View Full Version : Cats and Dogs. Pets (of all species)!

26th April 2009, 22:15
I've got a cat. :) She's a Persian cat, two years old now... Well, actually, her mother was a Persian cat and her father... was a cat, too. :D So she's not entirely pure-breed. But a good cat she is, nonetheless. :) Purrs and everything. :)

What pet have you?

26th April 2009, 22:29
I have a very spoilt house rabbit called Bella and 2 goldfish called Matt III and Flash II (i've not had much luck with fish).

26th April 2009, 23:26
3 Burmese cats, (1 brown, 1 chocolate and 1 lilac) and 1 black and white moggie and some fish.

Although when we get some land I want some goats, an alpaca and maybe even a giraffe, failing that I have to settle for a camel.

26th April 2009, 23:34
1 black and white moggie

What's one of them? :s Sorry, I guess this is a language question, more than anything else... Is a "moggie" not a "cat"? :s Or is it? :)

That's the impression I got from watching "Jeeves & Wooster", anyway. :) :erm:

26th April 2009, 23:40
What's one of them? :s Sorry, I guess this is a language question, more than anything else... Is not a "moggie" a "cat"? :s

That's the impression I got from watching "Jeeves & Wooster". :) :erm:

A moggie is a generic term for a cat that isn't a recognised breed, although I think cats like Billy may be called a domestic long hair!

26th April 2009, 23:50
A moggie is a generic term for a cat that isn't a recognised breed, although I think cats like Billy may be called a domestic long hair!

Ok, thanks!

Yeah, I guess my "moggie" could be called a "domestic long hair" cat, too! :) Even though she is, actually, of noble Persian heritage. :laugh:

27th April 2009, 01:18
Some pics:

Easy Drifter
27th April 2009, 03:45
4 Cockatiels 3 males, 1 female,
Huckleberry (Huck) 19 years old, looks like hell, has trouble with his balance but still fiesty. Doesn't fly too well anymore. Most 'tiels live about 12 years.
Joshua (Josh) about 15 years, the lover boy.
His brother KC (Killer Cockatiel) who used to chase chipmunks.
Both in good health and very active.
Weenie Whiner the female. Squawks all the time. Age unknown but at least 10. She and Josh are close.
Huck and KC hang out together.
They all have real personalities and the brothers both talk a bit.
They are out of their cage in one room most of the time. A real mess! Toilet trained they ain't. They do know that bed means go back to their cage but they can be like a bunch of two year olds. Usually pretty good though.
Also known by me as feathered termites for their chewing of everything.
Often have at least one sitting on me. Sometimes all 4. One on each shoulder and one on each knee.
Not near the computer though!
I did have 6 at one time.

27th April 2009, 09:20
Not properly mine as she lives with my mother but I have the loveliest Westie of them all. 9 years old, very spoiled and very clever.

It's incredible how such a small thing takes so much space in one's heart. :p

27th April 2009, 13:51
My parents have a two year old spaniel. Don't live with them but guess it classes as mine. He's scarily intelligent but likes to act dumb most of the time - I thought cats were meant to do that?

Captain VXR
27th April 2009, 18:50
2 cats - one grey and one tortoiseshell
they seem to dislike each other for no reason whatsoever???

27th April 2009, 18:54
i have three dogs, a beagle, a bull terrier, and a chow

Hazell B
27th April 2009, 22:53
Two dogs, both Lurchers but very different.
One cat, unknown origin.
Two ponies, one a Welsh who was my Hunter pony, one a general moorland mongrel.

Chickens arriving at some point when I get the runs and houses made.

27th April 2009, 23:08
2 Black labs aged 5 and a black an white cat called Tom who is 14 and he purrs for england

27th April 2009, 23:39
Alas, my beloved hound passed away a couple of years ago :(

28th April 2009, 01:42
a black an white cat called Tom who is 14 and he purrs for england

What a coincidence! :) My cat purrs against England. :p :

28th April 2009, 16:45
Also, in recent times, I've noted that my cat gets very happy when I put pants on. :s Purrs and rubs herself against my panted legs. :s

Does this happen to other cat owners? :)

Or is it just because it happens so seldom that I wear pants? :D

28th April 2009, 17:14
5 dogs, all strays or rescues;

Coyote-Yellow Lab mix named Kujo; While working as a paramedic in the Big Bend region of Texas a mentally challenged local passed away in his tent home (likely a prescription drug OD). The man was found face down on a sleeping bag with his shorts pulled down, the majority of one buttcheek eaten away, and hair from his head scattered all over the tent. We first attributed the scene to coyotes due to the numerous tracks found encircling his tent until a shy, fat yellow puppy emerged from the brush. One of the deputies coined the name Kujo and it stuck. Later that week a neighbor identified the puppy as one he gave away, seems his tied up female Yellow Lab had a nighttime encounter with a lovesick Coyote. Kujo is about 8 years old.

Rust collored Chow/German Shepard mix named Coco; Found him by the gas pumps of a service station down the street ajacent to the freeway about a year ago. Anyone and anything that approaches the fence is given warning barks, fangs, raised mane and tail, along with leaps at the fence if they don't depart with sufficient haste. He will not attack so long as I'm there to override his authority. Great guard dog, gets along well with the others. No regrets for taking him in.

Pit bull/misc other breed yellow mutt named Lucky; This one was found wandering the parking lot of a recycling facility very hungry and infected with fleas and worms. After cleaning him up he's become the lap dog of the house. He revels in playfighting with Coco and tug-of-war with Kujo (who, if he loses the contest, always ends up stealing and hiding the toy later in the day).

two others to be described later

28th April 2009, 17:18
5 dogs, all strays or rescues;

A good man, you are. :up:

28th April 2009, 17:23
A good man, you are. :up:

Thanks. Although the downside is all the dry dogfood I end up purchasing every week, the upside is no one has yet dared to burglarize the premises. :)

28th April 2009, 19:37
Believe it or not, I have 4 solowworms. Like snakes, but actually legless lizards. Very dull and do nothing. Oh well...

28th April 2009, 19:40
Are snakes not legless lizards? :s

Rudy Tamasz
29th April 2009, 10:36
I have a fighter rabbit. He grew up in freedom and has a very independent character. He's never shy to defend his territory from those two-legged creatures by growling at them and even occasionally attacking them.

29th April 2009, 11:03

29th April 2009, 12:07
I have a fighter rabbit. He grew up in freedom and has a very independent character. He's never shy to defend his territory from those two-legged creatures by growling at them and even occasionally attacking them.

"That's the most foul, cruel, bad tempered rodent you've ever laid eyes on!"



Rudy Tamasz
30th April 2009, 08:28
"That's the most foul, cruel, bad tempered rodent you've ever laid eyes on!"



Great video, I had a good laugh. :)

I should say though that rabbits are not rodents. They belong to a separate order of species named 1) duplicidentates or 2) lagomorphs or 3) double-toothed rodents. Lagomorphs is the most accurate name in my view.

30th April 2009, 14:25
Sweetie, a yellow Labrador left at a shelter at age 4 by her former owner once she was no longer a cute and convenient fashion statement. I snatched her off death row almost 3 years ago and we've been together ever since. I bought a camping trailer and when I work out of town, she travels with me. She does a fine job of being a dog and I have no complaints.

2nd May 2009, 13:54
I don't have any pets

2nd May 2009, 14:31
I don't have any pets

Hey, I know how to fix that: get one! ;)

I recommed cats. ;) Easy to care for, and lots of fun. Animals with strong character, they are.

3rd May 2009, 23:52
Back at the family home I have two cats - Oscar (black and white, clumsy and getting fat in his old (ish) age) and Phoebe (pure black, sleek, energetic, deadly accuracy and beautiful). But I don't live there anymore so I miss them.

In my own home, I have a Leopard Gecko called Gizmo. :) She rocks.


4th May 2009, 00:54
I don't have any pets

Perhaps consider a Ferret? If you can tolerate the musky "game" smell they're great fun. Curious, mischievous, often times hilarious. Unlike a cat you can stash a ferret in a cage while you're out at work or wherever. These things sleep about 18 hrs/day. They get along with dogs and cats...well, sortof
