View Full Version : RIP Natasha Richardson

20th March 2009, 06:45
Not that she ever was my favourite actress but her accident is/was another reminder how peculiar can life be. :(

She had an accident, she hit her head, which seemed only a minor one at ski slope in Montreal. Soon she felt ill and was sent to a hospital. Right after nothing could be done.

My condolences to her family.

Easy Drifter
20th March 2009, 07:15
Anyone else notice how similar her death was to that of Mark Donohue as far a injury goes? Apparently OK then wham.

Mark in Oshawa
20th March 2009, 16:56
It is a minor injury but it is the theory that being hit in the head in the right spot can cause injury to the brain and fluid or blood buildup in the head. Catch it in time, they put a drain in your skull and you live. Catch onto the injury too late and the pressure causes brain damage.

A beautiful woman, wonderful actress and mother and died too soon. I feel for Liam Neeson and their sons. Life is strange and falling during a ski lesson on a bunny hill on Mont Tremblant shouldn't result in death.