View Full Version : Ratings in perspective

27th April 2009, 20:01
From Street and Smith's SportsBusiness Daily
In Florida, Mark DeCotis reported eight Sprint Cup races have been run this year and “not one has drawn a larger TV audience than it did a year ago.” NASCAR’s ’09 ratings prior to the Aaron's 499 “have slipped 13% compared to last year.”
It's a long haul and sometimes it isn't going to be pretty. It's a positive trend we are looking for, not just one big splash.

27th April 2009, 20:16
From Street and Smith's SportsBusiness Daily
In Florida, Mark DeCotis reported eight Sprint Cup races have been run this year and “not one has drawn a larger TV audience than it did a year ago.” NASCAR’s ’09 ratings prior to the Aaron's 499 “have slipped 13% compared to last year.”
It's a long haul and sometimes it isn't going to be pretty. It's a positive trend we are looking for, not just one big splash.

.3, .5, ?

27th April 2009, 20:28
I agree with you, perspective is important. Almost every car is sponsored in a significant way & that couldn't always be said in the last five years. And make no doubt. The sponsors knew what ballpark the ratings would be in. .5 ratings are not a suprise to anyone.

So far, so good. A full field. Sponsored cars. Numerous potential drivers/teams that could win the championship. Attendance up at St. Pete & LB. Great TV production. Very nice diversity of tracks. New manufacturers waiting in the wings. And most of all, stability in 09. Let me repeat that. STABILITY. Which is not a bad thing in the worst economic downturn in years.

Glass (more) than half full. : )

QUOTE=Wilf;625457]From Street and Smith's SportsBusiness Daily
In Florida, Mark DeCotis reported eight Sprint Cup races have been run this year and “not one has drawn a larger TV audience than it did a year ago.” NASCAR’s ’09 ratings prior to the Aaron's 499 “have slipped 13% compared to last year.”
It's a long haul and sometimes it isn't going to be pretty. It's a positive trend we are looking for, not just one big splash.[/QUOTE]

27th April 2009, 20:32
Attendance up at St. Pete & LB. .[/QUOTE]

that is flat out not true...

St pete was flat at best..

and i have been to 13 of the past 15 LBGP and this years was the least attended by a significant #

Pat Wiatrowski
27th April 2009, 20:34
that is flat out not true...

St pete was flat at best..

and i have been to 13 of the past 15 LBGP and this years was the least attended by a significant #[/QUOTE]

One must never let the facts get in the way!

27th April 2009, 20:40
that is flat out not true...

St pete was flat at best..

and i have been to 13 of the past 15 LBGP and this years was the least attended by a significant #

One must never let the facts get in the way![/QUOTE]

as long as were going to keep things in perspective at least lets be honest about the #'s were discussing....

Kansas attadence was rediculous... but deserves an * becuase of weather

27th April 2009, 21:15
Even if St. Pete was "flat" (I still say it was up) then the IRL would be one of the few series that was maintaining attendance in 09. Everyone else is down. NASCAR, F1 & NHRA.

Fact. LB was up from last year. This is from the promoter, the vendors and the city. I know it doesn't fit into the scheme of "LB is CC territory" line of thinking but that does not make it untrue. More fans bought tickets and walked through the gates this year than last year.

A suggestion. Could we please start a seperate forum here for those who only want to *itch about the IRL, it's ratings, it's attendance, it's racing and it's drivers?

that is flat out not true...

St pete was flat at best..

and i have been to 13 of the past 15 LBGP and this years was the least attended by a significant #

One must never let the facts get in the way![/QUOTE]

27th April 2009, 21:49
Fact. LB was up from last year. This is from the promoter, the vendors and the city. I know it doesn't fit into the scheme of "LB is CC territory" line of thinking but that does not make it untrue. More fans bought tickets and walked through the gates this year than last year.

When this was a CC race, the same promoter, vendors and city were highly doubted by the IRL faithful in any attendance figures they released. Now that it's an IRL race, they are to be taken as the gospel truth when it comes to attendance? Sorry, I stopped believing attendance figures released by either OW series years ago.

28th April 2009, 11:16
Even if St. Pete was "flat" (I still say it was up) then the IRL would be one of the few series that was maintaining attendance in 09. Everyone else is down. NASCAR, F1 & NHRA.

Fact. LB was up from last year. This is from the promoter, the vendors and the city. I know it doesn't fit into the scheme of "LB is CC territory" line of thinking but that does not make it untrue. More fans bought tickets and walked through the gates this year than last year.

Haven't seen any anecdotal evidence to support that - only the opposite.

A suggestion. Could we please start a seperate forum here for those who only want to *itch about the IRL, it's ratings, it's attendance, it's racing and it's drivers?

Tell you what I think would be easier than that, leave this forum neutral - as it's about the only one which is - and people who aren't comfortable with discussing the issues surrounding this series, or who simply want to continue with a war that has at last been resolved(However badly)- could move onto or back to the other forums around that fit their mindset more comfortably.

Chris R
28th April 2009, 12:10
When this was a CC race, the same promoter, vendors and city were highly doubted by the IRL faithful in any attendance figures they released. Now that it's an IRL race, they are to be taken as the gospel truth when it comes to attendance? Sorry, I stopped believing attendance figures released by either OW series years ago.

i have to agree with this statement....

28th April 2009, 14:20
I agree with you, perspective is important. Almost every car is sponsored in a significant way & that couldn't always be said in the last five years. And make no doubt. The sponsors knew what ballpark the ratings would be in. .5 ratings are not a suprise to anyone.

So far, so good. A full field. Sponsored cars. Numerous potential drivers/teams that could win the championship. Attendance up at St. Pete & LB. Great TV production. Very nice diversity of tracks. New manufacturers waiting in the wings. And most of all, stability in 09. Let me repeat that. STABILITY. Which is not a bad thing in the worst economic downturn in years.

Glass (more) than half full. : )

QUOTE=Wilf;625457]From Street and Smith's SportsBusiness Daily
In Florida, Mark DeCotis reported eight Sprint Cup races have been run this year and “not one has drawn a larger TV audience than it did a year ago.” NASCAR’s ’09 ratings prior to the Aaron's 499 “have slipped 13% compared to last year.”
It's a long haul and sometimes it isn't going to be pretty. It's a positive trend we are looking for, not just one big splash.[/QUOTE]

I posted this last Wed....

I flew in sun morn and rented car... rolled in right around 9:30....parked closer than i ever have..

bought a couple GA tickets and entered near turn 9/10...

place was a Ghost town...

stood right at turn 9... there were a total of 5 of us (9 if you count the coarse workers ) for the start of the lights race...

there used to be stands here... they were gone 3 years ago, replaced with a hospitality area... that is now gone....

then on the outside of turn 10 there were grandstands 2 years ago... gone..

and the grandstands on the inside of turn 10 are only 2/3 the size (height, there are photos floating arounf from a couple years ago that support/prove this)... they were empty (a couple hundred folks in them for the lights race)... maybe 1/2 full for the drifters and maybe (im being generous here )2/3 for the indycars..... GA looked decent, what it has been in years past...

the main grandstands were empty for the lights... 1/2 for the drifters and about 90% for the indycars.... GA along the fence looked comporable to years past...

I bought a King Taco Burrito for breakfast during the lights race... I always get one for breakfast becuase the line can be long.... this was the first time i have never waited period...

crossing the the Bridge near pit entrance..... Never waited either way period... first time ever.... I can remember it taking up to 30 minutes to cross in years past.... this year crossed 10 minutes before the green and walked right over..

no line for the paddock..... same as last time I was there in 06'... but a few years prior (and the entire decade prior) the line was 1000 long...

concourse was a ghost town...never saw a line at a food vendor all day

expo center was decently packed... not near what it was back when.... but there were folks around inside (air conditioning)

bottom line is I have been 13 of the past 16 years...and I watched this event decline from 03-06 to the point i chose not to go the last couple of years for CC....

this years event was the smallest crowd i have seen since I started going....

the expo seemd to have bit more going on than 05/06... so that was encouageing....

the IRL had a decent swag area.... but it was tucked away in the back of the expo instead of out on the concoarse (dumb!)....

bottomline is this new series has a ways to go in many areas to get anywhere close to where CART of the 90's was

28th April 2009, 14:26
To go along with Ken's account, here are some photos to consider.

Here is a photo that I took during the race in 2007. This was taken from a packed grandstand 18 looking across to grandstand 21 which is also full.


Here's another photo taken in 2007 from the same vantage point as the one above. This time looking to the left (across a full grandstand 18) toward a full grandstand 17.


Compare those to the next photo. This shot from last Sunday's race shows grandstands 17 and 18 that I mentioned above. They are largely empty. You can also see that grandstand 21 was removed for this year's event. Now there are cars and trucks parked where fans once sat.


Below is a photo from the start of last Sunday's race showing grandstands 26 and 26 (and part of 18 in the lower right corner). Again, you can see that these stands, which were full in past years, were, for the most part, empty.


So when you read posts quoting anecdotal statements about bigger crowd, more seats, and sold out Hotwheels, remember these photos.


then there is these

28th April 2009, 14:45
The poster you quoted did not go to the LBGP last year. Or the year before. He would have no way of knowing whether there were more people here last year vs this year. And just so we have objective reporting here, he isn't a former CW member, is he? That would sort of throw the "fair & unbiased" eye witness report straight out the window. : )

28th April 2009, 14:46
The poster you quoted did not go to the LBGP last ear. Or the year before. He would have no way of knowing whether there were more people here last year vs this year. And just so we have objective reporting here, he isn't a former CW member, is he? That would sort of throw the "fair & unbaised" eye witness report straight out the window. : )

I posted this last Wed....

I flew in sun morn and rented car... rolled in right around 9:30....parked closer than i ever have..

bought a couple GA tickets and entered near turn 9/10...

place was a Ghost town...

stood right at turn 9... there were a total of 5 of us (9 if you count the coarse workers ) for the start of the lights race...

there used to be stands here... they were gone 3 years ago, replaced with a hospitality area... that is now gone....

then on the outside of turn 10 there were grandstands 2 years ago... gone..

and the grandstands on the inside of turn 10 are only 2/3 the size (height, there are photos floating arounf from a couple years ago that support/prove this)... they were empty (a couple hundred folks in them for the lights race)... maybe 1/2 full for the drifters and maybe (im being generous here )2/3 for the indycars..... GA looked decent, what it has been in years past...

the main grandstands were empty for the lights... 1/2 for the drifters and about 90% for the indycars.... GA along the fence looked comporable to years past...

I bought a King Taco Burrito for breakfast during the lights race... I always get one for breakfast becuase the line can be long.... this was the first time i have never waited period...

crossing the the Bridge near pit entrance..... Never waited either way period... first time ever.... I can remember it taking up to 30 minutes to cross in years past.... this year crossed 10 minutes before the green and walked right over..

no line for the paddock..... same as last time I was there in 06'... but a few years prior (and the entire decade prior) the line was 1000 long...

concourse was a ghost town...never saw a line at a food vendor all day

expo center was decently packed... not near what it was back when.... but there were folks around inside (air conditioning)

bottom line is I have been 13 of the past 16 years...and I watched this event decline from 03-06 to the point i chose not to go the last couple of years for CC....

this years event was the smallest crowd i have seen since I started going....

the expo seemd to have bit more going on than 05/06... so that was encouageing....

the IRL had a decent swag area.... but it was tucked away in the back of the expo instead of out on the concoarse (dumb!)....

bottomline is this new series has a ways to go in many areas to get anywhere close to where CART of the 90's was[/QUOTE]

the poster was me......

28th April 2009, 14:49
Do you have overhead shots from the start of the race for both races? Otherwise it's pick & choose photos that don't really tell us anything.

then there is these

28th April 2009, 14:51
Do you have overhead shots from the start of the race for both races? Otherwise it's pick & choose photos that don't really tell us anything.

believe what you need to believe d...

but if were going to 'keep things in perspective' than at least lets be honest about the #'s to begin with.....

28th April 2009, 15:23
Oh. I get it. Ken has changed his name to Sarahfan.

So I was right. The "race report" was from a former CW member. Hardly unbiased.

Need to update my ignore list. : )

28th April 2009, 15:36
Oh. I get it. Ken has changed his name to Sarahfan.

So I was right. The "race report" was from a former CW member. Hardly unbiased.

Need to update my ignore list. : )

Man that is confusing. Ken is now Sarahfan. WTF?

28th April 2009, 15:53
Man that is confusing. Ken is now Sarahfan. WTF?

Just for the month of May......
In support
of Sarahs passion for the 500

its inspiring

28th April 2009, 15:57
Oh. I get it. Ken has changed his name to Sarahfan.

So I was right. The "race report" was from a former CW member. Hardly unbiased.

Need to update my ignore list. : )

Didn't create a new account just changed the name

If ken was on ignore the sarahfan would have been also

Honesty invokes credibility.... And frankly d you have neither

28th April 2009, 16:12
When was the last time I replied to any of Ken's posts? Sure seems like you were on "ignore" to me.

Didn't create a new account just changed the name

If ken was on ignore the sarahfan would have been also

Honesty invokes credibility.... And frankly d you have neither

28th April 2009, 16:18
Back to the topic. The bottom line is the sponsors have responded to the new TV package. Almost every car on the grid has sponsorship. No one is surprised by the ratings. Indy is right around the corner. That too, is part of the overall TV package, which some here seem to forget.

28th April 2009, 16:23
When was the last time I replied to any of Ken's posts? Sure seems like you were on "ignore" to me.

when was the last time you actually discussed something a car, driver or actual racing...

and your calling for a seperate forum...


28th April 2009, 16:25
Indy is right around the corner. .

I'll be in C stand.... where will you be sitting?

28th April 2009, 17:24
Oh. I get it. Ken has changed his name to Sarahfan.

So I was right. The "race report" was from a former CW member. Hardly unbiased.

Need to update my ignore list. : )

Whether you agree with Ken or not, I wouldn't call him kool aid drinking CW fanatic. If I'm not mistaken, Ken was bounced from there for not drinking the juice to their satisfaction. Or refusing to board the Paper train. I forget why, but those were the usual reasons for a member to get the countdown.

28th April 2009, 17:48
Whether you agree with Ken or not, I wouldn't call him kool aid drinking CW fanatic. If I'm not mistaken, Ken was bounced from there for not drinking the juice to their satisfaction. Or refusing to board the Paper train. I forget why, but those were the usual reasons for a member to get the countdown.

I got counted at least a dozen times...put in time out 4 or 5 times..

28th April 2009, 18:07
Oh. I get it. Ken has changed his name to Sarahfan.

So I was right. The "race report" was from a former CW member. Hardly unbiased.

Need to update my ignore list. : )

It is just sooooooooo easy for you to dismiss anyone who ever posted anything on CW isn't it? Never mind the FACT that some of the folks you denigrate in this way, just happened to post there in a fashion totally counter to the FTG mindset that permeated that place. And those same folks you label as CW fanatics got counted down and booted off precisely because they DIDN'T buy into that.

Now tell me who is unbiased. It sure isn't you.


28th April 2009, 18:14
Just for the month of May......
In support
of Sarahs passion for the 500

its inspiring

I like Sarah too, but maybe a sig would have been easier/less confusing. Sorry I'm OT now

28th April 2009, 18:17
I like Sarah too, but maybe a sig would have been easier/less confusing. Sorry I'm OT now

but not nearly as fun...!....?

28th April 2009, 18:18
but not nearly as fun...!....?

I 'spose.

28th April 2009, 18:41
You act like it was a harmless little group of "fans" who were misunderstood and picked on. It says a lot about someone who would post at a forum that celebrated drivers deaths and injury. Not only celebrated, but positively gushed with glee like a pack of dogs circling a fresh kill every time an IRL driver was injured. Do I need to spend 5 minutes to find a couple dozen posts to illustrate my point?

I'm sorry if there were some "good guys" who posted there & that get dragged through the mud with the rest. That's the price you have to pay if you associate with people like that.

Back to the thread.

It is just sooooooooo easy for you to dismiss anyone who ever posted anything on CW isn't it? Never mind the FACT that some of the folks you denigrate in this way, just happened to post there in a fashion totally counter to the FTG mindset that permeated that place. And those same folks you label as CW fanatics got counted down and booted off precisely because they DIDN'T buy into that.

Now tell me who is unbiased. It sure isn't you.


28th April 2009, 18:41
I 'spose.

well i cant speak for you... but I'm having fun..

day off of work..

some coffee... fresh juiced Juice...Bus duty at my daughters school....forum activity with racingg buddies...off to throw 18 holes of disc golf in about 20min.....soccer practice withthe twins this afternoon....

and Sarah will be on the pole and lap the field next month...

what's not to like?

28th April 2009, 18:47
You act like it was a harmless little group of "fans" who were misunderstood and picked on. It says a lot about someone who would post at a forum that celebrated drivers deaths and injury. Not only celebrated, but positively gushed with glee like a pack of dogs circling a fresh kill every time an IRL driver was injured. Do I need to spend 5 minutes to find a couple dozen posts to illustrate my point?

I'm sorry if there were some "good guys" who posted there & that get dragged through the mud with the rest. That's the price you have to pay if you associate with people like that.

Back to the thread.

stop being such a drama queen

28th April 2009, 18:52
You act like it was a harmless little group of "fans" who were misunderstood and picked on. It says a lot about someone who would post at a forum that celebrated drivers deaths and injury. Not only celebrated, but positively gushed with glee like a pack of dogs circling a fresh kill every time an IRL driver was injured. Do I need to spend 5 minutes to find a couple dozen posts to illustrate my point?

I'm sorry if there were some "good guys" who posted there & that get dragged through the mud with the rest. That's the price you have to pay if you associate with people like that.

Back to the thread.

That is the same as saying people who post at TF are no better than defender and paftard because they post there or used to.

28th April 2009, 19:04
You act like it was a harmless little group of "fans" who were misunderstood and picked on. It says a lot about someone who would post at a forum that celebrated drivers deaths and injury. Not only celebrated, but positively gushed with glee like a pack of dogs circling a fresh kill every time an IRL driver was injured. Do I need to spend 5 minutes to find a couple dozen posts to illustrate my point?

I'm sorry if there were some "good guys" who posted there & that get dragged through the mud with the rest. That's the price you have to pay if you associate with people like that.

Back to the thread.

So what price am I paying for having to associate with THIS sort of attitude?

Some of us joined that forum in its early days, LONG before the sort of shameless distasteful sort of thing you mentioned ever occurred. And even when the shameless stuff was going on there were folks there who didn't want to partake. For every post you want to dredge up there are examples of just the opposite that can be shown. And examples of good folks standing up to the crap and getting the boot because of it.

So just how is it you know so much about what was going on there? What makes you so immune to this same criticisms you level at us who were there and stood up? You were obviously just there lurking and never standing up against the incivility shown by SOME of those folks. So spare us your holier than thou diatribe every time this subject comes up. You halo is just a bit askew.


28th April 2009, 22:36
Sorry to be a part of the thread hijack, so back on topic.

Wilf, I get what your saying, but I just saw this: http://thescore.ibj.com/blogshell.asp?p=927 and I think about how far the IRL has to go just to get back to ESPN level ratings. I'm glad for the coverage that I see on Versus, but I'm thinking that OW in this country is going to be nothing more than it is now with Versus. A .3,.5 and .15 so far is what may have been expected, but it's hard to see how this will ever lead to anything more than a niche level.

28th April 2009, 22:53
.3, .5, ?

That would now be a .15 in place of the question mark.

28th April 2009, 22:55
NASCAR took a big bite out of the rating. Cars upside down, on fire, almost into the grandstand has a way of doing that.

That would now be a .15 in place of the question mark.

28th April 2009, 23:08
I don't know how someone managed to keep saying that LBGP attendence was up, it was down by 10 thousand on race day. Sure IRL or promoter might bring up something positive before the race weekends which turned out to be not the fact, see Nashville last year for reference.

28th April 2009, 23:08
3 races and yet to get to a collective 1.0...

pretend all we/you want...

but i gaurantee that is not what sponsors were expecting

28th April 2009, 23:14

28th April 2009, 23:21
Title of thread = Ratings in perspective.

Current direction of thread = ??????

Do I need to close it?

no need to close it.... I think were all having fun... just some of us are more honest about things then others is all

28th April 2009, 23:53
NASCAR took a big bite out of the rating. Cars upside down, on fire, almost into the grandstand has a way of doing that.

Well...only if they were psychic and knew to tune in for that ahead of time. Otherwise viewers only knew there was a NASCAR race somewhere and an IndyCar race someplace else.

29th April 2009, 00:33
Most auto racing fans in the US did, in fact, know that there was a big NASCAR race on. Most watched it. Most knew that there was a high probablity that things were going to get, shall we say, pretty exciting the last 20 laps. They didn't have to be psychic. It reminded me of the 500 when Sam blew by Marco on the front stretch, only Sam did it cleanly. No one changed the channel that day either.

Well...only if they were psychic and knew to tune in for that ahead of time. Otherwise viewers only knew there was a NASCAR race somewhere and an IndyCar race someplace else.

29th April 2009, 01:01
Most auto racing fans in the US did, in fact, know that there was a big NASCAR race on. Most watched it. Most knew that there was a high probablity that things were going to get, shall we say, pretty exciting the last 20 laps. They didn't have to be psychic. It reminded me of the 500 when Sam blew by Marco on the front stretch, only Sam did it cleanly. No one changed the channel that day either.



29th April 2009, 01:59
before the season the IRL published materials stateing that 1 in 5 americans were indycarfans...

if thats the case than less than .2 of 1% tuned in to watch the first oval race of the season.....


29th April 2009, 03:16
Most auto racing fans in the US did, in fact, know that there was a big NASCAR race on. Most watched it. Most knew that there was a high probablity that things were going to get, shall we say, pretty exciting the last 20 laps. They didn't have to be psychic. It reminded me of the 500 when Sam blew by Marco on the front stretch, only Sam did it cleanly. No one changed the channel that day either.

I don't dispute that most racing fans knew there was a NASCAR race on (and most racing fans tune into NASCAR over IndyCar). However, it's the statement "Cars upside down, on fire, almost into the grandstand has a way of doing that" which I dispute.

A car almost into the grandstand at the finish of last weekend's race didn't have an effect on NASCAR's ratings last weekend. Those folks were already tuned in.

How it effects the next race's ratings is another matter altogether...

29th April 2009, 16:41
It's a long haul and sometimes it isn't going to be pretty. It's a positive trend we are looking for, not just one big splash.

So, because there was an ugly week, and I wonder if there was any change in the numbers after the conclusion of the "Carl Edwards Dash", should the Indianapolis 500 be canceled?

The ENTIRE point of this thread is to quit dismissing IndyCar because of a single race. There will be disappointments; there will be moments to celebrate. It is a foundation being laid. Did you ever build a home and go to the site with all kinds of excitement when you were told the foundation had been laid. You get to the site and see mud everywhere and some ugly looking gray walls wiggling through a hole in the ground. It takes some effort to envision your house rising out of that mess.

The hope is that there is improvement in the numbers from beginning to end of the season. It is unrealistic to insist that there be no deviations from a positive path. The quality if the Versus production has been a great improvement over previous years' efforts. The additional of the one hour Saturday qualifying show will have a positive affect, but three shows is hardly enough to create a ripple, much less a land slide.

I understand the desire for short term results. I also understand what can happen when you focus only on the short term.

29th April 2009, 18:54
I like the way you think Wilf. : ).

The facts:

There is a full, sponsored field. This is at a time when the economy is the worst it has ever been in our lifetimes.

The ratings, while not great, have got to be about what the sponsors expected, regardless of what some here are saying.

Indy, which is really what the sponsors are really paying for, is right around the corner.

What is the concern here? That the sponsors would be suprised by the low ratings and want to bail? Very unlikely.

That the major OW series in this country will take over the venues and races? No, the other series went out of business twice.

This is a work in progress. Bitching about it, worrying about it isn't going to change anything. If anything the constant drum of negativity is just a big downer. It does not solve or change anything. God almight I swear some of you act as though you've personally got money to lose if the IRL should fail.

Let it go already & enjoy the racing. : )

29th April 2009, 19:01
Does anyone really believe the ratings would be higher on ESPN?

29th April 2009, 19:05
The facts:

The ratings, while not great, have got to be about what the sponsors expected, regardless of what some here are saying.


not great?

putting ratings in perspective first means being honest about them...

.3, .5 and .15 represent the worst first 3 races from a TV ratings standpoint in the history of CART, Champcar and/or the IRL

that is a fact

29th April 2009, 21:18
I like the way you think Wilf. : ).

The facts:

There is a full, sponsored field. This is at a time when the economy is the worst it has ever been in our lifetimes.

The ratings, while not great, have got to be about what the sponsors expected, regardless of what some here are saying.

Indy, which is really what the sponsors are really paying for, is right around the corner.

What is the concern here? That the sponsors would be suprised by the low ratings and want to bail? Very unlikely.

That the major OW series in this country will take over the venues and races? No, the other series went out of business twice.

This is a work in progress. Bitching about it, worrying about it isn't going to change anything. If anything the constant drum of negativity is just a big downer. It does not solve or change anything. God almight I swear some of you act as though you've personally got money to lose if the IRL should fail.

Let it go already & enjoy the racing. : )


Seriously, if your telling me that what we have is as good as it's going to get, then I don't think I need to watch what's going to happen down the road. I've already watched a ow series mismanage themselves into oblivion. Twice, as you would say.

"If the IRL should fail." In a sense of where it's business and ratings were several years ago in comparison to now, it has failed. This is pretty much rock bottom. It either goes up from here or goes into the dumper. This level will not be sustainable for very long.

29th April 2009, 21:28
Don't like it? Don't watch. But coming here and flapping your arms proclaiming doom for week on end is not helping anything. Me? I'm looking forward to Indy.


Seriously, if your telling me that what we have is as good as it's going to get, then I don't think I need to watch what's going to happen down the road. I've already watched a ow series mismanage themselves into oblivion. Twice, as you would say.

"If the IRL should fail." In a sense of where it's business and ratings were several years ago in comparison to now, it has failed. This is pretty much rock bottom. It either goes up from here or goes into the dumper. This level will not be sustainable for very long.

29th April 2009, 21:51
Don't like it? Don't watch. But coming here and flapping your arms proclaiming doom for week on end is not helping anything. Me? I'm looking forward to Indy.

may I suggest perhaps sticking to threads related to on track activity then....... Although they don't appear to your cup of tea either

29th April 2009, 23:20
That would now be a .15 in place of the question mark.

Dayuum! :eek:

5th May 2009, 02:37
That would now be a .15 in place of the question mark.

I just saw that, that's scary low. 171,000 households? Sheesh.

I also just realized that all the 500's qualifying will be on Versus, and only the race on ABC. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm afraid we're going to see disappointing ratings on the 24th.