View Full Version : GP3

5th May 2009, 21:46
Saw that the GP3 series is due to be launched for 2010, based on cars with a 2 litre turbo 280BHP production Renault engine, Dallara chassis (not a surprise this combo as the GP2 car is a Renault powered Dallara) and Pirelli tyres. Quite why there needs to be another feeder formula is beyond me, isnt there enough with Formula Ford (2 tiers of), Formula BMW, Formula Renault 2.0, Formula Renault 3.5, Formula Palmer Audi, Formula 3, Formula 2, GP2, Super League Formula, A1GP and those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head that run fully or partially in Britain! I think a coherent structure for the single seater ladder may be a better idea than yet another series.

Nikki Katz
5th May 2009, 23:41
This is the result of the spat between Bernie and Max last year isn't it? When they fell out, Max announced that F2 was returning as the official FIA feeder series to F1, despite Bernie and Flav's GP2 series being successful and only a few years old. In response, Bernie announced GP3 as the feeder to GP2, the feeder to F1, despite there being hundreds of F3 categories and various other series as competition. Somehow I doubt there'll be this many a few years down the line - F2 has a poor lineup if it's to be seriously considered the official feeder series, and I imagine that GP3 will have a worse lineup than British F3 next year. World Series seems like it's a slightly bigger threat, especially since it launched Kubica and Vettel, though more recently it's not been quite as competitive.

6th May 2009, 01:18
We do seem to be in one of those worrying 'everyone's launching another new series' phases and yes Nikki, it does seem to be down to the Bernie/Max power struggle.

So hangon, GP3 is slightly more powerful than an F3 car, and indeed that would make it similar to International Formula Master which runs with some World Touring Car events I think? But GP3 will run with the GP2 events it seems and the two series won't merge - so GP3 is taking on Formula Master and Euro F3. Then somewhere up the ladder you've got WSbR which is more powerful again, oh and Superleague Formula which has a surprisingly powerful car but hasn't been on the radar for most people. Then there's A1GP which used to be more at WSbR level car-wise but with the new Ferrari car has moved a bit closer to GP2 which is generally regarded as the benchmark support series (and seems to be borne out by the drivers who move from there to F1). Oh, and there's 'Euro F300', based in Italy.... And now F2 which will mainly be supporting WTCC. Well, that's how I understand the various series between F3 and F1. My head hurts.

Is it any wonder that support series struggle to attract crowds?!?

6th May 2009, 02:38
If it were up to me:

Above Formula Ford/BMW/Renault there'd be F3, as there is now, but then above that there'd be F2, which would be an open (but tightly controlled and very cheap) category with many series (Europe, Americas, Australasia), then above that (not alongside) would be GP2, which would be the same as it is now.

A1GP would stay but I don't think of it as on the ladder to F1, more alongside; Superleague would go (very silly idea but the cars are awesome so I'd keep those for a revived Tasman series!); World Series by Renault would stay as a bit of an experience-builder for people wanting to get into GP2. Formula Master and GP3 would go because they're entirely unnecessary. With fewer series the grids for each would be bigger, therefore they'd be cheaper and more exciting.

6th May 2009, 13:04
My ideal scenario would see:

Formula 1 pretty much as it is now - Max's constant attempts to mess it up not withstanding.

Formula 2 as an open chassis/engine formula positioned between F1 and F3 in terms of cost, power, size, everything else. An international F2 championship to replace the GP2 main series, with GP2 Asia and Formula Nippon running to identical technical regulations.

Formula 3 pretty much as it is now.

An open chassis/engine Formula 4 that replaces the various "manufacturer" formulae - FFord, FRenault 2000, FBMW, etc. etc. etc.

"Gimmicky" series like A1GP and Superleague, well I'd rather see the back of them to be honest, but perhaps a place could be found if they combine their "gimmicks" with adopting say F2 regs that could help with economies of scale for the various chassis builders.

World Series by Renault/Nissan/ FRenault 3.5 whatever it calls itself these days, I honestly don't see the point of it, although the organisers could perhaps run a lower level F2 series to the same technical regs. Formula Master would disappear.

And finally - the "Formula Palmer Audi" concept to stay stuck firmly in club racing where it belongs :)

*wakes up*

6th May 2009, 13:09
From Junior Formulas I watch only A1GP as it is not exactly a feeder series...