View Full Version : One more time boys, kill 'em all !!!

25th March 2009, 12:09
You just gotta love this project. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1320253/

It has been said that Jean-Claude Van Damme was also asked to join in cast but refused. Why ?? :confused:

Would have been perfect though if Steaven Seagal was in. And Chuck Norris who'd kill all the cast and then himself. However, he probably couldn't kill himself. Too hard opponent you see.

And Charles Bronson. It doesn't matter he died back in 2003. His tombstone could come around and shoot them all :bounce:

The ultimate bada$$ movie.

26th March 2009, 09:18
Sounds cool :D

26th March 2009, 09:39
I thought it was something to do with that great album :s

26th March 2009, 10:45
looks like the biggest testosterone fest ever, even bigger than the first predator movie

Garry Walker
26th March 2009, 15:26
looks like the biggest testosterone fest ever, even bigger than the first predator movie

The first predator movie was actually quite enjoyable