View Full Version : Bernie Ecclestone

5th April 2009, 08:37
Hello, just wondered if anyone else herd this news, a freind who works for the local press told me that bernie ecclestone was in corby at Rockingham speedway last week for a meeting, and when approached Rockingham told them they didnt want to speak to the press about it. Just wondered if anyone else knew about this. Thanks.

5th April 2009, 08:57
Hello, just wondered if anyone else herd this news, a freind who works for the local press told me that bernie ecclestone was in corby at Rockingham speedway last week for a meeting, and when approached Rockingham told them they didnt want to speak to the press about it. Just wondered if anyone else knew about this. Thanks.
My sources told me Bernie soiled himself :dozey:

Dave B
5th April 2009, 09:13
Before anybody even thinks about it: no, Rockingham will not be hosting a Formula One race any time in the future unless they knock it down and start again somewhere else.

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5th April 2009, 09:25
An F1 race? In Corby? ahahaha

5th April 2009, 11:34
now theres a thought..................

5th April 2009, 11:43
Clearly musn't want to be associated with mr E in the press.