View Full Version : Happy Birthday Caroline!

12th February 2007, 00:13

Happy birthday oh smelly one!


12th February 2007, 00:44
Happy Birthday! :D

race aficionado
12th February 2007, 01:07
Have a very happy birthday!

:s mokin:

12th February 2007, 01:28
happy b-day Caroline :)

12th February 2007, 01:31
happy b'day

12th February 2007, 04:19
happy b'day :wave:

12th February 2007, 05:40
Smelly? Oh, how cute. You crossed the fartline in a relationship :p :

Happy Birthday Caroline :up:

12th February 2007, 05:46
Happy birthday Carrie!

12th February 2007, 06:38
Happy birthday Caroline :)

12th February 2007, 06:53
Whatever happened to carrie_m? Is it her birthday, too?
Hoping Daniel gets you something really nice!
Happy Birthday!

12th February 2007, 07:15
Happy Birthday! :)

oily oaf
12th February 2007, 07:58
Alright Carrie love? :)

Now listen gel I don't want to spoil any birthday surprises that might be coming your way but on Sunday I was bowling through the red light district in East Ham with me dog on a piece of string when I spotted young Daniel in one of those dodgy erotic goods emporiums and he was buying kinky ladies underwear like it was going out of style :(

Still not to worry I expect he'll get something nice for you as well :s mokin:

Have a good un love :batman:

12th February 2007, 08:54
Have a great day Carrie :)

12th February 2007, 08:55

Happy Birthday, Caroline!

12th February 2007, 09:46
Many happy returns of your birthday :beer:

12th February 2007, 09:52
Happy Birthday month :D . You deserve a good one for putting up with the aussie :p

12th February 2007, 10:33
Alright Carrie love? :)

Now listen gel I don't want to spoil any birthday surprises that might be coming your way but on Sunday I was bowling through the red light district in East Ham with me dog on a piece of string when I spotted young Daniel in one of those dodgy erotic goods emporiums and he was buying kinky ladies underwear like it was going out of style :(

Still not to worry I expect he'll get something nice for you as well :s mokin:

Have a good un love :batman:
I asked her if she wanted one of those soft leather cat-o-nine tails whips on Saturday and she said no. Just can't please women these days! :p :

12th February 2007, 11:33
Feliz Cumpleaņos!!!!!

12th February 2007, 11:45
Happy birthday

Brown, Jon Brow
12th February 2007, 11:59
Happy Birthday :up: :D

Enjoy your birthday thread, we all don't get one :(

Captain VXR
12th February 2007, 18:02
Happy Birthday

Dave B
12th February 2007, 18:17
Happy Birthday! :D

12th February 2007, 18:53
Happy birthday Caroline! :)
Hope you and your better-half(???) are having a wonderful day! :D :up:

Hazell B
12th February 2007, 22:33
Happy Birthday :up:

donKey jote
12th February 2007, 22:43
Happy Birthday Caroline :D
don't forget to save some carrot cake for the donkeys :)


12th February 2007, 23:18
Many happy returns!

13th February 2007, 20:46
Happy Birthday :)

13th February 2007, 20:55

Thanks for the birthday wishes. They were much appreciated. I had a good birthday which would have been better had it not been a work day, but you can't have everything I guess. Much Chinese food was consumed and we had a chilled out evening which was perfect after a busy weekend in London :)

Thanks again :)

PS. I smell, but only a bit.

Ian McC
13th February 2007, 20:56
Hope you had a great day and didn't spend today nursing a big hangover :D

:beer: :beer:

13th February 2007, 20:59
Happy Birthday Caroline :D

13th February 2007, 21:28
"Caroline" by Concrete Blonde is a fab tune :up:

Happy Birthday :beer:

14th February 2007, 02:10
Dear oh dear, I'm really late, sorry!

Happy Birthday oh Carolina