, 12:47
i'm not sure that Vettel has been "smashing" webber, he has had a better run so far this season for sure, but the season is also still very young.

Mark was taken out of the first race, was taken out of qualifying in the last race, other then that there hasn't been a lot between them, Vettel had a win, but Webber was right behind in second, not as if he was languishing while Vettel was winning.

Also worth pointing out that Red Bull have a fravoured strategy rotation policy which basically means one driver is favoured over the other in qualifying and race strategy on a race by race rotation. This is Vettel's race, last race was meant to be Webber's but he got stuffed in Q1, race before was Vettel's. Worth pointing out that on every ocassion Vettel has out qualified Webber it was on a Vettel weekend and in Q2 Webber was quicker but Vettel got up due to the better strategy including this weekend.

I know it sounds like i'm making excuses for him, but these are relevant facts worth pointing out... make what you like with them

10th May 2009, 12:48
Interesting...does anyone know where he stands contract wise?

I hope he's with Red Bull for sometime yet but I'd hate to see him relegated to a '2nd' driver in any team. Least Red Bull seems to be giving both drivers equal opportunity. Hopefully tonight and Monaco will prove great races for him.

10th May 2009, 12:53
Monaco will be a "webber weekend" as far as RBR strategy goes, considering that Mark has always gone very well there it could be a promising weekend for him.

Mark is technically out of contract at the end of the season, however I think there are certain options and so forth for next year in place.

Flav is his manager and wants him at Renault next season apparently, but that kind of talk has been happening for years and its never happened so who knows

Dave B
10th May 2009, 13:19
Mark seems more "on it" this year; maybe that's down to his determination to prove people wrong who thought his injuries would hold him back, or maybe it's the result of a stronger team mate (no offence to DC) pushing him on.

With Vettel being as strong as he is, Red Bull don't exactly need to be searching for another young hotshot just yet, so Webber's experience should see him retained for at least another season.

10th May 2009, 15:48
At least another year at Red Bull.

Even if he gets beaten on points by Vettel, he is still a damn good driver.

Which is why teams still hire him and Heidfeld despite their lack of race wins.

Today was the case in point.

10th May 2009, 15:52
Webber is not going anywhere. He can be a loyal #2.

10th May 2009, 15:59
And he drove fantastic today and finished in front of the "next Schumi".

10th May 2009, 17:11
The season is young. Let's wait and see how it exactly pans out.

But even if he is beaten by Vettel, I think he is safe at RBR if he can keep it close. The team seems to rate him.

I really hope he gets a win this year.

10th May 2009, 17:43
There's not a lot of talent out there for 2nd drivers. McLaren kept Kovi, despite a horrible season. Webber, while slower, is a lot closer to Vettel than Kovi is to Hamilton. Red Bull would to well to keep a solid driver like Webber to back up Vettel, I think. There are enough uneven teams out there already.

10th May 2009, 18:13
I continually rate Webber quite highly, he is a really fast driver. Red Bull has no reason to replace him, I'm confident he'll continue at RBR for at least one more year.

10th May 2009, 19:25
Flav is his manager and wants him at Renault next season apparently, but that kind of talk has been happening for years and its never happened so who knows

To replace Alonso who's off to Ferrari? Or is it too early in the year for all this? :p

11th May 2009, 01:53
There's not a lot of talent out there for 2nd drivers. McLaren kept Kovi, despite a horrible season. Webber, while slower, is a lot closer to Vettel than Kovi is to Hamilton. Red Bull would to well to keep a solid driver like Webber to back up Vettel, I think. There are enough uneven teams out there already.

Add up the lap times. Webber is only slower by maybe a tenth to Vettel... if that. A long season still ahead. Theirs is easily the closest team mate rivalry at present. After killing most of his team mates Webber sure has a battle on his hands here.

11th May 2009, 02:47
i seen this before when lewis was going on about staying put.

24th January 2009
Webber keen to commit

Australian wants to see out F1 career with RBR

Mark Webber has said he is keen to extend his stay at Red Bull Racing, the Australian stating his belief that the team will show significant improvement this season.

11th May 2009, 08:58
I think a lot of people forget too that the guy is still far from 100% from a fitness point of view, he puts on a brave front but by all reports his leg is still fairly rooted

11th May 2009, 09:53
Although I support Jenson and Brawn this year, I'd love to see Mark winning a race. He is such a good driver, consistent and never ever whined, at least I don't remember him to whine.

11th May 2009, 12:14
Well, to be honest, this is the first year that Mark has had a car quick enough to win the world championship in my opinion, and his consistent performances have proved how well he has done. If he gives Vettel a run for his money (and possibly even beat him this season, although 0-5 in qualifying doesnt look too good at the mo) then he will probably stay at Red Bull for at least another year.

Lets not forget it wouldnt exactly be a disaster if Vettel finished ahead of him. Mark rightly wants to set himself as first driver in the team, but i have a lot more confidence in Vettel winning the WDC in the near future than Mark.

12th May 2009, 04:13
To be honest, Had the Diffuser deal went the other way, I had expected to see Webber get some wins this season. would have been a tuff year for PSfan, but he woulda lived with it :p :

Under that scenario, I expected Webber to have a DC at McLeran sort of year. but now its hard to predict because I suspect that by the time anyone catches up to Brawn, that there will be other teams ahead of Red Bull. I think a DD will help other teams more then the Newey cars...

But praise should go to Webber for his recent Podium, finally sipping champagne without a team-mate on a higher step...

Now being off contract might actually work for Webber, while I can't see him out performing Vettel often he will have his days. And while I don't see it translating into offers from championship winning teams (besides red bull) it will be enough to get interest from the new teams, and if the FIA and FOTA continue their little war, then the new teams might be the only guarantee of racing next year (though it will probably not come to that...)