View Full Version : Bovington Stages - March 15th

11th March 2009, 23:13
Wouldnt mind going to see this but cant find much info on the exact location, does anybody know anything?


11th March 2009, 23:17
Assume it would be closed event on the Bovington army base somewhere. Had to do a delivery up there once and the security was very strict :S

Have you tried the 'other' rally forum? Has a wider base for British stuff than here and probably a few members have entered.

12th March 2009, 00:02
well being a dorset boy, you could try phoning/mailing bovington tank museum,for possible advice? might guide you in right direction

i know past rallies used tank testing area, abit like panzerplatte, without hinkle stones, altthough mr yeo is right, it is an active army base. sorry cant tell you more

306 Cosworth
12th March 2009, 17:10
Bovington is a no speccy venue i'm afraid, would love to go as it has a very good entry.

Not sure how they are for marshals though.

12th March 2009, 20:15
doh!!! yep i forgot,my mistake full entry so if you dont mind marshalling for the day

13th March 2009, 19:35
Shame its no spectators as we dont get much motorsport down this way. Looks like the next rally for me is one of my favourites, the Somerset Stages :D

13th March 2009, 21:18
i agree , not much down south and the tour of cornwall has been cancelled to, i moved up to west midlands, and feel like a kid in a candy store now, but somerset is a great rally especially porlock , will miss that , sorry about bovington

14th March 2009, 21:56
Yea I deffo live in the wrong part of the country for a motorsport nut, one day il move a bit further up north :)

14th March 2009, 22:02
haha relocate for rallying, thats the way. you coming up for bulldog,

14th March 2009, 23:20
I wish I could but im working unfortunately. Il be finished by around 8.30 but by the time I get up there it wont really be worth it :(

14th March 2009, 23:41
Somerset Stages is sweet, can't wait. Tour of Cornwall has been going downhill for years and now it seems that the only thing west of Brean is a blatt around the airfiel at Smetharpe. Thank christ I've started sprinting, without that I think I die from lack of motorsport :D

15th March 2009, 11:28
thats to bad allyc, see your point. and i dont blame you mr yeo. will there be a mass migration from the south to the north lol :)