View Full Version : Red Bull fury over anthem mix-up

21st April 2009, 13:49

Bungling Formula One bosses were in the pits after playing "God Save The Queen" to celebrate Red Bull's Grand Prix win in Shanghai last Sunday.

Dietrich Mateschitz, boss of Austrian company Red Bull, was reportedly furious when race organisers failed to play his own homeland's anthem after the team’s double victory by German talent Sebastian Vettel and Australian veteran Mark Webber.

Instead, they blasted out the Commonwealth realm’s anthem to honour the team's win after a mix-up over who actually owns the team.

Tycoon Mateschitz owns the company that produces the globally-successful energy drink and runs the team under Austrian racing licences. The F1 team is based in Milton Keynes near London, and its boss is Brit Christian Horner.

Apart from the firm’s engagement in the Formula One circus, Red Bull sponsors several other motor-sport teams as well as football clubs Red Bull Salzburg and Red Bull New York. But hundreds of individual athletes, mainly from the winter-, fun- and extreme-sports sectors, are financially backed by the company as well.

Valve Bounce
21st April 2009, 14:25
I believe when Allen Jones won a GP once, they could not figure out what anthem to play, so they played "Happy Birthday". But I am surprised that the Chinese didn't play Waltzing Matilda which is a Karaoke favorite in China.

21st April 2009, 14:27
It did strike me as odd but silly me I assumed the FIA knew what they were doing. :p

21st April 2009, 14:53
I don't know if my memory serves me correctly but I remember that once after Mika Häkkinen had won a race there wasn't finnish anthem available so they played estonian's (I have no idea why they had that one though). It's basically the same melody but there is a small difference. Perhaps someone can tell if I dremt the whole thing or did it happen.

Dr. Krogshöj
21st April 2009, 16:07
I think nearly all the boys at RBR are British so I'm sure they didn't mind the mix-up. :) Of course, the Austrian anthem should be played after all the other Red Bull wins this year.

BTW Valve, when Allen Jones won races, God Save the Queen was still Australia's national anthem, right? I know the current one was selected in a referendum, altough I have no idea why you guys didn't chose Waltzing Matilda. :)

21st April 2009, 16:19
BTW Valve, when Allen Jones won races, God Save the Queen was still Australia's national anthem, right? I know the current one was selected in a referendum, altough I have no idea why you guys didn't chose Waltzing Matilda. :)

I believe that many might say that "Waltzing Matilda" is more of a 'pub' song rather than a national anthem, and that many aussies cringe when others ask why they don't play that. ;) :)

21st April 2009, 16:23
Nuvolari's greatest victory would come at the Nurburgring in 1935. Unable to find a drive with the emerging German teams Nuvolari rejoined Ferrari. He was 43. His Alfa was outdated and up against nine of the best racing cars of the era: Mercedes and Auto Unions.
Delayed by a pit stop, Nuvolari charged back in one of the greatest feats in the history of motor racing. He caught and passed the opposition until only the Manfred Von Brauchitsch was ahead. So hard was he driving that the German wore his tyres through and Nuvolari passed him to win. So confident were the Germans of victory that they did not have a recording of the Italian national anthem. Legend has it that Nuvolari did... just in case.

21st April 2009, 18:02
Their's a chance they are still registered with the FIA as a British team since their Jaguar days. Bennetton were a british team, based in Britian but they were later registered as an Italian team.

21st April 2009, 18:39
I remember a report of some obscure World Cup Qualifier football match where both teams stood for what they both believed was the oppositions national anthem....

....which turned out to be the musical score to a toothpaste advert being played on the tannoy.

21st April 2009, 19:10
Does this mean that by being on the podium and due to the wrong song being played, that they have brought the sport into disrepute and both drivers will be disqualified?
or because Webber is Australian, that only Vettel will be "yanked" (pun intended)

As to waltzing, while the words of the Star Spangled Banner are different, the music is also set to an old Brit drinking song

Dr. Krogshöj
21st April 2009, 19:27
Their's a chance they are still registered with the FIA as a British team since their Jaguar days. Bennetton were a british team, based in Britian but they were later registered as an Italian team.

No, check out the diffuser appeal documentations on the FIA website. Formally, the appeals were lodged by the national sporting authorities on behalf of their licence holding competitors and Red Bull's appeal was lodged by the Austrian federation.

21st April 2009, 21:50
I was confused by the playing of the british national anthem, because although austrian owned, and austrian licensed, its mainly a british team, although classed as austrian. so the british anthem playing was funny really, but you know us brits get used to it nowadays thats 3 times in a row it has had to be played................ :D

21st April 2009, 23:56
I think I should point out, in the name of Australians everywhere (of whom I'm not one, but never mind) that it's spelt Alan Jones.

And yes, I believe he has told the anecdote of how, in his words, a drunk played Happy Birthday on a trumpet when he won his first GP for Penske in Austria in 1977, as a result of not having the Australian national anthem to hand. I wonder if there is any independent verification of this? I'd love to see it if there is.

Oh, and by the way, I would also like to see any evidence of Red Bull's 'fury' in this instance...

Valve Bounce
22nd April 2009, 01:22
http://www.grandprix.com/ft/ft00365.html So confident were the Germans of victory that they did not have a recording of the Italian national anthem. Legend has it that Nuvolari did... just in case.

Absolutely correct. I have it on good authority that Nuvolari actually carried the CD in his breast pocket during the race, and it has since been Gold Plated and rests in the Louvre in Paris. ;)

22nd April 2009, 01:42
Did they play the Italian anthem for STR when Vettel won his first race? Of course they did, but how is Redbull any more Austrian/Less British than STR is Italian/Austrian? Did they play the Italian anthem because of the Ferrari engines? Toro Rosso is owned by two austrians, Red Bull by 1, and neither team is based in Austria. I think they should play the anthem from where the team is based, not based on where their checks are written.

I doubt we'll have many people waiting on baited breath to hear the Indian anthem when the german engined, Silverstone based Force India wins it's first race. Of course I doubt it will still be indian owned by thetime that team wins another race :yawn:

22nd April 2009, 02:01
I believe that many might say that "Waltzing Matilda" is more of a 'pub' song rather than a national anthem, and that many aussies cringe when others ask why they don't play that. ;) :)
You do get the irony of a US citizen trying to explain this by saying it is a pub song?, after all, the tune(melody) of the Star Spangled Banner was in reality the tune of "To Anacreon in Heaven" which was a popular drinking song, John STafford Smith was hired to write the music specifically for the Lyrics of "To Anacreon in Heaven"

22nd April 2009, 02:30
"The Yellow-Haired God and his nine lusty Maids,
From Helion's banks will incontinent flee,
Idalia will boast but of tenantless Shades,
And the bi-forked hill a mere desert will be.
My Thunder no fear on't,
Shall soon do it's errand,
And damme I'll swing the Ringleaders I warrant,
I'll trim the young dogs, for thus daring to twine,
The Myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's Vine."

22nd April 2009, 02:32
Absolutely correct. I have it on good authority that Nuvolari actually carried the CD in his breast pocket during the race, and it has since been Gold Plated and rests in the Louvre in Paris. ;)

there you go again with another stupid pointless comment that makes RFLMAO such that I am glad I am on Pino's ignore button list function or whatever

22nd April 2009, 06:31
Absolutely correct. I have it on good authority that Nuvolari actually carried the CD in his breast pocket during the race, and it has since been Gold Plated and rests in the Louvre in Paris. ;)

Nuvolari was a prophet then if he carried around a CD in 1935!!!

Valve Bounce
22nd April 2009, 07:11
Nuvolari was a prophet then if he carried around a CD in 1935!!!

Actually, one of the best kept secrets of the Vatican is that Nuvolari's uncle's cousin invented the CD, but because of religious issues, the Vatican ruled that this should be kept a secret until they could get the patents registered. However, the CD that was made my Nuvolari's uncle's cousin was, you guessed it, the Italian National Anthem, and Nuvolari was given a copy for his safe keeping.

22nd April 2009, 08:38
there you go again with another stupid pointless comment that makes RFLMAO such that I am glad I am on Pino's ignore button list function or whatever

you mean this

Dear thunderbolt,

You have received an infraction at AutoRacing1.com Forums.

http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums//showthread.php?p=496650 (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=496650#post496650)

Reason: Insulted Other Member(s)
See you in a month time buddy, hopefully this will cool you down in the future...

This infraction is worth 3 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

All the best,
AutoRacing1.com Forums

just a reminder to watch what you post and what may seem normal to some may be offense to others :eek:

22nd April 2009, 08:55
...when he won his first GP for Penske in Austria in 1977...
Shadow ;)

22nd April 2009, 10:06
Absolutely correct. I have it on good authority that Nuvolari actually carried the CD in his breast pocket during the race, and it has since been Gold Plated and rests in the Louvre in Paris. ;)

CD - I thought he kept it on his 'Ipod Classic'.....

Valve Bounce
22nd April 2009, 11:06
you mean this

just a reminder to watch what you post and what may seem normal to some may be offense to others :eek:

There is a lot of good humored ribbing that goes on between Markabilly and myself, which you might have picked up from numerous other threads. There is no offense in any of this - but you have to have some kool aid to appreciate it.

22nd April 2009, 11:14
I think they should play the anthem from where the team is based, not based on where their checks are written.

I doubt we'll have many people waiting on baited breath to hear the Indian anthem when the german engined, Silverstone based Force India wins it's first race. Of course I doubt it will still be indian owned by thetime that team wins another race :yawn:

If we're talking about where people are based, then for completeness I would like to point out that the "German engine" comes from Northamptonshire :)

22nd April 2009, 12:11
Shadow ;)

Bugger! Apologies.

22nd April 2009, 19:35
you mean this

just a reminder to watch what you post and what may seem normal to some may be offense to others :eek:
I guess I should have put it in quotes as it came from a certain mod.....

anyway, I am stunned about the use of the phrase 'buddy'!

You should be upset

in redneck, the term "buddy" in such a sentence is defined as (1)an invitation to exchange blows, gunfire or the use of other objects in a manner designed and intended to inflict serious bodily injury; (2) a challenge to one's backbone and character and not to be ignored when issued by insultor unless the unsultee is a spineless, cowardly wieniewussey [insert other appropriate obscenity here] who is running away very fast such that neither insultor nor speeding bullets can catch him; (3) a term used on the internet by people who know that the insultee can not get a hold of insultor's personal body to inflict appropriate and serious bodily injury on insultor

So thunderbolt, you done got my sympathies, but have a drink of the aid to chill out :beer:

22nd April 2009, 21:32
After the race I was waiting for the Austrian anthem and was disappointed not to hear it. Shame. :( Hopefully RB will win another race this year for justice, so that we can finally hear the right anthem, which hasn't been heard for 12 years since Berger's last win. :D

I doubt we'll have many people waiting on baited breath to hear the Indian anthem when the german engined, Silverstone based Force India wins it's first race. Of course I doubt it will still be indian owned by thetime that team wins another race :yawn:

Nah, don't be so harsh. IMO it would be great to hear Japanese and Indian anthems for a change. Those German and British anthems can be heard on most occasions anyway. :)

Valve Bounce
23rd April 2009, 00:12
I guess I should have put it in quotes as it came from a certain mod.....

anyway, I am stunned about the use of the phrase 'buddy'!

You should be upset

in redneck, the term "buddy" in such a sentence is defined as (1)an invitation to exchange blows, gunfire or the use of other objects in a manner designed and intended to inflict serious bodily injury; (2) a challenge to one's backbone and character and not to be ignored when issued by insultor unless the unsultee is a spineless, cowardly wieniewussey who is running away very fast such that neither insultor nor speeding bullets can catch him; (3) a term used on the internet by people who know that the insultee can not get a hold of insultor's personal body to inflict appropriate and serious bodily injury on insultor

So thunderbolt, you done got my sympathies, but have a drink of the aid to chill out :beer:

Sounds like you got struck by [i]lightning. :p :

23rd April 2009, 01:42
Sounds like you got struck by lightning. :p :
THat is nothing...I could have been sturck by a bullet..did u hear about the dog?????over in joke time chit achat

P/S i keep telling you guys, earn a place on pino's ignore button and you will be much happier

Valve Bounce
23rd April 2009, 02:06
THat is nothing...I could have been sturck by a bullet..did u hear about the dog?????over in joke time chit achat

P/S i keep telling you guys, earn a place on pino's ignore button and you will be much happier

I've got news for you - pino doesn't have an ignore button - if his cross hairs are aimed at your leg, you get kneecapped. Man!! that could hurt for a month; and as one guy found out recently, it could be terminal. :eek:

23rd April 2009, 02:12
I've got news for you - pino doesn't have an ignore button - if his cross hairs are aimed at your leg, you get kneecapped. Man!! that could hurt for a month; and as one guy found out recently, it could be terminal. :eek:
he must have one person on it, otherwise how do you think i have survivied???

Easy Drifter
23rd April 2009, 06:22
It is a good thing that the mods realize the cracks and insults that are constant among a small group of us in the Chit Chat joke column are all in fun or there would be a lot of bans.
You can safely post a joke there without getting an nasty reference or assulted until you use one of us as a target (basically include our posting name in a joke) and then you are fair game. :D

23rd April 2009, 09:28
he must have one person on it, otherwise how do you think i have survivied???

I am getting tired of your crap, stop it or I will do that for you !

23rd April 2009, 11:01
BTW Valve, when Allen Jones won races, God Save the Queen was still Australia's national anthem, right? I know the current one was selected in a referendum, altough I have no idea why you guys didn't chose Waltzing Matilda. :)

Mostly correct. In 1977 God Save the Queen was still the official national anthem, but its status was in limbo. That same year, a referendum was held between God Save the Queen, Waltzing Matilda and Advance Australia Fair, where the latter came on top. However, because a centre-right Liberal government came into power right after the referendum, they decided not to change official anthem. The anthem was finally changed by the Labor government in 1984 to Advance Australia Fair.

As to why not Waltzing Matida? Well, I'm not an Aussie but I've been living here long enough to know that most Australians have a very strong love-hate relationship with it. It seems most kids love the song, but growing up, they kind of look down on it as it was a "children's song". As such, it is never looked upon as an official song but more of a folk song.

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with Advance Australia Fair. Some say it's boring, but then again, most national anthems are. For a country with such a rich music history, personally I think Fratelli d'Italia is more of a let down for Italy than Advance Australia Fair is for Asutralia.

23rd April 2009, 12:19
Oh, and by the way, I would also like to see any evidence of Red Bull's 'fury' in this instance...

Dr. Marko was interviewed on Austrian tv after the race and he was furious about the non-playing of the Austrian anthem. Red Bull owner Didi Mateschitz has also expressed his disappointment in this matter. http://www.autobild.de/artikel/formel-1-2009_889677.html

Did they play the Italian anthem for STR when Vettel won his first race? Of course they did, but how is Redbull any more Austrian/Less British than STR is Italian/Austrian? Did they play the Italian anthem because of the Ferrari engines? Toro Rosso is owned by two austrians, Red Bull by 1, and neither team is based in Austria. I think they should play the anthem from where the team is based, not based on where their checks are written.

Toro Rosso (which by the way is no longer owned by two Austrians, just one, as Gerhard Berger sold his stake in the team back to Red Bull after last season) is still racing under an Italian license as a tribute to the Minardi team. Therefore, rightly the Italian anthem was played in Monza. Red Bull Racing on the other hand only competed with a British license in their first F1 season (2005) and have since been competing under an Austrian license, which is only fair I think, as it is 100% Austrian owned. That the car is built elsewhere should not really make a difference. Otherwise, Nike (or many other companies, for that matter) could not really be considered American as they manufacture most of their apparel in China. Also, I very much doubt Toyota would be happy if the German anthem is played when they finally win a Grand Prix simply because team HQ are in Cologne.

23rd April 2009, 12:50
BMW are based mostly in Switzerland but it is a German team and it is a German anthem played should they ever managed to get another win...

A lot of teams are based in the UK for convenience, but registration has always been down to where the team is registered to race from... Toyota if they ever win will have the Japanese anthem played even though they are based in Germany.

It was a mistake to play GSTQ... but it was just that a mistake, It happened before (Jordan's first win) and it will most likely happen again, embarrassing as it will be...

But those posters claiming it was correct are just wrong on this occasion

Valve Bounce
23rd April 2009, 14:31
Finally, two posters that are correct with their facts. :up:

23rd April 2009, 16:09
I agree it was a mistake, though I don't feel it was improper to play "America the Beautiful" ;) (KIDDING!!!). I fully understand how they run under license of varius countries.

I'll just have to agree to disagree to disagree on this one what I feel reflect the true base of the teams. All but 4 F1 teams teams are English IMHO. Ferrari, Minardi/STR, BMW as a team owner and Toyota have never been based in England, though I recall the uproar when Todt and Brawn wanted to move Ferrari to England early on in their reign.

How many flags has The Redbull team carried since Stewart started the team? Force India???? Toleman/Benneton/Renault? Tyrrell/BAR/Honda/Brawn even? None of them has ever left England.

23rd April 2009, 19:15
I agree it was a mistake.....

I'll just have to agree to disagree to disagree on this one....

I'm a little confused now :confused:

23rd April 2009, 23:46
I agree it was a mistake, though I don't feel it was improper to play "America the Beautiful" ;) (KIDDING!!!). I fully understand how they run under license of varius countries.

I'll just have to agree to disagree to disagree on this one what I feel reflect the true base of the teams. All but 4 F1 teams teams are English IMHO. Ferrari, Minardi/STR, BMW as a team owner and Toyota have never been based in England, though I recall the uproar when Todt and Brawn wanted to move Ferrari to England early on in their reign.

How many flags has The Redbull team carried since Stewart started the team? Force India???? Toleman/Benneton/Renault? Tyrrell/BAR/Honda/Brawn even? None of them has ever left England.

It was a mistake by the FIA/organizers and I too was unhappy as to them not playing the correct anthem, having lived in Austria for many years.

But your logic though is flawed as 99% of the drivers don't live in their home countries either. so I suppose by your standars, they should be playing the anthems of the countries where the driver lives?

Just because you are based somewhere does not mean you are from that place. If you still have your citizenship/Racing licence from a different country, then that is what should be played.

It really isn't that complicated.

24th April 2009, 03:05
nor important, to quote kimi, "who cares", as to what gets played, if anything, as I never watch any of the stupid podium ceremony crud anymore and seldom watch the interviews where they usually give the standard canned answers, when I replay the video (I seldom watch the races live anymore, and you can see all the important stuff by fast forward through most everything, esp. the commercials, until you get to the important stuff, all of which takes about ten minutes).

Valve Bounce
24th April 2009, 05:01
nor important, to quote kimi, "who cares", as to what gets played, if anything, as I never watch any of the stupid podium ceremony crud anymore and seldom watch the interviews where they usually give the standard canned answers, when I replay the video (I seldom watch the races live anymore, and you can see all the important stuff by fast forward through most everything, esp. the commercials, until you get to the important stuff, all of which takes about ten minutes).

This is really, really sad. I just don't know what to say except that it is just so, so sad. :(