View Full Version : Freddie Mercury... was an Indian??!

7th April 2009, 19:07
Hi all!

Haven't posted here for a while. But I underwent a shock today that surely should rank on the Richter scale. :) And that's why I post. I need a place to vent. :p :

Namely, I stumbled upon (while reading about various matters on that source of all wisdom - Wikipedia) an article about a man whose music I so loved when I was young. Yes, Freddie Mercury. Of The Queen fame.

And it (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freddy_Mercury) states the most astonishing thing - the man Mercury was a Parsi!

Not an Englishman at all!

Well, at least not until he moved to England and was educated there.

Christ almighty! And there I was thinking this man was quintessentially English - born and raised eating tweed and so forth.

Did you all know this? :) Why didn't you ever say anything??! :)

Anyway, please feel free to discuss all things relevant. :)

donKey jote
7th April 2009, 20:33
hey studi long time no see :wave:

7th April 2009, 20:38
hey studi long time no see :wave:

Hi donKey! :)

jim mcglinchey
7th April 2009, 20:54
..next you'll be trying to tell us that Joe Strummer was a Turk or somethin....whaddyamean he was born in Ankara??!!

7th April 2009, 21:06
Hehe. :)

Well, it's not quite the same thing, is it. I gather (from Wikipedia, obviously) that this Joe Strummer of yours was a child of a British diplomat, stationed in Turkey at the time of his birth. Whereas Freddie Mercury (born Farrokh Bulsara) was genuinely not of British descent.

And I'd always thought he was! :)

Now, I realize that to those of you who knew this, the opening post of this thread seems about as pointful as someone exclaiming great surprise over the fact that the Arctic can be a bit nippy sometimes. :)

But... who knew? I didn't!

And there is obviously no real significance to where Mercury's family was from. It just puts things into a new perspective - for me. It's like finding out that Ayrton Senna was actually Norwegian. Or that your girlfriend is actually your half-sister. :p :

8th April 2009, 01:07
And did you know that Jesus Christ was likely to have been black?

He liked gospal, called his homies "brother" and couldnt get a fair trial....

8th April 2009, 03:56
Wait, a thread about Freddie and no video? :down:


And did you know that Jesus Christ was likely to have been black?

He liked gospal, called his homies "brother" and couldnt get a fair trial.... :rotflmao:

Valve Bounce
8th April 2009, 04:13
Hi all!

Haven't posted here for a while. But I underwent a shock today that surely should rank on the Richter scale. :) And that's why I post. I need a place to vent. :p :

Namely, I stumbled upon (while reading about various matters on that source of all wisdom - Wikipedia) an article about a man whose music I so loved when I was young. Yes, Freddie Mercury. Of The Queen fame.

And it (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freddy_Mercury) states the most astonishing thing - the man Mercury was a Parsi!

Not an Englishman at all!

Well, at least not until he moved to England and was educated there.

Christ almighty! And there I was thinking this man was quintessentially English - born and raised eating tweed and so forth.

Did you all know this? :) Why didn't you ever say anything??! :)

Anyway, please feel free to discuss all things relevant. :)

Have you checked out the English Test Cricket teams, present and past yet? I mean, surely, that is much, much more important than a rock singer.

Valve Bounce
8th April 2009, 04:14
And did you know that Jesus Christ was likely to have been black?

He liked gospal, called his homies "brother" and couldnt get a fair trial....

..............and they nailed him for something he didn't do. :(

8th April 2009, 06:13
Did you all know this? :) Why didn't you ever say anything??! :)


welcome back you studiot :p :

I think he went to boarding school in Panchgani (about 100 kms from my city)

8th April 2009, 09:49
and the problem is.................

8th April 2009, 10:09
Queen had an "Aids Awareness Concert" in memory of Freddie Mercury.

A bit late, I thought.

8th April 2009, 12:19
Have you checked out the English Test Cricket teams, present and past yet? I mean, surely, that is much, much more important than a rock singer.

Is it? :confused: Where I live, English Test Cricket teams are about as important as... as... well, they're not very important at all. :)

welcome back you studiot :p :

Thanks Storm! :) I do feel like an idiot now. You all DID know, didn't you. :hmph:

8th April 2009, 13:47
Continuing on the path of idiocy... ;)

The reason why a fool such as myself might think that Freddie had been of English descent is, of course, that he looked like an Englishman. I mean, he sometimes looked like Nigel Mansell's cousin. :)

How can this be? I mean, Indians and Europeans have very similar facial features, but you wouldn't confuse one for the other, because Indians have much darker skin. Right? Or is there, in fact, a wide variety of skin colours in India, as there is among Persians? One would imagine that there is, of course, given how ethnically heterogenous India is.

Heh... Sorry to ask such silly questions, but I've not been to India and have only ever met two Indian persons (in Helsinki - they were working for Nokia). And Tallinn isn't exactly as multi-cultural as London. :) So I just don't know! Do help a fool. ;)

8th April 2009, 14:11
In India we have a very large array of skin tones and eye colours...
although the majority of us are dark (genetics + tropical sun!)..

e.g I'm quite dark compared to Europeans but my sister is very fair and has green eyes :)

plus he was a Parsi (so basically that's the group of people who came from Persia/Iran and settled down in western India in the last few hundred years or so....)They do have a lighter skin colour....

You can do a google search for some Indian models/actresses....I'm pretty sure you won't ask this question again ;)

8th April 2009, 15:08
You can do a google search for some Indian models/actresses....

Damn you, Storm! :hmph: This was going to be a productive day!! :hmph:

:p :

I do see what you mean, though. ;)

8th April 2009, 15:12
When I first read the title of this post I thought it was a guessing game.

Freddie Mercury was an...........

Train spotter


oops :D :p :

Mark in Oshawa
8th April 2009, 23:00
Studiose..welcome back and note something. To YOU he was a classic Englishman, but the reality is I always knew he had some ethnic flavour to him even before I knew of his roots. Classic "English" features usually are blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. Like most of the denizens of the UK before immigration to the UK in modern times, most of the peoples of the UK, Scots (the Celts), Anglo Saxons, Gaels (Irish of course)and Normans are all mainly fair skinned and blond/red haired in their colours. The reality is though of course is that it likely would be almost racist to say this is good or bad or should have stayed that way. People intermarrry instinctively because I believe it is a genetic need to widen the gene pool.

Just the same, Freddy was from Madagascar from Indian parentage with Persian bloodlines. Heck of a world aint it?

Now if you are shocked and say you didn't know he was gay, then I will worry about you...lol

8th April 2009, 23:06
Like most of the denizens of the UK before immigration to the UK in modern times, most of the peoples of the UK, Scots (the Celts), Anglo Saxons, Gaels (Irish of course)and Normans are all mainly fair skinned and blond/red haired in their colours. The reality is though of course is that it likely would be almost racist to say this is good or bad or should have stayed that way.

I don't think there is any reason to say it should have stayed that way, whether or not it would be racist to do so.

Rudy Tamasz
9th April 2009, 10:38
Studiose..welcome back and note something. To YOU he was a classic Englishman, but the reality is I always knew he had some ethnic flavour to him even before I knew of his roots. Classic "English" features usually are blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. Like most of the denizens of the UK before immigration to the UK in modern times, most of the peoples of the UK, Scots (the Celts), Anglo Saxons, Gaels (Irish of course)and Normans are all mainly fair skinned and blond/red haired in their colours. The reality is though of course is that it likely would be almost racist to say this is good or bad or should have stayed that way. People intermarrry instinctively because I believe it is a genetic need to widen the gene pool.

Just the same, Freddy was from Madagascar from Indian parentage with Persian bloodlines. Heck of a world aint it?

Now if you are shocked and say you didn't know he was gay, then I will worry about you...lol

But I always wonder why there are so many individuals with dark curly hair and non-Nordic facial features among Scots? E.g. Gordon Brown.

9th April 2009, 11:37
Now if you are shocked and say you didn't know he was gay, then I will worry about you...lol

Hi Mark! :wave:

No, that I knew. :) Although I read (still from Wikipedia) that in the 70s, he also had a long-term relationship with a girlfriend named Mary Austin.

Mark in Oshawa
9th April 2009, 14:55
Studiose...lol...That's ok. Glad you were not shocked by THAT. As for his "girlfriend", I suspect she may have been a "beard" as it was sort of dodgy to be out of the closet in the 70's. Elton John never admitted to his status until the 80's...