View Full Version : Susan Boyle

Valve Bounce
17th April 2009, 12:10

17th April 2009, 12:43
A bit of explanation would be good. Why should I click on your link? Who is Susan Boyle?

17th April 2009, 12:56
A bit of explanation would be good. Why should I click on your link? Who is Susan Boyle?

'Gwan, Mark. Have a punt. It's only the interwebs. You might get a surprise (or maybe not?).


17th April 2009, 12:59
'Gwan, Mark. Have a punt. It's only the interwebs. You might get a surprise (or maybe not?).

If Valve can't put the effort in, neither can I ;)

17th April 2009, 13:52
A bit of explanation would be good. Why should I click on your link? Who is Susan Boyle?

I think that she's the fat, hairy old looking woman who was on Waster TV With Simon Cowell and actually has a really good voice (apparently, I haven't heard it but Demi Moore said it made her cry and anything that upsets Demi Moore is a good thing)

Valve Bounce
17th April 2009, 13:58
A bit of explanation would be good. Why should I click on your link? Who is Susan Boyle?

Left me speechless.

17th April 2009, 14:25
(... I haven't heard it but Demi Moore said it made her cry and anything that upsets Demi Moore is a good thing)

Ooh, harsh but funny - nearly had beer out through the nose! :eek:

17th April 2009, 14:40
I have to say that when I watched Britiain Got Talent on Saturday night I was wondering how bad a rendition of one of my favourite songs could possibly get. I did just think she was having a laugh when she said she'd been properly trained. Proved everyone wrong and fair play to her.

She's a great singer, you could even say she's this years female Paul Potts so to speak. She may even beat Paul Potts for youtube views and I'm sure he's in the youtube all time top 10 for when he did Britains Got talent a coule of years ago.

17th April 2009, 22:01
Susan Boyle was awesome. The ITV site (http://www.itv.co.uk) has a much better audio/video version than YouTube does.
Apparently Oprah wants her now. Simon has signed on as her minder.

17th April 2009, 23:48
She really does have a remarkable voice... and it's a great example seeing just how much that audience were shocked, of just how much emphasis we put on people's appearance and first impressions.

Valve Bounce
18th April 2009, 01:57
Susan Boyle was awesome. The ITV site (http://www.itv.co.uk) has a much better audio/video version than YouTube does.
Apparently Oprah wants her now. Simon has signed on as her minder.

Thanx for the site. I thought it was hilarious when she put her teeth in her mouth before she walked onto stage. She has a great sense of humour.

Dr. Krogshöj
18th April 2009, 11:50
It amazes me how your "Britain's Got The Pop Factor" type of shows are still that big. And Idol is still the number one hit on American TV. These shows pretty much died down by season 3 here in Hungary. Unfortunately we can't put so many talented people on the telly than you guys.

Valve Bounce
18th April 2009, 12:07
I have been watching her sing many times today. Still brings a tear to my eyes. I guess I'm just a softy. For those who couldn't be bothered to check out the link I gave you, :- Your loss, not mine

Valve Bounce
18th April 2009, 12:21
Susan Boyle was awesome. The ITV site (http://www.itv.co.uk) has a much better audio/video version than YouTube does.
Apparently Oprah wants her now. Simon has signed on as her minder.

As much as I loved the sound quality from your link, it doesn't come near to the humour and emotion that is evident from the you-tube link that I posted, and which I have watched once again.

It is most interesting, and perhaps slightly ironical that the music is from Les Miserables.

I was most telling that when she said she wanted to sing like Elaine Page, the camera showed the sarcastic and incredulous looks on the faces of several people in the audience. How will they live that down.

Valve Bounce
18th April 2009, 12:21
If Valve can't put the effort in, neither can I ;)

Your loss, not mine.

Valve Bounce
18th April 2009, 12:31
And for those who'd like to hear more from Susan, here's an old Julie London favourite: http://featuresblogs.chicagotribune.com/technology_internetcritic/2009/04/susan-boyles-makeover-and-a-new-song.html

18th April 2009, 19:05

Morgan said, "I would just like to apologize to Susan Boyle, because I think it's long overdue, because, from the clip, you know, (millions of) people could see that Simon Cowell (the third judge that night -- he of "American Idol" fame) and I -- we don't have the best reputations, I think, for courtesy in America. I think we owe her on apology because it was an amazing performance. As I said, we were all laughing at her when she started, and by the end, the last laugh was on her.

And i think you never have to laugh on others because of thr personality and circumstances they are in at present.

And in think British Education minister should add Susan incident a new chapter in kids Moral education Book's.

Dave B
18th April 2009, 19:47
Wow. Ugly woman has decent voice shocker. Decent, not brilliant. But that won't let the Simon Cowell over-hype machine wringing every last penny of profit out of her. Still, more fool the suckers who buy his mass-produced crap.

18th April 2009, 20:42
Wow. Ugly woman has decent voice shocker. Decent, not brilliant. But that won't let the Simon Cowell over-hype machine wringing every last penny of profit out of her. Still, more fool the suckers who buy his mass-produced crap.

A fellow cynic, love it :p

I can't really avoid these "talent" shows, my girlfriend has them on all the bloody time. I mean, this woman's got a good voice, no doubt, but so do thousands of others. It does prove that you can't accurately pre-judge people all the time but that's just what humans do I guess!

18th April 2009, 22:58
I preferred this...


Valve Bounce
19th April 2009, 01:45
It's all a bit of fun, isn't it? Something we can all enjoy.

19th April 2009, 01:54
Damn Valve, Susan Boyle even got ol' Fiero kinda misty eyed. There is something in that voice that touches something deep inside. I hope she is allowed to press onwards. I'd buy a cd for sure.

Mark in Oshawa
19th April 2009, 04:34
I think that woman's life changed in 3 minutes, and it is bloody wonderful that she had the GUTS to go up there and face down the smirking smart@sses in the audience and three VERY jaded judges and knock them out. Simon was holding his jaw because it probably bounced off the desk in front of him.

I hope they give her the queen's treatment in a makeover, life coach and give her a good contract and protect her. When I heard her I thought, my god she sounds like she could give Julie Andrews a run in her prime for her voice. When I saw her, it just reaffirms never underestimate ANYONE.....

Mark in Oshawa
19th April 2009, 04:46
Spider....I always figured Piers and Simon weren't half the jerks they portray on TV and it was fun watching them have their jaws wide open as this woman knocked them out. The video of the audience snickering is what angered me.....

19th April 2009, 06:42
An interesting act.

Surely Simon Cowell, who controls this franchise, had some idea. Equally someone must have decided to let her appear dressed as a bag lady.

All for the show and TV.

Can't deny the talent though.

Valve Bounce
19th April 2009, 11:14
Wow. Ugly woman has decent voice shocker. Decent, not brilliant. But that won't let the Simon Cowell over-hype machine wringing every last penny of profit out of her. Still, more fool the suckers who buy his mass-produced crap.

Let me put it to you this way: this very plain looking girl came in front of a sniggering, derisive audience. She had promised that she would make that audience rock - all she wanted was to entertain them.

And she did. I cannot remember how many times I have listened to her sing, over and over, sometimes with my eyes closed; and it touched me. Brought tears to my eyes many times.

There is room for humanity in this world, and I am glad Susan came out and wowed the audience, who stood and cheered and clapped her all the way.

Pity you could not see it my way - somehow, I feel it was your loss, not Susan's.

Valve Bounce
19th April 2009, 13:29
Did you guys know that I posted a thread on Susan two days ago?

donKey jote
19th April 2009, 16:04
LINK PLEASE !! :bounce:

:p : :D

Mark in Oshawa
19th April 2009, 17:42
Let me put it to you this way: this very plain looking girl came in front of a sniggering, derisive audience. She had promised that she would make that audience rock - all she wanted was to entertain them.

And she did. I cannot remember how many times I have listened to her sing, over and over, sometimes with my eyes closed; and it touched me. Brought tears to my eyes many times.

There is room for humanity in this world, and I am glad Susan came out and wowed the audience, who stood and cheered and clapped her all the way.

Pity you could not see it my way - somehow, I feel it was your loss, not Susan's.

Bounce..he doesn't get it. He never has near as I can tell. I have been home less than 24 hours and watched it about 4 times now....it just floors me how she had that crowd eating out of her hand...

Mark in Oshawa
19th April 2009, 18:50
I couldn't find a link, but I did see a clip of Simon on TV in LA talking about this and how shocked he was. Didn't apologize per se, but he did admit that they were shocked.

What got me, this happened in JANUARY and it exploded this week. How the people in that audience were not able to maybe find a way to tip us all off.....

She will likely win because of this audition, but it really doesn't matter does it? The woman didn't live on this earth looking for our approval and still doesn't really. She doesn't seem to want an apology...

Mark in Oshawa
19th April 2009, 18:52
After doing some research, the story gets better. Apparently she is considered mildly brain damaged from birth, and has no intentions of leaving her little village in Scotland. When asked what she would do with the money she likely will be making, she said she would share with family. I hope like hell they look after her.....although for a woman who supposively has a learning difficulty, she doesn't really act like it.

Mark in Oshawa
19th April 2009, 18:59
Here is Pier's Apology on CNN's Larry King Show: http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/TV/04/17/susan.boyle.lkl/index.html#cnnSTCVideo

Garry Walker
19th April 2009, 21:47
Very good voice indeed.

Only confirms that one should never judge a person based on appearance.

Valve Bounce
20th April 2009, 07:37
You know, I keep watching it over and over. I just love to hear her sing.

20th April 2009, 12:14
She does have a remarkable voice, but the hype surrounding her is just ridiculous, it was only week 1 and shes already the winner according to most bookies!! I think there is lots of good singing talent actually in the show from the first two weeks, and a couple of dance acts other acts that looked quite good, so i don't think its such a foregone conclusion. Good luck to her though, she does deserve her plaudits.

Valve Bounce
20th April 2009, 15:56
The interesting thing is that she is getting a lot of attention (and moolah) from people like Larry King and Oprah in the US. Personally, I don't care if she wins or not - she has already won the respect of many who ridiculed her before she sang. And for me, she doesn't really need to win Britain has Talent. :up:

Hazell B
20th April 2009, 16:57
Saw and heard of her for the first time yesterday.
Will have forgotten about her by next week.

20th April 2009, 17:15
This week's hype :mark:

Brown, Jon Brow
21st April 2009, 11:24
What I don't understand is the way she is described in the Newspapers '47 year old virgin Susan Boyle......' Why is it relevant that she is a virgin? :s

Dave B
21st April 2009, 16:09
Bounce..he doesn't get it. He never has near as I can tell.
I do get it, though. She's got a good voice, and we shouldn't judge a book by its cover. But for me, that's where the story ends. Maybe you don't have quite the same exposure to the Simon Cowell hype factory outside the UK, but I've lost count of the times this guy's rammed "the next big thing" down our throats, and they always turn out to be 1-year wonders at most.

Boyle has a good voice, of that there's no doubt. But the second the ink dried on her application form she sold her soul to Cowell & Co, and will be munipulated like a puppet just like so many before her until the public get bored and move on the next fad.

The only thing I don't "get" is how and why so many people fall for this marketing exercise year after year.

21st April 2009, 17:44
She said she wanted to be a professional singer. If she gets a few paid gigs out of the deal, she'll be a professional singer.

Somehow I get the feeling when all the hype fades, she will be content with the time she did get to spend in the spotlight and that will be enough.

22nd April 2009, 17:05
The only reason people watch the show is to laugh at the weird and the deluded.

Therefore it was mildly humorous when Susan Boyle called their bluff by having such a good singing voice, but let's not go over the top.

She'll be yesterday's papers in no time at all.

Hazell B
22nd April 2009, 22:12
The only thing I don't "get" is how and why so many people fall for this marketing exercise year after year.

But do they? Will the average (I use the word in all it's meanings :p : ) person from one of those shows really sell that many records? Or are they simply talked about by the media as there's nothing else happening that day/week/whatever.

(That's a genuine question - I don't know!)

22nd April 2009, 22:39
A talented performance no question but was it really so exceptional to merit such widespread acclaim? Im no expert but I dont think so.

Reminds me of Paul Pots, A good performance from what looked like an unlikely source.. appearances can be deceptive and the surprise factor can have this effect.

Good luck to her though. :)

Mark in Oshawa
23rd April 2009, 05:46
A week afterwards, and after a bit over overkill of watching that video and checking out the clips on the net, I am tending to shade a bit towards the overkill side. The effect of this spectacularly plain and unusual woman singing like that tho was pretty electric. Simon didn't make her up, she voluneteered, and even if she is off the radar after a year, I suspect it wont bother her one bit but she will be the richer for it.

Simon may ram the "next big thing" down your throat, but the next big things laugh all the way to the bank and if they have true talent, they will find a way to stick around.

I don't think this woman cares about being the next big thing, she will just get a chance to meet some really extraordinary people, sing for millions and make enough to retire on. And she had a whole audience of smug and mocking people in a hall in Glasgow eat a LOT of crow.......THAT you cannot put a price on.

23rd April 2009, 07:52
Can't follow the link as youtube is forbidden at work but as far as I know she's the femine version of Costel Busuioc, a poor stonemaster who went to work in Spain and used to sing opera tunes while working until somebody sent him to a TV contest for unknown talents, won it ( partly because the massive votes from romanian emigrants ) and now has a contract with Sony, launched an album, takes music lessons, has plenty of concerts.

Easy Drifter
23rd April 2009, 08:33
I am surprised no Cdn. has mentioned Rita MacNeil. From Cape Breton she is grossly overweight, like huge, has a face a mother would have a hard time loving but can she sing. Her gowns are made by Omar the tent maker.
Several CD's and umpteen TV specials. Writes much of her own material.
I have seen her live twice at the Orillia Opera House and her voice is fantastic but at times you just want to close your eyes.
On her TV shows she usually has the 'Men of the Deep' an all male group of Nova Scotia coal miners (hence the name) who are excellent singers.
Nova Scotia has produced an inordinate number of musicians for the its size with Anne Murray probably the best known.
Her contempory Catherine McKinnon was a better singer but never made it outside of Canada or as big in Canada.

Dave B
23rd April 2009, 09:21
But do they? Will the average (I use the word in all it's meanings :p : ) person from one of those shows really sell that many records? Or are they simply talked about by the media as there's nothing else happening that day/week/whatever.

(That's a genuine question - I don't know!)

Most of them do sell a huge amount of records in the short-term - usually the X-Factor winner's song is the best-selling single of any given year - but what happens to them after that? Usually they bomb without a trace.

Look at last year's winner, Alexandra Burke. Christmas number one (the frankly painful murdering of Hallelujah!) then absolutely nothing since (http://www.chartstats.com/artistinfo.php?id=12222). Cowell will probably trot her out again when he's got something to promote, but otherwise her career is dead in the water.

23rd April 2009, 10:32
She'll be yesterday's papers in no time at all.

It's possible but after such daily exposure in the Sun it's also possible to become the next Jade Goody. :laugh:
At least they say that this woman has a talent.

Brown, Jon Brow
23rd April 2009, 13:46
Look at last year's winner, Alexandra Burke. Christmas number one (the frankly painful murdering of Hallelujah!) then absolutely nothing since (http://www.chartstats.com/artistinfo.php?id=12222). Cowell will probably trot her out again when he's got something to promote, but otherwise her career is dead in the water.

Well, it does take a few (many) months to right and record an album. I'm guessing she is still recording.

23rd April 2009, 15:51
I am surprised no Cdn. has mentioned Rita MacNeil. From Cape Breton she is grossly overweight, like huge, has a face a mother would have a hard time loving but can she sing. Her gowns are made by Omar the tent maker....

You're going straight to hell Easy :D

Easy Drifter
23rd April 2009, 16:58
Very probably.
Quit complaining about the Habs. I have to put up with Leafs.
The last time they won I had played against a couple of them! :eek:

Mark in Oshawa
25th April 2009, 06:38
You're going straight to hell Easy :D

He really knows how to embarass us. Easy...I was trying not to draw attention to Ms. McNeil. Sweetheart of a lady but my god the last time she was in town filming her Christmas special at Parkwood, they had to replaster the cracks in the rooms.....

No...I think this Susan Boyle is a nice coming out of nowhere story. THAT is why it is so interesting. One day, she is a spinster with her cat who sings at the pub karoke, and the next she is a world wide star.

25th April 2009, 11:42
Look at last year's winner, Alexandra Burke. Christmas number one (the frankly painful murdering of Hallelujah!) then absolutely nothing since (http://www.chartstats.com/artistinfo.php?id=12222). Cowell will probably trot her out again when he's got something to promote, but otherwise her career is dead in the water.

To be fair, history is on Cowell's side. Both Will Young and Leona Lewis were withdrawn from the spotlight initially, only to become huge superstars when they returned. I think the strategy is to distance the artist from the show once the initial No.1 single is out of the way.

Mark in Oshawa
25th April 2009, 16:34
Cowell has never hurt an artist that I can tell. He has made a lot of people rich who wouldn't have otherwise. Does he micromanage their career? Maybe...but he seems to do it with the long term and he is quite willing after a year or so to cut people loose if they think they can do better without him. That said, he is finding these people and elevating them to the international stage. Most wouldn't have gotten there. If Susan Boyle had to rely on finding her way, she would be singing in pubs on karoke nights for the rest of her days. Now she has a chance to make some serious money for her future and her many nieces and nephews who she will no doubt share the money with. Susan seems to be the right sort for all of this too. She has no illusions on what she is, and doesn't seem to be taking on any airs of divaship either. Good on her.....

25th April 2009, 19:17
Surely Simon Cowell, who controls this franchise, had some idea.

Yup, all contestants go before another judging panel (who weed out the average contestants, leaving only the very good and the comically bad) before they see Cowell and Co.

Therefore, Cowell and the production team would've realised they had a reat story on their hands with Susan Boyle and staged the audition accordingly.

Dave B
26th April 2009, 20:02
If you've got a few minutes, there's a very informative article in today's Sunday Times which sheds some light on the fate of former contestants:


Mark in Oshawa
27th April 2009, 23:50
Yup, all contestants go before another judging panel (who weed out the average contestants, leaving only the very good and the comically bad) before they see Cowell and Co.

Therefore, Cowell and the production team would've realised they had a reat story on their hands with Susan Boyle and staged the audition accordingly.

I think the panel hid her talent from the Judges. The reaction you see from them is not faked. I think they do this so Simon or the judges can give away the talent or lack thereof of the contestant. Susan was screened alright, but not by Simon and co. and they didn't know what they were getting when that funny looking Scottish Spinster walked out....

Valve Bounce
30th May 2009, 12:17
Well, tonight's the night. I just know she cannot match her original song from Les Miserables. There was an option to view the lyrics and I selected that. I was stunned! What I didn't realise was that Susan had sung about herself, and she opened a window for us to actually catch a glimpse inter her inner self. I have since then listened to her singing "I dreamed a dream" many times over, and each time I catch another glimpse inter Susan's real self. It is truly remarkable. "It is so emotional!!"

Mark in Oshawa
30th May 2009, 15:02
Well, tonight's the night. I just know she cannot match her original song from Les Miserables. There was an option to view the lyrics and I selected that. I was stunned! What I didn't realise was that Susan had sung about herself, and she opened a window for us to actually catch a glimpse inter her inner self. I have since then listened to her singing "I dreamed a dream" many times over, and each time I catch another glimpse inter Susan's real self. It is truly remarkable. "It is so emotional!!"

That's why the song hits home. You hear the words and you know it is in many ways, her story.

Valve Bounce
31st May 2009, 05:51
Well, she came second; beaten by a truly remarkable performance by the dancers. I was also disappointed Susan did not sing another song. I also think her prformance in the final, though very good, did not measure up to her first performance of the same song, which was electrifying. Maybe I am just being over emotional.

31st May 2009, 18:14
Fairly beaten I'd say.

Valve Bounce
1st June 2009, 04:37
Well things took a nasty turn afterward when Susan went sorta bonkers at te hotel and had to be admitted to hospital: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1189954/Susan-Boyle-admitted-The-Priory-suffers-emotional-breakdown.html.

Somehow, I always had the suspicion that she had a mental age of between 8 and 11, depending on the circumstances. I had this impression from her original performance the way she answered some questions, especially when she said she was 47 "but that's only one side of me" and then gyrated her hips. Her extreme reaction to the "Yes" votes from the judges also surprised me. However, I think had she performed as she did in that first appearance, she would have won. Singing the same song and her behavior before the final went against her.

1st June 2009, 11:52
Such a shame to hear about her exhaustion, its understandable really for someone not used to the media attent8ion. Hopefully she will recover soon and be fighting fit again.

Having not seen a lot of the final, i can't really comment on her performance. I did watch Diversity though and theirs was brilliant, worthy winners in my opinion.

2nd June 2009, 11:07
Personally I feel this is the beginning of the end for the "X Factor" & "Britains Got Talent" type show on British TV. It will last for another few years yet, but this is the watershed.

Susan Boyle is a mentally ill person who has been manipulated in front of the public, catapulted from obscurity to relentless fame within a matter of days. That is hard for a "normal" person to get to grips with, but for a mentally ill person - its impossible. What happens over the coming months will be critical - but I think what happens will have huge ramifications.

Lets not blame the media. The media are like they are and always will be - it is the programme itself which abuses people like Susan Boyle. All for a few viewing figures. ITV makes me sick to be honest - they rely on tacky, dirty reality shows like this for figures.

Whats worse is the "18 million" people sitting watching this drivel when there is a beautiful day outside. No wonder obesity is on the rise.

This will be the beginning of the end, because the format can't last forever and this year they have crossed a line - we will see the outcome in the next few months.

Dave B
2nd June 2009, 11:42
If only, Bezza, if only. Unfortunately the publicity netted by Boyle's sad situation (assuming it's even true, and not another cynical bit of PR) will only spur Cowell & co on.

It's sad watching ITV circle the drain, a once-great broadcaster is resorting to populist drivel in a desperate attempt to stave off the threat of recession and new media to its advertising revenue. I fear we're witnessing its death throes before it sells up to RTL or gives up altogether.

I was a shocked as you regarding the viewing figures, given that it was such a glorious day over most of the UK. I was at a barbeque while the programme aired, I couldn't even consider sitting indoors watching the idiot box on a day like that - that's what PVRs and videos are for.

You say the format can't last forever, but it's been going strong in various incarnations since Opportunity Knocks began on the radio in the 1940s. The format itself is strong, it's just the munipilation of the vulnerable and gullible which has changed.

2nd June 2009, 13:32
Lets not blame the media. The media are like they are and always will be - it is the programme itself which abuses people like Susan Boyle. All for a few viewing figures. ITV makes me sick to be honest - they rely on tacky, dirty reality shows like this for figures.

People, and indeed certain parts of the media itself, are always quick to blame the media but at the end of the day all; the newspapers, nasty magazines and reality programmes are about because there is an audience. It's the 18 million numpties who watched the show who are the problem, if 14 or 15 million of them had decided to do something with their lives then the show probably wouldn't survive and we wouldn't have this problem.

As for Susan Boyle, being called The Hairy Angel by a number of media outlets probably didn't help, nor did the ridiculous pedastal that she was put on by a number of people, especially considering that she isn't any more talented than a large number of singers up and down the country.

Valve Bounce
2nd June 2009, 15:04
As for Susan Boyle, being called The Hairy Angel by a number of media outlets probably didn't help, nor did the ridiculous pedastal that she was put on by a number of people, especially considering that she isn't any more talented than a large number of singers up and down the country.

I have to disagree on one point: Susan is greatly talented in her singing of that one song. In fact, I googled the same song sung by Elaine Paige, and I prefer Susan's version from the first performance.

However, I am not sure of her mental age, which appears to vary between 8 and 11, but may even fall lower if/when she is upset. I think she loved performing in front of that large audience the first time. After that, she simply could not withstand the stress. Her reaction to losing was a clear indication that she should never be put through this type of stress again.

2nd June 2009, 16:45
Personally I feel this is the beginning of the end for the "X Factor" & "Britains Got Talent" type show on British TV. It will last for another few years yet, but this is the watershed.

Susan Boyle is a mentally ill person who has been manipulated in front of the public, catapulted from obscurity to relentless fame within a matter of days. That is hard for a "normal" person to get to grips with, but for a mentally ill person - its impossible. What happens over the coming months will be critical - but I think what happens will have huge ramifications.

Lets not blame the media. The media are like they are and always will be - it is the programme itself which abuses people like Susan Boyle. All for a few viewing figures. ITV makes me sick to be honest - they rely on tacky, dirty reality shows like this for figures.

Whats worse is the "18 million" people sitting watching this drivel when there is a beautiful day outside. No wonder obesity is on the rise.

This will be the beginning of the end, because the format can't last forever and this year they have crossed a line - we will see the outcome in the next few months.
I can only hope you're right......

4th June 2009, 06:58
Susan Boyle needs to go with EKI to the sauna for a couple of weeks !!

Garry Walker
4th June 2009, 10:41
Susan Boyle needs to go with EKI to the sauna for a couple of weeks !!

I think Mosley would enjoy that kind of "punishment" a bit more.