View Full Version : Pakistani Nukes

4th May 2009, 08:09
Whoa we are getting a little closer to EKIs hometown. Still afar however. I will assume it is only a matter of time here until nukes fall into some rogue hands. Based on this we could see a total takeover of Pakistan by the taleban.
Pretty good I say. They wasted all those years fighting in Afghanistan when all they had to do is walk across the border and "nuke up" I suspect India my not be real pleased with these events either. Next couple of months should be interesting to watch.

4th May 2009, 09:21
Whoa we are getting a little closer to EKIs hometown. Still afar however. I will assume it is only a matter of time here until nukes fall into some rogue hands. Based on this we could see a total takeover of Pakistan by the taleban.
Pretty good I say. They wasted all those years fighting in Afghanistan when all they had to do is walk across the border and "nuke up" I suspect India my not be real pleased with these events either. Next couple of months should be interesting to watch.

Why are you so worried Fousto??

Captain VXR
4th May 2009, 09:26
you shouldn't use the word 'paki' as some people find it offensive

4th May 2009, 09:33
you shouldn't use the word 'paki' as some people find it offensive


4th May 2009, 11:58
I agree with the last couple of posts. I suppose it's one of those "I'm not racist but...." comments.

4th May 2009, 12:31
They're rioting in Africa.
They're starving in Spain.
There's hurricanes in Florida, and Texas needs rain.

The whole world is festering with unhappy souls.
The French hate the Germans, the Germans hate the Poles.
Italians hate Yugoslavs, South Africans hate the Dutch.
And I don't like anybody very much!

But we can be tranquil and thankful and proud,
for man's been endowed with a mushroom-shaped cloud.
And we know for certain that some lovely day,
someone will set the spark off... and we will all be blown away.

They're rioting in Africa. There's strife in Iran.
What nature doesn't do to us... will be done by our fellow man...........

Kingston trio 1958

4th May 2009, 13:06

4th May 2009, 14:36
South Africans hate the Dutch.

Where did you get that from :?:

The majority of our white population is from Dutch origin, including myself, half Scottish (fathers side) and half Dutch (mothers side).

4th May 2009, 14:46
Where did you get that from :?:

The majority of our white population is from Dutch origin, including myself, half Scottish (fathers side) and half Dutch (mothers side).

Well, it's song lyrics, isn't it. Compromises are made for rhymes and rhythm. :D

Equally, why would the Germans hate the Poles? Surely, in 1958, it would have been the other way around. :)

5th May 2009, 06:12
Why are you so worried Fousto??

Actually I am not Spack remember I am for isolation and protectionism but I have some friends around the world that could get some fallout on them.

5th May 2009, 06:37
Actually I am not Spack remember I am for isolation and protectionism but I have some friends around the world that could get some fallout on them.

C'mon fousto. Admit it, you're cr@pp!ing yourself ;)

5th May 2009, 14:38
Where did you get that from :?:

The majority of our white population is from Dutch origin, including myself, half Scottish (fathers side) and half Dutch (mothers side).

Really??????? you reveal your "way of thinking"
The song says,"South Africans hate the dutch"

and even ole hillbilly machevilli markabilly knows something that the white Dutch boys immigrates down in south africa have yet to figure out, those immigrants who be white are less than ten percent of the population.

South Africa was home to "apartheid" and an imprisoned Mandela until sometime after 1990, and still has a large number of riots and a population living in extreme poverty....

so when they say, "south africans", the Trio are not talking about you but about those who weren't too happy about being on the dark side of apartheid....


5th May 2009, 14:48
When one says "the Dutch", isn't one referring to the people living in the Netherlands, though? Not South Africans of Dutch descent. (You wouldn't call Americans of English descent as "the English", would you..) And when one says "South Africans", isn't one referring also to whites living there?

Face it, your song is stupid. :p :

5th May 2009, 14:48
C'mon fousto. Admit it, you're cr@pp!ing yourself ;)

Oh yea I have sh!t two rings around myself !
One when the taleban got a new tundra
One when and one when they got in a load of Nokia's :eek: :p

5th May 2009, 15:00
When one says "the Dutch", isn't one referring to the people living in the Netherlands, though? Not South Africans of Dutch descent. (You wouldn't call Americans of English descent as "the English", would you..) And when one says "South Africans", isn't one referring also to whites living there?

Face it, your song is stupid. :p :
Face it, some get it and some never will.....

and if all those dutch whites were still living in the netherlands, then there would be no reason for the real south africans to hate those invaders......

and as to alleged "americans of english descent", I call them yankees and we call everyone else (except native americans), German-american, Mexican-american, african-american, asian-american.......................................... ...

but I am not worried, because come some lovely day

5th May 2009, 15:06
Face it, some get it and some never will.....

and if all those dutch whites were still living in the netherlands, then there would be no reason for the real south africans to hate those invaders......

and as to alleged "americans of english descent", I call them yankees and we call everyone else (except native americans), German-american, Mexican-american, african-american, asian-american.......................................... ...

but I am not worried, because come some lovely day

Ah, you're a man of strong convinctions on this issue, I see. That's fine. Being Estonian, I know a thing or two about foreign invadors, too..

Who is "we", can I ask?

And still, why would the Germans hate the Poles, as this... er... arguably non-too-clever song states? :p : Did it take them far too long to invade, and they were angry about that? :D

5th May 2009, 15:31
"we", if you have to ask, it means you ain't one of "we" :s mokin:

Germans have always hated the poles, for centuries......some say it is because they want to take over the country, just not the people....they are always telling "dumb pole jokes" and forget not WWII which started with the invasion of poland
(this song was writtten about 13 years after WWII, a vivid memory still buring in the minds of many :mad: )

5th May 2009, 15:45
"we", if you have to ask, it means you ain't one of "we" :s mokin:

Ah, one of them secret organizations, intent on taking over the world, eh? Can I join? I have knives at home, maybe I could help? ;) I don't really want anything for myself. Excepts oil rights for the Arctic, obviously.


Germans have always hated the poles, for centuries......some say it is because they want to take over the country, just not the people....they are always telling "dumb pole jokes" and forget not WWII which started with the invasion of poland
(this song was writtten about 13 years after WWII, a vivid memory still buring in the minds of many :mad: )

The song being written 13 years after WW2 was exactly my point! Surely, at that time, the Germans would have been overwhelmed by shame (as they still are), and the Poles would have been the ones doing the hating?

And I don't think the Nazis started with Poland, because they hated them the most. ;) Much more to with a certain Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, signed a week before WW2 started.

No, poor song, that. Poor! Sligthly funny, but poor. :p :

5th May 2009, 15:53
Really??????? you reveal your "way of thinking"
The song says,"South Africans hate the dutch"

and even ole hillbilly machevilli markabilly knows something that the white Dutch boys immigrates down in south africa have yet to figure out, those immigrants who be white are less than ten percent of the population.

South Africa was home to "apartheid" and an imprisoned Mandela until sometime after 1990, and still has a large number of riots and a population living in extreme poverty....

so when they say, "south africans", the Trio are not talking about you but about those who weren't too happy about being on the dark side of apartheid....


1. The song doesnt state that its the people on the "dark side" (WTF) of Apartheid that hate the Dutch, its says South Africans, there is a big difference. studiose is right, the song is stupid ;)

2. You need to learn a bit of the history of our country. The first Dutch settlers arrived in South Africa in 1652. When they arrived here, there were no "black" people, but San people. The San people can complain about being wrongly being evicted from their homeland, as for the "other" people who complain about being displaced, they settled in the then Port Natal/Southern Cape regions many decades later, after the Dutch.

3. Apartheid was cruel and stupid. You will be suprised that the majority of "white" South Africans disagreed with it, including myself, but were powerless to stop it, much the way Germans were unable to unseat Hitler despite many efforts to do so.

5th May 2009, 19:02
Actually I am not Spack remember I am for isolation and protectionism but I have some friends around the world that could get some fallout on them.

i didnt realise my name was spack?? How about calling me by my name, dont you have any respect for anyone?

The talaban will not get their hands on Pakistans nukes..thats more fear mongering by the media and governments who feed them this crap..

5th May 2009, 19:09
i didnt realise my name was spack?? How about calling me by my name, dont you have any respect for anyone?

The talaban will not get their hands on Pakistans nukes..thats more fear mongering by the media and governments who feed them this crap..

"talaban"?? How disrepectful! :p : Bloody englush! :hmph:

:p :

5th May 2009, 19:15
"talaban"?? How disrepectful! :p : Bloody englush! :hmph:

:p :

oops typo there sorry :rolleyes:

5th May 2009, 19:18
oops typo there sorry :rolleyes:

Throw a capital letter and a few punctuation marks in there, and we're fine! :D

5th May 2009, 19:22
Throw capital letter and a few punctuation marks in there, and we're fine! :D

Im awfully sorry.

5th May 2009, 19:30
Im awfully sorry.

Still an apostrophe missing there, but you're doing better! :up: :p :

5th May 2009, 20:08
Didn't mean to be an arse, there, by the way. ;) Just trying out trolling today. :D I've never got English punctuation either, especially when it comes to commas!


Anyway, Paki nukes. ;) Oh, am I being offensive? I always loved it, though, when fans of the English football team sang "I'd rather be a Paki than a Turk" when England was playing Turkey. :laugh:


5th May 2009, 20:27
And while I'm confessing stuff, I guess I'd also have to say that the aforementioned "Merry Minuet" is, I think, musically rather good... Despite its flaws! :hmph:


5th May 2009, 20:41
And while I'm confessing stuff, I guess I'd also have to say that the aforementioned "Merry Minuet" is, I think, musically rather good... Despite its flaws! :hmph:


Although nothing can ever compare to...


5th May 2009, 21:50
Didn't mean to be an arse, there, by the way. ;) Just trying out trolling today. :D I've never got English punctuation either, especially when it comes to commas

I will have you know that i can do my punctuations. Just too lazy sometimes to bother. ;)

Easy Drifter
5th May 2009, 22:30
Never as bad as wade91!

6th May 2009, 06:17
1. The song doesnt state that its the people on the "dark side" (WTF) of Apartheid that hate the Dutch, its says South Africans, there is a big difference. studiose is right, the song is stupid ;)

2. You need to learn a bit of the history of our country. The first Dutch settlers arrived in South Africa in 1652. When they arrived here, there were no "black" people, but San people. The San people can complain about being wrongly being evicted from their homeland, as for the "other" people who complain about being displaced, they settled in the then Port Natal/Southern Cape regions many decades later, after the Dutch.

3. Apartheid was cruel and stupid. You will be suprised that the majority of "white" South Africans disagreed with it, including myself, but were powerless to stop it, much the way Germans were unable to unseat Hitler despite many efforts to do so.

Yeah out of 40 million or so germans, there were almost 5 or 6 who really tried, until the war was all but over when maybe as many as a couple of hundred tried to blow his white, (and in the opinion of some historians, about 1/8 or 1/4 quarter jewish) ass up, so that they could save their own butt...

No, you are as about as much real south african as I the president of russia, and all this "we did not really like it' but it was not our fault....sounds just like the "good germans" after the war, we did not know Hitler was such a terrible person, (and so he killed off a few poles, we hated them anyway and needed some extra living space........)

As to being overwhelmed by shame, they should be, but the germans just like the Dutch afrikaners, that is just pretending, whereas the truth is they have no choice but to pretend.........but if they did not have to pretend, we would all be speaking german :vader:

6th May 2009, 06:32
No, you are as about as much real south african as I the president of russia, and all this "we did not really like it' but it was not our fault....sounds just like the "good germans" after the war, we did not know Hitler was such a terrible person, (and so he killed off a few poles, we hated them anyway and needed some extra living space........)

1. I was born in South Africa, therefore I'm South African. You tellingme that all the people in the USA besides the Indians are not Americans :crazy: They also arrived there by boat, just like the Austrailians, New Zealanders etc etc

2. I was a youth during Apartheid so I never voted for the Nationalist Government, nor did I agree with their policies.

3. I have no reason to feel guilty about what my forefathers did as I had no hand in the dirty work. On the contrary, myself and my family are active in training and supporting people who were affected

6th May 2009, 08:26
555 take no notice. People like markawhatever have more than likely never set foot in SA and don't know how good a country it is and can be. Don't feel guilty, you had little to do with apartheid.

6th May 2009, 10:14
I agree with 555. I hate the white supremacist idea and the Nazism, but to think that all white people now should be ashamed about things from the past, even if they were nor participating is extreme liberalism which disgusts me as much as the far right.

6th May 2009, 13:03
Yeah shame on markabilly. In his old age, he is beginning to be as bad as BDunnell and Eki for jumping up and preaching...but preaching extreme liberalism?
No way dude, if you only knew

so you'all just keepin on pretending

6th May 2009, 13:04
Yeah shame on markabilly. In his old age, he is beginning to be as bad as BDunnell and Eki for jumping up and preaching...but preaching extreme liberalism?
No way dude, if you only knew
extreme liberalism = blatant crap?

6th May 2009, 13:35
extreme liberalism = blatant crap?
always until proven otherwise, and I am still waiting on seeing any logical or rational proof of otherwise

Mark in Oshawa
9th May 2009, 00:36
Leave it to Markabilly to spend most of the thread on Pakistani' nukes to hijack this thread into the evils of who should feel guilty for apartheid. Frankly, if you are going to hold 555 to account for South Africa's evils, then you better own up to the 200 years of slavery in the US.....which of course is patent nonsense....

17th June 2009, 12:14
the topic has taken really taken a world tour like britney spears from pakistan to South africa

Comming back to the pakistan nukes. The total place is in a mess. no one knows , who's really incharge there. they have the goverment, the army, Taliban, osama all running the show

Its like a country with 7 flavour's. well the nukes will fall in the wrong hand soon.

fousto you do not have to worry about a nuke appearing in your backyard. i am sure that the 1st stolen nuke will appear in my backyard in Mumbai. since my goverment is busy appeasing its vote bank by providing them free TV and cable connection.

17th June 2009, 15:06
Its like a country with 7 flavour's. well the nukes will fall in the wrong hand soon.

fousto you do not have to worry about a nuke appearing in your backyard. i am sure that the 1st stolen nuke will appear in my backyard in Mumbai. since my goverment is busy appeasing its vote bank by providing them free TV and cable connection.

Totally agree....

well,if Taliban do get their hands on a nuke,bomb them before they do.....

that's a big IF course...i doubt Taliban could get a nuke that easily...

BIG NEWS...Obama gives more money to the Pakistani government.... :rolleyes: couldn't they have taken the money from Zardari's foreign accounts