View Full Version : Is this the most pointless 'sport'?

Hazell B
14th April 2009, 13:09
I've just spent four (very, very long) days ten feet from the end of a Flyball course. I've decided it's annoying, pointless, painfully loud and incredibly crap, but feel free to look it up yourselves .....

Flyball is a team of four dogs who race against another team to collect four tennis balls and jump four jumps. It's played in heats, three races per heat.

Having paid a few hundred quid to stand a stall full of dog treats at a county house over Easter, I found myself saying "OK, next to the Flyball will be fine" when they offered me assorted sites. I was ill-educated an idiot for that split second :rolleyes:

From 8am each day races ran solidly until they'd run out of steam, usually after I'd left. 16 teams per league, six leagues per class, four dogs per team, assorted classes for different breeds, types and ability of dogs. That's about 3500 dogs each day barking like lunatics within a few feet of my ears. The owners weren't shy about shouting either :mark:

I have post traumatic stress now :p :

Rudy Tamasz
14th April 2009, 13:21
I'd vote F1. Teams spend millions to finish eigth and fans spend thousands to pierce their ears with ridiculous engine roar and after the race is over a couple of rich folks in blazers rewrite its outcome.

14th April 2009, 13:40
Alot of people won't like this but.....Golf. In my opinion it ruins a good walk.

14th April 2009, 16:32
Sweetie would not fare well in fly ball. Oh, she'd do ok the first time but when she brought the ball back to you and you threw it away again, she'd let you know she is a Labrador Retriever not a Labrador Repeater and you can go get your damn ball yourself. Having cleared the air on the matter, she would stop by the dog treat booth and then find a nice place in the sun.

14th April 2009, 17:11
Flyball is a team of four dogs who race against another team to collect four tennis balls and jump four jumps. It's played in heats, three races per heat.

Don't dogs have better things to do when they're in heat?

Hazell B
15th April 2009, 17:41
Eki :laugh:

Sweetie would not fare well in fly ball.

Smart beastie. These ruddy collies were thundering up and down all day, barking constantly, thinking they were doing a brilliant job.
My dogs just sat watching, using zero energy except to maybe roll their eyes at the competitors from time to time :p :

The flyball people have now asked me to go to all their events this year.
What the bloody hell did I do to deserve that? :eek:

Golf - at least it's quiet :up:

15th April 2009, 18:03
Never even heard of Flyball up until now. No chance entering our spaniel, he doesn't understand the concept of giving you the ball back once he's got it. :)

I think cricket is probably the worst. Five days and it can still end up as a draw?

Hazell B
15th April 2009, 18:27
I think cricket is probably the worst. Five days and it can still end up as a draw?

Ah, but cricket can be deeply good if you want a place to sit in the sun and read/snooze/drink warm cider, with the added advantage of occasional 'howzat' and 'geremoff Freddie!' calls :)
Have to say I don't mind one day matches, to be honest.

15th April 2009, 18:53
i've seen flyball on tv before, i have 3 dogs ( a beagle, bull terrier, and a chow) maybe i should get one more dog so i can start a flyball team :p

16th April 2009, 07:22
How can we categorize that bridge is a sport? Nothing to do with this sport but usually people in the gamble den are playing bridge.

Mark in Oshawa
19th April 2009, 03:57
Grid Girl...play golf...then come back and tell me how stupid it is....you will be saying it for other reasons, but you will secretly respect the game.

Flyball sounds dumb, but I like dogs so I would watch. No....dumbest sport?? I dunno, the Americans televise some really goofy ones, I remember seeing "Slamball" which was basketball on trampolines...that has to be the one....