View Full Version : Fashion

Hazell B
10th March 2009, 17:16
C'mon own up, you've all got some item of clothing you think you look good in. What is it?

The other day I was on my way to an auction that was faintly posh, when I looked down and realised I'd put on some filthy, mud splattered mucking-out jeans by mistake. I dashed into a motorway side shopping centre and spent all of £9 on some Select Outlet clean ones and blow me if they're not the best buy I've ever made. I look not only thinner, but suddenly have curves and longer looking legs :p :

Not bad for nine quid on a midget like me :D

Tomorrow I'm spending the day with a handbag designer I know, making myself a new bag. It'll cost about £45 in materials and be a one of a kind (let us hope not in a bad way :mark: ) so I hope that's good too.

Your secret favourites, please .....

Hazell B
10th March 2009, 17:18
By the way, if anyone claims they look good in skin tight leather beware - we'll think you're a cow :p :

10th March 2009, 17:47
I don't think there could be clothes to make me look good as it seems I got all the bads of the world.
But last spring I tried on a very nice coat and all the customers in the shop were around me praising. It convinced me to buy it cos it was rather expensive. Now I wear it everytime when my moral goes down.
I also purchased a nice handbag, and I wear it when I'm down.
Probably the saying " coat makes the man " is true........

Brown, Jon Brow
10th March 2009, 18:03
I bought a jacket from Primark the other day that cost £8.81. It looks like its worth at least £20.

10th March 2009, 21:25
Birthday suit :D :eek:

Well someone had to say it :rolleyes:

11th March 2009, 07:34
As a man ruled under the fix fire ruler of the sun it shines brightly at any outfit. However its best color would be in the twilight fashion like the golden globe as it reflects the characteristics of the heavenly body that rules the star sign.

The sun is a ball of dynamic energy, warm, bright and self-motivated, and want to make an impression in everything done, at work, love and social life...

The leo doesn't have any preference on color specifically he likes or dislikes at most. Without noticing the season, the sun keeps the earth and its environment warmed faithfully...

11th March 2009, 08:55
I don't do fashion. I have a collection of t-shirts and trousers which I put on randomly. That's it :p

jim mcglinchey
11th March 2009, 09:07
[quote="Brown, Jon Brow"]
I £8.81.

That reduction in the VAT rate really mucked up their pricing system.

Easy Drifter
11th March 2009, 09:29
Black jeans, white sweatshirt, black stetson, black cowboy boots.
But that was 45 years ago and was my trademark outfit at the track when not in my driver's suit. Just a little bit of showmanship.

11th March 2009, 09:45
The color brown generally adorns me well :)

13th March 2009, 01:21
I have become slightly obsessed with it all recently, whether anything I wear is fasionable I have no idea, but I like to think it is :p :

And I can't stop noticing people that are wearing clothes far too big for them

Mark in Oshawa
13th March 2009, 03:45
I have come to the conclusion I am a clothes horse...or a horse anyhow. (someone might argue I am an @ss). Seriously though, I am most comfortable in my jeans, tennis shoes, and one of the umpteen golf shirts I have. I wear T shirts while on the road, or maybe sweatshirts but when I am driving the rig, what I look like is really immaterial. AT home...stylish but casual. Never do I wear a suit unless I am marrying, burying or getting paid to wear it....

Easy Drifter
13th March 2009, 04:51
Mark: Something like me with churches.
I only go for marriages and funerals, preferably neither of which are mine.

Brown, Jon Brow
13th March 2009, 12:48
I have become slightly obsessed with it all recently, whether anything I wear is fasionable I have no idea, but I like to think it is :p :

And I can't stop noticing people that are wearing clothes far too big for them

My Dad keeps asking when I will buy clothes that are big enough for me. Even though i'm 6foot3 I always buy 'S' clothes. Mostly because I'm as thin as a lamp post.

One thing I've noticed that people buy too big is underwear. Guys tend to think that the size of underwear is directly related to the size of their genitalia, so they buy large boxers that are intended for someone with a 40inch waist. Not a good look ! :p

Hazell B
14th March 2009, 18:43
And I can't stop noticing people that are wearing clothes far too big for them

That was me until recently. Now I'm in clothes that fit only some of the time as finding size 6 trousers is almost impossible.
Size8/10 up top not so tricky, though :p :

14th March 2009, 20:15
There are plenty of shops that sell size 6 trousers. Hazell, I'm sure you wont take this in a bad way but I would say they are in shops that I'm almost 100% certain that you would never set foot in. ;) :)

14th March 2009, 20:46
Green shoelaces on white shoes.

Gets the ladies, always! :p

14th March 2009, 21:31
The other day I found a picture of me and my then fiancee from the early 90's. I was wearing black wool slacks with pleats, silk suspenders and a white striped pink shirt with a white collar and a yellow "power" tie.

Since she is the one who bought most of that get-up for me (and told me how good it looked), it's a good thing that we didn't get married... since I'd now have to strangle her in her sleep. :vader:

The only reason that I haven't torched that pic is because she looked rather hot in her black Halston halter dress and my Jaguar was still shiney and somewhat new - but me, I kinda look like an extra from the movie "Wall Street". :rolleyes: And when I'm (eventually) being rolled around in the rest home, I may have to use that pic to convince the orderlies that I was once cool and didn't always drool on myself.

Hazell B
17th March 2009, 10:11
..... I kinda look like an extra from the movie "Wall Street".

Beats Flashdance :p :

Fred Basset
18th March 2009, 03:35
C'mon own up, you've all got some item of clothing you think you look good in. What is it?

The other day I was on my way to an auction that was faintly posh, when I looked down and realised I'd put on some filthy, mud splattered mucking-out jeans by mistake. I dashed into a motorway side shopping centre and spent all of £9 on some Select Outlet clean ones and blow me if they're not the best buy I've ever made. I look not only thinner, but suddenly have curves and longer looking legs :p :

Not bad for nine quid on a midget like me :D

Tomorrow I'm spending the day with a handbag designer I know, making myself a new bag. It'll cost about £45 in materials and be a one of a kind (let us hope not in a bad way :mark: ) so I hope that's good too.

Your secret favourites, please .....

My Alabama Crimson Tide soccer style top ROLL TIDE!!!

24th March 2009, 23:47
Binbag complete with oversized waist belt...

Not really, personally I think my checked/lumberjack shirt tucked into skinny flares and cowboy boots but it's a bit too western looking, I get paranoid in it occasionally haha.
I'm of much tallness so I need to be carfefull or I look like a bit of a nugget but the skinnys and checked top thing seems to work well.

24th March 2009, 23:53
I think I look good in a mini skirt but I'm too scared to wear it out in public just in case I'm wrong! :)

25th March 2009, 01:56
I tried on a fabulous black soft leather coat at the weekend and I think I look really great in it too. I soooo want that coat and it's calling to me from the shop every day and even in my sleep. I better go and put some loud music on.

Easy Drifter
25th March 2009, 02:07
Slinkster: Post a picture and all the fashion experts on here will advise you. :D

Defination of an expert: Someone who is a hundred miles from home or on here someone who nobody knows who they really are.

At least one member knows my real name.

25th March 2009, 15:59
Standard dress: Wrangler jeans, leather belt, cowboy boots, pocket tee shirt, cowboy hat (usually Resistol), shades, with a pack of cigarettes and a Zippo in the pocket.

Formal dress: Make sure the tee shirt tag isn't sticking up in back and knock the cigarette ashes and Sweetie hair off the hat.

Tennis shoes now and then.

Hazell B
26th March 2009, 09:41
Formal dress: ..... knock the cigarette ashes and Sweetie hair off the hat.

That's me all over!
The horses are moulting at the moment, so I'm clouded in yellow and grey horse hair, beige dog hair from one dog and every-colour hair from the other. The cigarette ash just helps it felt in ...... forever :mark: