View Full Version : 12 year old girl sues her dad (and wins!)

9th April 2009, 18:32
http://www.parentdish.com/2009/04/08/daughter-wins-lawsuit-against-father-over-punishment/?icid=main|compaq-desktop|dl3|link6|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.parentdish.com% 2F2009%2F04%2F08%2Fdaughter-wins-lawsuit-against-father-over-punishment%2F

i am so happy for this girl! :D

9th April 2009, 19:33
Talk about a spoiled brat!!!

Once again the Liberals show how they believe they know better how to raise your kids than the parents do.

The instant classic
9th April 2009, 19:35

10th April 2009, 02:01
Other than God, my father was the highest authority in our home. And had I sued him (as a child or an adult), I would have gotten to meet God a lot sooner than expected.

I agree with Anthony. This is a bull#### decision. If I was that guy, I'd move to the southern U.S. and let that little brat know that as soon as we got through the door of our new house, my belt and her azz would be getting to know each other really well. A wide belt meeting with a narrow azz tends to produce a lot of "yes sirs" and "no ma'ams" from that day forward.

Suing your own father???!!! A f'd up kid. A f'd up lawyer who took a stupid case like this. And a royally f'd up weirdo judge and legal system that came to such a retarded decision.

10th April 2009, 02:33
http://www.parentdish.com/2009/04/08/daughter-wins-lawsuit-against-father-over-punishment/?icid=main|compaq-desktop|dl3|link6|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.parentdish.com% 2F2009%2F04%2F08%2Fdaughter-wins-lawsuit-against-father-over-punishment%2F

i am so happy for this girl! :D

How old are you?

10th April 2009, 02:34
Other than God, my father was the highest authority in our home. And had I sued him (as a child or an adult), I would have gotten to meet God a lot sooner than expected.

I agree with Anthony. This is a bull#### decision. If I was that guy, I'd move to the southern U.S. and let that little brat know that as soon as we got through the door of our new house, my belt and her azz would be getting to know each other really well. A wide belt meeting with a narrow azz tends to produce a lot of "yes sirs" and "no ma'ams" from that day forward.

Suing your own father???!!! A f'd up kid. A f'd up lawyer who took a stupid case like this. And a royally f'd up weirdo judge and legal system that came to such a retarded decision.

Agreed. What an awful decision.

Easy Drifter
10th April 2009, 04:39
Our legal (I won't call it justice) system tends to be left leaning especially in Quebec but this is almost beyond belief. Two judges as well ruled against the father!
I even looked to see if it was posted April 1.
Checking his profile Wade is 17 which explains his stance.
I note the kid's lawyer was legal aid so it was basically a Govt. lawyer

10th April 2009, 04:59
Checking his profile Wade is 17 which explains his stance.

It does? I'm 18.

Easy Drifter
10th April 2009, 05:09
OOOPS. But you do have a year on him and obviously are more mature.

10th April 2009, 05:43
OOOPS. But you do have a year on him and obviously are more mature.


10th April 2009, 11:30
her dad made a big mistake punishing her :p

10th April 2009, 19:34
What is the world coming to.

One of the few things I learned growing up was not to bite the hand that feeds me, and perhaps the kid in this case ought to know this also.

Brown, Jon Brow
10th April 2009, 20:03
Only in America :laugh:

Easy Drifter
10th April 2009, 22:04
Last time I looked Quebec was still part of Canada.

10th April 2009, 23:20
Last time I looked Quebec was still part of Canada.
that is what you think

Personally i think we have come a long way from the days of rome, where pop could kill any of his children, I think when the son hit a certain age, he could no longer kill him, but for the female, she was still subject to the death penalty even after marriage...

Just read somewhere that grandma, who was like 77yo, got killed in a sword fight with some yougem

Way I look at it, all this is just more good ways to keep lawyers employed

10th April 2009, 23:21
http://www.parentdish.com/2009/04/08/daughter-wins-lawsuit-against-father-over-punishment/?icid=main|compaq-desktop|dl3|link6|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.parentdish.com% 2F2009%2F04%2F08%2Fdaughter-wins-lawsuit-against-father-over-punishment%2F

i am so happy for this girl! :D

I am even happier for his lawyer

Easy Drifter
11th April 2009, 00:26
I am sad for the Cdn. taxpayer. As a legal aid lawyer the Govt. paid his fees!
Not only did the father lose, and pay his own legal fees, the Cdn. taxpayers got it in the ear!!!!
Although the father's discipling of the girl might have been too severe in this case a parent must be able to discipline a child. Otherwise we will be in arnachy.
Remember this was overuse of the internet by a minor, possibly accessing porn sites, when forbidden to do so by her father who had legal custody. How many children have been lured by sexual predators over the internet? Just about every major police force has units set up to try and trap these perverts.
Was her school work being affected by her incessant use of the web when forbidden to do so?
This was no 17 year old but a 12 year old child.

11th April 2009, 03:10
Heck, I could have sued mine for the same thing, and got ten million dollars, but he would have only beat me out of it...

11th April 2009, 04:48
Personally i think we have come a long way from the days of rome, where pop could kill any of his children, I think when the son hit a certain age, he could no longer kill him, but for the female, she was still subject to the death penalty even after marriage...

The Romans probably instituted that only after their kids started suing them for not being able to go to the Circus Maximus whenever they wanted to.

Garry Walker
12th April 2009, 17:03
http://www.parentdish.com/2009/04/08/daughter-wins-lawsuit-against-father-over-punishment/?icid=main|compaq-desktop|dl3|link6|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.parentdish.com% 2F2009%2F04%2F08%2Fdaughter-wins-lawsuit-against-father-over-punishment%2F

i am so happy for this girl! :D

Pathetic, truly pathetic decision.

Rudy Tamasz
14th April 2009, 13:33
Only in America :laugh:

Not only. These days kids can show parents some hell in any part of the world. In my mom's friend's family the daughter smoked, drank, stole money and at the age of 15 slept with more partners than I did at 35. Her dad slapped her for a partucularly big amount of cash stolen, she turned him in to the police and he got verbally disciplined and warned he may face an administrative charge next time.

My conclusion is, kids are given freedom but they are not taught responsibility. Also, slapping does not help and if you don't want problems with kids, you should do something well before they become rebellious teenagers.

14th April 2009, 15:28
that is what you think...

What's that supposed to mean?

14th April 2009, 17:31
Not only. These days kids can show parents some hell in any part of the world. In my mom's friend's family the daughter smoked, drank, stole money and at the age of 15 slept with more partners than I did at 35. Her dad slapped her for a partucularly big amount of cash stolen, she turned him in to the police and he got verbally disciplined and warned he may face an administrative charge next time.

My conclusion is, kids are given freedom but they are not taught responsibility. Also, slapping does not help and if you don't want problems with kids, you should do something well before they become rebellious teenagers.
the thing is, if you slap any random person on the street you can get in trouble, so people shouldn't think they can just slap their kids when ever they want to

15th April 2009, 00:22
the thing is, if you slap any random person on the street you can get in trouble, so people shouldn't think they can just slap their kids when ever they want to

Why not?

15th April 2009, 01:03
http://www.parentdish.com/2009/04/08/daughter-wins-lawsuit-against-father-over-punishment/?icid=main|compaq-desktop|dl3|link6|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.parentdish.com% 2F2009%2F04%2F08%2Fdaughter-wins-lawsuit-against-father-over-punishment%2F (http://www.parentdish.com/2009/04/08/daughter-wins-lawsuit-against-father-over-punishment/?icid=main%7Ccompaq-desktop%7Cdl3%7Clink6%7Chttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.parentdis h.com%2F2009%2F04%2F08%2Fdaughter-wins-lawsuit-against-father-over-punishment%2F)

i am so happy for this girl! :D

what a sad little girl.

15th April 2009, 01:11
the thing is, if you slap any random person on the street you can get in trouble, so people shouldn't think they can just slap their kids when ever they want to

They're legal guardians. They have a responsibility to discipline their children.

15th April 2009, 19:36
They're legal guardians. They have a responsibility to discipline their children.

Absolutely, don't discipline your child ( and I don't mean random smacks) and you are failing in your responsibilities. I am not happy for the girl, I feel sorry for her.

Mark in Oshawa
19th April 2009, 20:15
Wade, for 18 you act like you are 12. That's ok tho, someday you will be a parent and then it will hit home that you are a PARENT...not the kid's best friend.

The fact this kid thought she knew better than her dad is just evidence the mother is out to lunch and I suspect this child will grow up eventually having no respect for rules or authority and it will bite her in the @ss. EIther that...or a single mom with no hope of finding the father when she is 17.

When you have kids, you should have some sort of say in their upbringing. Funny, the state I guess figures it knows best? Fine, let them deal with the consequences.

I am ashamed that this happened in Canada. I thought there was a limit to this left wing/libreal stupity but I guess not.

Markabilly has it right, the real winners are the lawyers.....

Garry Walker
19th April 2009, 20:41
I am ashamed that this happened in Canada. I thought there was a limit to this left wing/libreal stupity but I guess not.


19th April 2009, 21:06
Wade, for 18 you act like you are 12. That's ok tho, someday you will be a parent and then it will hit home that you are a PARENT...not the kid's best friend.

I'm kinda thinking that Wade will be one of those that will try to be the kid's best friend.

19th April 2009, 21:15
Only in America :laugh: The article said it happened in Canada.

Easy Drifter
19th April 2009, 21:29
Yes, despite the wishes of some, Quebec is still part of Canada. :D

20th April 2009, 18:47
Wade, for 18 you act like you are 12. That's ok tho, someday you will be a parent and then it will hit home that you are a PARENT...not the kid's best friend.

The fact this kid thought she knew better than her dad is just evidence the mother is out to lunch and I suspect this child will grow up eventually having no respect for rules or authority and it will bite her in the @ss. EIther that...or a single mom with no hope of finding the father when she is 17.

When you have kids, you should have some sort of say in their upbringing. Funny, the state I guess figures it knows best? Fine, let them deal with the consequences.

I am ashamed that this happened in Canada. I thought there was a limit to this left wing/libreal stupity but I guess not.

Markabilly has it right, the real winners are the lawyers.....
actually i'm 17 i wont be 18 for a few more months :p

the fathers punishmeants were stupid, first trying to keep her off the internet,

and then trying to keep her from going on a class trip, i dunno really how exciting class trips are sence i'm homeschooled and when i go on a trip its to exactlly where i wanna go, but if she wanted to go he should have let her go, and besides, if he had a problem with her behavyer he should have been glad to sent off on a trip and get her away from him for awhile

20th April 2009, 19:00
What a stupid decision,if she was my daughter,she would toe the line OR go into care,Cos if i am feeding her,at 12 she aint old enough to know right from wrong !

Easy Drifter
20th April 2009, 22:48
Well, Wade you sound like a totally spoiled brat.
Further, your writing and spelling show a complete failure, in your case, of adequate home schooling.

20th April 2009, 23:38
... your writing and spelling show a complete failure, in your case, of adequate home schooling.

No kidding. Makes me glad that I had classroom education... :s

Garry Walker
21st April 2009, 12:04
actually i'm 17 i wont be 18 for a few more months :p

the fathers punishmeants were stupid, first trying to keep her off the internet,

and then trying to keep her from going on a class trip, i dunno really how exciting class trips are sence i'm homeschooled and when i go on a trip its to exactlly where i wanna go, but if she wanted to go he should have let her go, and besides, if he had a problem with her behavyer he should have been glad to sent off on a trip and get her away from him for awhile

If this forum were to host a competition for the dumbest post of the year, your post would get my vote.