View Full Version : Nice one Bernie ...

5th April 2009, 13:03
What happens every year at malaysia, either in the closing laps or just after the race? - Torrential rain

What happens when the torrential rain sets in for around an hour? - it gets dark shortly after

What happens when you try to put the race start back a couple of hours to increase your revenue by increasing the TV figures? it pisses with rain, gets dark and we get just over half a race.

did anyone advise Bernie, The FIA and anyone else who migt listen, yes pretty much everyone who knew that what happened today would happen.

Did he listen? no, cos he's a shortsighted, money grabbing, who couldn't organise his way out of a paper bag - quit now

5th April 2009, 13:07
Why do you not tell us how you really feel about him? Don't hold anything back....
does this mean half-points for button or full points?

5th April 2009, 13:07
He should of looked at Surfers Paradise, after 2 washout with the champcar race start... they move it a couple of hours earler to avoid the traditional afternoon thunderstorms that happen in this part of the world.

Bernie, the world is much larger than Europe

5th April 2009, 13:10
Why do you not tell us how you really feel about him? Don't hold anything back....
does this mean half-points for button or full points?

ok! i'd like to kick his face off!

half points all round - but another win, and a wins a win and i remember a few people saying Button would never win another race a few years ago - of course its now all about the car ;)

5th April 2009, 13:13
ok! i'd like to kick his face off!

half points all round - but another win, and a wins a win and i remember a few people saying Button would never win another race a few years ago - of course its now all about the car ;)

Oh my, what are they going to do about bernie's medals?
Will they re-cast them to half size, or just get out a saw and slice them into halves?

5th April 2009, 13:22
What happens every year at malaysia, either in the closing laps or just after the race? - Torrential rain

What happens when the torrential rain sets in for around an hour? - it gets dark shortly after

What happens when you try to put the race start back a couple of hours to increase your revenue by increasing the TV figures? it pisses with rain, gets dark and we get just over half a race.

did anyone advise Bernie, The FIA and anyone else who migt listen, yes pretty much everyone who knew that what happened today would happen.

Did he listen? no, cos he's a shortsighted, money grabbing, who couldn't organise his way out of a paper bag - quit now

I agree!
But what were you expecting from a 2nd hand cars salesman?! The guy is an idiot who has some power and others who have the power should kick him down.

5th April 2009, 13:28
I don't think Bernie can hear you or anyone else. the money stacked up on his desk is too high that he can't hear anyone but himself counting his money.

Maybe his divorce will half that money stack and bring him back to focus of quality racing not money grabbing. I hope Abu Dhabi pulls out and make Bernie lose money but that's not likely.

5th April 2009, 13:39
I agree, races are so much more fun when they start at 1/2 local time anyway, especially for European audiences. I hope everyone sees sense and puts the races back to their usual start times for next year. And I'd include Singapore in that.

5th April 2009, 13:42
I have a novel idea for increasing the amount of races that start at a good time for european tv audiences:

holding more races in europe.

But it will never catch on.

5th April 2009, 13:44
I have a novel idea for increasing the amount of races that start at a good time for european tv audiences:

holding more races in europe.

But it will never catch on.

Bernie moves all the races out of Europe because other countries will pay him more.

He then f-s with the start times so that the largest audiences (Europe) will tune in more (although I still think Australia is easier to catch at 2-3am than at 6am!)

Notice a common theme? $$$£££

5th April 2009, 13:46
I have a novel idea for increasing the amount of races that start at a good time for european tv audiences:

holding more races in europe.

But it will never catch on.
Wrong ---Hold more races in the USA and Canada......the times would be close to perfect for a nice sunday dinner while you watch....but it will never catch on...

5th April 2009, 14:17
Maybe his divorce will half that money stack and bring him back to focus of quality racing not money grabbing.

Money-grabbing bar stewards have rarely been rendered less so through the surgical removal of a large pile of cash.

5th April 2009, 14:25
Wrong ---Hold more races in the USA and Canada......the times would be close to perfect for a nice sunday dinner while you watch....but it will never catch on...

This would be really ideal for everyone. man I could have a nice Sunday out in the mountains and than when I get home I would take a shower, have a cold beer and watch a race before the night starts!
Well one can still dream! :)

5th April 2009, 14:28
Olof Palme, Martin Luther King, John Lennon... WRONG

Bernie Ecclestone... RIGHT

5th April 2009, 14:51
How much is Bernie paying Webber to support his late hour start?!


5th April 2009, 15:17
How much is Bernie paying Webber to support his late hour start?!


For the drivers it doesn't make much of a difference and with that stupid 2 hour rule - which was *AGAIN* only installed for TV reasons only - it wouldn't have made much difference as Webber turned out. The race would've been called off anyways.

What should be done is: Every race - no matter where - starts at 14:00 local time and it will not be done with before all laps are run or it gets dark. End of story. They do that in America, they can do that in F1. If you book a flight from London to Scotland, you wouldn't put up with being dropped off half the way at Newcastle, would you? The only acceptable exception would be an emergency deviation - but F1 puts you in a position these days, where your ticket says "if everything goes ok, you might even end up at the destination you paid for". DO NOT WANT.

They live off our money (TV money paid for by license fee payers) - they have a damn obligation to deliver a show. Simple as that.

5th April 2009, 15:20
This would be really ideal for everyone. man I could have a nice Sunday out in the mountains and than when I get home I would take a shower, have a cold beer and watch a race before the night starts!
Well one can still dream! :)

Oh man, I'll buy a slice of that - where do I queue? :)

5th April 2009, 15:26
What happens every year at malaysia, either in the closing laps or just after the race? - Torrential rain

What happens when the torrential rain sets in for around an hour? - it gets dark shortly after

What happens when you try to put the race start back a couple of hours to increase your revenue by increasing the TV figures? it pisses with rain, gets dark and we get just over half a race.

did anyone advise Bernie, The FIA and anyone else who migt listen, yes pretty much everyone who knew that what happened today would happen.

Did he listen? no, cos he's a shortsighted, money grabbing, interfering old **** who couldn't organise his way out of a paper bag - quit now

Well thats Blunt :D

however every word is true and you are right, bernie is an a***hole, he cant even make an interview with eddie jordan interesting.

You spoke my mind is basically my message here :)

5th April 2009, 15:36
We should found an Ecclestone haters club. That thing will outnumber the catholics by miles! Some bloke staying in power despite everyone on the planet hating him is a pretty apt description of a dictatorship, and being born and raised in east Germany, I've got plenty of experience with that.

Time for a revolution in F1. Kick that bloddy idiot off his self pronounced throne!

5th April 2009, 15:40
here here!!! Down with bernie!

5th April 2009, 15:41
not that he can go much further down hes small enough already.........

5th April 2009, 15:47
not that he can go much further down hes small enough already.........
Now we know the two reasons why his wife left him..............

5th April 2009, 15:47
A very unwise decision there. Forget Hamilton and McLaren bringing disrepute among the sport. Its these impulsive whims which Bernie incorporates into our beloved sport for the sake of fickle money, that destroys the reputation of F1. If the hardcore fans don't like it, I can't imagine many people considering getting interested in the sport to start with. Have we any hit-men on the board?

5th April 2009, 16:13
What happens every year at malaysia, either in the closing laps or just after the race? - Torrential rain

What happens when the torrential rain sets in for around an hour? - it gets dark shortly after

What happens when you try to put the race start back a couple of hours to increase your revenue by increasing the TV figures? it pisses with rain, gets dark and we get just over half a race.

did anyone advise Bernie, The FIA and anyone else who migt listen, yes pretty much everyone who knew that what happened today would happen.

Did he listen? no, cos he's a shortsighted, money grabbing, interfering old **** who couldn't organise his way out of a paper bag - quit nowI'm very happy to wake up to someone else posting so strongly against Bernie.
The title of my post would have been. "Hang him by his Balls"!
I stayed up until after 4am watching the gestation of what was to be one of the classic races of this era,
only to witness an abortion. What a sad joke. Screw your greedy @$$ Bernie.
You deserve to be Water-boarded, drowned in a shallow pool on the track, and then publicly publically hung
during the podium ceremony by the mob that shelled out mega bucks
to go to an event that they suspected through the knowledge of their home climate would likely bring about.
They deserve their money back
"God Damn your Eternal Soul"

Dave B
5th April 2009, 16:56
Massa's opinion: "You should either do the race in the night or do the race in the day. You cannot try to go in the middle. That is clear. I said before, and I think many people said it before [that there would be a problem], and now there is a clear message."



5th April 2009, 17:04
It is sad that after two races F! is dominated by inclear stewards, stupid rules, dumb unecessary lies, suspected illegal cars, half races, dubious penalties and sheer incompetence on the part of the FIA.
...and there are 16 more races to go

thank you Bernie and max for ruining the sport

5th April 2009, 17:12
Quite an insane start into the season so far. Wonder, what will happen next...

I'm tired of complaining already though as Bernie wouldn't care anyway, so we just have to be content with what we have got...

5th April 2009, 17:53
Now we know the two reasons why his wife left him..............

:rotflmao: lol just lol...............

5th April 2009, 18:41
I am going to echo truefan and the headline of this thread.

I am also working to see if I can get the networks to show the F1 races as a prelude to the WWF championship series and Women's Roller Derby

5th April 2009, 20:44
Does Bernie figure that Europeans don't have tapeing devises with their TVs? In Eastern N America, the far-eastern races are on at 1:30 AM local time, or since the change at 5:00 AM. Since neither is that attractive, I tape the action to view at my convenience. Actually I do this for most GPs, as I can zapp through the commercials and the boring parts.
It is breathtakingly dumb to try to fit foreign sporting events into local TV prime time, especially where extreme weather is predictable in late afternoon. A simpler solution would be for broadcasters to show the races on a tape delay basis. F1 or at least Bernie, never seems to prefer the simple solution. So far, the 2009 season is shaping up as a laughing stock in comparison to other major sporting events.

5th April 2009, 21:02
I agree!
But what were you expecting from a 2nd hand cars salesman?! The guy is an idiot who has some power and others who have the power should kick him down.

And do you know the sad truth in this, Charlie Whiting worked for him then, and he was not trusted to do the MOT's.

Believe me, my ex boss' cheaufer (that's very poor spelling, sorry) used to knock about with BCE. Moron is not strong enough word.......

5th April 2009, 21:08
I am also working to see if I can get the networks to show the F1 races as a prelude to the WWF championship series and Women's Roller Derby

Just heard that both groups have rejected the offer.
Seems they do not wish to be seen as associating with formula one as it would damage their professional reputation....as one put it, "we can not afford the irreparable damage"

5th April 2009, 22:04
ok! i'd like to kick his face off!

half points all round - but another win, and a wins a win and i remember a few people saying Button would never win another race a few years ago - of course its now all about the car ;)

.....it's all about the car.... ;)

5th April 2009, 22:19
Does Bernie figure that Europeans don't have tapeing devises with their TVs? In Eastern N America, the far-eastern races are on at 1:30 AM local time, or since the change at 5:00 AM. Since neither is that attractive, I tape the action to view at my convenience. Actually I do this for most GPs, as I can zapp through the commercials and the boring parts.
It is breathtakingly dumb to try to fit foreign sporting events into local TV prime time, especially where extreme weather is predictable in late afternoon. A simpler solution would be for broadcasters to show the races on a tape delay basis. F1 or at least Bernie, never seems to prefer the simple solution. So far, the 2009 season is shaping up as a laughing stock in comparison to other major sporting events.

It's not as if the USA doesn't have form in this dept. - there was once a major boxing match held in my city at 2am in the open air. Why? A US TV station (dunno which one) paid for it to happen at that time...

5th April 2009, 23:21

[The] farcical conditions.... raised questions about Bernie Ecclestone's decision to opt for a 5pm local start to suit television schedules in Europe, especially as weather forecasters had predicted that heavy rain would start falling about 30 minutes into the event. The move by the sport's commercial rights holder, who left immediately after the race and could not be contacted, seemed to ignore the fact that teatime thunderstorms in Kuala Lumpur are par for the course and the rapid onset of darkness meant that it became impossible to restart the race.
LOL. Running before he got lynched, one suspects...

5th April 2009, 23:37
Sigh Bernie....... circus.

6th April 2009, 00:02
Well it wasn't a complete loss as far as I was concerned.

Channel 10 in Sydney didn't have the race scheduled until 11:10pm at night, some 2 hours after the expected end time, so I thought that they might have it live on their new service One. I was wrong.

Instead I found NCAA College Basketball between NCar and Villa (which I;m assuming is not of the Aston kind), so I gave up and thought I'd tune in Channel 10 at 11:10pm. I was still wrong.

At 11:10pm I found some guy getting his head sliced open and over on One, the basketball was still on between UConn and Mich. So I ended up finding out that Button had won the race on Teletext (Ceefax) and then finally watched the race at 11:45.

Seeing half a race live is far better than seeing it delayed and late at the same time.

6th April 2009, 01:14

LOL. Running before he got lynched, one suspects...

And that's the sad part. He got away *again*

6th April 2009, 02:07
For the drivers it doesn't make much of a difference and with that stupid 2 hour rule - which was *AGAIN* only installed for TV reasons only - it wouldn't have made much difference as Webber turned out. The race would've been called off anyways.

What should be done is: Every race - no matter where - starts at 14:00 local time and it will not be done with before all laps are run or it gets dark. End of story. They do that in America, they can do that in F1. If you book a flight from London to Scotland, you wouldn't put up with being dropped off half the way at Newcastle, would you? The only acceptable exception would be an emergency deviation - but F1 puts you in a position these days, where your ticket says "if everything goes ok, you might even end up at the destination you paid for". DO NOT WANT.

They live off our money (TV money paid for by license fee payers) - they have a damn obligation to deliver a show. Simple as that.

NASCAR has adopted for the most part a "universal start time" of 2 PM ET (GMT-5) starting in 2005. 16 Cup races currently start at 2 PM, five races start at the 7 PM hour, five races start at the 3 PM hour, two races at the 1 PM hour, two races in the 5 PM hour, one at the 6 PM hour, and three races in the 8 PM hour. Phoenix, the next race, starts at 8:30 PM, the latest a Cup race starts (5:30 PM GMT-8). (Arizona does not observe Daylight Savings time and this is a night race.) The November Talladega and October California races start at Noon local time.

6th April 2009, 03:48
Congrat to Button for his 4th place finish... well that what it will really mean if it ends up his main title threats eventually come from Ferrari, or McLeran. Seems these 1/2 points races support Bernie's medals scheme...

And aren't they proposing shorter races? what is the likely hood of that translating into more 1/2 points races in our future.

6th April 2009, 05:43
Singapore with a thunderstorm is a disaster waiting to happen

6th April 2009, 06:37
What happens every year at malaysia, either in the closing laps or just after the race? - Torrential rain

What happens when the torrential rain sets in for around an hour? - it gets dark shortly after

What happens when you try to put the race start back a couple of hours to increase your revenue by increasing the TV figures? it pisses with rain, gets dark and we get just over half a race.

did anyone advise Bernie, The FIA and anyone else who migt listen, yes pretty much everyone who knew that what happened today would happen.

Did he listen? no, cos he's a shortsighted, money grabbing, interfering old **** who couldn't organise his way out of a paper bag - quit now

100% support this post. Multi-billion dollar industry and they cant get a simple thing like the start time right :( Useless :down:

6th April 2009, 07:25
.....it's all about the car.... ;)

As I always argued with the anti JV people - You can have the best car but you still have to drive it !!

Nice job Button !!!!!!!

6th April 2009, 09:02

"I don't see anything wrong with the start time, we just didn't know about the rain. If we had started at 2pm then it would have rained as well."

True enough, but the chances of it happening are lower. Also, once the rain subsides it's still light enough to carry on!

Hands up who expected him to admit responsibility though. No-one? :mad:

6th April 2009, 09:03
It did used to be that all races did start at 2pm (except Monaco which was at 2.30pm but Monaco is always different!)

The rot started when they moved the British GP from 2pm to 1pm so it matched the other European races.

6th April 2009, 09:21
He's a in' idiot.
Rain + darkness = no more races after lengthy SC periods or red flags.

This mophead moron has to be stopped from ruining F1.

6th April 2009, 09:24
He's just lucky you're not allowed to hit short men with glasses. What an idiot.

I'd be so much happier if he just came out and told it like it i$.

6th April 2009, 09:38
on a scale of one to ten how much do we hate Bernie?

99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999
99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999
99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999
99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999
etc etc/10

6th April 2009, 09:49
Mark Webber's point of view:


Wonder what time nest year's Malaysian GP will start? Seriously though, I don't get the point of hurling petty insults around. His competance is being questioned not his height, hairstyle etc.

6th April 2009, 10:10
Mark Webber's point of view:


Wonder what time nest year's Malaysian GP will start? Seriously though, I don't get the point of hurling petty insults around. His competance is being questioned not his height, hairstyle etc.

I agree. In fact I find it horribly offensive to human beings who happen to be short, balding or wear glasses to be compared to that.... *censored as this is a family forum* ;)

6th April 2009, 10:25
Bernie's wish to run races at a time he seems as convenient for European viewers is, and always was, a dumb, dumb idea :down: :down:

6th April 2009, 10:37
Stupid idea to have the race so late in the afternoon.
Anybody who has been to Malaysia/Singapore or for that matter anywhere in the tropics close to the equator or even a basic understanding of weather patterns (primary school geography!) would know that it rains in the evenings over there...and when it does it pours (for a little while)

Next Bernie will probably keep the Indian GP (if it ever happens) in the middle of the monsoon. What a d*ck.

6th April 2009, 10:45
He was warned about holding the race at this time but he pushed it through and it was sanctioned by the FIA.

Now, gross incompetance and offending millions of fans worldwide should be a case for the infamous rule 151c IMHO

6th April 2009, 10:51
I have one of these books - I am happy to send it to BE with a post it note attached to the SE Asia section. It makes for an interesting and somewhat informative read :p


6th April 2009, 10:57
I have one of these books - I am happy to send it to BE with a post it note attached to the SE Asia section. It makes for an interesting and somewhat informative read :p


I'll pay the postage costs for you :p :

6th April 2009, 11:00
It looks like spectators disappointed they bought ticket only to watch short performance, better still that my plan to buy the ticket and visit the race comes undone...

6th April 2009, 12:04
I have a positive outlook on F1 this year: they look like they should have about 10 years ago.
I give total credit to teams & drivers for this. Flag to flag, they hold up their end well, despite the sports ongoing amateur-ish governance.
But where did the last ten years of getting jerked-around ( by identifying myself as a fan) go ?
As noted elsewhere by many, I have been unhappy-to-indifferent about F1 for a while but I have figured out why.
I follow other sports & whilst there are problems in many, it has actually become embarrassing to admit you are an F1 fan these days, with the stupid crap going on that now-one can explain.
I will start by asking: why can't we get rid of the repulsive bernie & max show?
They have been a cancer to the sport in so many ways over the years, just like many big business CEOs & governments, once they weasle their way in, you cant exract them.
And I never bought that they "made F1 what it is", anyone with half a brain would know that there are any number of people out there ( if only there were any good employment agencies! ) currently in a low paying job or no job at all that could do a better job without financially raping anyone that expresses interest in the "product".
I have long thought that F1 is the sport which most mirrors what is wrong with the western culture and now, as the extent of the financial crisis gets revealed, it smells of almonds......

6th April 2009, 13:05
It looks like spectators disappointed they bought ticket only to watch short performance, better still that my plan to buy the ticket and visit the race comes undone...

They should only have to pay half the entrance fee, since there was only half the points awarded.

6th April 2009, 16:15
Perhaps Bernie will give back 50 percent of his take?

Is the Pope a Buddhist?

6th April 2009, 16:20
To be honest I have nothing against the race start times. I'm happy about that because I don't have to get up 3 in the morning to watch the Australian GP or to get up 6 in the morning to watch the Malaysian GP.

Okay, it's probably careless to set the start time at 5 PM (local time) without lights installed. But we have what we want, an exciting race in my opinion.

I don't know why you all upset that the race was abandon and half way points were given. It's the first time for 18 years. The last time was in 1991 the Australian GP (the shortest GP ever between).

6th April 2009, 17:02

Marvellous!! NOT!!
Just doesn't get it, does he?

Azumanga Davo
6th April 2009, 17:23
To be honest I have nothing against the race start times. I'm happy about that because I don't have to get up 3 in the morning to watch the Australian GP or to get up 6 in the morning to watch the Malaysian GP.

Okay, it's probably careless to set the start time at 5 PM (local time) without lights installed. But we have what we want, an exciting race in my opinion.

I don't know why you all upset that the race was abandon and half way points were given. It's the first time for 18 years. The last time was in 1991 the Australian GP (the shortest GP ever between).

Half an exciting race.

We aren't moaning about the half points. We are moaning because there was ample opportunity to host the GP at a decent time and everyone gets their share of excitement and happiness. A lot of people got fleeced out of something here, teams, fans, sponsors, the track management, all lost out here. One man is completely oblivious to it all, though...

6th April 2009, 20:24
One thing I really cannot fathome. Back in 1989, we marched the streets in east germany, because we somehwhat thought this gouvernment is rather bad for us and we had to look into the barrels of fully loaded AK-47's for it, but Ecclestone seems to get away with anything he wants, All it takes is one bloody bullet. All of Europes dictatores went - except for two - Lukashenko in Belarus and Ecclestone in F1. When will we ever learn and pinch that mother*******ing moron right to *****ing hell :mad:

6th April 2009, 20:36
and now, a viewpoint we can all agree upon.

6th April 2009, 20:47
and now, a viewpoint we can all agree upon.

He wont learn. Bernard does not learn. It still fills his pocket. either dry up his money supply or remove him by assasination, there is no other way to change things. He's done too much damage already. The only way to rescue F1 is to kill B. Ecclestone to death, I know it sounds harsh, but he is bad news. he needs to die or bugger off himself. pretty obvious choice there.

6th April 2009, 20:57
and now, a viewpoint we can all agree upon.

I think he did the right decision to set the start time later in the day. It's better for the European fans where the most Formula One fans are. Do you want get up three or six in the morning on a Sunday? Not for me. And to avoid the monsoon you can put the Malaysian GP in the middle of the season or whenever. OK I don't know the monsoon times in Malaysia. You can install lights to drive in the darkness to run it as a night race.

6th April 2009, 21:03
I think he did the right decision to set the start time later in the day. It's better for the European fans where the most Formula One fans are. Do you want get up three or six in the morning on a Sunday? Not for me. And to avoid the monsoon you can put the Malaysian GP in the middle of the season or whenever. OK I don't know the monsoon times in Malaysia. You can install lights to drive in the darkness to run it as a night race.

nobody of the european fans dind't give a damn. it was all about amoney and ignoring the drivers needs. It filled his pocket, thats what it was about ! Yey I want to get up at the middle of the night - did that for 15 years - never was a problem.

6th April 2009, 21:17
nobody of the european fans dind't give a damn. it was all about amoney and ignoring the drivers needs. It filled his pocket, thats what it was about ! Yey I want to get up at the middle of the night - did that for 15 years - never was a problem.

exactly. For us in North, Central, and South America that was S.O.P. (Standard Operating Proceedure) for the races in the Asia/Pacific areas.

6th April 2009, 21:18
nobody of the european fans dind't give a damn. it was all about amoney and ignoring the drivers needs. It filled his pocket, thats what it was about ! Yey I want to get up at the middle of the night - did that for 15 years - never was a problem.

Calm down. It's Ecclestone's job to fill the pockets of the Formula One because no money, no F1. The money reigns the world. I know it's the commercialization and I know you hate it.

6th April 2009, 21:24
Calm down. It's Ecclestone's job to fill the pockets of the Formula One because no money, no F1. The money reigns the world. I know it's the commercialization and I know you hate it.

no, its his *own* pockets he fills, F1 never had any of it - and he couldn't care less. This despicable lowlife ranks below Stalin and Pol Pot. He's the greediest nature has ever allowed to live and that's the only mistake nature ever did. :mad:

6th April 2009, 21:38
no, its his *own* pockets he fills, F1 never had any of it - and he couldn't care less. This despicable lowlife ranks below Stalin and Pol Pot. He's the greediest nature has ever allowed to live and that's the only mistake nature ever did. :mad:

When the TV broadcasters go to Ecclestone and say that they want a fan friendly start time, they get it because of the fans' TV audience. When the race starts three in the morning there are less fans in front of the telly instead at 2.00 PM. And the fans probably don't watch the highlights because they know the result and I don't mean the real die-hard fans like you or me, I mean fans like John Doe.

If they don't get fan friendly start times, the broadcaster will probably pay less money.

N. Jones
7th April 2009, 02:24
He should of looked at Surfers Paradise, after 2 washout with the champcar race start... they move it a couple of hours earler to avoid the traditional afternoon thunderstorms that happen in this part of the world.

Bernie, the world is much larger than Europe

What I Don't understand is this:

He moves races back to cater to the European fan while at the same time kicking European tracks off of the calendar. I don't NOT understand that move at all!

7th April 2009, 08:18
Half an exciting race.

We aren't moaning about the half points. We are moaning because there was ample opportunity to host the GP at a decent time and everyone gets their share of excitement and happiness. A lot of people got fleeced out of something here, teams, fans, sponsors, the track management, all lost out here. One man is completely oblivious to it all, though... We got freakin' raped :(

Dave B
7th April 2009, 09:13
I think he did the right decision to set the start time later in the day. It's better for the European fans where the most Formula One fans are. Do you want get up three or six in the morning on a Sunday? Not for me. And to avoid the monsoon you can put the Malaysian GP in the middle of the season or whenever. OK I don't know the monsoon times in Malaysia. You can install lights to drive in the darkness to run it as a night race.
I'm a European fan and Bernie's decision ruined the race for me. I'd far rather get up early and watch a whole race than to watch a farce at a civilised time.

It's perhaps fortunate that it rained so hard that the drivers were virtually brought to a standstill. If there had been any injuries they would have been on Bernie's head.

7th April 2009, 13:31
update post.

7th April 2009, 15:00
When the TV broadcasters go to Ecclestone and say that they want a fan friendly start time, they get it because of the fans' TV audience. When the race starts three in the morning there are less fans in front of the telly instead at 2.00 PM. And the fans probably don't watch the highlights because they know the result and I don't mean the real die-hard fans like you or me, I mean fans like John Doe.

If they don't get fan friendly start times, the broadcaster will probably pay less money.

Since when is 2:00 PM a friendly start time?!
Anything after 08:00 and before 21:00 is the worst time in the world for people who have a life of their own, other than staring to their TV sets.

7th April 2009, 15:01
no, its his *own* pockets he fills, F1 never had any of it - and he couldn't care less. This despicable lowlife ranks below Stalin and Pol Pot. He's the greediest nature has ever allowed to live and that's the only mistake nature ever did. :mad:

What was the name of that creature in Lord of the Rings?!

7th April 2009, 15:28
What was the name of that creature in Lord of the Rings?!

oh, you mean HIM.


7th April 2009, 16:52
Since when is 2:00 PM a friendly start time?!
Anything after 08:00 and before 21:00 is the worst time in the world for people who have a life of their own, other than staring to their TV sets.


I would prefer a race at 2.00 PM than a race in the night. When I was kid I had always been got up at three in the morning to watch the Australian GP but now I need my sleep because I have to work. I’m not a jobless person who can watch the races in the night just because I don’t have to get up on Monday’s morning. Start times between 11 AM and 8 PM are friendly start times in my opinion.

If you can’t watch the races on Sunday’s afternoon, you can record it on DVD, like I do when I want to watch a sports event in the night. It’s not a must it’s just an advice.

7th April 2009, 21:32
If you can’t watch the races on Sunday’s afternoon, you can record it on DVD, like I do when I want to watch a sports event in the night. It’s not a must it’s just an advice.

Or, if you can't get up early in the morning for a race, you can just record it on a DVD. Its "6 of one, half a dozen of the other" buddy.

Also, I agree with an aspect from that pitpass website in particular: Why does Bernie promote races in countries with a poor racing heritage (Malaysia, Bahrain, Turkey etc) and then still aim his TV coverage at Europe? This, I'm afraid makes no sense, only to fulfill his greed. He will receive a lot of money from those track merchants, while using Europe's high viewer rate to his advantage at the same time.

Yes, I liked getting up in the early hours to watch the GP. Honestly, work or no work.

8th April 2009, 09:59

I would prefer a race at 2.00 PM than a race in the night. When I was kid I had always been got up at three in the morning to watch the Australian GP but now I need my sleep because I have to work. I’m not a jobless person who can watch the races in the night just because I don’t have to get up on Monday’s morning. Start times between 11 AM and 8 PM are friendly start times in my opinion.

If you can’t watch the races on Sunday’s afternoon, you can record it on DVD, like I do when I want to watch a sports event in the night. It’s not a must it’s just an advice.

I don't know you, but I never had a job where I had to work Sundays!
And I prefer watching the race live, not recorded on eon DVD or even worse nothing if there is the slightest glitch.

8th April 2009, 10:05
I don't know you, but I never had a job where I had to work Sundays!

Maybe he or she is a priest? :p :

anyways I agree totally...any sport has to be seen LIVE!
Else it makes no sense to watch it.....highlights etc are okay if you cannot watch it for some reason but for any real fan makes time for his favourite sport :)

8th April 2009, 10:28
Maybe he or she is a priest? :p :

:D I didn't even think about that possibility!

anyways I agree totally...any sport has to be seen LIVE!
Else it makes no sense to watch it.....highlights etc are okay if you cannot watch it for some reason but for any real fan makes time for his favourite sport :)


8th April 2009, 11:17
MO. Host's should run races at a proper time according to their geographical location, (god knows they pay enough for the rights) without concern for any demographic viewing constituency. This is a world championship. Accommodating European TV sponsors conversely affects developing markets for these events. If you don't want to change your sleeping habits for a race held on the other side of the world, than you simply aren't interested enough, and should be contented with watching a recording their of!

8th April 2009, 11:23
MO. Host's should run races at a proper time according to their geographical location, (god knows they pay enough for the rights) without concern for any demographic viewing constituency. This is a world championship. Accommodating European TV sponsors conversely affects developing markets for these events. If you don't want to change your sleeping habits for a race held on the other side of the world, than you simply aren't interested enough, and should be contented with watching a recording their of!


8th April 2009, 11:50
MO. Host's should run races at a proper time according to their geographical location, (god knows they pay enough for the rights) without concern for any demographic viewing constituency. This is a world championship. Accommodating European TV sponsors conversely affects developing markets for these events. If you don't want to change your sleeping habits for a race held on the other side of the world, than you simply aren't interested enough, and should be contented with watching a recording their of!

Unfortunately that's now how sports and business works.

Joe Calzaghe and Ricky Hatton had to fight at 2am in the UK just to appease the Americans.

One of the reasons there's matches held at 1245 on some weekends in the English Premier League is to appease the viewership of East Asia market, when traditionally football matches were played at 3pm.

8th April 2009, 11:56
Unfortunately that's now how sports and business works.

Joe Calzaghe and Ricky Hatton had to fight at 2am in the UK just to appease the Americans.

One of the reasons there's matches held at 1245 on some weekends in the English Premier League is to appease the viewership of East Asia market, when traditionally football matches were played at 3pm.

I think the trend of moving races will continue since RTL and BBC (ITV) had better ratings for the races compared to last year.

Dave B
8th April 2009, 11:58
Unfortunately that's now how sports and business works.
Fair enough, but...

Joe Calzaghe and Ricky Hatton had to fight at 2am in the UK just to appease the Americans.
Indoors, under floodlights.

One of the reasons there's matches held at 1245 on some weekends in the English Premier League is to appease the viewership of East Asia market, when traditionally football matches were played at 3pm.
The weather isn't statistically likely to be worse at 1245 than 1500, and even if that is the case at least there's daylight.

Bernie's desire to appease European fans by moving the start time of the Malaysian GP actually ended up ruining it for everybody, and was entirely predictable.

8th April 2009, 12:02
I don't know you, but I never had a job where I had to work Sundays!
And I prefer watching the race live, not recorded on eon DVD or even worse nothing if there is the slightest glitch.

There's jobs which you have to work on Sunday but I don't work on Sunday.

Maybe he or she is a priest? :p :

anyways I agree totally...any sport has to be seen LIVE!
Else it makes no sense to watch it.....highlights etc are okay if you cannot watch it for some reason but for any real fan makes time for his favourite sport :)

I also prefer to watch sports live on telly but if can't watch live so I watch the highlights or even both, live and the highlights, and if there's no highlights I record it on DVD. But I have to avoid the newspapers and so on that I don't know the result.

I'm not a priest?

And I prefer the salutation Sir.

8th April 2009, 12:13
Unfortunately that's now how sports and business works.

Joe Calzaghe and Ricky Hatton had to fight at 2am in the UK just to appease the Americans.

One of the reasons there's matches held at 1245 on some weekends in the English Premier League is to appease the viewership of East Asia market, when traditionally football matches were played at 3pm.

Float like a butterfly, Sting like a bee!
Rumble young man, rumble!

Dude I saw "The Rumble in the Jungle” (Zaire Africa) live on closed circuit TV (before the advent of cable TV) at the San Diego Sports Arena 1974 at approximately 8pm
You don't need to remind me how some sports work!
Here is the distinction.
Football can be played in almost any climatic condition!
By having the aforementioned fight at 3am Zaire time, meant the fighters only had to endure heat in the low 90's :eek:
Those two are very poor comparisons to F1

8th April 2009, 12:34
Rain was predicted but not very accurately.

It's the first race of the new timeslot and everyone's fears were played out which meant a good excuse to bash Bernie.

And you have Mark Webber - heading the GPDA no less - concerned less by the twilight, more worried by the wet conditions.

Whatever happened to giving things another chance?

8th April 2009, 12:38
In addition the fight time in Africa had some logic behind it
The Football times are an acceptable alternative!
The Boxing match in the UK at 2am?????
Evidence that Boxing promotion is the more corrupt than F1.
In fact Boxing has become a Joke! :(

8th April 2009, 12:44
Rain was predicted but not very accurately.

It's the first race of the new timeslot and everyone's fears were played out which meant a good excuse to bash Bernie.

And you have Mark Webber - heading the GPDA no less - concerned less by the twilight, more worried by the wet conditions.

Whatever happened to giving things another chance?
Whatever happened to giving things another chance?I'm sorry I'm not sure I follow you. :confused:

8th April 2009, 13:00
I'm sorry I'm not sure I follow you. :confused:

What if next Malaysian GPs remained dry with the same timeslot? Would you still be complaining?

8th April 2009, 13:06
What if next Malaysian GPs remained dry with the same timeslot? Would you still be complaining?

Regardless of what time future GP's are held in Malaysia they will always
remind me how pissed off this one made me! :dozey:

(not to mention the race started at 2am PDST) :mad: :)

8th April 2009, 17:07
What if next Malaysian GPs remained dry with the same timeslot? Would you still be complaining?

You need to consider, wedge, that that is really an unnecessary gamble we are dealing with. It doesn't, to the hardcore F1 fan, bring about an advantage because we would be content watching a full race in the early hours of the morning.

The only advantage in putting the race time forward is that there may be an increase in Europe's share of mediocre fans watching the race, just because they know its on on that day and at that time. Not worth it in my opinion.

Why give it another chance? Its failed already, shows no prospect for the future and has no major benefits to even the TV audience.

8th April 2009, 23:09
One of the reasons there's matches held at 1245 on some weekends in the English Premier League is to appease the viewership of East Asia market, when traditionally football matches were played at 3pm.

Premiership matches are not allowed to be televised domestically at 3PM on a saturday though. So when matches are televised kick off times have to be changed.

Mark in Oshawa
9th April 2009, 00:28
Wrong ---Hold more races in the USA and Canada......the times would be close to perfect for a nice sunday dinner while you watch....but it will never catch on...

That wont happen because people on our side of the pond Mark are not STUPID enough to pay this jerk the amount of money he wants for a GP and spend the amount of money required on a circuit for ONE RACE.

Grand Prix Racing and the level of competition have dropped and the way Bernie manipulates more and more money out of developing countries for race dates over countries such as the US, Canada, Belgium, and the like tell me that Bernie is all about the dough.

The fighting of nature by the race time at Malaysia is something that says to me he cares more about his financial greed being assauged than the quality of the racing for the real fans, the ones stuck at home who gave up affording the ticket prices for this circus a long time ago....

9th April 2009, 08:04
Premiership matches are not allowed to be televised domestically at 3PM on a saturday though. So when matches are televised kick off times have to be changed.

Now allowed? explain?

9th April 2009, 08:08
Bernie could well be the anti-christ.....and Max is his little fire breathing (non-newtered) toy poodle/chihuaua (sp)

9th April 2009, 08:31
Now allowed? explain?

The reasoning is that people would stay at home and watch, instead of turning up to a match, therefore affecting attendence figures. I know in the NHL they have local blackouts, unless it's a sell out. Seems fair enough to me.
As for Bernie - forget any sporting considerations - just make money. The FiA should never have given him all that power - a mistake! They seem to have learned their lesson, as the new WRC promoter won't be allowed similar power.

9th April 2009, 08:38
Ah, so it's generally just not done, rather than actually not allowed?!

9th April 2009, 15:57
I'm not at all bothered by the local start times as I stopped watching the races live a couple of years ago. I now record the events and watch them when I have the time, with my finger on the fast-forward button on the remote, in between watching paint dry and snow melt :mark:

10th April 2009, 13:03
Abu Dhabi are considering a "unique start time"


Unique? The only thing I can think of is an 8am local start to apologise to all the Eastern viewers :P

11th April 2009, 17:15
The starting time create very dangerous situations for the drivers. Bernie should be tied behind the pace car and dragged around the track for a couple of laps. Then sanity would prevail.

11th April 2009, 18:19
The starting time create very dangerous situations for the drivers. Bernie should be tied behind the pace car and dragged around the track for a couple of laps. Then sanity would prevail.

thats a bit light isnt it? I think you'll find the ideal punishment for the short ones annoyance, idiocy, greed etc is to tie him behind a real F1 car for a nice 24hr race, then have the pit crew wack him round the face with a mallet during the pit stops in the race. and at the end if he is tied to the back of a podium finishing car he should be allowed on the podium, and reciev oil instead of champagne which he MUST drink ;) there we are, far more appropriate......

11th April 2009, 20:17
thats a bit light isnt it? I think you'll find the ideal punishment for the short ones annoyance, idiocy, greed etc is to tie him behind a real F1 car for a nice 24hr race, then have the pit crew wack him round the face with a mallet during the pit stops in the race. and at the end if he is tied to the back of a podium finishing car he should be allowed on the podium, and reciev oil instead of champagne which he MUST drink ;) there we are, far more appropriate......

One can dream :angel: