View Full Version : obama abandons his supporters for big business while pelosi flies @ 6 mil a year

24th April 2009, 11:41
told all of you that it matterred not who you voted for, the economic direction of the country would not change

Obama was bought by wall street a few years ago.

money talks

Now his Demo supporters are crying over the change in his promised position repeatedly made during his campaigan of protecting american jobs and a redo of NAFTA, as he has 'softened" his approach, as in abandoned the unions and even detroit, a place once so close to his home and heart. :rolleyes:

And it turns out that porkbarrell pelosi (on whom to fly her in private jet costs taxpayers about 6 million a year plus the cost of her big new jet) who was ranting and raving about illegal george bush activities, was informed as a member of the house committee, in toto, on these policies and never raised a fuss back then.....opps :eek:

old :eek: reminds me of how ole porkbarrel bugs her eyes out of her "face lifted face"- :eek: -should have gotten better plastic surgeons with that 100 million dollar husband of hers----but what am I saying, she is a true representative of the american working and middle classes

Mark in Oshawa
25th April 2009, 05:33
Oh I am sure Markabilly you will find someone who will say you are lying....but it wouldn't be me.

The more I know about how the US is being run as of the last 20 years or so, the more I realize the last really decent man you had running the show was Reagan, and he stunk up the joint on a few issues as well.

There just seems to be a lack of moral fibre in the US capital..and I am not advocating some religious conversion, it just seems to be everyone is on the take to some degree.

I mean, when you hire a tax cheat to run the organization that runs the IRS, and the IRS has so many wacky laws and loopholes that no one can really understand it, you know that something has to change...and I don't see that from your President in his first 100 days....

25th April 2009, 16:03
First clue to anyone should have been that Obama was immediately collecting far more money than McCain or any other candidate from wall street, where contribs are not made for unselfish public good, so right there....

But clearly he is simply walking right down the same old worthless path that mcCain would have taken on the econmics of this country.

And econmics controls where a country goes, regardless of moral fibre, character, religion of anything else

But you are right when you say : you know that something has to change...and I don't see that from your President in his first 100 days....

I would just add, nor his next 1400 days either

26th April 2009, 05:00
told all of you that it matterred not who you voted for, the economic direction of the country would not change

Obama was bought by wall street a few years ago.

money talks

Now his Demo supporters are crying over the change in his promised position repeatedly made during his campaigan of protecting american jobs and a redo of NAFTA, as he has 'softened" his approach, as in abandoned the unions and even detroit, a place once so close to his home and heart. :rolleyes:

Just one point I don't follow. How do you think Obama abandoned Detroit (the UAW, automakers, etc.)?

I spent two hours on a teleconference on Friday and the word we got was Uncle Sam is going to provide DIP financing for both Chrysler and GM should one or both enter bankruptcy (no matter what), and there exists Federal funding, so that suppliers can draw on invoices that GM and Chrysler otherwise wouldn't (be able to) pay. The situation isn't ideal, but people aren't buying cars (yet). What's coming from the government is all that is keeping the U.S. auto industry alive. And even though Ford is doing better than the walking corpses formerly known as GM and Chrysler, Ford would also sink if the supplier base collapsed.

As for his "supporters", the last data that I saw, more than a few of his $upporter$ were from big business. I mean, I don't think Warren Buffett would exactly qualify as a plebe. :D

26th April 2009, 14:07
Just one point I don't follow. How do you think Obama abandoned Detroit (the UAW, automakers, etc.)?

I spent two hours on a teleconference on Friday and the word we got was Uncle Sam is going to provide DIP financing for both Chrysler and GM should one or both enter bankruptcy (no matter what), and there exists Federal funding, so that suppliers can draw on invoices that GM and Chrysler otherwise wouldn't (be able to) pay. The situation isn't ideal, but people aren't buying cars (yet). What's coming from the government is all that is keeping the U.S. auto industry alive. And even though Ford is doing better than the walking corpses formerly known as GM and Chrysler, Ford would also sink if the supplier base collapsed.

As for his "supporters", the last data that I saw, more than a few of his $upporter$ were from big business. I mean, I don't think Warren Buffett would exactly qualify as a plebe. :D

what coming from the us government is all that is kepping it alive, you say? Well, I agree.

But I do not care how much money you give out, the time will come when its gone.

When that happens, if people do not have PRODUCTICE JOBS, MAKING SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE AND BUYING AMERICAN, it is simply putting off the inevitable.

And those "supplier invovices" how much of those come from suppliers making the parts in factories located in many other countries, such as Mexico??

Better that the money being coming generated from revenue by people gainfully employed buying cars

No different than the housing issues, people can not make payments, if they do NOT havea job....so how long does the govt make thos payments to banks to keep them afoaat?

As to Warren Buffet, that is why I thought those good union guys were sooo stupid, thinking, oh my, Obama is our man---

Sort of like all those workers who support freeing up and legalizing illegals, there is a reason people like wall street and Mccain all support such practices---it drives down wages for the people that the Demes claim to support the most.........

26th April 2009, 16:02
The whole world is in disarray because the chinese have exploited child labor and we are dumb enough to buy all of their products. This coupled will the cheating governments of most countries in the world will ultimately send all of us back to square one.

That is "You have to sell something YOU manufacture to make a buck"