View Full Version : Trulli's podium place in danger

29th March 2009, 10:03
It looks like everything is not well again.

"There is some debate over whether it is a third place or not at the moment, given that Trulli fell off and re-passed under the safety car," Whitmarsh told the BBC. "But whatever it was a solid result.

"At the end, under the safety car, Trulli fell off onto the grass and Lewis had no choice but to go past him, he was not on the racing circuit," said Whitmarsh.

"Trulli then re-took the place under the safety car, which ordinarily you wouldn't do so I know that the FIA are looking at it at the moment and doubtless we'll have a ruling in due course.

"That's our position at the moment and we will see what happens in the coming hours."

29th March 2009, 10:09
Scary thought...if diffuser-gate blows up at the appeal and then since that covers Toyota as well regardless of what happens here - Hamilton could be given the win? :eek:

29th March 2009, 10:11
Scary thought...if diffuser-gate blows up at the appeal and then since that covers Toyota as well regardless of what happens here - Hamilton could be given the win? :eek:

You can't be punished retrospectively though. Otherwise Kimi would have been DQ'd from Oz 2007 for the moving floor.

29th March 2009, 10:14
You can't be punished retrospectively though. Otherwise Kimi would have been DQ'd from Oz 2007 for the moving floor.

True, suppose there's the Brabham fan car precedent as well - just getting caught up in the excitement of it all! Did anyone actually see Trulli's off, I don't recall the cameras picking it up (probably because I was doing a victory dance for Jenson around my room :p :) if it was just a case of Trulli running a bit wide and Hamilton ducking underneath him I'd say it's Trulli's place but if he spun off or went for a spot of serious lawn-mowing I'd say it's an open and shut case for McLaren.

Dr. Krogshöj
29th March 2009, 10:16
I don't think the results of the first two races can be changed retrospectively by the Court of Appeal. The diffusers were clearly declared legal by the stewards of the Event. At maximum, they can ban the design from the next race, but even that is unlikely.

Valve Bounce
29th March 2009, 10:16
Open - Shut!!

29th March 2009, 10:19
McLaren are right for themselves really, but after so many scandals it is not good for the sport. Can't say that I blame them, it is just not nice.

29th March 2009, 10:20
You can't be punished retrospectively though. Otherwise Kimi would have been DQ'd from Oz 2007 for the moving floor.

Well pointed. I hope that this is the case, although I hope even more that the diffusers will be allowed. BTW Rubens said that Kova destroyed his diffuser, so t is not so important.

Valve Bounce
29th March 2009, 10:21
McLaren are right for themselves really, but after so many scandals it is not good for the sport. Can't say that I blame them, it is just not nice.

Nothing to do with McLaren - this is a Race Stewards issue/decision.

29th March 2009, 10:23
True, suppose there's the Brabham fan car precedent as well - just getting caught up in the excitement of it all! Did anyone actually see Trulli's off, I don't recall the cameras picking it up (probably because I was doing a victory dance for Jenson around my room :p :) if it was just a case of Trulli running a bit wide and Hamilton ducking underneath him I'd say it's Trulli's place but if he spun off or went for a spot of serious lawn-mowing I'd say it's an open and shut case for McLaren.

Saved me typing it :D

29th March 2009, 10:35
You can't be punished retrospectively though. Otherwise Kimi would have been DQ'd from Oz 2007 for the moving floor.

FGS the moving floor was never declared illegal, the protests were not upheld and there was no appeal and no verdict was ever given by anyone on it.

The diffuser saga will be hear by the FIA ICA and a verdict will be given, and if the diffusers will be declared illegal than they will lose all their results.

29th March 2009, 10:35
Does anyone think that it's possible for Trulli to have gone off on some debris in the chaos, and that McLaren are not being entirely sporting about it?

I dunno, I can't see someone as experienced as Trulli doing something illegal like that. Surely his team must have seen it and told him where to be in the queue accordingly?

29th March 2009, 10:43
FGS the moving floor was never declared illegal, the protests were not upheld and there was no appeal and no verdict was ever given by anyone on it.

The diffuser saga will be hear by the FIA ICA and a verdict will be given, and if the diffusers will be declared illegal than they will lose all their results.

I think that they cannot declare them illegal just like this, as the stewards allowed them to race. Also I think that FIA will think about the publicity, so at worst I guess and I hope that the diffusers will be banned for the Chinese Grand Prix. But I think that it will be extremely stupid to DQ the teams like this and bad for the sport. BTW, not to be rude, but you seem to hope for this, because Ferrari are behind these teams. Let me tell you that this will give McLaren the win and Red Bull and BMW are much faster without the diffusers. So, forgive me if I have misunderstood you, but I found your hope for DQ appalling.

29th March 2009, 10:47
Nah, typical Trulli-fate. Whenever there is a chance for a good result, some controversy or problems occur. :crazy: Anyway, it was a great pleasure to see him on the podium again after a strong drive from the pitlane!

29th March 2009, 10:47
FGS the moving floor was never declared illegal, the protests were not upheld and there was no appeal and no verdict was ever given by anyone on it.

The diffuser saga will be hear by the FIA ICA and a verdict will be given, and if the diffusers will be declared illegal than they will lose all their results.

The rule changes made after that race meant that in Malaysia the same car would have been illegal. Which is my point and this is where the comparison is.

The diffusers passed scrutineering, so I find it hard to believe that they could have had the results declared null. If they are, expect the lawyers.

29th March 2009, 10:51
The rule changes made after that race meant that in Malaysia the same car would have been illegal. Which is my point and this is where the comparison is.

Sorry but since when do we apply rules retroactively? What about all the previous F1 race being run on illegal grounds according to 2009 rules?!

The diffusers are not questioned under future rules but under the present rules, and that is why if the diffusers are rules illegal, points will be deducted. If the diffusers are not ruled as being illegal but scrutinizing is changed than it will be like in 2007.

29th March 2009, 10:52
And still I think that points won't be deducted. FIA might be many things, but they won't hurt their sport in such a way during a crisis.

29th March 2009, 11:03
And still I think that points won't be deducted. FIA might be many things, but they won't hurt their sport in such a way during a crisis.

I wouldn't count on that. And I wouldn't appreciate the rules and their implementation being dictated by financial problems of the port.

29th March 2009, 11:07
Yes, I know that you hope all teams DQ, so Ferrari can win. They will still manage to screw it, from what I see.

29th March 2009, 11:07
but scrutinizing is changed than it will be like in 2007.

That's what might happen IMO. But better to keep the diffusers.