View Full Version : Morning Star - paper of the left

Brown, Jon Brow
25th March 2009, 13:18
I like to think of my self as being slightly left of center when it comes to politics, however I stumbled across the Morning Star newspaper at work the other day. I have to say that I have never held my head in my hands more when reading something.

Every single article was a negative story blaming the Tories or the right or Capitalism. It was almost like the editors had ignored all the relevant news stories and deliberately picked those where the right could be insulted.

For example - one of the leading sport stories was about the German National Democratic Party (Nazi's as it was called in the paper) and a German international footballer of Kenyan origin.

I've never read anything more biased in my life. It made the Daily Mail look like a good read.

25th March 2009, 15:42
The morning star is a communist newspaper :confused:

Rudy Tamasz
25th March 2009, 15:52
In my childhood days this was about the only British newspaper freely available on sale in the Soviet Union. That was for a reason, I guess. ;) The sports section was pretty good, though. I remember cutting out the picture of Spink, the Aston Villa goalkeeper that drew the ire of my granddad. I'm surprised that a communist paper survived the fall of communism, though.

Brown, Jon Brow
25th March 2009, 16:55
I wonder where it came from. Come to think of it there are a few practicing Communists at work.

25th March 2009, 17:37
I wonder where it came from. Come to think of it there are a few practicing Communists at work.You just answered your own question! Is it available online :dozey:

25th March 2009, 20:32
I wonder where it came from. Come to think of it there are a few practicing Communists at work.

You work on a commune BJB?

Garry Walker
26th March 2009, 16:37
ahh my favourite enemies - socialists, communists and other vermin like that.

Mark in Oshawa
28th March 2009, 14:11
I like to think of my self as being slightly left of center when it comes to politics, however I stumbled across the Morning Star newspaper at work the other day. I have to say that I have never held my head in my hands more when reading something.

Every single article was a negative story blaming the Tories or the right or Capitalism. It was almost like the editors had ignored all the relevant news stories and deliberately picked those where the right could be insulted.

For example - one of the leading sport stories was about the German National Democratic Party (Nazi's as it was called in the paper) and a German international footballer of Kenyan origin.

I've never read anything more biased in my life. It made the Daily Mail look like a good read.

I guess that is how the Toronto Star patterns ITSELF...lol

All newspapers actually have a bias and as long as you the reader know that bias going in, you can filter out what you want to believe or interpret. What makes me chuckle is those who read papers such as these and think that is the only view. Of course, there are those who don't get that broadcast media can display these same biases either. One only has to look at the US media during the last election cycle to understand that NBC and its affiliate organizations were in the tank for Obama. They even came out and at one point admitted to as much.

I wouldn't have issue with it if people were able to filter a lot of this out but the naivety of most media consumption makes this a bit of a dangerous thing and I dislike any journalist who cannot just give me a news story without bias, and an editor or producer who cannot present the news without said bias.

The Morning Star sounds like something fit to have a bird use it for his daily absolutions and nothing more.....

30th March 2009, 00:45
as much as I hate socialism, specially after being a victim of it, I truly believe in freedom of speech.

just don't read it...

30th March 2009, 02:59
Why is anyone surprised that an openly left newspaper should print leftist article?

For peace and socialism
The Morning Star occupies a unique place in the history of British and world politics in the 20th and 21st centuries. Founded on January 1, 1930, it is still the only English-language socialist daily newspaper published in the world.
In addition to that claim to fame, it is also the only newspaper in Britain owned by its readers.
Originally published as the Daily Worker, the paper was launched as the organ of the Communist Party of Great Britain.

That's the Morning Star's opinion of itself.

It's a "refreshing" read, totally idiotic at times and the journalism quality leaves a lot to be desired but still quite a counterpoint to Fleet St.

Dr. Krogshöj
30th March 2009, 08:32
Is it still around?! The last time I heard about it was "Yes, Prime Minister". You know, the Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country...