View Full Version : Shock Jock Banned from UK
6th May 2009, 16:23
Serves him right:
"Mr Savage was fired by cable news channel MSNBC in 2003 after he referred to a caller on his show as a "sodomite" and said "you should only get AIDS and die, you pig".
Ms Smith defended her decision, saying Mr Savage - whose real name is Michael Alan Weiner - was a man of extreme views who expressed them "in such a way that it is actually likely to cause inter-community tension or even violence".
"Coming to this country is a privilege," she told Good Morning Television.
"If you can't live by the rules that we live by, the standards and the values that we live by, we should exclude you from this country." "
Not suprised he changed his name for his radio show, could you imagine a shock jock with a name of weiner? :) :) hot diggity dog!
Do you listen to him? What is a "shock jock" as opposed to a regular talk show host?
Hazell B
6th May 2009, 20:04
Shock jocks spout drivel to raise hackles.
Bit like Jeremy Clarkson and the utter crap he comes out with on TV before going home to his pet donkey, slippers and doing exactly what his wife tells him ......
6th May 2009, 20:17
Do you listen to him? What is a "shock jock" as opposed to a regular talk show host?
a definition...
and, c'mon, you mean that you don't remember...
Howard Stern
6th May 2009, 20:56
Shock jocks spout drivel to raise hackles.
Bit like Jeremy Clarkson and the utter crap he comes out with on TV before going home to his pet donkey, slippers and doing exactly what his wife tells him ......
Exactly. The sad thing is when people take them seriously.
6th May 2009, 21:28
I've listened to him many times. I have to say, I've never really thought of him as a true "shock jock". He's certainly not in the same league with that scumbag dumbazz, Howard Stern. It sounds like Savage has said some things that I wasn't aware of, but generally, I've found his show to be rather interesting. I don't necessarily agree with him much of the time. But unlike Stern, I don't see his show to be completely without merit and him to be a complete waste of sperm and an egg.
But what I find to be most interesting about this story: his real name is Weiner!!! :D
6th May 2009, 21:51
I can't say I know much about Mr Savage but I read today his views on autism, which I found particularly ignorant.
7th May 2009, 03:32
Way to go U.K.
Striking another blow for Liberal Fascism!!!!
Dr. Savage does not spout drivel for a reaction, he spouts what he believes to be true and spouts for things he believes in. He does believe that children and our society in general is over medicated because it's easier for the others to deal with unwilling and difficult people.
Overall, he is no more shocking than many of the posts on these forums. He views socialism with contempt and frequently points out what it has done to other nations and what it has done and is doing to the USA.
He did not support Bush and doesn't mind pointing out what a hollow joke Obama is either. He is very much against any amnesty for illegal immigration and feels illegal immigrants should be denied government social services.
He believes in the right of the individual to defend themselves and their property
He can, more often than not, back up what he states as fact with the numbers and the facts. When giving his opinion, he makes it clear it is his opinion.
Supposedly, he has the third largest radio audience in the USA.
His show is broadcast or rebroadcast here from 7:00-10:00pm CST monday through friday. If I am around a radio, I listen to him.
He likes dogs and cats.
7th May 2009, 09:25
Dr. Savage .
He likes dogs and cats.
How could he?????, since he is so against those sodomites, unless you remove the gonads from both, most cats and dogs will go "bi-sexual" with the right "incentive" including owners' legs without regard to the gender of the owner :eek:
7th May 2009, 09:52
Good point.
7th May 2009, 10:37
We also refused entry to a Dutch politician because he referred to the Koran as a Fascist Book.
Oh please........New Labour Restricting free speech since 1997.
How could he?????, since he is so against those sodomites, unless you remove the gonads from both, most cats and dogs will go "bi-sexual" with the right "incentive" including owners' legs without regard to the gender of the owner :eek:
Animals act on instinct. Human beings, if I remember correctly, are the only species that can freely choose not to reproduce or be sexually active. While I can appreciate your sarcastic quote of the word "sodomite", it is a proper description of those that practice sodomy.
A BBC clip of the banned "shock jock".
Yup, looks dangerous to me alright.
You have Islamic radicals in your country, speaking against your country and calling for Sharia Law, all while on the government dole and living in government housing...but you ban a talk show host. Way to go. I'm sure if I were in England, I'd feel safer now.
Your football teams have incited more confrontation and violence than Dr. Savage (Yes, Doctor. He holds a Phd degree.) ever has.
7th May 2009, 19:19
I agree that banning someone like that serves no purpose.
I wish the government would ban Chris Moyles.
Not on National Security Grounds, just on the basis that he's a fat unfunny Yorkshire cxxt.
Seriously, though, what kind of moronic bigot would listen to Savage anyway?
If I am around a radio, I listen to him.
Ah, that answers that, then.
I see socialized medicine still hasn't found a cure for stupid.
8th May 2009, 01:07
I wish the government would ban Chris Moyles.
Not on National Security Grounds, just on the basis that he's a fat unfunny Yorkshire cxxt.
I couldn't agree more. Any liberalism should go out of the window as far as he's concerned.
8th May 2009, 12:28
Animals act on instinct. Human beings, if I remember correctly, are the only species that can freely choose not to reproduce or be sexually active. While I can appreciate your sarcastic quote of the word "sodomite", it is a proper description of those that practice sodomy.
I think you might "remember correctly...freely choose".....but that ain't never been me nor no one else I know
you must be one of those who was never horney for some action....tryin getting some hormone shots
8th May 2009, 15:52
He seems like a total imbecile. Having said that, banning him from entering a country won't stop him being an imbecile either.
Hazell B
8th May 2009, 23:16
I wish the government would ban Chris Moyles.
Not on National Security Grounds, just on the basis that he's a fat unfunny Yorkshire cxxt.
Er, what's wrong with Yorkshire, exactly?
Fat, yes. Unfunny, sure. But why are you using Yorkshire as an insult?
Anyway, this banned DJ thinks rape's funny, so I'm quite happy he's not spouting his crap here. The US has banned several UK people after minor cannabis finds here at home, so I don't see why we can't ban a few of them right back :)
8th May 2009, 23:41
By the way, I must add that I genuinely didn't mean to agree with the Yorkshire bit of tamburello's comment!
8th May 2009, 23:42
EThe US has banned several UK people after minor cannabis finds here at home, so I don't see why we can't ban a few of them right back :)
Good point.
Mark in Oshawa
9th May 2009, 01:04
I always find it curious that most of the "left" ( and I wont tar everyone with the same brush but it is often earnest lefties telling me I am being intolerant ) speaks of tolerence and free speech, and the last time I looked, Labour was a Left wing party and is running the UK, YET they now ban a blowhard with a few good facts from the US who just happens to be pretty much harmless. This is grist for his mill. I listen to him in VERY small doses, I find his ego makes Limbaugh's tirades sound reasonable.....
9th May 2009, 01:31
I always find it curious that most of the "left" ( and I wont tar everyone with the same brush but it is often earnest lefties telling me I am being intolerant ) speaks of tolerence and free speech, and the last time I looked, Labour was a Left wing party and is running the UK, YET they now ban a blowhard with a few good facts from the US who just happens to be pretty much harmless. This is grist for his mill. I listen to him in VERY small doses, I find his ego makes Limbaugh's tirades sound reasonable.....
I agree it is inconsistent. But what are those 'few good facts'?
Mark in Oshawa
9th May 2009, 03:10
Ben....after all these years of listening to him, I know he had to be right once or twice. Even a blind squirrel finds a few nuts.
Actually, his criticism and contempt of a lot of politicians of all stripes can be interesting...just I find him a bit of an obnoxious bore after prolonged exposure.
Hazell B
10th May 2009, 18:39
Mark, you need to consider that here we have a large number of stupid, moronic, Sun reading, no brainers who'd believe every word he says and start spouting it to their friends.
Within a few days half the older teens in the UK would think it's fine to rape a woman because some American said so.
Yes, they are that stupid. They are called BNP 'protest' voters :mark:
Mark in Oshawa
11th May 2009, 05:04
Mark, you need to consider that here we have a large number of stupid, moronic, Sun reading, no brainers who'd believe every word he says and start spouting it to their friends.
Within a few days half the older teens in the UK would think it's fine to rape a woman because some American said so.
Yes, they are that stupid. They are called BNP 'protest' voters :mark:
Lots of morons everywhere Hazell, that still should never be an excuse to ban someone who has no criminal intent nor record from a civilized nation entry. The refusing of the Dutch right wing politician and now a windbag like Savage? Sounds like someone in the government doesn't like free speech.
Just like I thought it was wrong for my country to ban that nutjob Galloway entry to Canada to speak to some group of left wing pro Palestininan zealots.
As if he'd want to go to the UK anyway? Surely letting him come to the UK would be more of a punishment than blocking him? :D
11th May 2009, 22:59
The US has banned several UK people after minor cannabis finds here at home, so I don't see why we can't ban a few of them right back :)
Well, ya gotta admit, this guy has probably had a pretty tough life. Imagine him growing up and one teacher asks another teacher who he is. The reply, "Oh, that's little Weiner." :D
This dude likely has issues... I mean deep, dark issues, that we can't even begin to imagine.
Little Weiner. :rotflmao: I think his show is on some Chicago AM station that I usually get him when I'm on the way to Detroit. I might have to call in the next time I'm near enough to get the signal. Ohhhh, I wish I was an Oscar Meyer... :D Oh, that's just so wrong. See, that's probably the kind of behavior that made him the person he is today. 18 years of that, he's probably got bodies buried in his basement.
donKey jote
11th May 2009, 23:49
the ei in Weiner would sound like Whiner in the original language, but Little Wiener is funnier :laugh:
12th May 2009, 00:37
The US has banned several UK people after minor cannabis finds here at home, so I don't see why we can't ban a few of them right back :)
Agree with it or not but they are criminal acts in both the U.K. and the USA.
Mr. Savage has not committed any crimes. He is just guilty of being opnionated.
Dave B
12th May 2009, 09:18
As with many such cases, virtually nobody here had heard of this cretin until he got banned. Now the UK government is doing a far better job of publicising him than any PR agency ever could. Classic own goal.
Er, what's wrong with Yorkshire, exactly?
How long have you got? Yorkshiremen are the Taliban in flat caps, for a start.
But why are you using Yorkshire as an insult?
Because I live far too close to it not to.
Hazell B
13th May 2009, 14:47
Aw bless. Tamburello is frightened of Yorkshiremen. Swweeeeeeeet :p :
Dave B
13th May 2009, 15:37
I've got to drive through Yorkshire next week, I'm frightened too :p
Hazell B
16th May 2009, 19:25
Dave, with your accent you should be.
Very afraid :p :
16th May 2009, 20:15
I always find it curious that most of the "left" ( and I wont tar everyone with the same brush but it is often earnest lefties telling me I am being intolerant ) speaks of tolerence and free speech, and the last time I looked, Labour was a Left wing party and is running the UK, YET they now ban a blowhard with a few good facts from the US who just happens to be pretty much harmless. This is grist for his mill. I listen to him in VERY small doses, I find his ego makes Limbaugh's tirades sound reasonable.....Mark once again I find myself in agreement with you. However, when I'm listening to the radio, which is generally when I'm driving
(probably less than 1/100 as much as you) I want music!
I've listened to bits and pieces of 'Savage Nation', and from what I could tell he seemed like a toned-down,
slightly less obtuse conservative commentator than Rush Limbaugh.
But I avoid talk radio like the plague, liberal or conservative, and am hardly an authority!
17th May 2009, 08:20
Perhaps those that are so critical should listen to Savage Nation every day for a month, then decide what they think instead of relying on fragments of quotes.
17th May 2009, 09:52
Perhaps those that are so critical should listen to Savage Nation every day for a month, then decide what they think instead of relying on fragments of quotes.
Absolutely not. I can conclude he is a moronic xenophobe without listening to whatever he spews out for that long.
An example:
"…I have a number of things that I am gonna demand and one of them is that no more Muslim immigrants come into this country. No more mosques be permitted to be built in this country…and yes we need racial profiling immediately… And how did these Muslims get into England?... These vermin, these vermins, snuck in under asylum laws and the only reason there was an asylum law is that the liberals of England…said that we have to be nicer to Muslims."
And that is all I need.
Mark in Oshawa
17th May 2009, 15:30
Mark once again I find myself in agreement with you. However, when I'm listening to the radio, which is generally when I'm driving
(probably less than 1/100 as much as you) I want music!
I've listened to bits and pieces of 'Savage Nation', and from what I could tell he seemed like a toned-down,
slightly less obtuse conservative commentator than Rush Limbaugh.
But I avoid talk radio like the plague, liberal or conservative, and am hardly an authority!
he is NOT a toned down version of Limbaugh. Limbaugh does a lot of what he does with his tongue firmly planted in his cheek. Savage I think does a lot of what he does for show, but it is hard to tell, and he says things Limbaugh wouldn't even come close to saying even if he felt that way. Rush likes to stir up liberals and Democrats and provoke them, Savage is to out and out offend them and a lot of conservatives and Republicans as well. Savage is equal opportunity, he will offend all of you if you take him seriously. THAT tho is the key, I think a lot of Savage's show is just stream of conscience baiting of anyone who will phone in....
17th May 2009, 15:58
You don't require much. At this point, I wonder how many Englishmen would completely disagree with that fragment. From what I read in the online English newspapers it would seem the English sense of humour is beginning to wear thin on a great many issues.
The extreme Islamic groups have stated time and time again their goal is to bring the entire world to Islam and Sharia Law by force if necessary. It may seem unrealistic, but this is their goal. To make things comfortable, we have split this into "good Islam" and the extremist Islam. The "good Islamics" smile and announce they don't condone the actions of the extremists. The extremists seem to do a fair amount of recruiting from the ranks of their "good Islamic brothers and sisters". The "good Islamic" folks could and should do much more to help stop the extremists, but they don't. They just smile and ride the fence, desiring the best of both worlds without risk to themselves. I would suggest that being an Islamic immigrant, good or extreme, and expressing a desire to have Sharia Law in your neighborhood, city, or county and demanding and insisting on the right to follow all their dress and moral codes demonstrates a certain moronic xenephobia of their own.
Mark in Oshawa
17th May 2009, 16:18
Sharia law is xenophobic and wrong. Anyone can disagree with me and it wont change my mind on it. It flies in the face of human rights and the rights of women as equal members of society, something libreal democracies adopted a long time ago.
That said, and to not hijack the thread further, Savage's views on a lot of this stuff is extereme on some levels, but dig deep enough into what he is often saying, and he is trying in his own amusing and clumsy fashion to protect the society he lives in, which the last time I looked stood for women's rights, and freedoms of thought and religion....
17th May 2009, 18:00
Savage is equal opportunity,Perhaps that is why I mistook him for a toned down Limbaugh :laugh:
Like I said I'm no authority. It's not my idea of entertainment! ;)
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