View Full Version : Details on the Canadian oval

9th April 2009, 04:13
One of the investors in the Canadian Motor Speedway put an article in some new trade magazine.

The quick hits:

1 mile, banking not yet announced by looks to be fairly high in concept drawing[/*:m:352egyp1]
Opening in 2011 already in discussion with several leagues, probably CASCAR, NASCAR and the IRL[/*:m:352egyp1]
65k initial seating capacity[/*:m:352egyp1]
Club course outside of the track[/*:m:352egyp1]I wouldn't mind seeing it happen. Here's the link:

Dr. Krogshöj
9th April 2009, 11:55
If only it weren't high banked.

Mark in Oshawa
9th April 2009, 23:27
I have been hearing for YEARS about this track being built on this location. It has always been a pipe dream although I must admit it does seem they are getting ahead on the PR Front. That said, I will believe it when it when they turn the sod. The number of prospective owners for this track has been in constant flux for years and no one has ever actually put the money down and gotten serious. It is a PR race track only right now....and I drive by that property often and will probably always wonder just how close this thing is to being built.

I think it is a bad location really, since it is far enough away from Toronto that it really is a mistake. You want to build this track as physically close to Toronto as you can get it. Instead, their selling point is having it 6 miles from Downtown Buffalo.......which if you have been there, you will know why I am dismissive.

Add in Michigan is 6 hours away, Pocono, New Hampshire and Watkins Glen are that or closer, and Dover, Kentucky, Bristol, Indy and Chicagoland are all a day's drive away. Face it, this market in CANADA needs an oval, but the Americans close to this project don't NEED to cross the border to go see a race. Us Canadians want an oval because we don't have one, but for the investment money that will build this project, you need the money people in Toronto and they rarely go anywhere near Niagara except to fly over top of it going to Florida.

Mark in Oshawa
9th April 2009, 23:32
Also note they claim 125 Million people living within 50 miles...lol. I think they mean 500 miles and I don't think the number is QUITE that high even with that.

10th April 2009, 15:50
A one mile, high-banked, D shaped oval? If this were 1980 I'd be tweaked... but it ain't. This Jeff Gordon designed track will be a stock car only affair and will probably get built only when their NASCAR masters to the south commit to a race.

It would be nice if this was something unique and more accommodating to all motorsports. For instance, a 1.5 mile "Roval" like they had in Brazil with an infield road course. Now that would be exciting!

I loved that Brazil track. It was almost as wide as it was long. :)

Mark in Oshawa
10th April 2009, 20:58
A one mile, high-banked, D shaped oval? If this were 1980 I'd be tweaked... but it ain't. This Jeff Gordon designed track will be a stock car only affair and will probably get built only when their NASCAR masters to the south commit to a race.

It would be nice if this was something unique and more accommodating to all motorsports. For instance, a 1.5 mile "Roval" like they had in Brazil with an infield road course. Now that would be exciting!

I loved that Brazil track. It was almost as wide as it was long. :)

I suspect if Tony George wanted to front some bucks towards this thing, it might be OW friendly. From the artist's conception drawing and what they are proposing, I think it will be similar to Iowa, which will host NASCAR and the IRL.

Again, this is all theory. I have been hearing about this track since I was a teen and Iam now in my 40's. This proposal for that site is the latest in a long list of proposed ovals that haven't been built....

Easy Drifter
12th April 2009, 01:17
Although this seems more likely than many many other proposals, I like Mark, will believe it when I see it. There have been proposals for a major oval in Ont for over 50 years and zip.
The NIMBYS have yet to have real go at this but they will. At least the local politicians seem to be largely on side.
Provincially is a good question. Officially Ont. is against projects that affect possible farm land unless they involve 'Green energy.' However a Provincial cabinet Minister was involved in discussions with the Arab financial interests. Further, right now the Prov., and the Feds want to see the creation of jobs which the constuction will provide.
The population comment is completly nuts. The population of the Ont. area including the GTA is at the most 10 million. The GTA is about 6 and there is possibly another 4 in southern Ont. The areas of NY State and Pa. that are nearby are nowhere nearly as densely populated as the GTA and Niagara Pennisula. The Cleveland Oh. area is pretty heavily populated but again nowhere close to the numbers in the GTA.

12th April 2009, 22:32
Opening in 2011 already in discussion with several leagues, probably CASCAR, NASCAR and the IRL

CASCAR merged into NASCAR years ago.

13th April 2009, 05:36
This is only a concept drawing of course, it could change. But, if that banking is as high as the drawing, they couldnt race there. The banking is 33 degrees at Talladega and thats why IndyCar cant race there.

Dr. Krogshöj
13th April 2009, 09:11
This is only a concept drawing of course, it could change. But, if that banking is as high as the drawing, they couldnt race there. The banking is 33 degrees at Talladega and thats why IndyCar cant race there.

The banking won't be as high as pictured but I guess the turns will be around 12°-14°. Just like other new, D-shaped short tracks like Iowa and Richmond. Make no mistake, it will be a NASCAR track, nothing like Milwaukee of Phoenix.

13th April 2009, 22:51
CASCAR merged into NASCAR years ago.

Well they were bought out anyway. They are still operated as a series independent of nascars three major national series. Think of cascar as Busch WAY north ;)

Mark in Oshawa
14th April 2009, 00:43
Well they were bought out anyway. They are still operated as a series independent of nascars three major national series. Think of cascar as Busch WAY north ;)

Not Way north. Heck if you had your GPS at New Hampshire, you would find yourself farther north there maybe than Cayuga or Delaware (outside of London ON).

Drifter is right. The NIMBY's haven't mobilized but they are inevitable.

Drifter...where you might be is a bit off. If the quote was a typo, I suspect they are advocating the population within 500 miles. If so, that would be the entire states of NY, Vermont, Conn, Most of Mass, RI, PA, Maryland/DC, Most of Delaware, parts of VA, WV, all of Ohio, All of lower Michigan, a chunk of Indiana and Chicago is about 500 miles from Fort Erie. Add all that up, and then toss in Southern Ontario and Quebec...and you have about 125 million people. It IS within 500 miles of a large market, Problem is, so is New Hampshire, Pocono, Dover Downs, Watkins Glen, Chicagoland, Indy, Kentucky and Michigan. All are in this general vicinity.

The need for this venue while symbolic to Canadians, isn't really unique. There are ways for NASCAR or the IRL to run ovals close enough to Southern Ontario to satisfy the fans up to apoint. My point has always been if such a facility was built to the north of Toronto or in the heart of Southern Ontario, it's identity would be much more Canadian in nature, it would be much more in the minds of the press and media in Toronto ( and hence the rest of the country since most major media in Canada is based out of Toronto )and the Canadian race fans who will ultimately make this venue a success or failure.

By building within sight of Buffalo's downtown, I almost feel it would be a token US track built on the wrong side of the border because the investors got a deal on the land.....

Easy Drifter
14th April 2009, 01:11
You are probably right Mark.
By the way the southern most part of Ontario is further south than northern Calif.! Doesn't have the climate though.
One problem I see with attracting large numbers of US fans more than once is the border crossings.
The Peace Bridge is in downtown Buffalo and traffic is often backed up well into city streets at the best of times.
The Niagara Falls bridges are not designed for heavy traffic and are also downtown on both sides of the border.
Lewiston is the only one with open access on both sides but not handy for anyone in Buffalo or points west as you have to go well past the track location and double back.
Mark, I would expect you use Lewiston most of the time with the rig, as do most truckers. I have used all the bridges more than once but usually Lewiston and always Lewiston when towing race cars. Even there it can take quite awhile to cross on occasion, although it has been about 5 years since I crossed.
The passport regulations may deter quite a few US visitors too.
In case any of the US posters do not know those are US rules not ours. You can get into Canada without a US passport but can't get back without one! :D
Oh and NO guns.

Mark in Oshawa
14th April 2009, 02:16
You are probably right Mark.
By the way the southern most part of Ontario is further south than northern Calif.! Doesn't have the climate though.
One problem I see with attracting large numbers of US fans more than once is the border crossings.
The Peace Bridge is in downtown Buffalo and traffic is often backed up well into city streets at the best of times.
The Niagara Falls bridges are not designed for heavy traffic and are also downtown on both sides of the border.
Lewiston is the only one with open access on both sides but not handy for anyone in Buffalo or points west as you have to go well past the track location and double back.
Mark, I would expect you use Lewiston most of the time with the rig, as do most truckers. I have used all the bridges more than once but usually Lewiston and always Lewiston when towing race cars. Even there it can take quite awhile to cross on occasion, although it has been about 5 years since I crossed.
The passport regulations may deter quite a few US visitors too.
In case any of the US posters do not know those are US rules not ours. You can get into Canada without a US passport but can't get back without one! :D
Oh and NO guns.

Drifter...thanks for reminding me about the hassle of where the border is with this project. I can see a backup right into Buffalo of traffic heading to the site, which is about 6 km up from the Peace Bridge.

This locale is a forgotten part of Ontario, south of Niagara Falls ( not radically so, but farther south than anyone from Toronto usually drives for most Torontoians only go to Buffalo to get a cheapie flight to NY, or have tickets to a Bisons, Bills or Sabres game.

As for the bridges easiest to use with the truck, Peace Bridge is still the easier of the two Drifter. Wont bore everyone why, but there is a reason it is the second busiest commerically used international bridge behind the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit. THAT tho doesn't mean building a race track near it is very smart. If anything it will just be a giant pain in the @ss getting by this place if a major event is on...