View Full Version : Donkey of the race, Oz GP

29th March 2009, 09:53
Many will argue that it was Barricehllo at the start or Vettel and Kubica at the end (IMO racing incident), however in my opinion the Ferrari team looked like a bunch of donkeys and they take the collective price!

A special mention for the race director for deploying the 1st SC car one lap to late.

Garry Walker
29th March 2009, 09:55
Vettel - the guy is an idiot.

29th March 2009, 09:57
Vettel - the guy is an idiot.

What an intelligent comment! :rotflmao:

29th March 2009, 09:58
I have to say Kimi, for a second year in a row.

29th March 2009, 09:58
I agree with Garry, Vettel & Ferrari

29th March 2009, 09:58
No team could be held accountable for the SC lottery.

Vettel and Barrichello. Both made numpties of themselves.

29th March 2009, 09:59
however in my opinion the Ferrari team looked like a bunch of donkeys and they take the collective price!

A special mention for the race director for deploying the 1st SC car one lap to late.

Seconded, Ferrari had a shocker and the safety car seemed a pretty cynical way of bunching up the field :p

Probably Raikkonen for me for switching off at the end and hitting the wall.

29th March 2009, 09:59
Barrichello esally :mad:

29th March 2009, 09:59
The McLaren that caused the first corner pileup

29th March 2009, 09:59
What an intelligent comment! :rotflmao:
Well for today it is true.

Dave B
29th March 2009, 10:00
Many will argue that it was Barricehllo at the start...
Except that it transpires that he was tapped from behind by Kovy. Admittedly he did look like a donkey at first, but the replays show he was just as much of an innocent victim as poor old Webber.

It's a toss-up between Kubica and Kimi for me.

29th March 2009, 10:01
The McLaren that caused the first corner pileup I think you mean Barrichello?

29th March 2009, 10:01
Oz. Rubens was clearly pushed from behind by a McLaren. Take a trip to OPSM please :)

Garry Walker
29th March 2009, 10:01
What an intelligent comment! :rotflmao:

He had a podium in his hand, a few laps to go and he overdoes when it was obvious Kubica was going to get past very soon anyway on his harder tyres.
I know you will never be able to say anything negative about him or tolerate anything negative about him, but he was a moron today.

29th March 2009, 10:04
The biggest clot of the race is easily Bridgestone for bringing a tire that becomes unuseable after just 8-10 laps. That "soft" compound, what the hell was that made off, chewing gum ???

29th March 2009, 10:05
The biggest clot of the race is easily Bridgestone for bringing a tire that becomes unuseable after just 8-10 laps. That "soft" compound, what the hell was that made off, chewing gum ???

Come to think of it, that was quite silly.

29th March 2009, 10:06
He had a podium in his hand, a few laps to go and he overdoes when it was obvious Kubica was going to get past very soon anyway on his harder tyres.
I know you will never be able to say anything negative about him or tolerate anything negative about him, but he was a moron today.

you're right there's nothing worse than a driver who wants to race and give it everything.

29th March 2009, 10:07
Oz. Rubens was clearly pushed from behind by a McLaren. Take a trip to OPSM please :)

Replay shows definite contact from Kovalainen. Oops :)

29th March 2009, 10:11
Barrichello esally :mad:

29th March 2009, 10:12
Oz. Rubens was clearly pushed from behind by a McLaren. Take a trip to OPSM please :)
my eyes a fine thanks :mad: Smart alec

he ruined marks race END OF STORY

29th March 2009, 10:13
Oz. Do you have late night trading there on Sundays? Please do buy some glasses to replace those Webber tinted ones you've got on.

29th March 2009, 10:14
Kovy clearly pushed him. I'm sorry but it's not the end of the story in any way shape or form.

29th March 2009, 10:15
Kovy clearly pushed him. I'm sorry but it's not the end of the story in any way shape or form.

I didn't see it. Maybe the commentators pointed it out in one of Channel Ten's ad breaks.

Dave B
29th March 2009, 10:18
Anybody who missed it, please trust me and Daniel: Rubers was tapped by Heikki.

It'll be on YouTube and iPlayer soon enough, stop blaming Barrichello for hitting Webber.

29th March 2009, 10:18
I'll be honest I didn't see it when it happened and I felt the same as you. But believe me Rubens got a nice shunt from behind.

29th March 2009, 10:19
He had a podium in his hand, a few laps to go and he overdoes when it was obvious Kubica was going to get past very soon anyway on his harder tyres.
I know you will never be able to say anything negative about him or tolerate anything negative about him, but he was a moron today.

Keeping Kubica behind him would have protected him from other coming fast from behind, take a look at how Rosberg lost a bunch of places in 3 or so laps.

Vettel and Kubica are race drivers and they were racing for that 2nd place, kudos to them. I take that any day over letting some go by just because you know they will inevitably get you later.

I like both of them, Vettel more than Kubica, but I will not lay the blame on the one I like less.

PS: You always called Vettel idiot and moron (and other such) since he came into F1, IMO you hate the guy for some illogical reason and you aren't able to see straight when he is involved. I do understand when people talk up those they like, but so much hatred for someone who didn't run over your cat or dog is looking bad.

29th March 2009, 10:20
Oz. Do you have late night trading there on Sundays? Please do buy some glasses to replace those Webber tinted ones you've got on.
get a life

29th March 2009, 10:22
Anybody who missed it, please trust me and Daniel: Rubers was tapped by Heikki.

It'll be on YouTube and iPlayer soon enough, stop blaming Barrichello for hitting Webber.
who do i blame huh? the touch on the back didnt make him fly kamazai style on the inside did it? Mark had right of way rubeans should of backed off - he didnt and ruined Mark's race

Garry Walker
29th March 2009, 10:24
Keeping Kubica behind him would have protected him from other coming fast from behind, take a look at how Rosberg lost a bunch of places in 3 or so laps. Barrichello and others were quite far away, if I remember correctly. Holding up Kubica would only have lost him massive amounts of time. If he wanted to protect a podium finish, he only needed to drive sensibly.

Vettel and Kubica are race drivers and they were racing for that 2nd place, kudos to them. I take that any day over letting some go by just because you know they will inevitably get you later.
So do I, but the problem is that Kubica was already in front of Vettel and Vettel had no chance. He driving with not his head, but with emotions like Hamilton and Montoya in their "glory" days.

PS: You always called Vettel idiot and moron (and other such) since he came into F1 :( :( :(

29th March 2009, 10:25
Ferraris definitely, especially Kimi for spinning off when he could have won the race, mind you he was on hard tires behind Kubica, and Massa to a much lesser extent for having a really stupid strategy.

29th March 2009, 10:26
Rubens should have backed off and taken a bigger hit? Oz. I like Mark but I don't like him enough to try to distort reality in some silly attempt to place the blame on Rubens rather than Kovy.

Garry Walker
29th March 2009, 10:26
who do i blame huh? the touch on the back didnt make him fly kamazai style on the inside did it?
No of course not, when you are rammed in the back it has no effect on what happens to your car.

Funny stuff.

29th March 2009, 10:28
Rubens should have backed off and taken a bigger hit? Oz. I like Mark but I don't like him enough to try to distort reality in some silly attempt to place the blame on Rubens rather than Kovy.
I know neither will get a penalty - it doesnt matter because it dosent chage a thing

I am allowed to be furious if i want to - and furious wont come close to how I feel right now :mad:

29th March 2009, 10:29
No of course not, when you are rammed in the back it has no effect on what happens to your car.

Funny stuff.
he wasnt rammed - bearly touched him

How can I not be upset, angry and downright fustrated huh?

29th March 2009, 10:30
Oz. I take it you don't have access to replays? Other people here do.

Garry Walker
29th March 2009, 10:30
I know neither will get a penalty - it doesnt matter because it dosent chage a thing

I am allowed to be furious if i want to - and furious wont come close to how I feel right now :mad:

Seriously, are you really 26 years old?

29th March 2009, 10:32
Replay shows definite contact from Kovalainen. Oops :)

Yep, Rubens has been erased from my list of naughty drivers!

29th March 2009, 10:32
Oz. I take it you don't have access to replays? Other people here do.

Where do you get access to replays?

I didn't see anything regarding a McLaren hitting Barrichello.

Might be Channel Ten's brilliant coverage.

29th March 2009, 10:33
Seriously, are you really 26 years old?
So? Im not allowed to be upset because im 26?

Gimmie a break

29th March 2009, 10:33
Yep, Rubens has been erased from my list of naughty drivers!
because mark got hit no one gives a flying

29th March 2009, 10:35
Oz. At the time I'm sure everyone was angry at Rubens but on reflection it wasn't his fault.

Dave B
29th March 2009, 10:37
Yep, Rubens has been erased from my list of naughty drivers!
Fair play to you ioan, understandable that Rubens got blamed initially but it's a big man who admits they were wrong. :up:

29th March 2009, 10:38
get a life

FGS calm down, he's right.

29th March 2009, 10:40
Fair play to you ioan, understandable that Rubens got blamed initially but it's a big man who admits they were wrong. :up:

I just remembered him pushing the others wide, but now after seeing the evidence it is obvious that Rubens didn't want any of what happened in the first corner. Plus he was impressive afterwards, I'll even add him to my list of drivers of the day (too many good drives to call just one).

Garry Walker
29th March 2009, 10:41
FGS calm down, he's right.
Never try to reason or be rational to a woman when she is angry and emotional, that is what my life has taught me on many occasions :D

29th March 2009, 10:43
Never try to reason or be rational to a woman when she is angry and emotional, that is what my life has taught me on many occasions :D

you such a funny guy arent you hahahahahah :mad:

29th March 2009, 10:43
I just remembered him pushing the others wide, but now after seeing the evidence it is obvious that Rubens didn't want any of what happened in the first corner. Plus he was impressive afterwards, I'll even add him to my list of drivers of the day (too many good drives to call just one).

Rubens was especially impressive in breaking too late and hitting Kimi's Ferrari, that was almost as impressive as Kimi hitting the wall himself.

29th March 2009, 10:56
Rubens was especially impressive in breaking too late and hitting Kimi's Ferrari, that was almost as impressive as Kimi hitting the wall himself.

I forgot about that.

Also, Fisichella missing his pitbox completely was quite idiotic.

29th March 2009, 11:01
Rubens was especially impressive in breaking too late and hitting Kimi's Ferrari, that was almost as impressive as Kimi hitting the wall himself.
waits for everyone to blame kimi....

29th March 2009, 11:03
I'd say it's a dead heat between Vettel and Kubica. Everyone seems to be slamming Vettel mostly for it but it's simple physics that if you try and drive around the outside of a car that's struggling for grip, he's probably going to hit you. Kubica would probably have iced him around the back of the circuit and been right up with Button. So since I was rooting for Jenson I let out a little whoop when they came together but still, I'd agree with Brundle it was 50/50.

29th March 2009, 11:07
Where do you get access to replays?

I didn't see anything regarding a McLaren hitting Barrichello.

Might be Channel Ten's brilliant coverage.

it did not happen that way


29th March 2009, 11:08
waits for everyone to blame kimi....

What for? For hitting the wall? Yeah he's on the donkey list now too.

It seems that the list is getting longer with every minute, lot's of donkeys on track today. Hopefully they will grew into mules until next week ends race.

29th March 2009, 11:10
What for? For hitting the wall? Yeah he's on the donkey list now too.

It seems that the list is getting longer with every minute, lot's of donkeys on track today. Hopefully they will grew into mules until next week ends race.
it was suppose to be sarasm

29th March 2009, 11:11
Missed Kova hitting Rubens there. One less donkey on the list.

29th March 2009, 11:12
Oz - I dunno why you are being so over the top, I was as dissapointed as anyone and was annoyed at Barichello, but based on new evidence it wasn't his fault, so be annoyed at Kovy instead mate. No problems with you being angry that Mark was taken out, but direct your anger to the right source!

29th March 2009, 11:13
Missed Kova hitting Rubens there. One less donkey on the list there.

Well maybe we should consider all of them donkeys, I mean even the race winner got distracted by a slow Ferrari in his second stop. Come to think of it, the only driver who did a perfect race was Lewis Hamilton! :)

29th March 2009, 11:15
Donkey of the race was all those "fans" who said at the end of last season that they'll never watch F1 again... they missed one heck of an opener !

29th March 2009, 11:16
Oz - I dunno why you are being so over the top, I was as dissapointed as anyone and was annoyed at Barichello, but based on new evidence it wasn't his fault, so be annoyed at Kovy instead mate. No problems with you being angry that Mark was taken out, but direct your anger to the right source!

if i could post the replay that shows Kovy did not hit Barichello i would but it is a windows 7 media center file over 2 gigs

Dr. Krogshöj
29th March 2009, 11:17
Fisichella deserves some credit for his pit stop, too. :)

29th March 2009, 11:20
Donkey of the race was all those "fans" who said at the end of last season that they'll never watch F1 again... they missed one heck of an opener !

I think most comments like that (I'm sure I made one or two!) alluded to the possibility of standard engines and other mickey mouse hair-brained ideas being introduced. Note to Bernie - it works, don't f' with it :)

29th March 2009, 11:21
The whole Kovy, Rubins, Webber bit was typical 1st corner Melbourne. Bit silly but a racing incident probably started by HK IMHO.

Vettel and Kube was a 50/50 I think. Vettel didn't want to give up but may have been prudent to and Kube would have had him had he not shut the door and given him racing room. We will see a lot more of these if the Win system comes in :rolleyes:

Ferrari had a shocker with a good car. They really should have had a ruck of points this weekend and been on the podium.

Donkey of the race? Nobody stands out but Kimi really threw away a good chance yet again.

29th March 2009, 11:30
Fisichella deserves some credit for his pit stop, too. :)

Sadly, if Fisi hadn't have done that he would have probably been in the points.

Donkey of the Race for me is probably Kovalainen, as he ruined the races of Webber, Heidfeld and very nearly Rubens'.

And for once, Sutil was crashed INTO at the start instead of doing the crashing :)

29th March 2009, 12:10
poor old Fisi... he is a bit prone to brain explosions

29th March 2009, 12:11
How come nobody has mentioned Piquet? :o Nakajima didn't do himself a favour either.

Among major players definetely Barrichello. It looked like he lost his patience and cool knowing that "2009 is my best chance ever".

I think people are too harsh on Vettel. He was actually mighty impressive, being able to more or less keep the pace of the way superior Brawn GP car and in the end the Kubica and Vettel were really pretty much the first victims of the new wide front wing. The edge of Vettel's front wing slightly touched Kubica's car and well, from there on everything went wrong.

29th March 2009, 12:16
How come nobody has mentioned Piquet? :o Nakajima didn't do himself a favour either.

Among major players definetely Barrichello. It looked like he lost his patience and cool knowing that "2009 is my best chance ever".

I think people are too harsh on Vettel. He was actually mighty impressive, being able to more or less keep the pace of the way superior Brawn GP car and in the end the Kubica and Vettel were really pretty much the first victims of the new wide front wing. The edge of Vettel's front wing slightly touched Kubica's car and well, from there on everything went wrong.

No one said he wasn't a very fast donkey today, but he was still a donkey.


29th March 2009, 12:18
No one said he wasn't a very fast donkey today, but he was still a donkey.


I thought Piquet did alright today. Besides I think he went off due tol brake problems not really him being a donkey. Nakajima likewise was having a decent race. He needs to make better use of a good car though.

Dr. Krogshöj
29th March 2009, 12:32
Yeah, well, Nelson indeed had a "brake problem", after he jumped on the brake pedal. He probably got scared of Nico when they nearly touched, suddenly swerved to the left, which is not a particularly wise thing to do under braking.

29th March 2009, 12:35
I thought Piquet did alright today. Besides I think he went off due tol brake problems not really him being a donkey. Nakajima likewise was having a decent race. He needs to make better use of a good car though.

I was talking about Vettel.

Piquet looked like he just dropped it... you don't tread on the brakes and swerve especially in a bumpy braking zone.

29th March 2009, 12:48

29th March 2009, 13:18
I don't think Vettel deserves the criticism being heaped upon him. In fact, I generally don't think any drivers deserve a lot of the criticism they receive on this forum, especially from those who fly off the handle if they feel in any way slighted.

The drivers who impressed me least in Melbourne? Nakajima's error looked a bit amateurish; Piquet's might have been, but he should probably be given the benefit of the doubt with regard to his brake problem; and Raikkönen's error appeared decidedly odd. But people will always make mistakes, even at this level.

29th March 2009, 13:28
I don't think Vettel deserves the criticism being heaped upon him. In fact, I generally don't think any drivers deserve a lot of the criticism they receive on this forum, especially from those who fly off the handle if they feel in any way slighted.

The drivers who impressed me least in Melbourne? Nakajima's error looked a bit amateurish; Piquet's might have been, but he should probably be given the benefit of the doubt with regard to his brake problem; and Raikkönen's error appeared decidedly odd. But people will always make mistakes, even at this level.

I appreciate your even handed approach and views! :up:

29th March 2009, 13:28
Anybody who missed it, please trust me and Daniel: Rubers was tapped by Heikki.

It'll be on YouTube and iPlayer soon enough, stop blaming Barrichello for hitting Webber.

Everyone's forgetting that Heidfeld and Sutil were hit as well, Heidfeld possibly the worst. He had got up to 6th in about 100m, and with a good strategy could have challenged the leaders if he had got the same pace out of the BMW as Kubica.
Looking good for Malaysia.

29th March 2009, 13:31
I appreciate your even handed approach and views! :up:

Thank you ioan!

Seriously, though, I think a great deal of driver criticism is uncalled-for. If we had a Deletraz out there, then I'd understand, and I'm certainly not in favour of praising everybody blindly like at some dreadful non-competitive sports day, but calling drivers 'stupid' or 'idiots' is generally taking it too far. Even of the drivers I mentioned above, Nakajima was doing really well before his error, and Kimi clearly isn't totally lacking in talent... ;)

29th March 2009, 14:03
Thank you ioan!

Seriously, though, I think a great deal of driver criticism is uncalled-for. If we had a Deletraz out there, then I'd understand, and I'm certainly not in favour of praising everybody blindly like at some dreadful non-competitive sports day, but calling drivers 'stupid' or 'idiots' is generally taking it too far. Even of the drivers I mentioned above, Nakajima was doing really well before his error, and Kimi clearly isn't totally lacking in talent... ;)

I know, that's why I appreciated your post.

I also know that I started the Donkey of the race thread, but it wasn't for denigrating drivers but merely to express my frustration vis a vis Ferrari's incredibly poor strategy and their failing in Oz for the 2nd year in a row.

29th March 2009, 14:06
I know, that's why I appreciated your post.

I also know that I started the Donkey of the race thread, but it wasn't for denigrating drivers but merely to express my frustration vis a vis Ferrari's incredibly poor strategy and their failing in Oz for the 2nd year in a row.

I have no objection to such threads per se. It's more certain specific comments when they come up that I don't like.

donKey jote
29th March 2009, 14:20
No one said he wasn't a very fast donkey today, but he was still a donkey.


oi!! :mad:
:p :

29th March 2009, 14:29
oi!! :mad:
:p :


29th March 2009, 14:33
I think there are a few to chose from.

Kazumi Nakajima for simply throwing his car into the wall.

Heikki Kovalainen for simply throwing his car into the back of Rubens Barrichello and causing the first corner crash.

Ferrari because they had the car and driving talent for podium finishes today but are currently dead last in the Constructors' Championship for being the only team to get neither car to the finish.

I would probably go for Kovalainen.

29th March 2009, 15:28
I think there are a few to chose from.

Kazumi Nakajima for simply throwing his car into the wall.

Heikki Kovalainen for simply throwing his car into the back of Rubens Barrichello and causing the first corner crash.

Ferrari because they had the car and driving talent for podium finishes today but are currently dead last in the Constructors' Championship for being the only team to get neither car to the finish.

I would probably go for Kovalainen.

You are being very harsh, Kovalainen didn't simply throw his car into Rubens, it was a very tight situation with many cars and little room. Yes, he nudged Rubens, but hey, Rubens himself hit the anti-stall in the beginning, then destroyed his wing by outbraking himself into Raikkonen. He is as donkey as Kovalainen, just a more lucky one.

29th March 2009, 16:04
Given the dancing and other social events after the engines all went cold, once again, beyond dispute, it appear to me...the Stewards have once again locked the award down tight.

Now all that needs to happen is to dq Team Brawn and give Lewis the win....

It takes great driving talent to pass someone on the very last lap on the very last corner to win, but it takes even greater driving talent to pass drivers several hours or days after a race is over..

.. :beer:

29th March 2009, 16:12
Whoever spun without anyone around them. The usual suspects.

29th March 2009, 16:24
I think people are too harsh on Vettel. He was actually mighty impressive, being able to more or less keep the pace of the way superior Brawn GP car and in the end the Kubica and Vettel were really pretty much the first victims of the new wide front wing. The edge of Vettel's front wing slightly touched Kubica's car and well, from there on everything went wrong.

Almost Schumi-esque - not that I'm saying he's a cheat, Vettel pushed to the limit and went over it ie. he cracked under pressure and needs to curb his racing instincts. His tyres were graining and lost grip. He should've let Kubica through and settle for 3rd or at the very least give Kubica a bit more room to fight wheel to wheel.

Donkey of the race for me was Fisi for a veteran making a rookie error.

29th March 2009, 16:38
As to some of the first corner stuff, reminds me of what I said in the senna thread...rubens pushing the anti-stall and all the rest of the bumping at the start....man, I wish I were 19.....

there were times esp on a motorbike, when i would know which side of the coin was face up......problem was that I could not just switich it on and off, and there were times I could never get close to it.
The worst was that it always took several laps before it to really come into play. Not a real problem during practice, but when do you need it most?

At the start of a race--everyone all very close and so forth.

Always thought that is why I would never be in F1......but then I watch the current group start a race for the last few years and think, well i if I were just 19 years old............................

29th March 2009, 16:55
Being the first race of the year I understand the drivers being agressive and not giving an inch up if fighting for podition.

To me the donkey of the race award goes to Ferrari and those responsible of deploying the Safety Car.

29th March 2009, 17:59
I think there are a few to chose from.

Kazumi Nakajima for simply throwing his car into the wall.

Much more experienced driver (WDC) did the same today, what happened to Nakajima can happen to any of them, that doesn't qualify anyone for donkey of the race.

29th March 2009, 18:03
Almost Schumi-esque - not that I'm saying he's a cheat, Vettel pushed to the limit and went over it ie. he cracked under pressure and needs to curb his racing instincts. His tyres were graining and lost grip. He should've let Kubica through and settle for 3rd or at the very least give Kubica a bit more room to fight wheel to wheel.

Donkey of the race for me was Fisi for a veteran making a rookie error.

Now now, how was Vettel going to give Kubica more room for racing when he was already on the kerbs?
The contact was not desired by any of them, but it was difficult to avoid at that point as they both carried as much speed (and some more) into that turn.

Mark in Oshawa
29th March 2009, 18:28
Vettel should have backed off because it was clear he had more car left than Kubica. Gave us all something to talk about tho didn't it?

It wasn't a bad race really, but I still think those cars are goofy as heck to look at.

I do think tho Ferrari has a LOT of work to do. McLaren, Sauber-BMW,Williams, Red Bull and Renault all look like they will have some good moments this year but I think Ferrari should have been on top from the word go. They have the most resources and two of the best drivers, so this weekend was a disappointment. I expect more of them really. As for the Brawn boys....WOW...didn't see THAT coming at all. I guess they weren't playing games in testing, they really are THAT fast, and I think the car is one of the better looking takes on this new rules package. Very clean design....

29th March 2009, 18:46
Now now, how was Vettel going to give Kubica more room for racing when he was already on the kerbs?
The contact was not desired by any of them, but it was difficult to avoid at that point as they both carried as much speed (and some more) into that turn.

Exactly right, in my view. As I said in another thread, Vettel really had no room at all, and I don't think any blame should be applied to either driver because Kubica's turn in to the apex was hardly unreasonable either.

29th March 2009, 19:29
Never try to reason or be rational to a woman when she is angry and emotional

Hey, you've met 'her indoors' too? ;)

29th March 2009, 19:33
Kubica - he is a idiot - tried for force a pass that he did not need to do

29th March 2009, 19:55

29th March 2009, 21:14
no, donkey was Fisichella

How difficult is it to see your own team waiting? MAN what a fool

29th March 2009, 21:21
FWIW - here my tuppence h'apenny....

The start was expected to be a load of front wings going west, which actually, given the dodgem fest that it was, the cars showed to be really quite robust.

Rubens was unlucky to be hit up the rear, but lucky not to lose the wing.

Kovy simply could not stop in time. Mark was, as usual in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Now to the spinners. Kazuki propably had a driver error going to hard over the kurbs. Kimi - hmmm, not sure. Ultimately he said he thought it was strange but his error. However, given that his eventual retirement was Differential related, that could be a factor.

Massa I think outshone Kimi again today.

Fisi - well, he did his best to mow his own pit crew down.

Piquet - normal service appears to have been resumed here. Brake issues could well be a convenient excuse.

The Barrichello move on Kimi I think was six of one and half a dozen of the other. Rubens was committed, Kimi shut the door, the attacker had to take evasive action and got a little crossed up.

Vettel - a real star in the making - had every right to defend, just as Robert had every right to attack. I would say deffo a racing incident - even Robert did not apportion blame.

The Lewis/Jarno incident - that's just McLaren playing it safe as I think that team are damned whatever they do, and as the prescedent in Spa proved, better to be safe than sorry.

The only real donkey were the SC folk, who deployed it too late - waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy too late, then kept the chuffing thing out so long I bet the drivers thought they were stuck behind Grandad out for a Sunday drive.

Massa made me laugh waving at the SC as he was not sure why it was so slow. Someone tell him to brush on his homework vis a vis the rules. ;)

All in all a damn fine race to kick off the season. Plenty more of the same please....... :)

29th March 2009, 22:54
The Safety Car people.

They can find no excuse.

30th March 2009, 00:00
Massa made me laugh waving at the SC as he was not sure why it was so slow. Someone tell him to brush on his homework vis a vis the rules. ;)

Nah, I would blame the team for not telling him what is going on.
Later after we all have seen on the screens that the SC will come into the pits the team told him that MAYBE the SC was going in at the end of the lap, no surprise that he was on the wrong foot at the restart.

I say Ferrari need to do some serious homework. Start with reliability of the cars, continue with some serious strategy lessons and pay some attention to those damn monitors.

30th March 2009, 00:16
Now now, how was Vettel going to give Kubica more room for racing when he was already on the kerbs?
The contact was not desired by any of them, but it was difficult to avoid at that point as they both carried as much speed (and some more) into that turn.

You're right there. Kubica gave no quarter. Vettel should've let him through.

30th March 2009, 00:43
Thank you ioan!

Seriously, though, I think a great deal of driver criticism is uncalled-for.

Agreed :up:

Criticising drivers for racing incidents, specially first corner ones, is stupid. It happens.

30th March 2009, 01:24
Now now, how was Vettel going to give Kubica more room for racing when he was already on the kerbs?
The contact was not desired by any of them, but it was difficult to avoid at that point as they both carried as much speed (and some more) into that turn.

My learned friend is correct here on both counts.

Vettel was already on the inside and had slowed significantly, Kubica pounced on the opportunity and was prepared to make his move stick. On both drivers, no quarter given or asked.
It was a 49/49 accident with 2% to blame on the falling shadows.

Vettel continuing on though was quite silly.

30th March 2009, 02:00
You are being very harsh, Kovalainen didn't simply throw his car into Rubens, it was a very tight situation with many cars and little room. Yes, he nudged Rubens, but hey, Rubens himself hit the anti-stall in the beginning, then destroyed his wing by outbraking himself into Raikkonen. He is as donkey as Kovalainen, just a more lucky one.
thank you - glad someone agrees :mad:

30th March 2009, 08:30
Raikkonen, again. Guy did nothing much and crashed

Although near the end Kubica made a complete ass of himself as well

30th March 2009, 09:21
Donkey of the race? Bernie. For making drivers face unnecessary risks to life and limb by running into blinding sun and flickering shadows in cars with tires designed to be "challenging" and reduced handling due to aero changes, so the race could be seen at a more convenient viewing time for Europe.

I am evil Homer
30th March 2009, 10:35
Fisichella....total brain fade

30th March 2009, 11:15
Donkey of the race? Bernie. For making drivers face unnecessary risks to life and limb by running into blinding sun and flickering shadows in cars with tires designed to be "challenging" and reduced handling due to aero changes, so the race could be seen at a more convenient viewing time for Europe.

I can agree with this one too.

30th March 2009, 15:04
Donkey of the race? Bernie. For making drivers face unnecessary risks to life and limb by running into blinding sun and flickering shadows in cars with tires designed to be "challenging" and reduced handling due to aero changes, so the race could be seen at a more convenient viewing time for Europe.

Can't be as bad as oval racing where they risk life and limb close to 200mph in the setting sun and a concrete wall or endurance races - especially Spa 24hrs with no tracklighting whatsoever apart from the pit area.

30th March 2009, 17:22
Can't be as bad as oval racing where they risk life and limb close to 200mph in the setting sun and a concrete wall or endurance races - especially Spa 24hrs with no tracklighting whatsoever apart from the pit area.

It's exactly as bad as any of those, given that they are traveling at 300+kph and have to get their braking points right for 80kph or less turns.

At least in endurance races they have headlights for when they go from sunlight into shadow in F1 they don't.

31st March 2009, 04:59
Barrichello.... I am a biased Webber supporter

31st March 2009, 08:09
The biggest clot of the race is easily Bridgestone for bringing a tire that becomes unuseable after just 8-10 laps. That "soft" compound, what the hell was that made off, chewing gum ???


31st March 2009, 08:10
you're right there's nothing worse than a driver who wants to race and give it everything.

Vettels own comments afterwards were spot on. He thought he'd be able to go with and had the line for the corner. Half way through it he realised he couldn't make it but was already committed.

Admitted fault.

31st March 2009, 08:12
Can't be as bad as oval racing where they risk life and limb close to 200mph in the setting sun and a concrete wall or endurance races - especially Spa 24hrs with no tracklighting whatsoever apart from the pit area.

As Ioan pointed out, endurance cars do have headlights. The drivers also train to drive in darkness, dusk and dawn conditions. F1 drivers don't. (The tunnel at Monaco hardly counts for training for a full race in dusk conditions.)

Dave B
31st March 2009, 09:31
Barrichello.... I am a biased Webber supporter
Then have a go at Heikki for tapping Rubens into your man. :)

Azumanga Davo
31st March 2009, 11:03
I give this to Ferrari, of which even accounting for a safety car in their strategy, could have taken the game much closer than they did, although Massa did have some bad luck his way.

I was much relieved to see that now the Beeb have the world feed, no longer do we come back from an ad break with two idiots forever gibbering on about the overrated "Australia's Mark Webber". Good work.

Valve Bounce
31st March 2009, 11:18
I give this to Ferrari, of which even accounting for a safety car in their strategy, could have taken the game much closer than they did, although Massa did have some bad luck his way.

I was much relieved to see that now the Beeb have the world feed, no longer do we come back from an ad break with two idiots forever gibbering on about the overrated "Australia's Mark Webber". Good work.

You are lucky you don't have to put up with channel 10 like we have here.

31st March 2009, 11:25
You are lucky you don't have to put up with channel 10 like we have here.

it could be worst southern cross ten is not transmitting one HD or one digital

31st March 2009, 12:21
You are lucky you don't have to put up with channel 10 like we have here. Look at his location. ;)

I'm a fan of Mark but I have to turn the sound down when those two went on about 'our' or 'Australia's' Mark Webber...which they surprisingly still manage to do.

The Jingoism is intolerable! :mad:

Azumanga Davo
31st March 2009, 12:31
Oh, actually, mind changed. Donkey of the day, Channel 10. Some absolute shockers of ad break timing. Did we even see Raikkonen plonk it into concrete live?

31st March 2009, 12:37
Oh, actually, mind changed. Donkey of the day, Channel 10. Some absolute shockers of ad break timing. Did we even see Raikkonen plonk it into concrete live?

Nup. I didn't know he did until I found out on the forum.

31st March 2009, 12:37
Did we even see Raikkonen plonk it into concrete live?


31st March 2009, 13:39
In my opinion Ferrari, because their car performance was not up to the expectations, they clearly got Massa's strategy wrong.

The rest were more or less racing incidents.

Also worth mentioning Barrichello's stellar performance almost in avery stunt. He got satelled at the beginning, then he got himself involved in the first corner crash, and lately he crashed on Kimi's car being so lucky he did not loose his frint wing. As a present he got himself a 2nd position...

Valve Bounce
31st March 2009, 14:17
Nup. I didn't know he did until I found out on the forum.

Me too :(

31st March 2009, 14:23
Regards Network Ten:

1. Go and find an Open UK Proxy Server (just google for that)
2. Set your browser to use that IP address as its proxy server
3. Now, you are in the UK! Go to the BBC website and enjoy the race, on hight quality, with no ad breaks.
4. Say goodbye to 10.

Seriously guys, give it a go for next race, you'd be surprised how easy it is.

1st April 2009, 11:22
Kimi, i've watched that incident a few times and its just ruined any hopes he had of getting off to a good start.