View Full Version : ITV wins BAFTA for Brazilian GP coverage

27th April 2009, 04:55

Dave B
27th April 2009, 08:07
Amazing. The pre-race build-up was the usual Lewis Hamilton love-fest, the race itself had nothing to do with ITV as it was provided by FOM, the adverts ruined it, the commentary was the usual poor standard, and the post-race was rushed so we could watch a repeat of a soap opera.

They hand out BAFTAs like sweeties: Harry Hill got one for a clip show, which even he found bizzarre.

Brown, Jon Brow
27th April 2009, 10:51
Amazing. The pre-race build-up was the usual Lewis Hamilton love-fest, the race itself had nothing to do with ITV as it was provided by FOM, the adverts ruined it, the commentary was the usual poor standard, and the post-race was rushed so we could watch a repeat of a soap opera.

They hand out BAFTAs like sweeties: Harry Hill got one for a clip show, which even he found bizzarre.

Harry Hill is brilliant. Slap stick yet clever! :p

27th April 2009, 10:56
Amazing. The pre-race build-up was the usual Lewis Hamilton love-fest, the race itself had nothing to do with ITV as it was provided by FOM, the adverts ruined it, the commentary was the usual poor standard, and the post-race was rushed so we could watch a repeat of a soap opera.

They hand out BAFTAs like sweeties: Harry Hill got one for a clip show, which even he found bizzarre.

Didn't they win it the year before as well....?????? :dozey: :s mokin:


Rusty Spanner
27th April 2009, 10:56
Funny how ITV won 3 Bafta and on each occasion it was for a race in which a british driver was involved in achieving a first. I think they're getting far to distracted by the quality of the sporting event rather than the coverage itself. Making a boring event entertaining would be far more award worthy.

27th April 2009, 11:51
Amazing. The pre-race build-up was the usual Lewis Hamilton love-fest, the race itself had nothing to do with ITV as it was provided by FOM, the adverts ruined it, the commentary was the usual poor standard, and the post-race was rushed so we could watch a repeat of a soap opera.

They hand out BAFTAs like sweeties: Harry Hill got one for a clip show, which even he found bizzarre.

Have to agree with Jon on this, Harry Hill is a legend, and is the funniest comedian on Tv at the moment.

As for ITV winning this bafta, doesn't surprise me in the slightest. They tend to win BAFTA's for dramatic episodes, After all, The Bill won one this year too :p :

27th April 2009, 12:38
Ridiculous, the event itself was fantastic but the coverage was seriously poor. The fact that they rushed off to show some soap after the race was appalling, despite the fact that good ol' "Lewis" had made history - you'd have thought they could have squeezed a little more airtime rather than rushing off :mad:

OK, rant over. Let's all be thankful that next time, the BBC will do a good job of it :D

27th April 2009, 22:44
Amazing. The pre-race build-up was the usual Lewis Hamilton love-fest, the race itself had nothing to do with ITV as it was provided by FOM, the adverts ruined it, the commentary was the usual poor standard, and the post-race was rushed so we could watch a repeat of a soap opera.

Words taken right out of my mouth!!!

28th April 2009, 07:00
I'll have to agree too, the coverage was pretty
Harry Hill is a legend though :p

Baffy-waffy Wafter! :D wait, thats what he said last year..........

cant believe some singing boys thing beat Top Gear, that was annoying! :rolleyes:

28th April 2009, 11:42
The fact that they rushed off to show some soap after the race was appalling, despite the fact that good ol' "Lewis" had made history - you'd have thought they could have squeezed a little more airtime rather than rushing off :mad:

The fact that they cut it short to make way for a soap opera is probably viewed as a positive thing by the BAFTA jury.