View Full Version : New Endemol 'reality TV series'

9th April 2009, 13:08
What the hell is the World coming to. Why would anyone want to watch this?

http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Staff-Sacked-On-Air-In-New-US-TV-Reality-Show-Someones-Gotta-Go-Being-Screened-By-Fox/Article/200904215258810?lpos=World_News_Carousel_Region_4&lid=ARTICLE_15258810_Staff_Sacked_On_Air_In_New_US _TV_Reality_Show_Someones_Gotta_Go_Being_Screened_ By_Fox__

9th April 2009, 13:11
That's just slightly too real...

9th April 2009, 13:13
They've just filmed a pilot in Woking.

9th April 2009, 13:15
They've just filmed a pilot in Woking.

And there was I thinking the subject was the Met Police.

9th April 2009, 13:37
Umm, actually yes I probably would give it a viewing :D Wouldn't want to be involved in any way and probably wouldn't watch more than a few minutes but then the producers are probably well aware of that :)

10th April 2009, 02:44

Mark in Oshawa
10th April 2009, 05:19
Never underestimate the stupidity of the TV watching public and you will never be disappointed....

10th April 2009, 16:18
I wonder if the cameras will keep rolling when a laid off employee flips out and returns with a pistol, screaming, "That's right! Someone's gotta go!".

What a retarded concept.

10th April 2009, 16:40
What the hell is the World coming to. Why would anyone want to watch this?

http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Staff-Sacked-On-Air-In-New-US-TV-Reality-Show-Someones-Gotta-Go-Being-Screened-By-Fox/Article/200904215258810?lpos=World_News_Carousel_Region_4&lid=ARTICLE_15258810_Staff_Sacked_On_Air_In_New_US _TV_Reality_Show_Someones_Gotta_Go_Being_Screened_ By_Fox__

They were inspired by such american tv classics, like the survivor series, bachelor and the idiot (or idol).....

10th April 2009, 17:44
The sacked people still have to consent for it to be broadcasted.
So it probably goes just like every other John de Mol "shockshow". Which means the producers will pay a bunch of tools some money to act crazy in front of the cameras. Then politicians prove once again they are complete idiots by thinking the show is real. The mass media picks it up and creates another hysteria. High ratings because everyone wants to see what the fuss is about. John de Mol a few millions richer. The End.

10th April 2009, 18:26
Another F***king Freak Show!!

10th April 2009, 18:57
What a bunch of morons...the ones that will watch this crap and rake in millions for the channels/producers that is...as for them, they are scum any ways.

10th April 2009, 19:41
Words just fail me