View Full Version : Spring is almost here...what is your favourite way of celebrating spring?

Mark in Oshawa
18th March 2009, 02:52
Ok, after about a week of decent spring like weather, I am really feeling ready to start cleaning my golf clubs. Golf and just being outside is my favourite part of spring.

For those of you down under, I realize it is your fall but I am sure you look forward to the spring in some ways. Just in Canada, after 4 months of snow and crap, you are SO ready for nice weather and the smell of melting snow and the thawing of the earth is unique and gives me energy. Now....in about one month I HOPE my favourite golf links will be ready for my assault on the game of golf!

Easy Drifter
18th March 2009, 05:04
Being able to BBQ again. Still too much snow on my deck. I have a couple of boar bacon wrapped venison buttons just waiting to be BBQ'd.
Able to sit out front yesterday and today in the drive beside a mound of snow soaking up sun. Hog River partially open but a lot of debris from Jan. flood stuck in ice.
Watching the morons on ATV's and snowmobiles out on Hog Bay. Ice has that colour in places that warns it is close to breakup. Police telling people to stay off but nope.
A woman and young daughter drowned in Lake Rosseau on weekend when ATV went in. :(

18th March 2009, 05:27
Ok, after about a week of decent spring like weather, I am really feeling ready to start cleaning my golf clubs. Golf and just being outside is my favourite part of spring.

For those of you down under, I realize it is your fall but I am sure you look forward to the spring in some ways. Just in Canada, after 4 months of snow and crap, you are SO ready for nice weather and the smell of melting snow and the thawing of the earth is unique and gives me energy. Now....in about one month I HOPE my favourite golf links will be ready for my assault on the game of golf!

Dude get off the Bong. You need to be sharpening your freaking ice cleats so you can walk to the car !!!!!!

Mark in Oshawa
18th March 2009, 06:06
Dude get off the Bong. You need to be sharpening your freaking ice cleats so you can walk to the car !!!!!!

Dude...contrary to popular belief, I don't live in an igloo and feed the dogs on the dog team.....

18th March 2009, 06:08
I know where you live and maybe if we could feed the dogs we could stay at Sarah's house

Fred Basset
18th March 2009, 21:51
3' of snow outside still but oddly enough i was out looking at lawn stuff today

18th March 2009, 22:39
Ok, after about a week of decent spring like weather, I am really feeling ready to start cleaning my golf clubs. Golf and just being outside is my favourite part of spring.

For those of you down under, I realize it is your fall but I am sure you look forward to the spring in some ways. Just in Canada, after 4 months of snow and crap, you are SO ready for nice weather and the smell of melting snow and the thawing of the earth is unique and gives me energy. Now....in about one month I HOPE my favourite golf links will be ready for my assault on the game of golf!

4 months? More like 9 months of winter and 3 months of lousy skiing :s

But yes, I agree... I noticed the local driving range opened for business the other day... then promptly shut down a day later :dozey: The links won't be accessible 'till at least early May around here :bigcry:

19th March 2009, 14:03
Schmenke, that's why we have BC...golfing starts a month earlier there.

And Drifter, shame on you for not using your BBQ all winter long! A Canuck will BBQ in any conditions.

Easy Drifter
19th March 2009, 14:52
I used to BBQ all year round but where I live now and my age (I have a pacemaker) just keeping the drive clear can be a chore. At one point this year the drift on the back deck was above the BBQ. There is still snow on the deck.

Mark in Oshawa
20th March 2009, 05:43
I know where you live and maybe if we could feed the dogs we could stay at Sarah's house

lmao....Sarah is closer to Schmenke....

Schmenke...no snow on the ground here...I think we may get the courses open by Easter....usually are....

20th March 2009, 15:39
+10 deg. C here today. The white stuff is melting fast, but snow in April is not uncommon :mark: . Unless I can somehow convince the wife 'n kids that I need a selfish mini-break in BC I won't be playing WF until May :dozey:

Mark in Oshawa
20th March 2009, 16:33
Schmenke...you guys didn't get your weekly chinook too often this year either didya? I heard it was the coldest winter in recent years in Alberta....oh well...I promise not to have too good a time playing my first round..heheheheh!!

21st March 2009, 00:38
Well, spring has arrived today. I celebrated by wearing Hawaiian shirt & shorts and having a few cool ones. Weather was great here today!

Easy Drifter
21st March 2009, 00:53
About +2 today but down to -10 tonight.
I might BBQ tomorrow night as it is to be a little warmer and enough snow has gone from my deck.
Won't be the venison though as I do potato with them and also slow cook venison. Too cold for this old goat to stay outside that long. Probably do buffalo sausage.
To night 6 oz. elk burger in frying pan with fried onion and marble cheese. None of the process @(&$ (process@(&$).

Mark in Oshawa
21st March 2009, 19:49
Well, spring has arrived today. I celebrated by wearing Hawaiian shirt & shorts and having a few cool ones. Weather was great here today!

Ed...a buddy of mine who drives for my company is never seen without his Hawaiian shirts no matter what the weather!! He showed up at the Christmas party in a suit and I immediately was disappointed he wasn't wearing his Hawaiian shirt with the suit. He told me the wife would shoot him if he did...so there are limits I guess.

Been cold around here lately but the snow is gone and the thaw has set in now. The worst is over.....I am going to clean my golf clubs once the temps start going above 10 and staying there....

Easy Drifter
21st March 2009, 21:40
Grey, damp and +5 today. Flurries forecast for tonight and tomorrow. Absolute morons still out on the Bay on snowmobiles despite constant warnings to stay off ice. The ice has that colour that anybody who knows ice says danger.
I do not wish to see anybody die but I hope if they do go through they get billed costs for a rescue.
Last year the Oro-Medonte Fire Dept. lost a rescue airboat and darn near the firemen during a rescue. They were in survival suits. Luckily an OPP Rescue craft was nearby.

22nd March 2009, 01:24
Ok, after about a week of decent spring like weather, I am really feeling ready to start cleaning my golf clubs. Golf and just being outside is my favourite part of spring.

Ahhh Golf, one of Life's great pleasures... until you cant chip it on the green, and then when you eventually chip it on the ball rolls off. Summer here for golf is good and bad... good cause the days go for longer, but it can be so god damn hot! the bucket of beers you carry around get warm at the third hole!

22nd March 2009, 02:30
I live in San Diego. We only have one season ;)

Easy Drifter
22nd March 2009, 03:46
Ah Golf. A bunch of adults??? with clubs hitting a chunk of round white rubber all over a cow pasture trying to put it in a gopher hole. :eek: :p :

Put down those tar and feathers!!!!!

22nd March 2009, 12:05
Being able to BBQ again.

I second that. I already made a path to my grill. Too much snow still though. maybe in a couple of weeks or so.

22nd March 2009, 14:48
Woke up to a foot of snow this morning. Sigh.

22nd March 2009, 15:07
Means it's nearly time for the April showers to start :(

22nd March 2009, 21:22
Here we even didn't had the March showers until now. There is a lot of dust here due to warm conditions: 15 degrees the last days with 12 hours sun each day and last Tuesday it was 18 degrees. Absolutely no conditions what we normally have in March. Global warming is again there and I hate warm temperatures. :(

23rd March 2009, 00:10
Means it's nearly time for the April showers to start :(

...which brings flowers in May, which means...

Gardening! :D

Gotta figure what to plant this year, been to Lowes & Hpme Depot for ideas.

Need inspiration. :)

Easy Drifter
23rd March 2009, 00:37
Corn is good to hide 'that other crop,' :s mokin: :D

23rd March 2009, 00:40
Ah Golf. A bunch of adults??? with clubs hitting a chunk of round white rubber all over a cow pasture trying to put it in a gopher hole. :eek: :p :

Put down those tar and feathers!!!!!

Golf? I thought it was a merely a game where for guys who like to play with their little white balls...

Easy Drifter
23rd March 2009, 01:42
What about Tiger Woods? :angel:

23rd March 2009, 01:47
What about Tiger Woods? :angel:
He believes in diversity with others when it comes to playing....

23rd March 2009, 13:19
Well, spring has arrived today. I celebrated by wearing Hawaiian shirt & shorts and having a few cool ones. Weather was great here today!

Where the heck were you?! Saturday morning started off great but we ended up with ~10cm of snow by the end of the day :s

True Mark, chinook winds were few and far between. It's been a long cold winter :s ...still managed to BBQ enough though :D

Mark in Oshawa
23rd March 2009, 23:46
Schmenke...I knew it was bad when I tuned in to the Brier and never saw anything but Winter scenes. THAT is NOT March in Calgary from what I have remembered.

AS for Wim over in Belgium, one warm March doesn't mean global warming. Climate change takes place over 1000's of years. What we have is a fluctuation that may go the other way in 10 years.

Last 2 winters in Canada have been way colder and snowier and I can tell you as a kid I remember better weather than what we have had the last few years. Last two summers haven't been as sustained hot as some others I can name either. Lets look at weather as something we still dont' understand fully. I get tired of the "global warming" zealots who seize every warm spell as evidence. That is an anchedote...

Easy Drifter
24th March 2009, 04:40
We really have no idea what is happening climate wise in the long term. The area where I live was once covered by glaciers. That is how the Great Lakes were formed. This area has also been tropical as evidenced by the fossils found.
I concur that we should, within reason, try to affect our surroundings and climate as little as possible. However I am not prepared to sit in the dark at 50 degrees F all winter long. I have air conditioning in my house and rarely use it. When I do it is not until late afternoon and even then I can shut my living room off from the air and always do. Last year I never turned the air conditioner in my car on.
Now if that blathering self righteous twit David Suzuki appears on my TV I change channels immediately. As far as I am concerned that self proclaimed expert is a hypocritical self promoting fraud.
Rant over for now.

24th March 2009, 22:17
More snow in the forecast for the next couple of days.... :dozey:

24th March 2009, 22:20
How far is the spring in Copenhagen pino ? ;)

Easy Drifter
25th March 2009, 00:57
After a very cold and early winter March has been mostly dry and fairly warm during day. Cold nights mostly. Rain forecast starting tomorrow until Tues. except for Fri. Needed as grass and bush fires already starting.
Must be spring though. Saw the first Vulture (flying kind) of the year today.

26th March 2009, 22:13
It was -16 C this morning :s , but warmed up to a balmy +2 :rolleyes: . Unseasonally cold March this year.
Still ~15cm snow on the ground so WF is just a wet dream for now :dozey:

Easy Drifter
26th March 2009, 23:55
Still below freezing most nights but open water on the Bay for maybe 100 feet out but I am near the river mouth.
About mid June our tap water starts to get warm and I have to refrigerate it to make it drinkable. I hate warm water plus they start adding more chlorine. Letting it sit in an open container in the fridge and the chlorine dissapates natuarally.
Good thing I like my scotch straight up!

27th March 2009, 18:04
The municipal water supply here is waaaaay overl-chlorinated. A filter helps.

A splash of cold water for me :)

Mark in Oshawa
28th March 2009, 05:49
I was in Georgia and things are starting to go green in the south. Kentucky looked like a bunch of giant hands tore up all the trees, lots of ice damage from that ice storm they had, and golf courses had flag sticks in Ohio all the way up to Toledo so golfing season is NOT far away.

As for David Suzuki.....well I wont go into my opinion on him Drifter but it is pretty similar to yours. All the enviro weenies trying to scare the hell out of people for their own warped political agenda don't realize what they are claiming is a waste of time....

Easy Drifter
28th March 2009, 08:54
There are a few things I dislike about this time of year.
Everything is brown and even the what snow that is left is covered with dirt.
Nothing here has started to turn green yet.
Then there is the garbage that the ignorant have thrown out of there cars. Coffee cups and fast food wrappers everywhere plus just plain garbage dumped over the winter.
My empty coffee cups get dumped in the back until I clean out the car when it gets warm enough.
Sorry I am in a foul mood and TSN blacking out F1 on Speed hasn't helped.

Mark in Oshawa
28th March 2009, 12:57
There are a few things I dislike about this time of year.
Everything is brown and even the what snow that is left is covered with dirt.
Nothing here has started to turn green yet.
Then there is the garbage that the ignorant have thrown out of there cars. Coffee cups and fast food wrappers everywhere plus just plain garbage dumped over the winter.
My empty coffee cups get dumped in the back until I clean out the car when it gets warm enough.
Sorry I am in a foul mood and TSN blacking out F1 on Speed hasn't helped.

lol...it is ok, the British coverage on TSN is tolerable. Those f1 cars are weird to look at this year anyhow!

28th March 2009, 20:48
10 cm more snow here today and it's still snowing :mark:

Spring.... yei... :dozey:

Mark in Oshawa
29th March 2009, 00:45
heheheh...14 C today....snow all gone...no clouds....Cleaned my golf clubs over at my Dad's today and helped him with this chores.....

Easy Drifter
29th March 2009, 02:07
Smart -ss. Despite forecast of +12 we only got to +5. Nothing growing yet although the Maple Syrup production is in full swing.
Possible snow tomorrow and yes there still is that white stuff around on the ground.
Heard from my Ex who is in New Mexico. They had some wicked weather and she said it was the first time she had ever seen it rain mud! A sandstorm and then heavy rain.
18 wheelers blown over and off the road. Inter state closed. She was out travelling in her car and had to detour. Said it was lucky she wasn't touring in her Winnie. It was safely in a campground.

Mark in Oshawa
29th March 2009, 17:20
Drifter..lol..raining MUD? You should have made nice with the Ex and wintered down there..lol I would PAY money to see raining mud. It would be worth being stuck in a truck stop waiting for the highway to be open...

Snowed like crazy in Amarillo Tx too. Closed I-40 down. Good place for it. So much for global warming!!! Friend of mine who lives in Beaumont Tx, not 55 miles from the Gulf of Mexico has seen snow twice this winter.....

30th March 2009, 17:38
Another 15cm of snow yesterday :dozey:
-11 C this morning :dozey:

I want to move to Tahiti :bigcry:

Mark in Oshawa
9th April 2009, 14:10
Schmenke....the sticks were in at a local golf course last week......you don't have to suffer and live in Canada ya know...lol Of course, two hours north of here where Drifter lives, they got pounded with snow. Sucks to be them!!!

9th April 2009, 14:30
The last few days has been sunny with temps around + (yes, that's + :p : ) 14. Snow is melting fast but still far too soggy to enable the sticks.
Thinking hard now about swapping back to summar tires, although when I did that last year around the same time we got pounded with snow just a few days later :mark:

Easy Drifter
9th April 2009, 15:27
Aw come on guys, just because we have 9 months of winter and 3 months of poor skiing.
Actually Blue Mountain will shut after this weekend and soon the skiing will be water skiing.
Once had a snowball fight on Grouse Mtn. in June.

9th April 2009, 15:38
Once built a snowman in my front lawn in St. John's in July :p :

Mark in Oshawa
9th April 2009, 21:26
Schmenke....you might have built a snowman in July, but you did have the joys of drowning your sorrows very easily. What a great town...even if the weather sucks!

22nd April 2009, 21:50
Bugger! The last couple of days has been sunny ~20 deg. C (I even managed some yardwork and a bucket-o-balls at the local range :D ).
Now it's snowing like the dickens! :mad: I may be building another snowman :mark:

22nd April 2009, 21:50
Oh... and did I mention that I swapped the winter tires for summers yesterday :mark:

Easy Drifter
23rd April 2009, 00:17
Gadzooks, you should know by now it isn't safe in Calgary to take your snow tires off until July1 and need to get them back on by Aug. 25th. :D :eek:

23rd April 2009, 14:49
5cm of snow last night :dozey:

Brown, Jon Brow
23rd April 2009, 15:41
Leaves have come out on the trees this past week :)