View Full Version : Gian Carlo Minardi's comments of March 19

21st March 2009, 17:24
After attempting to read these comments I am at a complete loss to understand what this gentleman is talking about. It has to be one of the most garbled, confusing and poorly written/translated article I have ever seen on the Motorsport website.
Here's just a few examples of "gobbly-gook" contained in this article:" not going 2 grand prizes"
" in microphones of"
" 3 tests for rooky"
" we had to pay for tire and propeller"
" of his opponents accuse"
" a park closed to cars"
Is this person unable to understand or speak English or did one of your employees at Motorsport.com translate this articie? If an article doesnt make sense it should not go on line !

21st March 2009, 20:21

21st March 2009, 20:28
you have a lot of free time dude?

what bull is this

21st March 2009, 22:22
He is talking about this article


motorsport.com credits minardi.it for it and you can find an Italian version there

I dont know if this was a press release sent out by minardi like that that motorsport.com just posted or if motorsport.com translated the Italian press release but does seem like it was translated using an online translator tool,

22nd March 2009, 02:41
you have a lot of free time dude?

what bull is thisI hope that comment wasn't directed at G.D. I know this man personally,
and I doubt if you would say it to his face!
Have a nice day :)

23rd March 2009, 23:00
Blame Babelfish.

24th March 2009, 02:14