View Full Version : Canadian Bacon

29th March 2009, 17:44
I'm watching the movie Canadian Bacon on TV. Incredible. It's like they predicted George W Bush already in 1995. Except it was Canada instead of Iraq.


29th March 2009, 18:03
Bush just got confused as to who our real enemies are
He always had trouble remembering left hand, right hand anyway

29th March 2009, 18:05
The president on the movie even talks like Bush. He said on a TV speech: "Let her go bronto or we'll level Toronto". It's like Bush's "bring them on" or "you're either with us or against us".

29th March 2009, 22:27
You guys realize who made that movie right?

Dr. Krogshöj
30th March 2009, 07:30
You guys realize who made that movie right?

Yes, why?

30th March 2009, 12:39
You guys realize who made that movie right?
A genius.

30th March 2009, 13:26
You guys realize who made that movie right?

Fred Savage in disguise :p

30th March 2009, 20:37
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, bacon :lips:

31st March 2009, 01:20
A genius.
A lying sack of Feces

31st March 2009, 02:09
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, bacon :lips:

here you go, J4MIE...



Mark in Oshawa
4th April 2009, 02:50
It was a comical little movie that poked gentle fun a bunch of people and WAS NOT to be taken seriously. Of course Eki loves it because of course, he hates America. Eki...it AINT a documentry ok? Just a clue....