View Full Version : Well... I just had an operation

7th April 2009, 15:06
I just had my first operation today.

22 years old and now I've finally gone under the knife. Its a scary experience! although my procedure was incredibly minor, I was still nervous as hell! But for my first surgery experience, it went incredibly well. Nurses were amazing (and pleasing on the eye), i was attended to swiftly, everyone there seemed to be so happy, and when the pain became excruiating when i woke up, they were on the case with morphine in an instant.

I was just wondering how some of you guys first operating experience went? what was it for and how did it go? Were the staff wonderful, or just plaid awful?

Oh by the way, I should tell you what I have had done. The past week or so my knee has been locked and would not straighten. Turns out I had torn Cartilidge in my knee that was locking it. I had an Arthroscopy (camera) in my knee and the docs cleaned all that up. I now have the pesky little bugger in a jar :p :

7th April 2009, 17:04
Did you get a video? My dad did when he had his knee done

7th April 2009, 17:11
Oh dear Daniel...

7th April 2009, 17:26
Did you get a video? My dad did when he had his knee doneLink? :D

Hazell B
7th April 2009, 18:02
22 years old and now I've finally gone under the knife.

Should've had that boob job while you were under :p :

I had an accident at 13 years old and had to be sewn back together again all over my face, throat and assorted other bits. Eyes were stitched shut (as I'd badly damaged both eyelids) and my lower lip was full of stitches so I couldn't talk, but the staff were still eager to keep me amused until my parents bothered to visit the next day.

In the following two years I had a good deal of plastic surgery and that was also very well done, if painful and invasive, by superb staff on every level.

The British NHS was, those 28 years ago, absolutley incredible. Now I don't think most of my surgery would have been scheduled or I'd have had to go private and pay thousands :(

As for the nerves, I don't remember having any really. The pain was horrible but that's just life and couldn't be helped by anything.

7th April 2009, 18:07
Haha nice knife debut then! Hope you're feeling better now, specially after the good service the nurses gave you.

I've never been under the knife in my life but my dad is an ophtalmologist and he does eye surgeryes. It's amazing, and also pretty scarry if you get in the shoes of his patients. Thank god for anestesia :D

jim mcglinchey
7th April 2009, 19:00
Hernia with a general anaesthetic about five years ago. piece of piddle, in and out in four hrs and back in work the next day though I'd a penpushing role at the time. Couldnt fault the NHS service.

Easy Drifter
7th April 2009, 19:41
First surgery was when I was about 14. Operation to clear breathing passages. A couple of broken noses from hockey sticks hadn't helped my existing sinus condition. I was out for it.
Emergency Appendetomy in early 20's. Out for that one and care no roaring heck at a Toronto Hospital.
Last one in 2001. Sept. 12 for temp. pacemaker after I basically dropped dead. Took about 20 min. Completely concious, no drugs, good care.
Sept.13 transferred to another Hospital for proper pacemaker. About a 1 hr operation with only a local. Good care and then back to orig. Hospital for recovery. Super care. Out in 2 days and back to work in 3.
Note dates. I figure both the guy upstairs and the guy downstairs were too busy to bother with me.

7th April 2009, 19:49
I've had two surguries on each knee (d@mn parents giving me crappy genes). Starting when I was 14. They weren't too scary. I was a bit nervous for the first, but not too bad. The worst part is that I don't do too well on pain killers. The first 20-30 minutes is great. Then I get to see everything that I've eaten in the past two weeks. Not pleasent at all.

Then I had to have my tonsiles taken out 5 years ago. That was the worst thing I've ever done. I didn't want to take any pain pills because of the whole technicolor yawn deal and stitches in my throat. Man I've never been in so much misery in my life. They say tonsiles get worse and worse to take out the older you get, so I guess I'm glad I was only 25 when I had them out and not 35 or 45.

Mark in Oshawa
8th April 2009, 23:43
Then I had to have my tonsiles taken out 5 years ago. That was the worst thing I've ever done. I didn't want to take any pain pills because of the whole technicolor yawn deal and stitches in my throat. Man I've never been in so much misery in my life. They say tonsiles get worse and worse to take out the older you get, so I guess I'm glad I was only 25 when I had them out and not 35 or 45.

Tonsils when you are 6 is gawdawful scary. I had nightmares of that mask coming over my face to put me out for years. Other than that, and some minor stitching and wisdom teeth, no ops done on me at all.

As for the pain pills, they may not have been the issue. Most general anesthetics will cause you to toss your cookies. I was spewing after I came down from the high I had leaving the oral surgeon's when I had the wisdom teeth done. I notice tho...I always see Corn even if I never had any......

9th April 2009, 13:58
Tonsils when you are 6 is gawdawful scary. I had nightmares of that mask coming over my face to put me out for years. Other than that, and some minor stitching and wisdom teeth, no ops done on me at all.

As for the pain pills, they may not have been the issue. Most general anesthetics will cause you to toss your cookies. I was spewing after I came down from the high I had leaving the oral surgeon's when I had the wisdom teeth done. I notice tho...I always see Corn even if I never had any......

It was the pain pills. For my fourth surgury, I had an epidural (sp?), not general anesthetics as the docs thought the same thing. Then after the surgury, the freaking nurses didn't give my any pain meds. As the feeling came back in my legs it was quite interesting it went from about my naval down a few inches a minute. Then when it hit my knee, I about went through the roof. The nurses then gave me meds, half hour later, there's the corn I haven't had for a couple months.

Mark in Oshawa
9th April 2009, 14:56
Chuck...I am telling you...I think we all grow a cob of corn for just those occasions...

10th April 2009, 18:04
Oh dear Daniel.. Nick Heidfeld and Petter Solberg will bounce back and take everyone by surprise this year!.

Obviously pettersolberg needs a operation also. Probably in the uppermost area!! :p

10th April 2009, 19:30
I was just wondering how some of you guys first operating experience went? :p :

Don't know yet, my lawyer will not call me back

10th April 2009, 19:33
I figure both the guy upstairs and the guy downstairs were too busy to bother with me.
errr, neither wanted you....and would not know what to do with you, if they had you

but I do..... :arrows:

10th April 2009, 19:34
My girlfriend asked me if I would perform a operation on her :eek:
I told her I doubt if I'm qualified!
She told me I was over-qualified!
I said OK what's the procedure dear?
A Slipthedictomy if you please :dozey:

Mark in Oshawa
10th April 2009, 20:17
The question I have, who would go under the knife if it was the first procedure on a live patient by the surgeon? Everyone wants the job done right...but my god, at some point a surgeon has to be doing it for the first time? Who volunteers for THAT?

10th April 2009, 20:31
The question I have, who would go under the knife if it was the first procedure on a live patient by the surgeon? Everyone wants the job done right...but my god, at some point a surgeon has to be doing it for the first time? Who volunteers for THAT?
Don't know, but I got a great lawyer if he needs one, that is if you can get him to call you back.....

12th April 2009, 06:18
The question I have, who would go under the knife if it was the first procedure on a live patient by the surgeon? Everyone wants the job done right...but my god, at some point a surgeon has to be doing it for the first time? Who volunteers for THAT?

I had a torn retina repaired by laser (painful!). A young Dr asked if he could "have a go" with the laser machine. After he had been zapping my eye for a while the supervising Dr leaned over and adjusted something on the machine. The young Dr said "oh that's better it's in focus now". I don't know what damage he did but I was back for further repairs a while later and I insisted on "no learner drivers".

13th April 2009, 00:35
Had a nose job due multiple hits on my nose while playing football as a kid about 2 years ago, being a med school student I was pretty much scared knowing how things in surgery rooms are handled :eek: :p

it's way better to be on the other side of the scalpel ;)

13th April 2009, 03:07
I just had my first operation today.

22 years old and now I've finally gone under the knife. Its a scary experience! although my procedure was incredibly minor, I was still nervous as hell! But for my first surgery experience, it went incredibly well. Nurses were amazing (and pleasing on the eye), i was attended to swiftly, everyone there seemed to be so happy, and when the pain became excruiating when i woke up, they were on the case with morphine in an instant.

I was just wondering how some of you guys first operating experience went? what was it for and how did it go? Were the staff wonderful, or just plaid awful?

Oh by the way, I should tell you what I have had done. The past week or so my knee has been locked and would not straighten. Turns out I had torn Cartilidge in my knee that was locking it. I had an Arthroscopy (camera) in my knee and the docs cleaned all that up. I now have the pesky little bugger in a jar :p :
I knew a fellow who had that done, developed an infection & died 4 days later ...
something about dirty surgical instruments ... :eek:

15th April 2009, 03:51
and a super crap anti-biotics supply :eek:

15th April 2009, 19:15
Obviously pettersolberg needs a operation also. Probably in the uppermost area!! :p

Ouch!! ;)