View Full Version : Where Do Your Sympathies Lie?

23rd March 2009, 15:11
Name your favorite teams. Mine:

Indifferent to the rest ;)

23rd March 2009, 15:37
Red Bull
Toro Rosso

Indiferant to the rest.

23rd March 2009, 15:50
Never understood supporting a team :S

I don't particularly like Ferrari, McLaren, Toyota or Williams though :D

23rd March 2009, 16:47

23rd March 2009, 16:51

23rd March 2009, 16:59
Unlike Football, we can say yay! and support as many different teams and drivers as we like. I actually like to see all teams do well, but my top 5 are:

1. Mclaren
2. BMW
3. Williams
4. Brawn
5. Ferrari

23rd March 2009, 18:15
Ah, teams? I've been mentioning "my team" recently maybe even annoyingly too often. :p : There is a complex of reasons behind this sympathy: in a way they are a unique team with a different cultural background, different attitude and approach, the carrier of certain traditions (like Japanese redwhitish livery), built up from grand total of zero (hence creating more diversity), laid-back and modest approach, likable drivers, likable car manufacturer... and finally their results and signs of improvements are likable too!

I have been realizing that Ferrari became my favourite back in the 90's in a way due to similar reasons. I have some kind of special sympathy for underachievers with different background with unlocked potential, waiting to see them finally making a breakthrough and therefore creating variety at the top (when Toyota joined back in 2002, we had had Fer/McL/Wil basically taking it all almost for years and I couldn't stop hoping that maybe now they are going to ruin the consistent party there upfront - wasn't meant to be). Back in the 1990's Ferrari was a laughingstock with its unreliable cars, but in a way they were for me noticably different to others - fighting against the mass of British teams with their bright-reddish livery. I was so annoyed at the jokes on them and just couldn't wait to see them finally shutting the mouths of critics. I'm now experiencing this all over again with a team from faraway Japan-background, who is trying to find its feet among the very experienced and established teams of European tradition.

I'm not sure, how to rank others. All of them are great and professional teams, who deserve respect and attention.

BMW is also with a bit of a modest and amicable attitude and the way, how they have been closing the gap to the leaders during years has been very likable. It's always nice to see new major forces among the leaders.

Red Bull's livery has always been among my favourites and it's always nice to see such car going well. Again the "newcomer" effect and they have recently been the flagship of privateer teams with a talented engineering team. Obviously Vettel's arrival in the team only has boosted my sympathy towards this team.

There really isn't fanaticism about Ferrari as there used to be, although in certain situations it may come out. "Endless winning", transformation of the team (although I first thought it wouldn't be the case, after the retirement of MS the team really isn't quite the same to me anymore) into a less "special" one has made me quite indifferent recently. My favourite thing of a Ferrari is when a dark-red car in the hands of emotional Alesi blows up from the lead with 10 laps to go and the Frenchman starts throwing his gloves. This is what the real Ferrari spirit is all about and even now watching videos about such situations, it makes me sad...

Force India - a likable and talented small team, another one with an interesting background (an Indian this time), who is doing well considering its resources and starting platform. Would be great to see them creating some major surprises this year.

For McLaren I have a huge respect for its great history and what they have offered to F1 throughout years. A real top team, whose organization could be an example to many.

With Williams it's pretty much the same as with McLaren. Respect + I like their co-operation and relationship with Toyota.

Renault hasn't really managed to repeat the heights of 05-06 recently, but I have notable respect for them too as a random team really doesn't win back-to-back titles. For me their livery and originally shaped machinery are likable. Admittedly I liked the team more back in 2007 (due to likable drivers?) though. When Jarno was driving for Renault, the team was among my greatest favourites, but after the fall-out with Flavio they really haven't climbed back to the front in this ranking.

BrawnGP - The team is so new and fresh, yet quite "old" and experienced that really hasn't created any feelings I can clearly outline. Once the season starts, I'll make up my mind. Maybe I'm still too "shocked" of their pre-season pace that I really have to wait until the season to see if it's true before judging. :)

I'm afraid STR is the team I'm most indifferent to. I'm not really a fan of the so-called B-teams and for an explanation let me use the word I've been using here so many times, once again - diversity. :p : Super Aguri was at least noticably differentiable from Honda, but with STR I honestly can't wait until they will be sold to a new owner. :) But undeniably the way the "smaller brother" showed up to Red Bull A-team last year was in a way quite a pleasant sight.

23rd March 2009, 18:24
My faveourites are Torro Rosso.

Pat Wiatrowski
23rd March 2009, 18:39

23rd March 2009, 19:10
I don't know. :p
I'm more for the giant-killers. :p

23rd March 2009, 19:19
This is a hard one, as Im cheering more for Finnish drivers. So Ferrari, McL and Williams. But to be honest, Kimi winning wdc at Ferrari stands out. The respect for McL and RD washed off in 2007. And you just have to admire Frank for a brave privateer effort. Hopefully the car will put Nico on podium a lot this year.

Most teams are insignificant. They are there to be lapped or crash into each other, so basicly they provide entertainment value only :) For example the Beamer is just too German... down to Theissen´s mustache. And Nick´s beard (please some one hand him a mirror).

And on my fav list, holding a secure position number 2´560´903 is Bernie. Just behind Max.

Hell, only 4 more day and the wait is over.

23rd March 2009, 19:24




23rd March 2009, 19:31
Force India

In that order

23rd March 2009, 19:37
I support:
Brawn GP
I like:
Red Bull
I dislike:
Force India

23rd March 2009, 19:39
Most teams are insignificant.

Insignificant? I don't think so, the sentence sounds like it doesn't matter whether they race or not. Well, I'm most probably not gonna watch a race, where only 6 or 8 cars participate...

23rd March 2009, 19:44
How much I like a team is usually directly tied to who drives for them - so it can change drastically from year to year. Based on this year's line-up, I'd have to go with this order:

Red Bull (Webber is a longtime fave, and I think Vettel is exciting)
McLaren (Kovalainen is my #1 fave, and Lewis is cool)
Toro Rosso (I like Bourdais, and Buemi looks interesting)
Williams (both these guys seem quite OK)
Renault (not a huge Alonso fan, but he's allright... Piquet, good idea, but so far too slow to generate any excitement)
BMW (not crazy about Heidfeld, he had his shot. And Kubica is the ugliest dude I have seen in an F1 car for a long time)
Force India (kinda like Fisi, but it's time to go. Sutil I find boring)
Brawn (Button is soooo overhyped, and Rubens, please leave already, it's time!)
Ferrari (can't stand Raikkonen, and Massa isn't much better)
Toyota (the dullest driver line-up, I am tired of seeing their names)

Good examples of how the drivers influence the team preferences: I used to hate Renault when it was Prost/Cheever, but I loved them when it was Warwick/Tambay. I used to love Ferrari when they were Berger/Alesi, but can't stand them now. Didn't like McLaren much when they were Raikkonen/Coulthard, but do like them now!

If it was STRICTLY by the team, I'd always like to see the underdogs succeed, but I also always liked the idea of Mercedes in racing and on the road, and I like the general purity of the BMW approach (I guess I am biased, because I drive both of those).

23rd March 2009, 19:51
Insignificant? I don't think so, the sentence sounds like it doesn't matter whether they race or not. Well, I'm most probably not gonna watch a race, where only 6 or 8 cars participate...

Its important that they race (they are there to be lapped :) ), but I couldnt care less about... lets say Toyota finishing 5th or 8th.

Funny though, I didnt like Toyota when Mika Salo raced there either. So my earlier idea of supporting Finnish drivers needs to be clarified. I support Finnish drivers that I choose to support :)

PS. Salo is more arrogant that Lewis. That says a lot.

23rd March 2009, 21:21
As a former Tyrrell fan, i started supporting BAR, then Honda, Then Super Aguri, then Honda again, and now Brawn GP. Thankfully, Brawn looks like it might be a winner - would be nice for a change.

23rd March 2009, 23:32
Williams first, always has been.

After that I have no major preference. I just like the order to be switched around occasionally - Glock & Kubica were always good for a bit of variety in the results last year! Although I'll be honest, I've never particularly liked Ferrari. I've also been impressed with how far BMW have come along, somewhat understated but with a real shot at success this year.

23rd March 2009, 23:43
I can't say I've ever supported a "team" as such, other than to say that I think that Lotus under the hand of Colin Chapman was brilliant.

I'll generally assume support for any British driver over the rest, though.

My favourite thing of a Ferrari is when a dark-red car in the hands of emotional Alesi blows up from the lead with 10 laps to go and the Frenchman starts throwing his gloves.

Alesi in a Ferrari at the Canadian GP in 1995 was pure class. Curiously it was also the last time Ferrari won a GP with the famous number 27 on it.

24th March 2009, 07:23
Brawn (I really want them to achieve something great)
Minardi (I know, I know...)

24th March 2009, 07:44
Used to be Ferrari, Renault/Benetton, Jordan, Arrows

Now I'm pretty indifferent to all of them although I do prefer Renault (as I like Alonso), BMW (as I love their road cars) and Williams (for nostalgia).

24th March 2009, 09:40
Brawn GP

Brawn GP is actually my favourite right now, as it is, I'm sure, for many others, but usually I cheer for Finnish drivers. If Kimi left Ferrari, I couldn't care less about them, not quite the same with Mclaren, since they have a lot of history with Finnish drivers.

24th March 2009, 09:52

Big Ben
24th March 2009, 13:24
I used to be a McLaren fan but those days are gone. Right now I'm quite indifferent to all of them. I like to see outsiders do well. I like FA and KR and I can't stand LH.

25th March 2009, 10:40



I use to love Mclaren with Mika and David - now I cant stand them

So in order

Red Bull (Mark Webber factor)
Ferrari - thats the italian in me :D
Brawn F1 (well Rubens anyway)

25th March 2009, 19:02
I find fanboyism childlike, I just hate to see 1 team dominate a season.
I dont have any clearcut loyalties based on whatever manufacturer made the car.
I usually root for British drivers and whatever team they drive for and also the underdogs. I dont dislike or hate any team or driver currently in F1, Imensely talanted as he was.. Schumacher was the only driver I ever had any negative feelings about.

25th March 2009, 21:23
I find fanboyism childlike
"I usually root for British drivers and whatever team they drive for"// :dozey:

Just a wee bit hypocritical lad.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

25th March 2009, 22:00
Just a wee bit hypocritical lad.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Lol.. What I mean is that Im more Patriotic than a diehard team fan who I would call a 'Fanboy' if that makes sense.

25th March 2009, 22:06
In order:

BMW - Massive Heidfeld supporter, stems from his great 07 season mostly. Kubica is great plus he's a bowler like me so that's all good :)

Brawn - I've always liked Barrichello and Button's probably my favourite driver. I expect great things from these two this season.

Toyota - Big trulli fan, and Glock is creeping onto my most liked drivers list.

STR - I think because they stem from Minardi. However they are a fantastic racing team, they have proved that, and I've always like Buemi. I really like Bourdais and I hope it comes good for him this year.

Renault - My favourite team probably from 02 to 06. My favourite drivers (Alonso, Fisi, Button, Trulli) have all driven for them. Still a fan of Alonso's abilities even though he makes faux pas socially lol. Not a fan of Piquet any more as he should really be replaced if he doesn't deliver this time.

McLaren - I'm a fan of Hamilton and Kovy, I think they are a great pair, and I was rooting for them last year. Although I haven't really liked McLaren for a while, so they aren't up there in my favourite teams.

Williams - Great team, like the drivers, they have fallen down the list for obvious reasons over recent years, though I will always enjoy seeing them doing well.

Red Bull - I like the pairing of Webber and Vettel, and I think they will do well this year. As they are a relatively new team they are working their way up my heirarchy.

Force India - Used to be a fan of the Jordan team, and I like this team too, they have one possibly my favourite driver, Fisico, and I hope they can score a lot of points this year, and maybe Fisi can squeak a podum at some point.

Ferrari - I used to love Ferrari until they started dominating their competitors and then pissing on them to keep them down for good measure, such as 02 and 04. Their attitude in complaining whenever another team has a better car is disgraceful, such as 03, 06, 07, and their weight within the powers that be makes me dislike them. It's a shame really as some of my favourite drivers have driven for them (Schumacher, Barrichello, Salo). However, my rant doesn't take away from the fact that they have excellent drivers and I hope they can make the championship close this year.

25th March 2009, 22:10
Lol.. What I mean is that Im more Patriotic than a diehard team fan who I would call a 'Fanboy' if that makes sense.
Patriotism being the one greatest motivator of aligence in international sports competition.
I find the use of the word meaningless unless you are defending a specific incident or result.
Thanks for the explanation. I can't find a single response on this thread that would constitute Fanboyism by that definition! ;)
This would only come into play if you refused to admit a car, or driver performed better than the one you support for the sole reason that you support them.
Having "sympathies or preferences is a rather subjective matter. That is what this thread was asking!

25th March 2009, 23:19
Thanks for the explanation. I can't find a single response on this thread that would constitute Fanboyism by that definition!
This would only come into play if you refused to admit a car, or driver performed better than the one you support for the sole reason that you support them.
Having "sympathies or preferences is a rather subjective matter. That is what this thread was asking!

Indeed.. but you certainly dont have to look far on the forum to see it and I simply wanted to make apparent that my "sympathy or preference" was not one of fanboyism.

Is that ok with you? Did my post offend you or something?

26th March 2009, 00:36
I simply wanted to make apparent that my "sympathy or preference" was not one of fanboyism.

Is that ok with you? Did my post offend you or something?As I stated in a question of who you prefer to support doesn't include the term as you are applying it.
No you don't offend me.
I think you are allowed to your opinion even if it doesn't apply to this question I posted.
Like you said, there are plenty of other threads where it possibly does.
Perhaps it would be better addressed on those. As an aside it is acceptable.
However, you used it in a derogatory/condecending way to minimize the choices of others.
IMO You can write on this thread whatever you want.
I'm on record as saying in principle it is not what the question asked, that's all.

26th March 2009, 01:28
Fair enough.. I hadn't actually realised you had started the thread until your last post, just thought you chosen to pounce on my poor choice of words for no apparant reason, so my apologies for that.

Brawn GP for the win! :)

26th March 2009, 01:58
Fair enough.. I hadn't actually realised you had started the thread until your last post, just thought you chosen to pounce on my poor choice of words for no apparant reason, so my apologies for that.

Brawn GP for the win! :) ;)

Valve Bounce
26th March 2009, 03:41
Super Aguri, no question!!

Garry Walker
26th March 2009, 15:59
I like Ferrari the most, also Red Bull (Webber)
dislike: Renault, McLaren, Red Bull (Vettel)

Quite indifferent to other teams, I support drivers mostly.