View Full Version : Things you wish you'd done earlier
15th March 2009, 20:46
Have you ever had anything which at first you resisted but when you finally tried it found that you really liked it?
I said for ages that i wouldn't get a widescreen monitor but on Thursday I relented and ordered a 24" monitor for myself to replace the crappy 17" crt I've been using on this PC for a bit over a year and it really is excellent and I do wonder why I didn't just :D
So what have you resisted for years and then loved as soon as you've tried it?
15th March 2009, 21:45
Considering I gave you a donation to the monitor fund at Christmas I was beginning to wonder when you might get round to purchasing one. :p
15th March 2009, 21:47
Given my finances a good talking to!!
Hazell B
17th March 2009, 10:29
The X Files :p :
Seriously, loads of stuff. I can't be bothered changing things, then wonder why the hell I didn't upgrade earlier the second I try out a newer version. Mobile phones, internet access, synthetic saddles, kebab houses and all manner of other things.
On the up side I recently swapped dog deodorant shampoo for my stinky Lurcher to Armani Diamonds squirted behind his ears. Far quicker than bathing the repulsive smells out :D
17th March 2009, 10:44
Posting on this forum earlier. :laugh:
17th March 2009, 12:35
Getting a decent duvet :p
Brown, Jon Brow
17th March 2009, 13:05
Lost my virginity
17th March 2009, 13:58
Previously I was the stubborn male who thought sat-nav were for retards who couldn't read maps but actually they're quite useful when you have to go through complex city/town centre traffic.
They're not exactly perfect things and can send you round in circles but on balance more of a help than a hindrance.
17th March 2009, 17:12
Had breakfast :(
17th March 2009, 17:31
Previously I was the stubborn male who thought sat-nav were for retards who couldn't read maps but actually they're quite useful when you have to go through complex city/town centre traffic.
They're not exactly perfect things and can send you round in circles but on balance more of a help than a hindrance.
I sort of agree but tend to find that the Sat Nav can often be a pain in the arse and create a fair amount of trouble. THe main thing I use mine for is keeping an eye on my speed :)
I wish I'd dipped into my savings to buy a nice car sooner, a whole 18 months wasted in that slow old wobbly Civic :D
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