View Full Version : Luczo-Dragon is now sponsored by...

4th April 2009, 00:04
The Marines and the Air Force.


St. Pete is shaping up to be a good start for the season.

4th April 2009, 02:39
They also have Mail.com, Monster.com and McAfee on the car. It speaks to the strength of that team's ability (with a little Penske help) to find new sponsors. (McAfee's parent company Symantic was on the car last year btw.)

The other piece of good news is that companies that used to sponsor NASCAR teams, the Marines, Air Force, Dollar General, and Arctic Ice, all had some level of NASCAR involvment once and left. The Armed Services moving over is great because a number of NASCAR sponsors will take notice, and there will be some comparable numbers to run a ROI comparasion. If I were a team looking for a sponsor I would give a long look to companies like Texaco, AT&T, DLP, Little Debbie, Wells Fargo, Marathon, Big Lots!, the NAVY, and Kimberly Clark among others. All of those sponsors at one point maintained NASCAR programs and have pulled them. Perhaps they would see the value in an IRL program next year.

4th April 2009, 02:44
It's great to see new sponsors on board but I worry about the limited space advert space on an IndyCar as compared to a Cup car which has that huge hood and side doors to paste sponsor logos. Our IndyCars also go much faster making any type of signage on the cars more of a blur than on Cup cars.

4th April 2009, 04:33
It's great to see new sponsors on board but I worry about the limited space advert space on an IndyCar as compared to a Cup car which has that huge hood and side doors to paste sponsor logos. Our IndyCars also go much faster making any type of signage on the cars more of a blur than on Cup cars.

Well then let's just slow 'em way down and put some "world of outlaws" style wigns on them suckers...

Kidding!!! Kidding!!!!!! Kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
