View Full Version : Whats your favourite accent?

15th April 2009, 02:02
I find Scottish, South African and Kiwi accents very entertaining.

15th April 2009, 02:22
Although unable to understand it, I found listening to people speaking Aramaic quite pleasing, almost poetic.
For English, I like the Newfies and the Aussies.

15th April 2009, 03:47
I find Scottish, South African and Kiwi accents very entertaining.

dutch, african

15th April 2009, 04:23
I find Scottish, South African and Kiwi accents very entertaining.

Each to their own..... I suppose!

Mind you I don't mind Scottish accents, but they are not my favourite. That would be French. although I do find the softer spoken Western Canadians pleasant to listen to, (she who must be obeyed made me say that :) ).

My sister as a child had a very broad Australian accent, in the early seventies she married a yank and lived in Florida for about 20 years. When she came back to Australia she had the worst possible combination of loud, crass, southern US mixed with a grating Aussie accent and she she still has today, bleah!

15th April 2009, 05:48
Scottish, although I only understand half of what people says :p :

15th April 2009, 07:12
I find Scottish, South African and Kiwi accents very entertaining.

Hey, me too! :) Well, Scottish and Kiwi are just entertaining, South African actually sounds really beautiful, I think. :up:

15th April 2009, 07:39
Scottish and Irish accents are the coolest. But like pino, I don't understand what the Scottish are saying. Or what do you think Jamie ? ;)

15th April 2009, 08:08
Italian! And.. Glaswegean

15th April 2009, 08:14
Kiwi are just entertaining, South African actually sounds really beautiful, I think. :up:

Well come and live in Australia, you'll hear both these accents a hell of a lot, normally when they are whinging about how much better everything is at home!!!!!!! :)

15th April 2009, 08:19
Well come and live in Australia, you'll hear both these accents a hell of a lot, normally when they are whinging about how much better everything is at home!!!!!!! :)

Sounds like fun. :p :

15th April 2009, 11:16
A bit specific but the Bristol accent is superb, almost makes me laugh as much as the Welsh accent :D

Brown, Jon Brow
15th April 2009, 11:29
I like to listen to the North East and Cumbrian accents. Maybe because I was brought up listening to those accents and now I have to live with the god awful Lancashire accent.

I have a friend who grew up around Blackburn moved to Germany and went to an International School, so was taught American English. So now they have a Lancashire accent that is slightly Americanised. People think she's from Somerset! :laugh:

15th April 2009, 14:25
I can't believe no one mentioned the Hyundai....

(I'll get my coat...)

15th April 2009, 15:15
I can't believe no one mentioned the Hyundai....

(I'll get my coat...)

No no no.......allow me :D

15th April 2009, 15:56
I cant understand a thing the Australians or Welsh say. Especially Welshmen. Drives me nuts :crazy:

15th April 2009, 16:04
Spanish is nice.

15th April 2009, 16:40
I like to hear a certain latina whisper sweet nothings to me in English and Spanish. ;)

15th April 2009, 16:47
I can't believe no one mentioned the Hyundai....

(I'll get my coat...)

< ...bangs head on desk...>

15th April 2009, 17:50
I find broad 'thick' accents from where ever to be the hardest on the ear..

Liverpool grates on me the most I would say... internationally speaking (pun) I like French and Italian and the Danish woman I worked with had the most wonderful way of saying things... I dread to think how I sound to others

15th April 2009, 18:00
now I have to live with the god awful Lancashire accent.

:laugh: absolutely true, and I've lived round here all my life! Thankfully I've only picked up the odd phrase, fairly neutral otherwise.

I like listening to any heavy accent, and for some reason I rarely have trouble figuring out what they're on about :p . My vote would go to Irish I think.

15th April 2009, 18:19
I like irish and dutch accents best.

15th April 2009, 21:03
I like the dead-pan sound of the Finnish accent and also the smooth, poetic flow to the Swedish accent (and language in general.)

Also a big fan of the Welsh accent and Limerick accent. Here's a good example of a Limerick accent (city in South of Ireland)


15th April 2009, 21:24
I like the dead-pan sound of the Finnish accent and also the smooth, poetic flow to the Swedish accent (and language in general.)

I knew a Finnish girl at Uni who had a really nice accent....although it did help that she was hottttt :D

Captain VXR
16th April 2009, 13:40
zomerzet farmer, kiwi + oz for me

16th April 2009, 14:58
zomerzet farmer, kiwi + oz for me

I just noticed that you're in Bath. One of my mates goes to the Uni up there and I ocassionally make a little trip up (via a blat up Cheddar Gorge :D ). Quite a nice little place really and it helps that Exeter has such a poor nightlife that it makes Bath look like a capital of culture :D

16th April 2009, 15:53

17th April 2009, 03:21
Colombian accent. Their Spanish is just very smooth and flowing.

Cuban is a close second, but the women are hotter in Colombia. :D

17th April 2009, 22:51
Finnish gets me every time as per my Mr Kovalainen obsession.

The welsh accent makes me smile. :) There's a couple of accent's I can't stand- but I don't want to mention them incase I offend someone! :-P

18th April 2009, 01:37
Scottish and Irish accents are the coolest. But like pino, I don't understand what the Scottish are saying. Or what do you think Jamie ? ;)

Some Scottish accents are a bit difficult to understand, but I don't have an accent at all so nobody has a problem understanding me :D

I love accents and could listen to people with accents talking all day :up: Particularly Irish, Welsh, Kiwi, South African, Finnish (speaking Finnish, obviously), Geordie and even Liverpool!

18th April 2009, 02:55
DonKey says that Easy prefers pink accents on his curtains in the bedroom

Easy Drifter
18th April 2009, 05:20
Aye mate but better than thine lime green with yellow and purple polka dots! :eek:

Mark in Oshawa
19th April 2009, 04:01
I am saying Irish or Newfoundlander...which are NOT that different in some ways. Love hearing a Scot's or Australian accent on some people, and Kiwi always sounds nice but the thought of a beautiful colleen with red hair and a lovely lilting voice flirting with me makes the sweat break out on my neck...lol

19th April 2009, 05:25

20th April 2009, 08:29
but the thought of a beautiful colleen with red hair and a lovely lilting voice flirting with me makes the sweat break out on my neck...lol

Try spending a lifetime with Irish women, you'd change you're mind fairly lively! :mark:

:p :

20th April 2009, 09:24
The way British actors speak English rules :)

20th April 2009, 09:43
Finnish gets me every time as per my Mr Kovalainen obsession.

The welsh accent makes me smile. :) There's a couple of accent's I can't stand- but I don't want to mention them incase I offend someone! :-P

No do - I think I can guess: cockney, brummie, scouse...????

20th April 2009, 19:13
As they say in Glasgow " Al kick ya hayd,n"
Or " I will kick your head in "
Funny no one mentioned Geordie !
or Burnley "Do you not know "or "Can you not see "

21st April 2009, 18:38
No do - I think I can guess: cockney, brummie, scouse...????

Well... cockney I can cope with. I work in Birmingham and have lived to the North of there for most my life .... ;) .... but, you got one out of three right!

22nd April 2009, 19:28
Spoken by a pretty woman, Dublin accent.

Spoken by a race car driver, Jackie Stewart's Scottish accent was interesting.

22nd April 2009, 20:16
Spoken by Sean Connery, any accent. :)