View Full Version : Driver of the race, Oz GP

29th March 2009, 08:54
IMO this goes to Trulli, followed by Hamilton and Button.

Garry Walker
29th March 2009, 08:55
Kubica. Shame he was taken out by a moron.

29th March 2009, 08:57
Any one of about ten. The Brawns were always going to be quick (not to take the shine off their performance, Button was brilliant) but for me it's between Trulli, Hamilton and Buemi for basically surprising me with their results!

29th March 2009, 08:59
Kubica. Shame he was taken out by a moron.
Two drivers had a race incident, but I suppose that objectivity isn't at home when one considers how much you HATE Vettel because he beat Bourdais last season. To many chips on your shoulder mate, to many chips.

29th March 2009, 09:01
Button, obviously, then Hamilton for achieving far more than expected.


Dave B
29th March 2009, 09:02
Barrichello. Unlucky at the start - he was tapped from behind by Kovy and knocked into Webber - and worked his way back up to P2.

Trulli and Hamilton deserve a mention for climbing up from disasterous qualifying positions; and obviously Jenson made it look easy at the front but it shouldn't be overlooked that he drove a sublime race.

29th March 2009, 09:02
Button, Trulli, Hamilton

29th March 2009, 09:03
Rosberg deserves an honourable mention as well as Button, Trulli and Hamilton.

29th March 2009, 09:05
Rubens, Jenson and Jarno

29th March 2009, 09:06
Button, Trulli, Hamilton


Garry Walker
29th March 2009, 09:08
Two drivers had a race incident, but I suppose that objectivity isn't at home when one considers how much you HATE Vettel because he beat Bourdais last season. To many chips on your shoulder mate, to many chips.

Because he beat Bourdais? I am not a fan of bourdais, never been, never will be, I dont even particulary rate him, but despite that, he was quite often able to match and beat Vettel. Buemi beat him yesterday, so we know how great you are if you beat Bourdais :D

The only chip on someones shoulder is you with regards to anyone daring to say anything negative about heroic Vettel

29th March 2009, 09:29
Button today for me,

Trulli did well, but didn't see much of what got him there, Hamilton pretty good, but i think he lucked into the later positions.

Kubica and Vettel both would have been up there with a shout until they kamikaze'd, most blame on Vettel, but i think Kubica could have gone wider, avoided him and still passed him easily.

Rubens a mention too, assuming it was the punt up the rear that started the 1st corner thing, not him going in too hot

Valve Bounce
29th March 2009, 09:32
Driver of the day. Even after the SC negated his significant lead, he didn't panic, drove superbly afterwards to establish a winning lead again and he won decisively and deservedly.

He drove a faultless race - what more could he have done?

"Bloody great drive, Bunsen!!"

I am evil Homer
29th March 2009, 09:34

29th March 2009, 09:34
Rosberg deserves an honourable mention as well as Button, Trulli and Hamilton.

Don't know about Rosberg, he didn't look like he knew how to drive on those soft tires.

29th March 2009, 09:35

Why did Hamilton better than Trulli when the later started dead last?
PS: I agree that Lewis did a very good race.

29th March 2009, 09:37
Because he beat Bourdais? I am not a fan of bourdais, never been, never will be, I dont even particulary rate him, but despite that, he was quite often able to match and beat Vettel.

It didn't look like that from your last season's comments, you were always hyping Bourdais and calling Vettel an idiot or moron, so I think you are distorting the truth right now.

29th March 2009, 09:37
Don't know about Rosberg, he didn't look like he knew how to drive on those soft tires.

He drove for a long time on them. He was pretty damn good until then I thought.

Maybe the Williams is poor on soft tires. Who knows. Kaz stuffed it into a wall so there isn't really a benchmark.

Garry Walker
29th March 2009, 09:39
It didn't look like that from your last season's comments, you were always hyping Bourdais and calling Vettel an idiot or moron, so I think you are distorting the truth right now.

I dont recall hyping Bourdais, but I do remember saying he is better than Vettel. Something he actually was before the new car came along, after what he struggled massively.

29th March 2009, 09:46
Don't know about Rosberg, he didn't look like he knew how to drive on those soft tires.

Sadly messed up what would have been a great result, whatever the reason may be :( . Could have been even better without the cock up at the pit stop, with the front wheel sticking.

Still salvaged some points so can't be all bad, and great pace for the majority of the race.

29th March 2009, 10:00
Hamilton probably impressed me more today than in the last two years - but yeah I'd say it's between him Trulli, Button and Buemi. Damn this fence feels uncomfortable.

29th March 2009, 10:27
Button drove a faultless race and indeed, weekend. Considering he wasn't racing a couple of weeks ago, I cannot give it to anyone else.

However, Hamilton had one of his best races and may yet be given 3rd. People asked how Hamilton would do in a car? Well, that's his answer. A superb race.

Honerable mention for JT with a great comeback in a great car and RB for fighting back to 2nd.

29th March 2009, 10:30
I dont recall hyping Bourdais, but I do remember saying he is better than Vettel. Something he actually was before the new car came along, after what he struggled massively.

Let's stop this debate, it's not important for me and I suppose for you neither and is distracting from the thread's subject.

29th March 2009, 10:37
Trulli, Hamilton, Buemi.

Would have possibly been Vettel if the obvious had not happened near the end.

29th March 2009, 11:19
I think this thread shows clearly, how dependant are people's views on car performance. When in the last few years Button did his best and could only finish 12th or 15th, no-one would even consider him as the driver of the race. Now, when he cruises home in a dominant car, he is suddenly the best driver? Well, did he really drive better today than when he did during fighting for P13's?

I must admit I was more impressed with Vettel and Kubica, who before crash were only a few seconds behind Button. Hamilton drove in my view a fantastic race in a car that is widely considered as a complete dog. He was active, fought hard and passed several guys - impressive stuff! :up: He proved that he can stay calm in the midfield. Buemi deserves credit (he was well-competitive for a rookie in an underperforming car) plus can't leave Trulli without a mention either. :)

29th March 2009, 11:43
Bunsen it is for me.

Honourable mention to Rubens, Truli, Hamilton and Buemi.

Valve Bounce
29th March 2009, 11:46
Bunsen it is for me.

Honourable mention to Rubens, Truli, Hamilton and Buemi.

Somebody please tell me I had been wrong rubbishing bunsen last year :(

Bunsen is great!! :up:

29th March 2009, 12:03
A pick between Vettel, Kubica, Hamilton, Trulli and Rosberg. Vettel and Kubica for hanging onto Button in inferior cars, Hamilton and Trulli for coming from the back and making their way through the chaos.

29th March 2009, 12:29
The best racecraft we saw came from Hamilton and Glock. Both showed several times that they can overtake incisively and cleanly — great stuff. Vettel looked really good before the coming-together with Kubica, who also impressed. I felt that Martin Brundle's assessment of their clash was entirely fair and accurate — it was clumsy, nothing more. Buemi probably deserved better than eighth. And clearly, Button did an excellent, polished job. Watching him leading from the front, his smoothness and economy of style, often commented upon by people 'in the know', was clear for all to see.

29th March 2009, 12:32
For sure Glocks move on Alonso was the most impressive move during the race!
Lewis also did excellent use of KERS to pass cars, not that this detracts from his good race.

Valve Bounce
29th March 2009, 12:34
A pick between Vettel, Kubica, Hamilton, Trulli and Rosberg. Vettel and Kubica for hanging onto Button in inferior cars, Hamilton and Trulli for coming from the back and making their way through the chaos.

This is really not fair. Bunsen drove very smoothly all weekend, and how do we know that Vettel and Kube man were in inferior cars? We could say the cars were equal but bunsen just drove better. It's all relative.

29th March 2009, 12:34
For sure Glocks move on Alonso was the most impressive move during the race!

I think he pulled off a similar one at another time, too.

(By the way, for those who know what I'm talking about, I couldn't help but hear the voice of Charlie Cox talking about the 'Swedish shuffle' while Glock was making that move...)

29th March 2009, 12:37
This is really not fair. Bunsen drove very smoothly all weekend, and how do we know that Vettel and Kube man were in inferior cars? We could say the cars were equal but bunsen just drove better. It's all relative.

We could, but Brawn was fastest all weekend, and were especially dominant in qualifying. Jenson didn't do much to claim the driver of the race award, to be honest. He didn't assert himself at all.

29th March 2009, 12:39
We could, but Brawn was fastest all weekend, and were especially dominant in qualifying. Jenson didn't do much to claim the driver of the race award, to be honest. He didn't assert himself at all.

I see what you're getting at, but winning a race is never easy, and his smooth style always impresses me. This race proved (again, I would say) that he can be both smooth and quick.

Valve Bounce
29th March 2009, 12:47
We could, but Brawn was fastest all weekend, and were especially dominant in qualifying. Jenson didn't do much to claim the driver of the race award, to be honest. He didn't assert himself at all.

Look!! I could argue that the Brawn cars were fastest all weekend because they had the better drivers who drove better. As I said before, everything is relative. We used to say (me too) that bunsen was lousy because he couldn't drive good enough, even tho' he had a shyte car. Now he is fastest and we say that it's because of the car and not the guy? That's unfair.

29th March 2009, 12:54
I see what you're getting at, but winning a race is never easy, and his smooth style always impresses me. This race proved (again, I would say) that he can be both smooth and quick.

Yes, but as I asked - did Button really drive better this time than when he drove a crap Honda to P12 and no-one cared?

This is why I'm usually careful before naming race winners as drivers of races. For me they should stand out with at least something. And that Brawn GP is totally dominant - with heavier fuel load they were over half a sec faster in qualifying and as we know, BGP is also kind to tyres, so the advantage should be bigger in the race. Barrichello matching the pace of other cars with a broken front wing says it all. So Button's advantage of a few seconds over Vettel is certainly nothing special IMO. He may have driven a smart and calculated race, controlling it in front without needing to drive away from rivals, but does that mean he's the best driver of the race? Or is the most impressive driver the guy, who dragged a crap car up where it doesn't belong?

29th March 2009, 12:57
Yes, but as I asked - did Button really drive better this time than when he drove a crap Honda to P12 and no-one cared?

This is why I'm usually careful before naming race winners as drivers of races. For me they should stand out with at least something. And that Brawn GP is totally dominant - with heavier fuel load they were over half a sec faster in qualifying and as we know, BGP is also kind to tyres, so the advantage should be bigger in the race. Barrichello matching the pace of other cars with a broken front wing says it all. So Button's advantage of a few seconds over Vettel is certainly nothing special IMO. He may have driven a smart and calculated race, controlling it in front without needing to drive away from rivals, but does that mean he's the best driver of the race? Or is the most impressive driver the guy, who dragged a crap car up where it doesn't belong?

While I stand by what I said before, I agree with your assessment too. Doesn't make it any less of a fine drive by Button, though.

29th March 2009, 13:24
Lewis Hamilton and Sebastien Buemi had good races. Vettel and Kubica were good right up until their collision. But my driver of the race would have to be Jenson Button for a consistently excellent race.

Rodriguez 917
29th March 2009, 14:39
I agree with everyone who says Button, Barrichello, Trulli, Hamilton.

Move of the race must go to Glock, I loved his pass round the outside of Alonso

29th March 2009, 14:56
We could, but Brawn was fastest all weekend, and were especially dominant in qualifying. Jenson didn't do much to claim the driver of the race award, to be honest. He didn't assert himself at all.

Well, at least he did not engage his anti-stall like a certain teamate...so for that, he gets my vote... :up:

29th March 2009, 15:07
It has to be Button for a faultless race, then Trulli, and Hamilton.

donKey jote
29th March 2009, 18:09
Trulli driver of the race for falling asleep at the end and going off behind the SC :up:

oh, wrong thread :)

Brown, Jon Brow
29th March 2009, 18:19
I think Hamilton.

He must have been driving 'qualifying laps' every lap of the race to get where he did.

Glock also had some great passes with his 'Swedish shuffle' move.

29th March 2009, 18:31
Button drove through quite a few problems that were not discussed much
he managed the race very professionally and drove like a champion - end of story - kubica drove like a flustered wannabe

29th March 2009, 19:07
Button drove through quite a few problems that were not discussed much
he managed the race very professionally and drove like a champion - end of story - kubica drove like a flustered wannabe

I have to agree with you...

29th March 2009, 19:15
IMO this goes to Trulli, followed by Hamilton and Button.

Agreed, but I would swap Button and Trulli.

And although Rubens stuffed up the start (and subsequently some other cars), he had an amazing come back run back up the field.

Buemi had quite an impressive rookie race.

29th March 2009, 19:20
Button- couldnt have asked for any more from him. Faultless race..

Hamilton for achieving what he did from such a lowly grid position, and Buemi for his fantastic rookie debut. Jarno deserves a mention too..

29th March 2009, 19:20
Barrichello in that dominant car was a major disappointment of the race - I would more likely consider him among donkeys rather than the better performers.

29th March 2009, 19:50
Barrichello in that dominant car was a major disappointment of the race - I would more likely consider him among donkeys rather than the better performers.
let me see what does this button do? Opps , I remember now......

29th March 2009, 19:50
Most satisfied is Hamilton. It is better to rule in hell than serve in heaven.

29th March 2009, 20:05
I don't get why everyone is praising Lewis so much. A few things to remember about the race today

2 safety cars
He had Kers and a good deal of the cars he was passing didn't have it
He gained places at the start with his team mate causing an accident
He also gained three places when Kubica and Vettel decided to have a brainfart as well as Trulli falling off under the SC.

Sure he drove a good solid race but it wasn't a patch on Schumachers effort that year when he stalled on the grid in Japan and absolutely carved up the field without having 80bhp extra at the push of a button. That was a ****ing talented drive through the field, what Hamilton did today was simply just what any half decent driver in his position would have done. I'm not saying Hamilton drove crap, but it was hardly the drive of someone who is as good as Schumacher. Cue the Lewis zealots saying I'm racist for not fawning over Lewis :D

29th March 2009, 20:15
Most satisfied is Hamilton. It is better to rule in hell than serve in heaven.
That's a bloody outrage that is! I remember when Lewis lost out in a similar ruling last year and there was OUTRAGE. Now the shoe is on the other foot and people are saying how good a drive it is including Lewis who doesn't have a big head at all :) Funny thing is Button won the bloody race and he wasn't nearly so self complimentary.

But I guess if you've got such wild self belief in yourself you need to keep drinking the kool aid as they say :)

29th March 2009, 20:16
Barrichello in that dominant car was a major disappointment of the race - I would more likely consider him among donkeys rather than the better performers.
Remeber Rubens drove with damage to the rear of his car for all but the first few hundred metres of the race..

29th March 2009, 20:21
For me, its Button. After such a long time driving uncompetitively, he has shown today that, when in the right car with the right team behind him, he can deliver. Button is a well that hasn't dried up yet.

29th March 2009, 20:23
I don't get why everyone is praising Lewis so much. A few things to remember about the race today

2 safety cars
He had Kers and a good deal of the cars he was passing didn't have it
He gained places at the start with his team mate causing an accident
He also gained three places when Kubica and Vettel decided to have a brainfart as well as Trulli falling off under the SC.

Sure he drove a good solid race but it wasn't a patch on Schumachers effort that year when he stalled on the grid in Japan and absolutely carved up the field without having 80bhp extra at the push of a button. That was a ****ing talented drive through the field, what Hamilton did today was simply just what any half decent driver in his position would have done. I'm not saying Hamilton drove crap, but it was hardly the drive of someone who is as good as Schumacher. Cue the Lewis zealots saying I'm racist for not fawning over Lewis :D

Schumacher made that charge in one of the best cars in that field. Hamilton's car is clearly lacking something. I thought his drive today was extremely good, with excellent, incisive passing, but just because I say that doesn't mean I'm fawning over him.

29th March 2009, 20:30
but just because I say that doesn't mean I'm fawning over him.

And you are not racist..... ;) :D

29th March 2009, 20:30
I don't get why everyone is praising Lewis so much. A few things to remember about the race today

2 safety cars
He had Kers and a good deal of the cars he was passing didn't have it
He gained places at the start with his team mate causing an accident
He also gained three places when Kubica and Vettel decided to have a brainfart as well as Trulli falling off under the SC.

Sure he drove a good solid race but it wasn't a patch on Schumachers effort that year when he stalled on the grid in Japan and absolutely carved up the field without having 80bhp extra at the push of a button. That was a ****ing talented drive through the field, what Hamilton did today was simply just what any half decent driver in his position would have done. I'm not saying Hamilton drove crap, but it was hardly the drive of someone who is as good as Schumacher. Cue the Lewis zealots saying I'm racist for not fawning over Lewis :D

... doing so with the one of the best cars in the field is a far cry when compared to doing it with one of the worst..

29th March 2009, 20:32
And you are not racist..... ;) :D

Thanks for reminding me of that.

29th March 2009, 20:52
Nico! But what the hell happened at the end??

29th March 2009, 21:15
All Brawns.

29th March 2009, 21:29
I don't get why everyone is praising Lewis so much. A few things to remember about the race today

2 safety cars
He had Kers and a good deal of the cars he was passing didn't have it
He gained places at the start with his team mate causing an accident
He also gained three places when Kubica and Vettel decided to have a brainfart as well as Trulli falling off under the SC.

Sure he drove a good solid race but it wasn't a patch on Schumachers effort that year when he stalled on the grid in Japan and absolutely carved up the field without having 80bhp extra at the push of a button. That was a ****ing talented drive through the field, what Hamilton did today was simply just what any half decent driver in his position would have done. I'm not saying Hamilton drove crap, but it was hardly the drive of someone who is as good as Schumacher. Cue the Lewis zealots saying I'm racist for not fawning over Lewis :D

I'm amazed too by people who claim that Lewis was best, better than other drivers like Button, Trulli, Glock (both started behind Lewis), Barrichello, heck even Kubica and Vettel showed more but managed to take each other off.

29th March 2009, 21:32
That's a bloody outrage that is! I remember when Lewis lost out in a similar ruling last year and there was OUTRAGE. Now the shoe is on the other foot and people are saying how good a drive it is including Lewis who doesn't have a big head at all :) Funny thing is Button won the bloody race and he wasn't nearly so self complimentary.

Welcome to the F1 forum! :

Oups, sorry, I thought you were new! ;) :D

29th March 2009, 21:34
Schumacher made that charge in one of the best cars in that field. Hamilton's car is clearly lacking something. I thought his drive today was extremely good, with excellent, incisive passing, but just because I say that doesn't mean I'm fawning over him.

To be honest he didn't really pass faster cars on track and in the first stint he got passed by both Toyotas who started behind him

29th March 2009, 21:38
To be honest he didn't really pass faster cars on track and in the first stint he got passed by both Toyotas who started behind him

True, but I still thought his passing was excellent.

29th March 2009, 23:46
Somebody please tell me I had been wrong rubbishing bunsen last year :(

Bunsen is great!! :up:

There is no point rubbing it in your face.

I certainly appreciate that you are a logical man, and seem to change your views when presented with evidence.

Personally, I always rated Ant at least as good as Button, so I understood your frustration last year.

But alas, Ant seemed happy commentating in BBC, and Button seems happy winning races :) That's how life works.

1st April 2009, 10:11
Button did a super job, despite the fact he was on pole and in a very quick car. He still had to get it over the line, and he did it majestically.

Lewis did well in the circumstances, and probably just about deserved his podium. Its very obvious however that he wont have it his way this season.

I think a mention should go out for Buemi too, who i completely wrote off from the start, but did a cracking job to finish in the points on his debut.

2nd April 2009, 04:15
I don't get why everyone is praising Lewis so much. A few things to remember about the race today

2 safety cars
He had Kers and a good deal of the cars he was passing didn't have it
He gained places at the start with his team mate causing an accident
He also gained three places when Kubica and Vettel decided to have a brainfart as well as Trulli falling off under the SC.

Sure he drove a good solid race but it wasn't a patch on Schumachers effort that year when he stalled on the grid in Japan and absolutely carved up the field without having 80bhp extra at the push of a button. That was a ****ing talented drive through the field, what Hamilton did today was simply just what any half decent driver in his position would have done. I'm not saying Hamilton drove crap, but it was hardly the drive of someone who is as good as Schumacher. Cue the Lewis zealots saying I'm racist for not fawning over Lewis :D

Then why rate Rubens so highly. (You put his name down first in you post on page 1). He muffed the start, was kept in it by a SC and had multiple guys in front of him take themselves out to move into 2nd. Hamilton moved into 3rd with a very similar set of circumstances but did it from 18th on the grid, not 2nd.

BTW I felt Rubens did a fantastic job, and I am simply pointing to a flaw in your reasoning.

Why did Hamilton better than Trulli when the later started dead last?
PS: I agree that Lewis did a very good race.

I'm amazed too by people who claim that Lewis was best, better than other drivers like Button, Trulli, Glock (both started behind Lewis), Barrichello, heck even Kubica and Vettel showed more but managed to take each other off.

hmm :confused:

Certainly he wasn't the best. But how did Rubens, Kubica and Vettel show more? They pretty much started where they would have finished. And that's with the help of the safety car!!

To be honest he [Hamilton] didn't really pass faster cars on track and in the first stint he got passed by both Toyotas who started behind him

hmm really! He posted the 13th fastest lap time of the race, yet finished 3rd. How did he not pass faster cars again?

2nd April 2009, 07:46
Sweeping three podiums away in one race indicates that Mercedes engine is now on right form. Experience taken in hand managing big teams evokes intuition optimizing strength has been transformed into an evidence. The perfect combination of powerful engine and aerodynamic package delivers result beyond expectation for the new team like Brawn GP.

The three winners, Jenson, Ruben, Lewis deserve of driver of the race award. Man in the street engaged disability driving fast regardless perfection of the car performance.
But I'd rather with ones who need to struggle to make all the effort tasted sweet like Timo Glock and Sebastien Buemi ...

3rd April 2009, 16:07
Buemi had a great race, not looking particularly good for my Bourdais. Rubens did a masterful job to come back from a horrid start. Must give props to Button and Truli as well. Vettel might have been the man but for stubborness. Kubica clearly could have waited but given how obviously superior his tires were to Vettel's I can only assume that he believed that Vettel knowing that the gig was up, would have been smart in the corner and would have checked-up. Glock was fun to watch, Nachaslama's incident was scary from a driver's perspective.