View Full Version : It's spelt RUBENS!!!!

29th March 2009, 20:20
Noticed today that some people seem to spell Rubens as Rubins :confused:

I mean seriously wtf? Is this some kind of lame joke that I don't get because I don't visit the F1 that much or do people really not know how to spell the name of one of the best drivers of our era? :confused:

29th March 2009, 20:32
Noticed today that some people seem to spell Rubens as Rubins :confused:

I mean seriously wtf? Is this some kind of lame joke that I don't get because I don't visit the F1 that much or do people really not know how to spell the name of one of the best drivers of our era? :confused:

Oh dear, go and put yer anorak back in the cupboard.... :dozey:


29th March 2009, 20:36
I have no idea whether this one is meant to be funny, but I must say I have never found any of the deliberate mis-spellings of drivers' names used on these forums in the slightest bit amusing. When someone comes up with a genuinely clever one, I will laugh, but not before.

29th March 2009, 20:46
Your right, langauge is the currency we deal with here on forums, people should know how to use a spellchecker for the unfortunate affliction of dyslexia or simple research copy and paste in the event of spelling someones name correctly. I've known the correct spelling is Rubbens, for years...

29th March 2009, 20:57

Why is that such a difficult word to spell? Is someone having a larf?

29th March 2009, 21:03
A dyslexic man goes skiing. At the top of the slope, not sure what to do, he asks the man next to him - "excuse me, do we zig zag or zag zig?"

"Don't ask me" says the man, "I'm a tobaggonist"

"Oh" says the dyslexic, "In that case I'll have 20 Marlboro lights!"

29th March 2009, 21:40
Noticed today that some people seem to spell Rubens as Rubins :confused:

I mean seriously wtf? Is this some kind of lame joke that I don't get because I don't visit the F1 that much or do people really not know how to spell the name of one of the best drivers of our era? :confused:

It's been years that some people can't spell several drivers names correctly.
Heck there are lots who can't even spell correctly usual words in English.

It just proves that:
1. They don't think much while typing a post
2. Never read their post after they posted it
3. They simply aren't as much into knowing F1 as they are fanboys of a certain driver who's name they happen to know how to spell
4. they just can't spell an type correctly.

I gave up on being surprised by some enormous mistakes I see almost every day around here.

29th March 2009, 21:44
...a certain driver who's name

they just can't spell an type correctly.

Sorry, but it had to be done...

29th March 2009, 21:51
Sorry, but it had to be done...

Was just checking if you are alert! :p :

29th March 2009, 21:58
A dyslexic man goes skiing. At the top of the slope, not sure what to do, he asks the man next to him - "excuse me, do we zig zag or zag zig?"

"Don't ask me" says the man, "I'm a tobaggonist"

"Oh" says the dyslexic, "In that case I'll have 20 Marlboro lights!"


Sorry, but it had to be done...

There are those who concern theirselves with form and those who concern themselves with substance, but ain't nobody around here doing both.

In any event, we seem to have those properly identified as to where they fit.

And anybody who says i ain't in neither one, i shall forgive them for their ignorance, for they know not what they do

29th March 2009, 21:59
I have no idea whether this one is meant to be funny, but I must say I have never found any of the deliberate mis-spellings of drivers' names used on these forums in the slightest bit amusing. When someone comes up with a genuinely clever one, I will laugh, but not before.

Happens all the time on rallying side of the forum. I've read Tommi Mäkinen's name in about dozen different ways not to mention Harri Rovanperä which seemed to be too much for some of the members.

Personally, I think it's disrespectful not to bother to check the correct namespelling. What comes to written english I don't care since I'm not a native speaker and make lot of mistakes myself.

29th March 2009, 23:34
I find this forum okay, even the people who don't use English as their first language mostly get on fine. There are 2 other forums which I use regularly (one for my football team and the owners club for my car) where there are some shocking errors which make it hard to read a lot of the time. One post I read the other day had the usual there/their/they're cock up, only they'd done it twice. I think that they were trying to say "they're" but had used both "there" and "their" at different points.

I also saw something on facebook where the person had written using a mixture of abrevs ;) numbers in place of words and poor grammar before noting something along the lines of "to all you grammar freaks out their I know it's wrong but grammar is boring get over it lol". Now I know that grammar is boring but I actually couldn't understand the point that she was trying to make because it didn't make sense.

So when someone puts Rubins in place of Rubens I don't really mind, it could be so much worse.

@ A.F.F: If I was to check the correct spelling for every Finnish driver that I wasn't sure about, it would take a very long time :D

30th March 2009, 00:02
@ A.F.F: If I was to check the correct spelling for every Finnish driver that I wasn't sure about, it would take a very long time :D

I know what you mean but I do it with every foreign driver.

Then again, every second of all top drivers are Finns :p :

Valve Bounce
30th March 2009, 00:40
I have no idea whether this one is meant to be funny, but I must say I have never found any of the deliberate mis-spellings of drivers' names used on these forums in the slightest bit amusing. When someone comes up with a genuinely clever one, I will laugh, but not before.

How about Bunsen? Are we laughing yet?

30th March 2009, 00:41
Sorry, but it had to be done...

Sorry, but it had to be done.

An ellipses should only be used to indicate a trail off into silence, an unfinished thought or an omission of text. Your remark came to a full stop and should have ended with a full stop or a sarcasm mark.

(A sarcasm mark looks like this: ¡)

Valve Bounce
30th March 2009, 00:42
Sorry, but it had to be done...

nag, nag, nag!!

Valve Bounce
30th March 2009, 00:43
Sorry, but it had to be done.

An ellipses should only be used to indicate a trail off into silence, an unfinished thought or an omission of text. Your remark came to a full stop and should have ended with a full stop or a sarcasm mark.

(A sarcasm mark looks like this: ¡)

Better if he just forgot to post it :p :

30th March 2009, 01:03
I use to spell it Rubins all the time because that how I pronnouned it

I double check now apart from last night were I was (and still am btw) angry

30th March 2009, 01:23
How about Bunsen? Are we laughing yet?
I did until he took the pole...................

30th March 2009, 01:56
I never understood if this was a joke or just a mistake, so many people here call him rubins..
but I make mistakes with foreign names to...
(and my english is bad)

30th March 2009, 02:28
His name , in cheers from the crowd , is Rubinho .

I try to spell correctly , and wouldn't think of using a spell check feature . I'm old school , man . It's dictionary city for me .
Damn new fangled button things just don't have the feel of the page .
I get a good laugh out of some of the spelling and grammatical errors here , but I won't chide anyone for language .
As long as the post can get the point across , I don't really see a problem .

I'll tell you what irks me .
It's the damned announcers that can't seem to say Robert Kubica's name correctly .
In fact , I don't think I've ever heard his name spoken correctly by any announcer yet .

I certainly don't think it's worth getting all mad about .
I wouldn't spend my capitol letters on it . They cost more , don't they ?

Of course , I could be completely wrong here , as maybe spelling Rubens with an "i" is really , really insulting in Brazil(or is that Brasil?) .

Valve Bounce
30th March 2009, 02:58
I never understood if this was a joke or just a mistake, so many people here call him rubins..
but I make mistakes with foreign names to...
(and my english is bad)

We have too many people here who care more about spelling than having a nice, friendly and often humorous chat in the forum, I zuppoze :(

Dave B
30th March 2009, 08:11
I remember posting a similar thread about MacLaren / McClaren / McLeran / Maclaren.

It's not difficult, is it?

30th March 2009, 08:24
I'll tell you what irks me .
It's the damned announcers that can't seem to say Robert Kubica's name correctly .
In fact , I don't think I've ever heard his name spoken correctly by any announcer yet .

It should be the case that at the start of the year, the drivers teach the commentators how to pronounce their name. Then have a "swear box" of sorts for everytime we get a Koo-bik-a.

Getting names wrong is a pet hate of mine though, the amount of times a company has sent me a letter with my surname spelt wrongly is just annoying :mad: . Just read what I put on the damn form! :p

30th March 2009, 08:31
Sorry, but it had to be done.

An ellipses should only be used to indicate a trail off into silence, an unfinished thought or an omission of text.

Or really bad keyboard bounce... :)

30th March 2009, 09:53
I dislike that Rubins thing too.....more so when commentators get names wrong during F1 races, don't these guys actually do any sort of prep work?

It happens all the time in Football too(especially with sh*t channels like Ten Sports over here)

Valve Bounce
30th March 2009, 10:15
I dislike that Rubins thing too.....more so when commentators get names wrong during F1 races, don't these guys actually do any sort of prep work?

It happens all the time in Football too(especially with sh*t channels like Ten Sports over here)

Yeah!! they should learn how to pronounce bunsen.

30th March 2009, 10:27
Your right, langauge is the currency we deal with here on forums, people should know how to use a spellchecker for the unfortunate affliction of dyslexia or simple research copy and paste in the event of spelling someones name correctly. I've known the correct spelling is Rubbens, for years...

His name is Rubens, just one b.

With reference to spellcheckers, When Christian Klien signed for Jaguar in 2004 a lot of people, including some of the major F1 related websites were calling him Christian Klein, the reason, MS Word's spellchecker listed Klien as a misspelled word and suggested Klein as an alternative.

In the theme of misspelled names and words, Kimi's last name (using an English keyboard) is Raikkonen not Raikonnen

Also its sponsor not sponser, in fact wasn't sponser a censored word in this forum?

Valve Bounce
30th March 2009, 11:39
Who cares, Walter!! Who cares!!

30th March 2009, 11:52
I know what you mean but I do it with every foreign driver.

Then again, every second of all top drivers are Finns :p :

We Finns do speak foreign languages better than most Europeans, it's down to that.

Valve Bounce
30th March 2009, 12:06
We Finns do speak foreign languages better than most Europeans, it's down to that.

I used to work with Danes - they spoke English very well.

30th March 2009, 12:18
His name , in cheers from the crowd , is Rubinho .

Both his father and paternal grandfather are also named Rubens, and Barrichello shares his father's birthday: May 23. Therefore, Rubens Barrichello was known as Rubinho (Portuguese (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_language) for "little Rubens"), which has become his nickname.

30th March 2009, 13:10
I work with a bunch of English people, most of them seem to struggle with the language :D

30th March 2009, 13:16
We Finns do speak foreign languages better than most Europeans, it's down to that.

You do ? :confused: I must have been unlucky then :p : I agree about the Danes though, and as for the Italians...never mind :s ;)

30th March 2009, 13:50
I used to work with Danes - they spoke English very well.

So, the one guy you worked with who was a real 'diamond geezer', was he a 'Great Dane'? ;)

30th March 2009, 15:43
Noticed today that some people seem to spell Rubens as Rubins :confused:

I mean seriously wtf? Is this some kind of lame joke that I don't get because I don't visit the F1 that much or do people really not know how to spell the name of one of the best drivers of our era? :confused:

WFT Denial :?: Sorme orf ous catn splel fro hsit :p :

30th March 2009, 17:15
You do ? :confused: I must have been unlucky then :p : I agree about the Danes though, and as for the Italians...never mind :s ;)

I like to think I know bit about the subject through my work :) , lets say younger Finns. One of the fashinating things about Italy for me is the lack of foreign language skills, one really has to learn some words of Italian to survive outside the Colosseum etc..... Talking about pronunciation, Jarno Trulli is actually an interesting case, I wonder how many Italians actually know how to pronounce his Finnish first name, coming from Jarno Saarinen.

30th March 2009, 17:18
His name is Rubinho Barrichello so who cares?

Rubinho is his nickname not his name, it's the Portuguese diminutive for Rubens.

30th March 2009, 17:22
I like to think I know bit about the subject through my work :) , lets say younger Finns. One of the fashinating things about Italy for me is the lack of foreign language skills, one really has to learn some words of Italian to survive outside the Colosseum etc..... Talking about pronunciation, Jarno Trulli is actually an interesting case, I wonder how many Italians actually know how to pronounce his Finnish first name, coming from Jarno Saarinen.

In that case you must be one of those who are not best at English. :p :

Seriously, there are many countries in Europe where young people speak several languages, it is not a Finnish exclusivity.

30th March 2009, 17:26
I'll tell you what irks me .
It's the damned announcers that can't seem to say Robert Kubica's name correctly.

It's not only announcers. Alex Wurz who's been commentating for the Austrian television last season and is doing it this season too, has constantly called him Kubika.

30th March 2009, 17:45
In that case you must be one of those who are not best at English. :p :

Seriously, there are many countries in Europe where young people speak several languages, it is not a Finnish exclusivity.

You got me :) ! You are absolutely right, young people speak good English particularly in smaller countries.

30th March 2009, 18:49
If my memory serves me correctly, at times Ralf has been spelled as Ralph too?!

Valve Bounce
30th March 2009, 23:17
Our Alan Jones, former Williams driver and WDC, always called Quick Nick "Heinfeld".

30th March 2009, 23:45
His name is Rubens, just one b.

I was joking btw.. ;)

Dave B
31st March 2009, 09:21
If my memory serves me correctly, at times Ralf has been spelled as Ralph too?!
Conversely, in Ralph Firman's brief F1 career his name was frequently spelled Ralf.

1st April 2009, 10:36
Look at my face, am I bovvered?

Rubins with an "I"
Ralph with a "P"


Maclaren, Firman, Hineyfeld, Kubika.

I ain't BOVVERED!!


1st April 2009, 11:57
Look at my face, am I bovvered?

Rubins with an "I"
Ralph with a "P"


Maclaren, Firman, Hineyfeld, Kubika.

I ain't BOVVERED!!


Knockie this isn't about being bothered or the comedy of a one trick pony, it's just about respect for someone's name.

1st April 2009, 12:35
Look at my face, am I bovvered?

Rubins with an "I"
Ralph with a "P"


Maclaren, Firman, Hineyfeld, Kubika.

I ain't BOVVERED!!

:D If you axe me you don't look bovvered!
That's the trueff
Knockee :s mokin:

1st April 2009, 12:35
Knockie this isn't about being bothered or the comedy of a one trick pony, it's just about respect for someone's name.

It's nothing really to do with Motorsport IMHO but a silly excercise in trying to find something to huff and puff about.

I've got respect for Rubinho and whether I spell his name correctly or not will not change that.

Some people spend so much time trying to climb on a high horse or soap box that they fail to understand what's going on around them.

Rubins, Rubens or Rub-ends makes no odds at all in my eyes :D

Garry Walker
2nd April 2009, 13:18
I use to spell it Rubins all the time because that how I pronnouned it

I double check now apart from last night were I was (and still am btw) angry

:D :D :D