View Full Version : To smoke or not to smoke (in China)

7th May 2009, 16:42
Anyone else following this :crazy: :

China's health minister urges medical workers to quit smoking (March 3d, 2009)

Hubei provice government officials encouraged to smoke more cigarettes (May 4th, 2009)
http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/China-Orders-Officials-In-Hubei-To-Smoke-45-Million-Cigarettes-A-Year-Or-Face-Fines/Article/200905115274519?lpos=World_News_Carousel_Region_4&lid=ARTICLE_15274519_China_Orders_Officials_In_Hub ei_To_Smoke_4.5_Million_Cigarettes_A_Year_Or_Face_ Fines

Chinese county backs away from the government edict (May 7th, 2009):

7th May 2009, 17:03
What a great idea for increasing tax revenue while reducing the overpopulation problem!

7th May 2009, 17:17
What a great idea for increasing tax revenue while reducing the overpopulation problem!

Indeed! And most people who die of smoking-related illnesses die between the ages of 50 and 60, so you get them to work all their life - smoking away - and then don't have to pay pensions. Brilliant! :up: :erm:

8th May 2009, 01:46
I think its a great idea. Its worked in other places around the world, so why not in China?? It will come to the point that people will stop smoking therefore the governments will have to find something else to tax...

8th May 2009, 04:01
The ban of smoking for medical officials is something very common. It might break doctors or medical ethical code if they stay smoking.

Cigarette is a dilemma for government, on its positive side they are typical of industry contributed to significant tax revenue, besides they are high dense employee industry that absorbs great number of labor.

I think tobacco choice is in our hand. I can quit smoking anytime and take it up again if need be... :)

8th May 2009, 17:21
This reminds me of an episode of yes minister. There are a couple of brilliant Sir Humprey quotes about smokers.

"Yes, but cigarette taxes pay for a third of the cost of the National Health Service. We are saving many more lives than we otherwise could because of those smokers who voluntary lay down their lives for their friends. Smokers are national benefactors."

Mark in Oshawa
9th May 2009, 00:25
All I know is I have been told by anyone who has been to China that they are the most tobacco addicted nation on the planet. The kids come out of the womb with a pack of Marlboro's. If they don't have to live long enough to draw pensions, I guess then being a health nut in China puts you on a subversives list? Boy...that is the opposite of modern day Ontario where we have people trying to ban people from smoking while watching their kids play soccer OUTFREAKINGSIDE!!!!

12th August 2011, 18:28
Smoking is very bad habit in my opinion stop smoking is the best option. Smoking make our body unhealthy and is the main cause of lung cancer. Too much of smoking will make heart health weaker and make breathing poor. Not to smoke is better option.