View Full Version : The Anger Management Thread

6th May 2009, 19:43
I thought I'd start a thread about stuff that makes you angry. I'm currently in an extremely foul mood because I've just shared a carriage on a train with a bunch of youth's who were blantently smoking drugs. Being only a few seats away I could see what they were doing and the smell only confirmed it. I haven't ever done drugs and really couldn't give a damn about what anyone else chooses to do in there own home but to be doing drugs whilst on public transport really got me angry.

The other thing that is really driving me mad right now is my friends on social networking sites such as facebook who constantly view it as an opportunity to advertise. I do not want a 2001 Mini Cooper, nail extentions or to book an Ann Summer's party and I don't require a double pushchair either.

Rant over. Now it's your turn.

6th May 2009, 20:15
Over the years, I've managed to gain a handle on my temper. My username actually came from something an ex-girlfriend observed many years ago: my obsession for the auto marque and my somewhat rabid nature (back then).

I guess the only things that cause me to snap these days is when someone cuts me off or pulls out right in front of me and goes very slow. If someone picks up a prized diecast in my home, without asking, I do (according to "witnesses") take on a sort of Charles Manson demeanor... but I don't actually get mad - just a little demonic. But yeah, traffic incidents. I still haven't gotten a handle on that. Something happens, and then I've turned purple before I can gain control. Really need to work on that, I guess.

P.S. I just love how these Google Ads pick up on keywords in threads. Below is an ad for MasteringAnger.com. For only $99, we can take an online anger class... Low cost, 8/12/24 hours (college credits maybe?!) and a fast certificate. Wow, what a bahgain! Woot! Register now!

6th May 2009, 20:17
People who collect model cars?

6th May 2009, 20:30
And the people who are angered by people who collect model cars.

On the next Oprah...

6th May 2009, 20:40
On the next Oprah...

....People who don't rise to the bait....Spoilsports?

6th May 2009, 20:41
P.S. I just love how these Google Ads pick up on keywords in threads. Below is an ad for MasteringAnger.com. For only $99, we can take an online anger class... Low cost, 8/12/24 hours (college credits maybe?!) and a fast certificate. Wow, what a bahgain! Woot! Register now!

Brilliant....a certificate in Anger Management....because that will really impress a potential employer!

6th May 2009, 20:46
Brilliant....a certificate in Anger Management....because that will really impress a potential employer!

With that and one's ASBO, the job's a certainty.

6th May 2009, 20:47
Might delay divorce proceedings for a while though. ;)

6th May 2009, 20:50
I was once an angry young man, but now I'm pretty zen.

6th May 2009, 20:51

Apparently it's my ability to create anger in others that makes me really special. Damn, I'm good. :s mokin:

Either take that class or get over it on your own, Tamburello.

6th May 2009, 20:54

Apparently it's my ability to create anger in others that makes me really special. Damn, I'm good. :s mokin:

Either take that class or get over it on your own, Tamburello.

People with no sense of humour could be bloody annoying I suppose.

6th May 2009, 20:56
Yes, very much so. ;)

6th May 2009, 20:59
I was once an angry young man, but now I'm pretty zen.

I seem to be going in the other direction and becoming a grumpy old(er) man. Mis-used apostrophes, the recent appalling spelling error in a Nivea advert, the seemingly inexorable rise of David Cameron, the meaningless use of low-grade management-speak, endless PR spin and puffery in announcements from all quarters... I could go on, and probably will at some point.

6th May 2009, 21:49
I watched the film anger management and I was angry I wasted more than 2 hours watching that "comedy"

6th May 2009, 22:53
I watched the film anger management and I was angry I wasted more than 2 hours watching that "comedy"

Yes me too!!!!!

I hate how slow drivers, or really anyone that gets in my road ESPECIALLY when driving to work, why people drive so slow I have no idea :confused: And then you'll sit behind them in the fast lane waiting for them to move so you can actually get home before it is winter again, and they DON't MOVE and seem to have no idea at all that I am there and look horrified when I shake my fist at them five miles down the road :hmph: Of course I hate how they think I am a typical boy racer....

I also hate how people who are totally useless at doing their job :hmph:

Also yes as with above, use of apostrophe's and general crappy speeling, my boss who sits opposite me at work asks me how to spell words quite often, and asks me weekly how to put a header and footer into a word document... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! :angryfire

I hate how my mum's cooking, completely useless doesn't even begin to describe it.

I hate how lack of summer so far.

I hate how tired I am too :(

6th May 2009, 23:08
People who collect model cars?


6th May 2009, 23:25
I seem to be going in the other direction and becoming a grumpy old(er) man. Mis-used apostrophes, the recent appalling spelling error in a Nivea advert, the seemingly inexorable rise of David Cameron, the meaningless use of low-grade management-speak, endless PR spin and puffery in announcements from all quarters... I could go on, and probably will at some point.

I tend to agree. I've noticed your fuse seems shorter these days :p I think I'm getting less angry. Perhaps the influence of Caroline on me? :) I used to fly off the handle at the slightest provocation :p Now it takes a lot more to get me going :D

6th May 2009, 23:33
As a commuter on suburban trains there is something which really puts my hackles, feckles and schmeckles up:

Grubby Head Marks

I understand that in some cases travelling 90 minutes on a cold morning or after a long day would warrant people falling asleep, but why then must people leave their grubby marks from where their heads have been on the windows?
It's bad enough to see someone else's head funk on the window, but when you then try to wipe them away with a tissue, you're left with a streaky mess.

7th May 2009, 00:02
As a commuter on suburban trains there is something which really puts my hackles, feckles and schmeckles up:

Grubby Head Marks

I understand that in some cases travelling 90 minutes on a cold morning or after a long day would warrant people falling asleep, but why then must people leave their grubby marks from where their heads have been on the windows?
It's bad enough to see someone else's head funk on the window, but when you then try to wipe them away with a tissue, you're left with a streaky mess.

Blame the manufacturers of modern-day train seats, who make them so uncomfortable that resting your head on the window is infinitely preferable.

7th May 2009, 01:11
i never get mad, i just open fire

http://www.conservatismtoday.com/.a/6a00e552560c42883400e554f778908834-800wi (http://www.conservatismtoday.com/.a/6a00e552560c42883400e554f778908834-pi)

Easy Drifter
7th May 2009, 02:11
Right now my right knee has gone on the warpath, which it does about once a year. No sleep last night. I didn't have any painkillers. Cortizone shot tomorrow and I am now full of painkillers.
Barely able to walk all day. Getting in car to get painkillers really fun.
I have been afraid to post because I just might really say what I think about a certain Finn!!!!
Any way I have mellowed out a bit and the shot should help.
In the meantime keep the ---- out of my way. I have been sharpening my scalping knife and loading up the old greener with rusty nails.

7th May 2009, 05:03
In the meantime keep the ---- out of my way. I have been sharpening my scalping knife and loading up the old greener with rusty nails.

What for, are you going to go hunting and cut up pigeon ? ... ;)

7th May 2009, 06:21
1. People who cant drive.

2. People who dont know how to push a trolley in a supermarket.

3. Lazy ar$ed traffic cops.

4. Faulty traffic lights that dont get fixed after 24 hours.

5. Pathetic current generation movies that are called "blockbusters".

6. The fact that I cant buy beers on a Sunday.

7. Poor customer service (trying NOT to help you seems to be the standard these days).

8. Doctors that ask me, "so, whats wrong with you?" (what the &^%# does he think I'm there for, to give him my opinion at 500 bucks a consultation?).

9. Poor business class airline service from all major couriers (not what it used to be).

10. The wife hogging the bed.

7th May 2009, 07:40
Airlines in general.

People who take the rest of the world for granted.

Ignorance because it is cool.

Unnecessary rudeness.

7th May 2009, 09:44
People who abuse animals.

7th May 2009, 10:11
I have been afraid to post because I just might really say what I think about a certain Finn!!!!

If you allow him to get under your skin like that then it sounds like you need a lot more medication than pain killers and cortizone.

Have you tried yoga, meditation or listening to cds of rainforest sounds or whale calls?

:) :) :)

7th May 2009, 13:25
Something that I have found to be ultra-annoying of late is the fact that cat's bottoms seem to be newspaper seeking. You can have a copy of the Daily Wotsit open and within ten seconds you're not reading newsprint anymore, but the grey and black squiggles of a domestic moggy.

It's even worse with broadsheet publications like the Townie Morning Blag, because not only does it accomodate two moggies, but if you then try to move the newspaper, half of it rips away in your hands.

Why are cats so interested in the newspaper anyway? It's not like they can read it anyway.

7th May 2009, 13:56
I hate how slow drivers, or really anyone that gets in my road ESPECIALLY when driving to work, why people drive so slow I have no idea :confused: And then you'll sit behind them in the fast lane waiting for them to move so you can actually get home before it is winter again, and they DON't MOVE and seem to have no idea at all that I am there and look horrified when I shake my fist at them five miles down the road :hmph: Of course I hate how they think I am a typical boy racer....

I used to have a similar attitude on the road, but I realised that the problem lay with myself rather than the supposed 'bad drivers' I encountered.

7th May 2009, 14:37
Just about everything because my brain is short coupled to my ass so I can't take much sh!t before I go off. It even gets worse with old age because now one has a time factor in the equation.

Thank god for flyfishing and golf and a few willing women :p

7th May 2009, 15:29
I used to have a similar attitude on the road, but I realised that the problem lay with myself rather than the supposed 'bad drivers' I encountered.

Yep, Every driver driving slower than you is an idiot and every driver driving faster than you is a maniac. :p : :s mokin:

Captain VXR
7th May 2009, 18:56
Hypocrites and snobs really get my goat

7th May 2009, 20:03
I used to have a similar attitude on the road, but I realised that the problem lay with myself rather than the supposed 'bad drivers' I encountered.

You think people doing 40mph in the fast lane and not moving back over for five miles is the way forward......? :confused:

7th May 2009, 20:42
The biggest problem in the UK is that MOST people think the 2nd lane is the FAST lane ,And the LEFT lane the SLOW lane. .This is NOT SO ,the RULE OF THE ROAD IS ...DRIVE ON THE LEFT,so all vehicle should KEEP TO THE LEFT unless they are overtaking !!!
You should only pull out of the left lane to OVERTAKE and immediatly this has been done ,move back over !

7th May 2009, 20:43
I'm generally OK when it comes to driving although I have to say that middle lane hogger's also drive me crazy! There is no need to drive at 70mph in the middle lane when the slow lane is empty and there has been numerous opportnities to pull over.

7th May 2009, 21:50
Quite correct however most motorway in Scotland is only two lanes sadly.

8th May 2009, 03:41
Actually anger is something natural happens to anything live, your cat will get mad at you if their mustache pulled out, driver will tend to drive safe slowly if they don't have enough tension of being motivated emotionally when opponents driving faster.

We might need to know further about desire, it covers at least four components of temper, appetite, motivation to posses anything beautiful, and strength to put others in force to follow our thought. Without them, we will find ourselves and life less motivated and will come to no good.
The main problem is how can we manage our temper productively to produce positive output rather than negative in respond to every pressure. No one can hide and totally avoid problem, we have to face and solve it out.

Mind power is our conscious mind, the way we think. The mind is similar to a constantly flowing spring however a natural spring cannot send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening, nor yield both salt water and fresh. So it is with the mind and its thoughts, it cannot equally think negative and positive thoughts at the same time. One will rule the other.

Ones who think of anything and respond to every pressure positively, they are lucky that they have effective temper management the state which mindset of positive pole is dominant over negative.

8th May 2009, 04:46
Cyclists on the road.

8th May 2009, 07:53
Cyclists on the road.
Especially when there is cycle path.....

8th May 2009, 11:15
Hypocrites and snobs really get my goat
Must be into S and M, because plenty of that around here

8th May 2009, 11:21
Right now my right knee has gone on the warpath, which it does about once a year. No sleep last night. I didn't have any painkillers. Cortizone shot tomorrow and I am now full of painkillers.
Barely able to walk all day. Getting in car to get painkillers really fun.
I have been afraid to post because I just might really say what I think about a certain Finn!!!!
Any way I have mellowed out a bit and the shot should help.
In the meantime keep the ---- out of my way. I have been sharpening my scalping knife and loading up the old greener with rusty nails.

Sarah says, go ahead make my day

http://www.conservatismtoday.com/.a/6a00e552560c42883400e554f778908834-800wi (http://www.conservatismtoday.com/.a/6a00e552560c42883400e554f778908834-pi)

just when you thought it was safe to go in the water

this is even more fun than shooting fish in a barrell or turkey buying

Garry Walker
8th May 2009, 16:29
I have a really bad temper. I am calm most of the time, but when something angers me, I get really really angered.

What annoys me? Stupid people (labour voters, I count you amongst those). People who abuse animals. Boyracers, with their fancy cars who the moment when it snows or rains, are a humour to us all, unfortunately, also a danger.

8th May 2009, 16:33
I hate cops that stop you for DUI - If they don't want you to get intoxicated then they should not sell alcohol in public. They sit outside the busy bars and just wait until someone walks out. Everyone after 10pm is sh!tfaced and can't pass the test. Then they charge you about 5k to get through the process and you insurance company comes behind and does the last number on you.

Garry Walker
8th May 2009, 16:36
I hate cops that stop you for DUI - If they don't want you to get intoxicated then they should not sell alcohol in public. They sit outside the busy bars and just wait until someone walks out. Everyone after 10pm is sh!tfaced and can't pass the test. Then they charge you about 5k to get through the process and you insurance company comes behind and does the last number on you.

You dont want problems with DUI? Simple, leave the car home when you have had booze. It is not that hard.
I am completely for confiscating anyones car who is caught with DUI and then 2nd time they catch you, its jailtime for a least 5 years.
Good riddance to morons who put the lives of other people in danger like that.

Captain VXR
8th May 2009, 17:00
Must be into S and M, because plenty of that around here

I don't know what you are talking about.

Brown, Jon Brow
8th May 2009, 19:42
Toyota drivers anger me. The reason they have a car is because they don't really like driving but they need to get from A to B. So they get something ugly, but reliable. Unfortunately anything over 40mph is a bit brisk for them and far too dangerous. So they live at the front of a queue of cars on every road. :mad:

8th May 2009, 19:50
Toyota drivers anger me. The reason they have a car is because they don't really like driving but they need to get from A to B. So they get something ugly, but reliable. Unfortunately anything over 40mph is a bit brisk for them and far too dangerous. So they live at the front of a queue of cars on every road. :mad:

Can't help but think of Jarno Trulli when I read this. Mid race, when he gets a little bored, does his usual thing :p

8th May 2009, 21:16
Can't help but think of Jarno Trulli when I read this. Mid race, when he gets a little bored, does his usual thing :p

Oh Noes! :eek: Not the 'Trulli Train'!... :laugh:

9th May 2009, 00:10
You dont want problems with DUI? Simple, leave the car home when you have had booze. It is not that hard.
I am completely for confiscating anyones car who is caught with DUI and then 2nd time they catch you, its jailtime for a least 5 years.
Good riddance to morons who put the lives of other people in danger like that.

Sh!t man !!!! are you from Iran??
Everyone in Germany would be walking or in jail. As would everyone in this country = especially as we don't have any transit worth a damn. The actual point I am making it that in this country it has turned in to a money grab. I don't want drunks on the road either but you need to manage the problem. In this country the legal limit is 0.08 but you can get a dui at any level 0.05 etc.

9th May 2009, 00:33
fousto, I don't think you will find any sympathy for your view, and quite right too.

9th May 2009, 00:47
Can't help but think of Jarno Trulli when I read this. Mid race, when he gets a little bored, does his usual thing :p
Shhhh you'll get Pino onto you.

9th May 2009, 00:56
I got stopped tonight and asked if I'd been drinking :p

I hadn't been drinking, I was just pissed off that the guy in the right lane behind me had bright lights and wouldn't bloody stay behind me or overtake me and the lights were dazzling in the side view mirror so I veeeeery slowly overtook a marked car and then left the dual carriageway shortly after :erm: Thinking back now I realise how dodgy that must have looked, Friday night 10:30pm slowly overtaking a marked police car :uhoh: Police were dead good though and he did agree that the guys lights were bright. If I was in the US they'd have tazered me for that! :p

9th May 2009, 01:50
I have never been stopped by police or been caught speeding :D

10th May 2009, 00:47
I have never been stopped by police or been caught speeding :D

I hear there are testerone hormone shots that can help you with your problem
Any moto sport fan who has not, ain't a real racer nut...although they may be an angel.... :angel:

I need to tell ms Palin, she will be looking for you.I hear she hates people who have never had been caught and moderators as well.......avoid swimming pools with fish....

10th May 2009, 03:26
I must place the emphesis on "caught" :andrea:

10th May 2009, 21:54
You think people doing 40mph in the fast lane and not moving back over for five miles is the way forward......? :confused:

I don't, but there will always be poor driving on the road, for whatever reason. Once I learned to accept that fact, and stopped trying to rail against it and assert my own supposed superiority, any impatience, aggression or anger subsided.

Brown, Jon Brow
12th May 2009, 19:40
The UKIP political broadcast made me mad! :mad:

12th May 2009, 19:47
Door slammers-- car doors any doors--

donKey jote
20th May 2009, 22:51
Sh!t man !!!! are you from Iran??
Everyone in Germany would be walking or in jail.
fousto, in Germany you can lose your driving license if you get caught drunk on your bicycle !

Azumanga Davo
21st May 2009, 05:48
Anyone ever found a need for large spotlights on crap 4x4s necessary in the suburbs? One guy I found did last night, as he found it amusing to blind me with the bloody things after he let me into the lane I needed to be in. *rubs eyes* Got a good mind to shove them where the sun don't shine, which would be infinitely more useful to him...

21st May 2009, 13:28
what gets me really ticked is when I drive my big 4x4, are these little punks in the prims, prious or whatever, that when I let them in a lane, they start acting pissie cause my lights are shining too bright and they start getting all agitated....it is all I can do after being so nice to let the little buggers into the lane ......all I can do to keep myself from shoving their little rear fender up thier.... where the sun don't shine with my big black specaeil cow catcher bumper

I would. but I don't want the paint stratched on my bumper

21st May 2009, 14:59
fousto, in Germany you can lose your driving license if you get caught drunk on your bicycle !

Tsk Donks, that's just peddaling nonsense.

donKey jote
21st May 2009, 18:57
True though :)

21st May 2009, 20:28
I am getting increasingly angry with one of the girls I'm working with and it doesn't help that we're working away together. She is constantly on the phone or on facebook which is driving me insane. Today she was faking a back injury as the other girl I'm working with said she had back ache while we were having breakfast. All day I had to sit and listen to her making noises that's shes in pain and her telling me how it hurts to breathe but when her phone rings she can rival Usain Bolt for speed when shes practically running out the room. Arrrggghhhh!

She's also a person that has never heard of the phrase 'There's no I in team' but if I start ranting about her not being a team player I'd be here all night.

27th May 2009, 03:37
I did something bad (and very stupid) in traffic last week - brief spell of American Road Rage. But I believe this man takes the cake. I am not worthy. I am but a grasshopper. You are The Man, Lian Jiansheng!

A Chinese man whose threat to commit suicide held up traffic on a busy bridge for five hours was shoved off the structure by a furious motorist.

Lian Jiansheng, 66, a retired soldier, broke through a police cordon and reached out to shake the hand of the would-be jumper, Chen Fuchao, before pushing him off the bridge. :eek:


27th May 2009, 11:15
I did something bad (and very stupid) in traffic last week - brief spell of American Road Rage. But I believe this man takes the cake. I am not worthy. I am but a grasshopper. You are The Man, Lian Jiansheng!




Garry Walker
27th May 2009, 14:57
I did something bad (and very stupid) in traffic last week - brief spell of American Road Rage. But I believe this man takes the cake. I am not worthy. I am but a grasshopper. You are The Man, Lian Jiansheng!



Good work by that motorist.