View Full Version : Seven years

Hazell B
28th March 2009, 13:42
I've been here over seven years.
You'd get less for murder .......

What's changed for you in those past seven years?

28th March 2009, 13:45
I've been here over seven years.
You'd get less for murder .......

What's changed for you in those past seven years?
my underwear every month or two...

28th March 2009, 14:04
Just had a look at my profile, 8 years a member here come next month.

28th March 2009, 14:33
same amount of time for me, Hazell. :)

I'm just a month ahead of you. :p :

Hazell B
28th March 2009, 15:41
veeten, you're a month ahead of me on every level :p :

Thinking about it, nothing much has altered for me. Same house, same land near enough, same partner (although I've come close to strangling him at times :p : ), same interests. Only difference is less going to the car racing (working weekends now) and being my own boss.

28th March 2009, 16:11
Almost 6 years here ....

Lots of things have changed, I have my own business, I live on my own, I have lost 80 kg...

I still have the same car and like motor racing though.

28th March 2009, 16:33
I've been here a grand total of 1 month so all thats changed for me is I've become a millionaire, bought a yacht, married and divorced three supermodels and setup my own racing team....................in my dreams :D

28th March 2009, 17:33
A proud(?) member since June 2001 :eek:

Changes since:
Have lived overseas and back;
Two kids;
New house;
New vehicle;
Less hair;
More gut.


P.s. good thread Hazell :up:

28th March 2009, 17:38
A proud(?) member since June 2001 :eek:

Less hair;
More gut.



28th March 2009, 20:32
8 years and a bit for me too. I've found love on the forum :mark:

28th March 2009, 20:50
8 years and a bit for me too. I've found love on the forum :mark:

Ditto Daniel :s ailor:

But you also found Caroline.

28th March 2009, 21:57
Ditto Daniel :s ailor:

But you also found Caroline.
Caroline??what? don't tell me he and caroline?????......If I had known she was that desperate, I would....................

have steered her to Easy and told him her name was Tonto

28th March 2009, 22:18
I've been here over seven years.

Do you feel an itch?

28th March 2009, 22:34
It'll be 8 for me in October :eek:

Back when I joined I was allowed 1 hour at the weekends and the forum would take a while to load up on dial up, now I have my own laptop with wifi in my room and spend ages waiting for HD videos on youtube to load :rotflmao:

Mark in Oshawa
29th March 2009, 00:41
I have been here on and off for 4. Since then I have moved 3 times, lost a brother, lost a father-in-law, have had 3 jobs (downsized twice in 2 years!)travelled over 300000km behind the wheel, fought off my ex in court once, sold 2 houses, and remained with the most marvellous woman I could imagine as a partner and friend.

I have also had 4 different cars, of which one I have actually said I am paying for, gave up timing and scoring after 21 years and still love my racing, even if I cant get to see it as much....

29th March 2009, 00:55
I've been here over 7 years now as well. Been a lot of changes in my life.

Have competed in over 150 rallies including WRC. Changed jobs a couple of times, still living in the same house though.


29th March 2009, 03:53
coming up 8 years for me.

The difference between this forum and a life sentence is choice.

Same house, job, changed a few cars,

29th March 2009, 16:08
It's nearly 6 years for me. In that time:
Ive sat my a levels
been to university
got a job.
When I first came here my life was in a pretty bad place which I managed to repair.
The one thing I've never managed to do is escape from this forum.

Heres hoping for the next few years to bring good things.

30th March 2009, 07:54
You'd get less for murder .......

Because in those last 7 years I met a few potential victims.

30th March 2009, 09:27
A proud(?) member since June 2001 :eek:

Changes since:
Have lived overseas and back;
Two kids;
New house;
New vehicle;
Less hair;
More gut.


Almost 8 years for me too :eek: (a month before you schmonkey)

Changes since:
Have lived overseas (US) and back;
New town (back to my hometown)
New house;
New vehicle;
Gray hair;
More gut.

30th March 2009, 09:35
I'll have to post to see how long it is for me, hang on.

Edit: Coming up on 4 years, in that time i've got a degree, got a job, changed job and got a career, been made redundant. I've also had 2 cars, watched Exeter City at Wembley (twice), seen Exeter City get promoted and begun actually doing some motorsport.

Oh and I've seen a fair few forum members come and go too.

30th March 2009, 13:16
Four years, and a half :)
- I bought my home
- I drive a new car, instead of an old one
- I am not as happy as I was
- My best friend died on me...
- I have changed my girlfriend for a new one, allthough it is an older model, it has a higher RAM-memory, and some extra features, but it is at times not as userfriendly as the old one.
- My father died on me...

well, well :)

30th March 2009, 17:08
8 years and a bit for me too. I've found love on the forum :mark:

When did you join exactly, Danny boy? I joined in February 2001 as well - 13th to be exact.

I have:

Done by GCSE's
Done by A-Levels
Got a 2"2 in Psychology at university
Had fun times until 2007
Met my girlfriend in 2007
Moved house twice
Live away from home now
Owned two cars
Had four jobs - only one full time!
Being doing last job for 2 and a half years now

Unbelievable length of time when you think about it. When I joined I was literally still at school, now I'm almost 24.

Hazell B
30th March 2009, 18:41
Do you feel an itch?

Always, Eki. But I don't scratch it, don't want the scab :p :

Bezza's all growd up :)

30th March 2009, 20:53
Without looking at my own profile it was the 15th I think Bezza. I was only a couple of months out of school and days away from starting university.

Julia Fox
30th March 2009, 21:32
In the coming up to nine years I have been here ,one hell of a lot.
Gained some bits and lost others as you are aware Hazel.
Never happier though

30th March 2009, 22:04
I've been here since November 2000, and I can't even begin to describe how different my life is since back then. I was still at school! Since then I've been to and graduated uni, lived away from home and now back again, living with the parents is just about bearable but it's all about the money...

Mark could so easily have banned me when I joined and he wouldn't have thought twice about it! And if he had, then I'm 99.99% sure that I would not have been to any of the many foreign events that I've been to or any of the other places that I've spent most of my spare time and money travelling to. It's incredible how that's changed for the better and it's been great to meet so many brilliant people from here as well at various points, from rallies to touring cars to of course the karting!

But in particular I want to thank Mark for all the great work he has done for everyone :) But also Pino (for the wonderful food, hospitality, company and Italian-English :D ), RallyBasher (who had to drive himself home one evening :s tareup: ), DonJippo (for organising all the great trips in Finland and Sweden), AFF (for the Jaskan special ;) ) and Daniel (for arguing about anything and everything and being right every time).

But eight years, eh? Can't believe it :)

Brown, Jon Brow
30th March 2009, 22:41
I'm still a noob! :p