View Full Version : Sponsor me....please!

18th March 2009, 20:32
Well, yes I do want sponsorship but I'm not touting for money from my fellow forumers. :p

I'm taking parting the the Great Yorkshire Bike Ride in June which is 72 mile or 116km cycle from Whetheby to Filey and I'm going to raise some money for the rides nominated chairties. Anyway, this week I've been asked by three different girls at work to sponsor them when they do Race for Life. For those of you that have never heard of Race for Life its basically a 5km run or walk which they hold at various locations across the UK for Cancer Research. Now if I'm completely honest and although I have offered to sponsor them I really haven't wanted to. I'm a bit of a fitness freak and just don't consider running 5km anything special as I could do it any and every day of the week. That is to say I hardly think its a challenge compared to the 116km that I'm going to do. In the end I decided to sponsor them all because they genuinely want to make a difference for the chairty and will have to work hard to complete the distance.

In the past I have always point blankly just deleted 'announce' generic emails from friends or work mates asking for sponsorship. I just think if the person can't be bothered to ask you in person why should I be bothered to give them my money. I've now come to the conclusion that I will give if I think the person in question is genuine and that they will have to work hard for whatever they are setting out to do.

I was just wondering whatever one else's opinions were on sponsorship. Do you give, how much do you regularly give and why do you give?

18th March 2009, 21:48

tin cup...

rattling sound...

this is your future. :p :

18th March 2009, 22:56
I give £20 per month to cancer relief, as the horrible thing claimed my mum a few years back.

Otherwise, it depends on my financial state at the time of asking. but I usually give to the big ones like comic relief and Children In Need.

Next year im hoping to do either the Kilimanjaro climb or the Everest Base Camp climb, if I can raise the sponsorship. I also donate time to charitable things through work.