View Full Version : Poor Daily Mail

Hazell B
20th March 2009, 17:17
You guys seem to know more about The Daily Mail than I do (not being a paper buyer) so I thought you might find this funny.

There's a demo outside the offices of The Daily Mail, Derry St, London on tuesday 24th of this month. It's asking the paper's editorial staff to look at those living in tax havens, and of course running their business through tax havens ..... those such as Viscount Rothermere who owns said newspaper and in fact The Dail Mail Newspaper Group who're owned via tax havens including Bermuda. The Mail is owned by a Frenchie :D

Poor, poor Mail.
Bet they don't run articles about that little bit of demonstration :laugh:

20th March 2009, 17:32
Poor, poor Mail.
Bet they don't run articles about that little bit of demonstration :laugh:

I'll doubt they'll have the time, what with constantly reporting that Princess Diana's legacy is being tarnished by negative-equity immigrant lesbians.

Dave B
20th March 2009, 18:24
Classic own goal for them today, publishing a story about how evil Google had to remove some images from Street View following complaints by the individuals pictured... and illustrating their story with - you'll never guess! - the very same images.

21st March 2009, 12:34
Just like they went on about not using paparazzi photos in the aftermath of Princess Diana's death and then, like so many other papers, have continued to do so.

If those people who subscribe to the Mail's moral high ground stance knew how utterly amoral and hypocritical it really is, or cared, they might think differently about buying it.

21st March 2009, 13:17
I remember in the weeks leading to Diana's death the Mail ran lots of photos of her with old whatshisface. When she died there was a comment about all the paparazzi photos that had been about, the Mail said something along the lines of "other newspapers had been printing photos of her, the Mail of course wouldn't do such a thing". I was only about 11 or 12 but was properly disgusted by that.